


159 pubblicazioni classificate nel seguente modo:

Nr. doc. Classificazioni
83 1 Contributo su Rivista
42 2 Contributo in Volume
29 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
3 3 Libro
1 7 Curatele
1 8 Tesi di dottorato
A “smart” low-impact system for guaranteeing sustainable visitors’ access
HERITAGE 2018. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development
Autore/i: Gregorini, B.; Bernardini, G.; Gianangeli, A.; Quagliarini, E.; D’Orazio, M.
Editore: Green Line Institute
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Multi-hazard emergency management in historical centers: methods and tools for increasing mass-gathering safety in case of earthquake
Autore/i: Bernardini, Gabriele; David, Chiara; Santarelli, Silvia; Quagliarini, Enrico; D’Orazio, Marco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The use of historic city centers for touristic purposes, i.e. mass gatherings events (MEs), needs a multi-hazard approach which should jointly consider building heritage and hosted individuals’ emergency safety, by including effects of individuals’ behaviors to provide effective riskreduction strategies (i.e.: interventions on critical Building Heritage; outdoor spaces layout reorganization; emergency management; wayfinding systems;). This work evidences the capabilities of such approach in case of MEs-earthquake emergency combinations, by taking advantaging of a validated evacuation simulator, through a case-study application
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

New indices for the existing city-centers streets network reliability and availability assessment in earthquake emergency
Autore/i: Santarelli, Silvia; Bernardini, Gabriele; Quagliarini, Enrico; D’Orazio, Marco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: During earthquake emergencies in existing city-centers, streets network permits inhabitants to reach safe areas, and rescuers to access damaged zones and help population. However, the network can suffer from blocks due to debris of collapsed or heavily damaged buildings. Understanding urban fabric modifications and classifying elements vulnerability are fundamental steps while dealing with risk-assessment and risk-reduction strategies. This article offers a first quick approach for assessing seismic vulnerability of paths network by considering interferences with building heritage damages. Quick data about existing urban fabric (e.g., buildings typology; streets and buildings geometries) are combined for developing new vulnerability indices for streets network. The earthquake macroseismic intensity is introduced for evaluating probable street blockages and summarizing the overall rating of risks in critical network locations, thus intensity that is not included in other current quick methods for streets-building interference is here taken into account. Risk-reduction strategies based on the proposed indices could minimize the interventions on architectural heritage, maximizing the safety of evacuees. These new indices could be combined with traditional assessment of buildings vulnerability, and evaluations on pedestrians’ and vehicles evacuation flows, for evaluating management strategies
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Evacuation paths in historic city centres: A holistic methodology for assessing their seismic risk
Autore/i: Quagliarini, Enrico; Bernardini, Gabriele; Santarelli, Silvia; Lucesoli, Michele
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: During seismic emergencies in historical urban scenarios, evacuation paths can suffer significant damages and modifications due to both extrinsic (i.e.: building facing the path) and intrinsic (i.e.: pavements state, the presence of underground lifelines or hypogeum) vulnerabilities. Such damages and modifications can hinder the population's evacuation and the first responders’ intervention, mainly because of paths' blockage or unavailability in emergency conditions. Paths’ safety is additionally affected by populations’ exposure conditions, also due to individuals’ motion in the post-earthquake environment. Hence, an analysis of factors influencing the seismic risk of evacuation paths and a consequent evaluation of their safety during the emergency are thus desirable. This work aims to offer a preliminary and quick holistic method for seismic risk assessment and damage level estimation of possible evacuation paths. Firstly, data about safety influencing factors (i.e.: path use and exposure; geometric features; physical-structural features; extrinsic vulnerability; seismic hazard) are collected, associated to related weights and organized in risk indexes according to three calculation approaches. Then, according to real-world data, a correlation about path risk-damage levels is proposed with the additional purpose to evaluate the method capabilities in describing post-earthquake scenarios. Obtained results evidence that the proposed methodology could help safety designers in the seismic emergency planning of urban paths (i.e.: by means of risk maps) by including the management of population's evacuation routes towards assembly points, the optimization of rescuers’ activities and the promotion of different priorities of interventions on building heritage
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Earthquake building debris estimation in historic city centres: From real world data to experimental-based criteria
Autore/i: Santarelli, Silvia; Bernardini, Gabriele; Quagliarini, Enrico
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Safety and availability of urban paths in case of earthquake depend on buildings vulnerability and related produced debris on streets, especially in historic city centres. Predicting probable critical debris amounts on evacuation paths (i.e.: up to path blockage) can help safety planners to propose focused interventions on buildings, to design more effective emergency plans and to improve the effectiveness of rescuers’ actions while supporting evacuees during first emergency phases. This way, this work proposes new experimentally-based correlations aimed at estimating the amount of external debris for historic masonry buildings (in terms of percentage of facing street area occupied by debris and related debris depth) depending on the vulnerability of these buildings, on the seismic magnitude, and (for the first time) on the combination of these two factors and the path geometric ratio (i.e.: building height versus facing street width), so as to consider the effect of different urban contexts. Different vulnerability assessment methods are also considered to generalise the proposed methodology. Finally, starting from obtained experimental correlations, the method is tested on one case study to demonstrate its capabilities in post-earthquake scenario prevision. The method could be a fundamental tool for the assessment of possible paths blockages and “average” available space for evacuees’ emergency motion along paths. Localizing these emergency interferences on an urban map will allow planners to propose specific risk-reduction strategies in the urban scenario.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Evacuazione post-sisma nei centri storici: dalla stima del danno alla mitigazione del rischio per la popolazione
Autore/i: D’Orazio, M.; Quagliarini, E.; Bernardini, G.; Santarelli, Silvia
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Comprendere quanto le macerie causate dal sisma influenzino le capacità del sistema viario d’emergenza ha un ruolo centrale per la sicurezza degli evacuanti e la pianificazione delle operazioni di soccorso, soprattutto nei centri storici
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Progettazione sostenibile degli spazi architettonici: ripartiamo dagli utenti
Autore/i: D’Orazio, M.; Quagliarini, E.; Bernardini, G.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Colloqui.AT.e 2017 Demolition or reconstruction?
Autore/i: Bernardini, Gabriele; DI GIUSEPPE, Elisa
Editore: Edicom Edizioni
Classificazione: 7 Curatele
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Soluzioni di wayfinding non invasive per aumentare la sicurezza antincendio negli edifici storici
Autore/i: Bernardini, G.; D’Orazio, M.; Quagliarini, E.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Fire safety codes in Building Heritage generally suggest to increase number and dimension of exits and paths so as to reduce the needed egress time. Similar solutions clearly clash with preservation criteria because introduce massive modifications to the original building layout. On the contrary, the “behavioural design” approach tries to solve this conflict by proposing not-invasive solutions based on effective human behaviours. Instead of modifying the building layout, wayfinding solutions can reduce the needed egress time by improving the occupants’ use of paths during the evacuation process. An innovative wayfinding system based on photoluminescent materials (visible in all illumination and smoke conditions) and continuous signage system is proposed. Drills in a significant case study (an historic Italian- style theatre) shows that the maximum egress time decreases of about 26% in comparison to the traditional wayfinding systems, and without any building layout modifications.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

L’emergenza sismica nei centri storici in caso di grande affollamento: dall’analisi del comportamento agli strumenti progettuali
Autore/i: Bernardini, G.; David, C.; Santarelli, Silvia; Quagliarini, E.; D’Orazio, M.
Editore: Edicom edizioni, Monfalcone (Gorizia)
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Soluzioni non invasive per la sicurezza urbana post-sisma: valutazione di un sistema di guida dell’evacuazione
Autore/i: D’Orazio, M.; Quagliarini, E.; Bernardini, G.; Santarelli, Silvia
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: I sistemi di wayfinding possono aumentare la sicurezza delle persone agevolando l’efficace e autonomo raggiungimento delle zone sicure urbane, dopo aver percepito l’evento sismico
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Grandi eventi e terrorismo: la progettazione consapevole della sicurezza delle persone
Autore/i: Bernardini, G.; Quagliarini, E.; D’Orazio, M.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: I recenti attentati terroristici di Nizza, Parigi, Manchester e Barcellona, nonché l’evento di Piazza San Carlo a Torino hanno sollevato problematiche significative per la sicurezza alle persone negli spazi architettonici, sia all’interno degli edifici che negli spazi urbani, e specialmente in caso di grandi eventi e pubbliche manifestazioni. Queste emergenze invitano a considerare come, specialmente in condizioni di grande affollamento, il rischio per gli occupanti sia fortemente influenzato dall’interazione tra uomo, il layout spaziale, i danni ambientali (inclusi incendi a seguito di esplosioni), le procedure di emergenza, i sistemi di assistenza nell’evacuazione e la gestione da parte dei soccorritori e delle Forze dell’Ordine. La circolare del Ministero degli Interni del 7 giugno 2017 e le successive direttive indicano i criteri da adottare per assicurare un adeguato livello di “safety” alle persone, presentando gli elementi della normativa cogente per l’antincendio nei luoghi di pubblico spettacolo e negli impianti sportivi. Parallelamente, l’analisi di eventi reali ci suggerisce come comprendere e modellare i comportamenti e le scelte che le persone adottano durante il processo di emergenza ed evacuazione possano essere utili al design degli organismi edili e alla pianificazione “integrata” della sicurezza in essi di fronte a questi scenari di crisi. Come già è stato per il fenomeno incendio (grazie alla Fire Safety Engineering), la progettazione degli spazi architettonici può essere quindi arricchita da questi aspetti anche per questo genere di disastri. Tramite analisi preliminari eventi reali, questo contributo vuole delineare alcune riflessioni preliminari sui punti critici dell’emergenza attentato anche in raffronto alle condizioni di sicurezza delle persone in evento di incendio.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Il “Behavioural Design” per la sicurezza sostenibile nel (e del) Building Heritage
Autore/i: D’Orazio, M.; Quagliarini, E.; Bernardini, G.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Basare le soluzioni per la sicurezza negli ambienti storici a partire dalle esigenze in emergenza degli occupanti permette di dare un valido supporto alle persone pur rispettando i caratteri architettonici
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Interazione uomo-ambiente nelle aule scolastiche: driving factors per la progettazione di soluzioni sostenibili
Autore/i: D'Orazio, Marco; Quagliarini, Enrico; Bernardini, Gabriele; Stazi, Francesca; Naspi, Federica
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Il “Behavioural Design” degli spazi architettonici: verso un approccio smart e sostenibile della progettazione
Autore/i: D’Orazio, M.; Quagliarini, E.; Bernardini, G.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The common schematic and deterministic approach to architectural design generally consider that planned spaces and facilities could be able to activate intended users’ behaviors. However, real-world scenarios, at different built environment scales and in both normal and emergency situations, stress differences between “theoretical” solutions and users’ responses. This work would like to outline the potentialities of a behavioural-based approach to architectural strategies definition. By adopting an experimental- based methodology (which includes: understanding human behaviors by analyzing experiments and real-world conditions; developing behavioural simulation models; using developed simulator to assess critical man-environment interactions, and evaluate the impact of interferences-reduction strategies), the proposed “Behavioural Design” (BD) would like to adapt architectural spaces depending on human behaviors, so as to correctly supply the needed help to occupants. As main case-studies, BD can be applied to individuals’ safety and indoor environmental quality.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Fire Safety of Historical Buildings. Traditional Versus Innovative “Behavioural Design” Solutions by Using Wayfinding Systems
Autore/i: Bernardini, Gabriele
Editore: Springer Verlag
Luogo di pubblicazione: Cham
Classificazione: 3 Libro
Abstract: This book applies a behavioral point of view to individuals’ fire safety in historic buildings. It outlines theoretical and operative issues, based on recent studies and international guidelines. Firstly, critical issues for Building Heritage fire safety are widely discussed, by including the modelling of human factor and man-environment-fire interference in these architectural spaces. A significant part of the book includes a discussion on emergency modeling and simulation. A source code for representing the fire evacuation process (including man-evacuation facilities interactions) is offered to the reader. Methods for effectiveness assessment of risk-reducing solutions are provided and tested in a case-study. Being a structured approach to occupants-related problems during a fire in heritage buildings, it offers an innovative methodology and practical examples that researchers and designers can use as a guide when proposing and testing solutions. Evaluation indexes for effectiveness assessment (also useful for future guidelines or handbooks) are included. Readers are encouraged to understand these indexes within the proposed approach, so as to extend their applications and possibilities of how to introduce human behaviors-based solutions in other fields. Lastly, attention is focused on the proposal and evaluation of low-impact and not-invasive strategies, such as ones based on wayfinding elements. From this point of view, the pros and cons of wayfinding systems are discussed: these are important today, especially for fire-safety designers, because of the ongoing innovations in this field.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Algoritmi di ottimizzazione del comfort termico e di qualità dell’aria nelle scuole: sviluppo di un sistema BD-based
Autore/i: D'Orazio, Marco; Quagliarini, Enrico; Stazi, Francesca; Bernardini, Gabriele; Naspi, Federica; DI PERNA, Costanzo; Ulpiani, Giulia
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Modelli comportamentali e indicatori prestazionali per la valutazione dell’emergenza sismica a scala urbana
Autore/i: D’Orazio, M.; Quagliarini, E.; Bernardini, G.; Santarelli, Silvia
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Earthquake effects on urban scenarios (as building damage, debris on streets, urban fires) influence human psychological, perceptual and behavioural responses in emergency evacuation. Man-environment interactions should be included for a more effective safety assessment but i.e. Italian guidelines, especially at urban scale, do not consider them at all. According to Behavioural Design approach, an experimental-based seismic evacuation simulator is developed. As in Fire Safety Engineering methods for egress analysis, simulator applications on a given scenario allow to assess the impact of individuals’ behaviors on their safety levels. Safety criteria (i.e.: flows along paths, safe area choice and time to reach it, debris influence, trapped people, and their combination) could be joined with traditional evaluations to obtain risk maps, so as to locate critical elements, propose and place interventions (e.g.: on buildings; on emergency plans; wayfinding systems), and compare related different scenarios
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Livelli di comfort e consumi energetici negli edifici: verso una progettazione basata sul comportamento degli utenti
Autore/i: D'Orazio, Marco; Quagliarini, Enrico; Bernardini, Gabriele; Stazi, Francesca; Naspi, Federica
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Earthquake safety in historic city centres: how to plan evacuation routes by considering environmental and behavioural factors
REHAB 2017
Autore/i: Bernardini, G.; Santarelli, Silvia; Quagliarini, E.; D’Orazio, M.
Editore: Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: As shown by recent Italian earthquakes, historic city centers placed in earthquake prone areas are critical scenarios for the inhabitants’ safety. They are characterized by complex and com-pact urban fabric and also by significant population presence (including tourists who are gen-erally not familiar with the urban layout). The most important role in case of earthquake emergency is assigned to streets and public spaces, that are used as evacuation paths and safe-ty areas. Current emergency management procedures are generally based on outcomes of ge-ometrical aspects (ratio between buildings heights and street width) or on built environment vulnerability analysis, but completely overlook the human factor. On the contrary, in case of earthquake evacuation, the population has to face with the post-event environment, including modifications due to the earthquake (debris, ruins, possibility to use certain paths): people should gain assembly points by preferring the less dangerous conditions in terms of damaged buildings and bottlenecks due to pedestrians’ evacuation flows. Starting from this point of view, this work provides bases for the definition a novel risk index for streets in earthquake emergency scenarios based on environmental risk level for the possible paths, positions and possible choices of evacuating population and related possible presence of slowing down in the motion process (especially in urban scenarios characterized by high population density or presence of tourists, who can be foreign with the city map). For each street along each possi-ble evacuation path, the evaluation algorithm combines: Vp as the vulnerability of buildings; Cp as the estimation of buildings damages and ruins presence along the street, in function of the earthquake intensity; Pp as the presence of risks with possible fatalities (e.g.: explosion risk); LOSp as level of service [m2/person] for evacuation speeds estimation and prediction of possible bottlenecks. Each factor is associated to a weight according to MCDM criteria. Capa-bilities of the algorithm are evaluated on a case study (the historic city center of Civitanova Marche, MC, Italy) through the application of an Earthquake Pedestrians’ Evacuation Simula-tor (EPES). Results shows how the proposed evaluation method underlines critical environ-mental conditions for man-environment interactions and suggest the definition of a map for priority interventions on building heritage in order to reduce these hazardous conditions for population
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Wayfinding e gestione dell’esodo in caso di incendio nei teatri storici: soluzioni innovative (e sostenibili) a confronto
Autore/i: Bernardini, G.; Quagliarini, E.; D’Orazio, M.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: In case of fire, the rapid and correct evacuation of autonomous occupants from Building Heritage can be ensured thorugh wayfinding systems, so as to focus rescuers’ operations on disabled people. These solutions have a low impact on the building since they do not need layout modifications. Contrary to “passive” signage, “active” (intelligent) wayfinding systems monitor human egress process, fire spreading and building damages, and suggest best escape paths depending on these conditions. According to a Behavioural Design approach, this work proposes a low-impact Intelligent Evacuation Guidance Systems-IEGS focused on the human egress behaviors tracking. Sensors data are collected by a central unit, which find the best evacuation route avoiding the use of overcrowded building areas (corridors, staircases, geometrical bottlenecks). Finally, interactive signs (placed at doors and paths intersections) point out these recommended directions to evacuees. The system effectiveness is evaluated by means of egress simulations on a case study (the “Gentile da Fabriano” theatre in Fabriano, Italy), by using a validated simulator developed by our research group. The scenario includes the presence of disabled occupants and related rescuers’ operations. The theater egress time is significantly reduced (up to -32%) by using the active system in respect to the passive one
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Comparing real and predicted window use in offices. A POE-based assessment
Autore/i: Stazi, Francesca; Naspi, Federica; Bernardini, Gabriele; D'Orazio, Marco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Accurate predictions of human-building interactions are essential to decrease energy waste and improve indoor comfort. Although users’ dynamic behaviour has been recognised, most of simulation programs still work using deterministic rules. This paper investigates the effectiveness of both deterministic and stochastic models in reproducing window openings, using a Post- Occupancy evaluation (POE). A summer monitoring campaign in offices settled in Mediterranean climate was performed to acquire experimental data. Results highlight that deterministic approaches poorly reflect real behaviours. Probabilistic models seem to represent effective users’ actions. Findings demonstrate the urgent need of behavioural approaches in simulations.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Flooding risk in existing urban environment: From human behavioral patterns to a microscopic simulation model
Autore/i: Bernardini, Gabriele; Camilli, Selene; Quagliarini, Enrico; D'Orazio, Marco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Climate changes-related floods will seriously strike population in existing urban environment. Despite Current assessment methods seem to underestimate the human behaviors influence on individuals’ safety, especially during outdoor evacuation. Representing pedestrians’ evacuation would allow considering the “human” factor in risk analysis. This work proposes a flood-induced pedestrians’ evacuation simulation model, based on a combined microscopic approach. Behavioral rules, obtained by real events videotapes analyses, are organized in an agent-based model. Motion criteria proposals are based on the Social Force Model. Experimental motion quantities values are offered. The model will be implemented in a risk assessment simulation tool.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Fire safety and building heritage: The occupants perspective
Fire Safety of Historical Buildings. Traditional Versus Innovative “Behavioural Design” Solutions by Using Wayfinding Systems
Autore/i: Bernardini, G.
Editore: Springer Verlag
Luogo di pubblicazione: Cham
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: Current regulations and approaches to fire safety seem to be generally characterized by a schematic and deterministic point of view, especially while dealing with Building Heritage. They generally consider how interventions on buildings could be enough for reducing people’s risk, because occupants would surely behave in the correct way. Hence, massive modifications to the original building layout can be adopted (limited, e.g., to increasing number and dimensions of egress paths), while effective man-environment and man-man emergency evacuation interactions are underestimated. Starting from this issue, this chapter firstly analyses main limitations of these approaches, by focusing on human behaviors during a fire, especially in case of emergencies in historical buildings. To this end, main aspects of both significant international and national regulations and literature studies on human fire evacuation behaviors are organized and reviewed. Hence, the importance of innovative strategies, such as the ones based on the Fire Safety Engineering approach, is discussed by mainly evidencing the fundamental impact of human behavior modeling as a new tool for designing and evaluating low-impact risk-reduction solutions.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

How to increase occupants safety with no architectural modifications: Defining effective wayfinding systems
Fire Safety of Historical Buildings. Traditional Versus Innovative “Behavioural Design” Solutions by Using Wayfinding Systems
Autore/i: Bernardini, G.
Editore: Springer Verlag
Luogo di pubblicazione: Cham
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: Wayfinding is ones of the most significant issues during a fire evacuation in Historical Buildings, mainly because of possible building layout complexity, level of occupants’ familiarity with the architectural spaces, and potential environmental modifications due to fire effects. Proper wayfinding systems could be able to increase safety levels for occupants by reducing the egress time. Furthermore, these solutions are generally able to maintain a low impact on the building itself (and on its layout). However, according to a Behavioral design (BD) approach, they should be designed in order to effective provide the needed assistance to evacuees, by "interacting" with their behaviours. This chapter firstly offers an organization of existing wayfinding strategies, by mainly distinguishing active and passive systems (since they can bring or not "dynamic" directional information to the evacuees). The attention is focused on the interaction with human behaviors and the possibility to apply the systems (and related building components) to Building Heritage scenarios. Methodologies to evaluate the evacuation facilities effectiveness are outlined according to previous researches and BD studies recommendations.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Conclusions and perspectives
Fire Safety of Historical Buildings. Traditional Versus Innovative “Behavioural Design” Solutions by Using Wayfinding Systems
Autore/i: Bernardini, G.
Editore: Springer Verlag
Luogo di pubblicazione: Cham
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: Improving occupants’ safety in Building Heritage and guaranteeing the architectural spaces preservation could be jointly reached through an innovative approach based on Behavioral Design-based strategies. The implementation of effective and interactive wayfinding systems based on human needs and responses in fire evacuation could significantly solve these two issues. A significant example is provided by this book discussion and results.Nevertheless, the capabilities ofwayfinding solutions and BD criteria use should be extended and further works are needed. This chapter summarizes themain reached goals and the further steps in related researches (mainly, for researchers) and in the application of similar strategies (mainly, for designers), by developing these solutions at different scales (building, urban scale), and for other emergencies. Finally, some interesting perspectives in adopting the proposed design methodology to other issues in quality of architectural spaces (the ones affected by man-environment interactions, such as thermal comfort).
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Earthquakes and historic masonry buildings: an experimentally based algorithm for debris formation prediction
REHAB 2017 - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Preservation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Historical Buildings and Structures
Autore/i: Bernardini, G.; Santarelli, Silvia; Quagliarini, E.; D’Orazio, M.
Editore: Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development
Luogo di pubblicazione: Barcelos
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: Immediately after an earthquake, the emergency paths play an important role for evacuees and rescuers in historic centres. Especially in historical scenarios, earthquake effects could affect the mobility system and interaction between people and modified scenario. The spreading of debris from damaged buildings on the paths could obstacle the citizens’ evacuation to safe points and rescue operations. For this reason, defining quick criteria about seismic behaviours of historic building and related debris formation along streets and public spaces are the first steps in defining effective damage scenario maps, designing risk reduction interventions on critical areas, evaluating emergency plans and innovative risk-reduction tools for helping peo-ples. The present work offers an experimental relationship for the estimation of external debris for-mation (amount of debris along streets) by means of post-earthquake aerial images of Italian historic centres (images of the immediate aftermath of L’Aquila-2009 and Emilia-2012 earth-quakes are examined). For each building, the quick proposed algorithm evaluates the percent-ages of external debris area (along the facing street) as function of its vulnerability and earth-quake magnitude (Richter scale). The algorithm is firstly validated by comparing predicted and effective values of ruins area depths in the considered case-studies. Similar debris estimation relationships could offer significant information for evaluating risk levels in street network damages and could be also combined with simulations about probable pedestrians’ evacuation in post-earthquake scenario. Results will be useful in order to reduce the identified interfer-ences between built environment and evacuation process through interventions on critical his-toric buildings (in their relations with the street network elements) and strategies for emer-gency management.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Application to a case study: Fire safety in historical theaters
Fire Safety of Historical Buildings. Traditional Versus Innovative “Behavioural Design” Solutions by Using Wayfinding Systems
Autore/i: Bernardini, G.
Editore: Springer Verlag
Luogo di pubblicazione: Cham
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: Historical theaters represent a representative case-study in Building Heritage fire-safety issue, because of environmental factors (e.g.: structures vulnerability, fire source presence, artistic value of building, building layout) and occupants’ features. (mainly: high occupants density, level of familiarity with architectural spaces). This chapter compares different solutions to the wayfinding issue in similar scenarios, by means of an Italian significant case-study. Experimental drills and simulation activities are used in order to define the effectiveness of innovative wayfinding systems (both "active" and "passive") in comparison to the current evacuation facilities. Results show how the proposed systems enhance motion speeds, evacuation times, and the percentage of people choosing the correct evacuation paths because they are effectively able to supply people needs in evacuation and interact with their behaviours. At the same time, solutions involve easy-to-apply building components, that are introduce no architectural modifications to the original building layout and features.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Fire Safety of Historical Buildings. Traditional Versus Innovative “Behavioural Design” Solutions by Using Wayfinding Systems
Autore/i: Bernardini, G.
Editore: Springer Verlag
Luogo di pubblicazione: Cham
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: Fires, earthquakes, floods, and other kinds of disasters damage an enormous amount of buildings and people each year around the world.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

How to help elderly in indoor evacuation wayfinding: Design and test of a not-invasive solution for reducing fire egress time in building heritage scenarios
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
Autore/i: Bernardini, Gabriele; Quagliarini, Enrico; D’Orazio, Marco; Santarelli, Silvia
Editore: Springer International Publishing AG
Luogo di pubblicazione: Cham
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: Population aging increases the importance of emergency safety for elderly, especially in complex and unfamiliar spaces. Individuals who can autonomously move should be encouraged to evacuate by themselves, and adequate help should be provided to them. To this aim, a “behavioral design” approach of these elderly facilities is proposed: understanding behaviors and needs in emergency; designing systems for interacting with them during an emergency; testing solutions in real environment or by using validated simulators. Wayfinding tasks are fundamental aspects in evacuation: elderly have to receive proper information about paths to be used, in the simplest, clearest and most unequivocal way, so as to reduce wrong behavioral choices and building egress time as much as possible. This work proposes a robust wayfinding system based on photoluminescent material (PLM) tiles with continuous applications along paths. Tests concerning a significant case study (an historical theatre) evidence how the proposed system allow to significantly increase elderly evacuation speed (more than 20%) in respect to the traditional system. It could be introduced in other buildings for increasing elderly safety and data are useful to define man-wayfinding systems interactions.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

How to simulate pedestrian behaviors in seismic evacuation for vulnerability reduction of existing buildings
AIP Conference Proceedings
Autore/i: Quagliarini, Enrico; Bernardini, Gabriele; D'Orazio, Marco
Editore: American Institute of Physics Inc.
Luogo di pubblicazione: Melville, New York
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: Understanding and representing how individuals behave in earthquake emergencies would be essentially to assess the impact of vulnerability reduction strategies on existing buildings in seismic areas. In fact, interactions between individuals and the scenario (modified by the earthquake occurrence) are really important in order to understand the possible additional risks for people, especially during the evacuation phase. The current approach is based on “qualitative” aspects, in order to define best practice guidelines for Civil Protection and populations. On the contrary, a “quantitative” description of human response and evacuation motion in similar conditions is urgently needed. Hence, this work defines the rules for pedestrians’ earthquake evacuation in urban scenarios, by taking advantages of previous results of real-world evacuation analyses. In particular, motion laws for pedestrians is defined by modifying the Social Force model equation. The proposed model could be used for evaluating individuals’ evacuation process and so for defining operative strategies for interferences reduction in critical urban fabric parts (e.g.: interventions on particular buildings, evacuation strategies definition, city parts projects).
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Dynamic guidance tool for a safer earthquake pedestrian evacuation in urban systems
Autore/i: Bernardini, Gabriele; Santarelli, Silvia; Quagliarini, Enrico; D'Orazio, Marco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: In earthquake disasters, the leading causes of death are directly related both to build collapses and fatalities during the following evacuation phase. Allowing people to autonomously gain safe areas and assembly points should be the basis for reducing human losses in urban systems. However, some important environmental and behavioural factors (e.g. vulnerability of buildings, compact urban fabric, cascade effects, presence of people unfamiliar with the urban layout, absence of information on evacuation paths) can hinder this ‘self-help’-based evacuation process. This issue is really important in historical centres where evacuees suffer a combination of unfavourable conditions to safely escape. This paper concerns a non-invasive solution for guiding people along probable safe evacuation routes in earthquake emergency. The proposed Seismic Pedestrians' Evacuation Dynamic Guidance Expert System (SpeedGuides) considers the influence of the main environmental and behavioural safety factors for evacuees (i.e. street vulnerability, street blockages probability, crowding conditions along paths, presence of mortal dangers, visibility conditions) and combines them in a safety index through the Multi-criteria techniques application. SpeedGuides dynamically collects safety factor data during the time and suggests the possible safest path to the nearest secure zone according to the Dijkstra's algorithm approach. SpeedGuides is an easy-to-use model proposed for application on personal devices (e.g. smartphone) that, taking advantage of different expert methods, allows evacuees to simple enhance their safety. A first effectiveness evaluation of SpeedGuides is provided through an earthquake pedestrians' evacuation simulator in a significant case study. The evacuee performances (with and without the proposed guidance tool) are compared and discussed. Results demonstrate how individuals' safety levels are increased when evacuees use SpeedGuides.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Cruise ships like buildings: Wayfinding solutions to improve emergency evacuation
Autore/i: Casareale, Cristina; Bernardini, Gabriele; Bartolucci, Andrea; Marincioni, Fausto; D'Orazio, Marco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: This research aims at demonstrating that wayfinding solutions can improve the effectiveness of the evacuation processes in complex architectural spaces such as those of cruise ships. We investigated the behaviours of passengers in maritime disaster to figure out whether people act similarly during buildings egress and ships evacuation. Data were collected through questionnaires administered in 2015 to passengers boarding various cruise ships at the port of Ancona (Italy), and through the analysis of real footage of the evacuation of the Costa Concordia. The open source software Fire Dynamics Simulator with Evacuation (FDS+EVAC), used in building egress analyses, was adapted to include these behavioural and event information such as familiarity with ship layout, ship rotation and lifeboats boarding. Simulation results on the case study confirmed similarities between ships and buildings evacuations, underlining the effectiveness of wayfinding solutions to improve passengers’ evacuation flows and routes selection. This study also demonstrated that computer simulation could benefit the ship design process, the preparation of safety guidelines, and the crewmembers during naval emergency management training.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Design of a smart system for indoor climate control in historic underground built environment
Autore/i: Stazi, Francesca; Gregorini, Benedetta; Gianangeli, Andrea; Bernardini, Gabriele; Quagliarini, Enrico
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The application of sensors-actuators networks in Building Heritage can lead to significant improvement in indoor climate control, with the aim to both reduce energy consumption, and improve conditions for occupants and hosted Heritage. This study proposes the preliminary design of a smart indoor climate control system, based on low-impact application criteria, which can be applied to visited underground built environment. The system is based on the balance of hygrothermal loads. Sensors and actuators requirements are defined, and control algorithm are based on the comparison between real-time monitored and “natural” temperature and hygrometric values (for stationary and transitory conditions).
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

A preliminary combined simulation tool for the risk assessment of pedestrians' flood-induced evacuation
Autore/i: Bernardini, Gabriele; Postacchini, Matteo; Quagliarini, Enrico; Brocchini, Maurizio; Cianca, Caterina; D'Orazio, Marco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

A “behavioural design” approach for architectural spaces design. Development of tools and solutions for fire and earthquake emergency evacuation at different scales.
Autore/i: Bernardini, Gabriele
Editore: Università Politecnica delle Marche
Classificazione: 8 Tesi di dottorato
Abstract: La sicurezza degli spazi architettonici in emergenza implica una corretta gestione del processo di evacuazione. L’attuale approccio alla progettazione è influenzato da determinismo e schematicità: si suppone che conformazione di spazi e facilities (sistemi di wayfinding) sia di per sè in grado di plasmare il comportamento umano. Il progettista spesso adotta metodi semplificati (da manuali e norme) che considerano l’evacuazione un evento fluidodinamico con scelte umane rigidamente codificate. La letteratura dimostra però come i rapporti uomo-ambiente rendano vane le soluzioni comunemente adottate. Inoltre, stessi problemi sono riscontrati a grande (spazi urbani) e piccola scale (singoli edifici). Lo studio propone un nuovo approccio: il behavioural design (BD) intende progettare spazio e facilities basandosi sul reale comportamento umano. Le fasi principali sono perciò comprensione del comportamento umano con prove sperimentali, sviluppo e validazione di simulatori di evacuazione; analisi del processo per individuarne le criticità; proposta di soluzioni e valutazione dell’impatto tramite simulatore o prove reali. La metodologia BD è applicata a 2 casi riguardanti scenari esistenti complessi. Cardine è minimizzare gli interventi grazie alla localizzazione dei punti critici del processo e alla progettazione di nuovi componenti edilizi. Il primo caso ha visto lo sviluppo di un modello per la simulazione dell’evacuazione post-sisma su scala urbana. Il modello può essere usato per stimare il rischio includendo il fattore umano, valutare l’efficacia di interventi su edifici ed asseto urbano, e di procedure di emergenza. Il secondo caso sviluppa nuovi sistemi di wayfinding in edifici storici (teatri). Essi sono progettati per interagire efficacemente con le persone, guidandole attraverso le corrette vie di fuga, e senza apportare sostanziali modifiche al layout architettonico. Il lavoro è stato svolto anche in coordinazione con il cluster TAV-progetto SHELL O.R.4.4.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Behavioural design for building construction : from human behaviours to smart spaces
Autore/i: Bernardini, G.; Quagliarini, Enrico; D’Orazio, M.
Editore: Maggioli
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Improving human safety in cultural heritage buildings: experiments on effectiveness of wayfinding systems in a theatre
Autore/i: Bernardini, G.; D’Orazio, M.; Quagliarini, E.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Current fire safety regulations in historical buildings are generally limited to the number and dimension of exits and evacuation paths. This approach clearly clashes with preservation criteria because of the need of invasive layout modifications. On the contrary, a “behavioural design” approach could solve this conflict by proposing evacuation facilities based on effective human behaviours. This work proposes an innovative wayfinding system based on phtoluminescent continuous signs. Experiments in a significant real world scenario demonstrate the possibility to considerably decrease the evacuation timing without building layout modifications
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Il processo di evacuazione nel codice di prevenzione incendi. riflessioni sul tempo di premovimento
Autore/i: Bernardini, Gabriele; D'Orazio, Marco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Urban scenarios modifications due to the earthquake: ruins formation criteria and interactions with pedestrians’ evacuation
Autore/i: Quagliarini, Enrico; Bernardini, Gabriele; Wazinski, Chiara; Spalazzi, Luca; D'Orazio, Marco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: One of the most influencing elements in inhabitants’ earthquake safety definition is represented by the interactions between people and post-event environment in urban scenarios. Understanding and simulating rules for pedestrians’ motion in earthquake evacuation could be useful to inquire the risk assessment introducing the ‘‘human’’ factor influence: integrated ‘‘risk maps’’ could be realized by combining results of similar analyses with the traditional site hazard, buildings vulnerability and exposition indices. This work proposes an innovative approach based on the analysis of these interactions. Two experimentally-based activities are required: an analysis of human behaviors towards the post-earthquake environment; a relation for defining environmental modifications. Results firstly show a summary of man-environment interactions in earthquake evacuations. A possible criterion for path choice in evacuation is also numerically defined. A theoretical agent-based model is developed on these bases and summarizes phases, motion rules and man-environment interactions in earthquake pedestrians’ evacuation in urban scenarios. Secondly, quick criteria for scenario modifications involving ruins formation are proposed and evaluated: for each building, the percentages of internal and external ruins area is a function of its vulnerability and the expected earthquake Richter magnitude. Moreover, the external ruins formation criterion is validated by comparing predicted and effective values of ruins area depth in real cases. The model could be proposed as a tool for evaluating probable pedestrians’ choices in post-event scenarios, in order to reduce the interferences between the built environment and the evacuation process through interventions on buildings, urban fabric and strategies for emergency management.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Intelligent evacuation guidance systems for improving fire safety of Italian-style historical theatres without altering their architectural characteristics
Autore/i: Bernardini, Gabriele; Azzolini, Matteo; D'Orazio, Marco; Quagliarini, Enrico
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Fire risk in Architectural Heritage represents a fundamental problem for occupants’ safety. Italian-style historical theatres are one of the most interesting examples because of their historic and artistic value, high fire vulnerability, fire sources and occupants’ features (many people are not familiar with the architectural spaces). Current fire safety regulations approaches for similar Architectural Heritage generally suggest massive and irreversible interventions in order to improve the occupants’ level of safety: main related solutions concern with interventions on building layout (e.g. introduction of fire-proof elements; increasing dimension and number of evacuation paths and exits). This really implies a conflict in preserving original architectural characteristics. Besides, experiments demonstrate how these adopted solutions can be insufficient in improving the individuals’ safety level, especially in case of high occupants’ density and people who are unfamiliar with the building itself, because of individuals’ behaviours in emergency conditions. An efficient emergency evacuation layout has to be able to help evacuating occupants, especially in smoke or blackout conditions. “Intelligent Evacuation Guidance Systems” (IEGS) could monitor human behaviours (how people move) and related criticisms in the evacuation process (e.g. slowing down along paths, paths blockage). Then, they could elaborate these data through smart inducing algorithm so as to suggest dynamic evacuation paths to occupants. In this way, IEGS can effectively suggest the “best” evacuation path to occupants depending on the effective human behaviours. In this paper, an IEGS is firstly defined by introducing suggested low impact environmental components and their related requirements. In particular, occupants’ behaviours are associated to evacuees’ density along egress paths, doors and exits, by using indoor individuals’ tracking systems (e.g. RFID, Wireless localization). A density-based algorithm based on Level-of-Service conditions is adopted for evaluating possible overcrowding phenomena and identify the best evacuation paths. Directional electrically-illumined signs are used so as to indicate the proper direction to occupants. Wireless communication between the system elements is required. Each element is provided with backup power supply. Then, the proposed IEGS is evaluated by applying it to a significant case study (the “Gentile da Fabriano theatre” in Fabriano, AN). Interactions between occupants and IEGS are reproduced within a validated fire evacuation simulator (FDS + EVAC), and the system effectiveness is evaluated by performing evacuation simulation for the whole building. Comparisons of evacuation times between the original scenario and the IEGS-related one are proposed. Total maximum egress time is reduced down to 26% in the IEGS scenario (40% for levels with 3 or more different possible paths). The number of people using secondary paths (that are also the less crowded ones) raises to 88%. IEGS elements correctly and fully interact with people by understanding their evacuation behaviour and suggesting them the most appropriate (clearest) path: hence, the overall evacuation efficiency can be so increased by virtue of this “behavioural design” approach. Besides, it is strongly important to underline how IEGS elements provide no architectural modifications.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Towards a "behavioural design" approach for seismic risk reduction strategies of buildings and their environment
Autore/i: Bernardini, Gabriele; D'Orazio, Marco; Quagliarini, Enrico
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Earthquake safety paradigms in urban scenarios can be represented by the following: buildings response to ground shaking; possibility to evacuate urban areas; rescuers’ assistance to evacuating pedestrians after reaching assembly points in the urban fabric. The first element is widely investigated and involves studies on buildings vulnerability and site hazard. Last two issues are strongly influenced by urban scenarios modifications due to the earthquake and human behaviours during both event and evacuation. Consequently, understanding how people behave in similar conditions becomes an essential issue in order to properly evaluate the urban risk assessment, efficiently organize evacuation procedures and plan interventions (on critical buildings, infrastructures). Hence, this paper firstly offers an overview of current literature on human behaviour in earthquake so far as urban scenario safety is concerned. Critical factors that determine individuals’ response performances focus on human behaviours and environmental modifications due to the earthquake. The study underlines how some of the assumptions about the existing paradigms seem to be not consistent with the knowledge set out in the literature: individuals’ behaviours are generally neglected while proposing risk-reduction strategies (management, interventions on buildings), and these strategies are supposed to directly induce correct emergency behaviours on people. On the contrary, a successful approach should combine traditional evaluations with innovative analyses on human behaviours and man–environment interactions in earthquake conditions: hence, this paper finally suggests a “behavioural design” approach. Following fire safety engineering criteria, simulation models would be used for evaluating the exposure parameter and check operative strategies for interferences reduction in emergency conditions.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Fire exit signs: The use of neurological activity analysis for quantitative evaluations on their perceptiveness in a virtual environment
Autore/i: Occhialini, Martina; Bernardini, Gabriele; Ferracuti, Francesco; Iarlori, Sabrina; D'Orazio, Marco; Longhi, Sauro
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Emergency signs represent the easiest way to assist a person during an emergency building evacuation, such as in a fire. However, previous studies show that signs can also not be correctly perceived (because of: smoke/lighting conditions, sign positions in relation to individual's position, pictograms dimensions), consequently becoming useless. This study focuses on the effectiveness of exit signs, in terms of type and position. The related numerical quantification is founded on an objective experimental neurological method. A neurological stimulus (P300) is generated when the individual understands the meaning of the sign. It is so possible to objectively evaluate by using a neuro-headset the performance of each subject in terms of perceptual attention. The use of similar direct data overlooks errors connected to conscious or unconscious individual mediation in answers. Evacuation motion simulations are performed using a virtual reality environment because of limits in the neuro-headset use when walking. Two types of exit signs (reflective and photoluminescent) are tested considering different positions and environmental conditions (illuminated and not). The sign identification distance is retrieved and compared to results of real-world experiments. Finally, the sign effectiveness is also inquired in terms of statistical P300 presence on the analysed sample. © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

6th Euro-American Congress On Construction Pathology, Rehabilitation Technology And Heritage Management - Rehabend 2016
Autore/i: Bernardini, Gabriele; Quagliarini, Enrico; Spalazzi, Luca; D'Orazio, Marco
Editore: Serigrafias Serimar, S.A.
Luogo di pubblicazione: Burgos
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Towards creating a combined database for earthquake pedestrians' evacuation models
Autore/i: Bernardini, Gabriele; Quagliarini, Enrico; D'Orazio, Marco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Earthquake risk assessment at urban scale is actually based on site hazard, buildings vulnerability and exposition, but does not consider human behaviours during both the event and the evacuation. Nevertheless, human interactions in such conditions become one of the most influencing element for inhabitants safety. Hence, an important issue is understanding how people interact with other individuals and with the environment modified by the earthquake. The development of evacuation software in earthquake conditions needs investigations about these aspects. In fact, actual data about earthquake evacuation behaviours are very poor. This work starts from this request and proposes an innovative database for earthquake evacuation models according to literature suggestions. A wide number of videotapes concerning real events from all over the World is analysed in order to provide human behaviours and motion quantities, and to integrate previous results. The database firstly includes the step-by-step evacuation behaviours that are activated during the process. Secondly, motion quantities (speed, acceleration, and distance from obstacles) are provided. The analysis of real emergency conditions evidences particular phenomena. Main results demonstrate how people prefer moving with an average speed of about 2.3–3 m/s. Finally, fundamental diagrams of pedestrians’ dynamics in earthquake emergency conditions show how, density values being equals, speeds and flows are higher than previous studies (in particular: fire evacuation and evacuation drill). These data can be used as input parameters for defining and developing new evacuation models, but also for existent models validation.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Fire safety in Italian-style historical theatres: How photoluminescent wayfinding can improve occupants' evacuation with no architecture modifications
Autore/i: D'Orazio, Marco; Bernardini, Gabriele; Tacconi, Silvia; Arteconi, Valentina; Quagliarini, Enrico
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Architectural Heritage is often prone to fire risk especially when many significant wooden structures with a particular historic and artistic value are present. This is the case of the Italian style historical theatres. Increasing fire safety of this architectural heritage generally clashes with preserving the original building features: massive and irreversible interventions are often needed so as to respect current severe regulations. Moreover, upgrading interventions can be insufficient so as to effectively improve occupants’ safety level, especially in overcrowded spaces and when people do not know much of the building itself. Occupants’ safety depends on their behaviours and their possibility to rapidly evacuate to a safe place. One of the most effective ways to help them to achieve this aim seems to be the adoption of a good emergency evacuation wayfinding system, especially in smoke or black-out conditions. This paper analyses the effectiveness of a reversible, easy-to-remove and low-impact system for evacuation guidance based on photoluminescent materials (PLM). The proposed continuous wayfinding system (CWS) is composed by PLM tiles along evacuation paths (both corridors and stairs). The application to a case study, the Italian style historical theatre “Gentile da Fabriano”, is then provided. Tests involve more than 100 individuals in smoke and black out conditions. CWS effectiveness was compared to a traditional punctual system in terms of motion speeds (for single pedestrians) and total evacuation time (for the whole building evacuation drill). Questionnaires filled in by involved pedestrians qualitatively evaluated the individuals’ acceptance of CWS. Tests with CWS show that individual's motion speed rises up to 50% and the total evacuation time is reduced down to 25% in respect to the traditional system. Comparisons with previous studies on PLM signs are provided. CWS can be easily introduced in this kind of historical theatres so as to increase the occupants’ safety level.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Aumentare la sicurezza delle persone in edifici storici: verifica sperimentale di un innovativo sistema di wayfinding all’interno di un teatro
Autore/i: Bernardini, G.; D’Orazio, M.; Quagliarini, E.
Editore: Maggioli
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Earthquake pedestrians’ evacuation in historical urban scenarios: a combined simulation model including human behaviors and post-earthquake modifications
Rehab 2015 – Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Preservation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Historic Buildings and Structures
Autore/i: Bernardini, Gabriele; D'Orazio, Marco; Quagliarini, Enrico
Editore: Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development
Luogo di pubblicazione: Barcelos
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Design and experimental evaluation of an interactive system for pre-movement time reduction in case of fire
Autore/i: D'Orazio, Marco; Longhi, Sauro; Bernardini, Gabriele; Paolo, Olivetti
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Abstract After hearing a fire alarm, people continue to carry out activities not directly connected to the evacuation procedure: this pre-movement phase could be very long, especially when people are involved in carrying out their working activities and in using their electronic devices. Starting from this problem regarding safety, our study proposes a system for reducing pre-movement time that is based on an interaction with the people being evacuated. The system, composed of individual wearable devices, is organized in two modules: the first is the Zig-Bee-based localization module which identifies people's positions after the alarm and understands whether they are evacuating; the second is an interactive module which gives a personal stimulus to latecomers. This system was tested for university building evacuation. A case study has been analyzed, which also compared experimental results to those of simulation software. The simulator was able to reasonably reproduce the real phenomenon. The effectiveness of the system was investigated through simulations by considering different individual responses. Our results demonstrate that up to 30% reduction in total evacuation time can be obtained.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Earthquake Emergencies Management by Means of Semantic-Based Internet of Things
Internet of Things. IoT Infrastructures
Autore/i: Taccari, Gilberto; Bernardini, Gabriele; Spalazzi, Luca; D'Orazio, Marco; Smari, Waleed
Editore: Springer International Publishing
Luogo di pubblicazione: Munich
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: Semantic technologies can play a key role in representing, storing, interconnecting, searching, and organizing information generated/consumed by things. In order to evaluate its feasibility, this paper presents a set of reasoning mechanisms based on an IoT ontology to be applied in an emergency management scenario. The scenario presented in this paper consists in the earthquake emergency management.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Evacuation Aid for Elderly in Care Homes and Hospitals: An Interactive System for Reducing Pre-movement Time in Case of Fire
Ambient Assisted Living - Italian Forum 2014
Autore/i: D'Orazio, Marco; Bernardini, Gabriele; Longhi, Sauro; Olivetti, Paolo
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

An Experimental Study on the Correlation Between “Attachment to Belongings” “Pre-movement” Time
Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics 2012
Autore/i: Bernardini, Gabriele; D'Orazio, Marco
Editore: Springer International Publish
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

An experimental study on the correlation between ‘attachment to belongings’ and ‘pre-movement’ time”
Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics 2012
Autore/i: D'Orazio, Marco; Bernardini, Gabriele
Editore: Springer Verlag Germany:Tiergartenstrasse 17, D 69121 Heidelberg Germany:011 49 6221 3450, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 49 6221 345229
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

A tool for earthquake risk assessment definition including human behavioral aspects: EPES - Earthquake Pedestrians Evacuation Simulator
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Protection of Historical Constructions
Autore/i: D'Orazio, Marco; Quagliarini, Enrico; Bernardini, Gabriele; Spalazzi, Luca
Editore: Boğaziçi University Publishing
Luogo di pubblicazione: Istanbul
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: The earthquake risk assessment at urban scale does not consider human behaviors during both earthquake and evacuation phases. However, understanding interactions between people and post-event environment becomes essential in determining how behaviors influence inhabitants’ safety levels. This study follows this approach and proposes an agent-based earthquake pedestrians evacuation simulator. Real events analysis allows to define phases and rules in pedestrians evacuation; the social force model and a multi-agent architecture are used in order to develop a simulator. Consequently, the software EPES (Earthquake Pedestrians Evacuation Simulator) is implemented. Results firstly show the noticed behaviors discussion, posing attention on evacuation paths choice; interactions between man and environment are defined. Additionally, first software simulation validation about motion speed in evacuations and path choice are offered. EPES is proposed for evaluating probable pedestrians’ choices in different scenarios, and checking solutions for reduction of interferences between the environment and the evacuation process.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Multi-Agent Simulation Model for Evacuation of Care Homes and Hospitals for Elderly and People with Disabilities in Motion
Ambient Assisted Living - Italian Forum 2013
Autore/i: D'Orazio, Marco; Spalazzi, Luca; Quagliarini, Enrico; Bernardini, Gabriele
Editore: Springer International Publishing
Luogo di pubblicazione: Cham
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: The progressive population aging provokes an increase of importance in safety aspects for the elderly and the people with disabilities that are housed in care homes and hospitals. Current regulations denote an inadequate approach to safety problems connected to possible evacuation due to events like earthquakes, floods, fires. The law approach implicates that patients are directly carried out by health workers assistants in evacuation. However, many patients can autonomously evacuate, helped by specific facilities for way finding and not assisted by the medical staff. Our research is intended to design “guidance” system for these categories, and to inquiry how these facilities interact with people and influence their motion. The understanding and the simulation of behaviors of this category become essential in order to reach these goal.. This work proposes a multi-agent model for evacuation simulation, based on the Social Force motion approach and on experimental data. This paper focuses on joining group behaviors for autonomous elderly. The validation concerns various quantities describing group motion phenomena. The model will be integrated including aspects connected with eventual disabilities in motion for patients.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Agent-based model for earthquake pedestrians’ evacuation in urban outdoor scenarios: Behavioural patterns definition and evacuation paths choice
Autore/i: D'Orazio, Marco; Spalazzi, Luca; Quagliarini, Enrico; Bernardini, Gabriele
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The assessment of seismic risk at urban scale does not actually consider aspects related to human behaviours, unlike other kind of events; moreover, the simulation of phases of pedestrian evacuation and motion in earthquake evacuation is a rarely inquired issue. From this point of view, this work proposes an innovative approach to earthquake evacuation, presenting an agent based model to describe phases and rules of motion for pedestrians. The model is based on the analysis of videotapes concerning real events. Results firstly show a scheme of chronological organisation of experimentally noticed behaviours activated during an earthquake evacuation. Secondly, the related behavioural agent-based model is presented by using the i* language and posing attention to relationships between pedestrians and environment. A particular attention is given to the relationships in evacuation paths choice depending on configuration of environment and damage distribution after earthquake. Additionally, experimental values of distance between people and evacuation average speed in the first phases of outdoor motion are provided. The mathematical definitions for the model and the software implementation of the model will be implemented.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

An Agent-based Model for Earthquake Pedestrians’ Evacuation Simulation in Urban Scenarios
Autore/i: Bernardini, Gabriele; D'Orazio, Marco; Quagliarini, Enrico; Spalazzi, Luca
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The earthquake risk assessment approach actually ignores human behaviors during earthquake. Nevertheless, simulating pedestrians’ motion could be useful to introduce “human” interactions with post-earthquake scenarios. This work proposes an agent-based model for evacuation simulation based on the analysis of videotapes concerning real events. Modifications to the social force model are provided in order to describe typical behaviors. A simulation software is developed for model validation. Tests mainly involve speeds and distances between individuals. The model could be integrated in tools for the analysis of probable pedestrians’ choices in different scenarios, and checking solutions for reducing man-environment interferences during the evacuation process.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

EPES– Earthquake pedestrians׳ evacuation simulator: A tool for predicting earthquake pedestrians׳ evacuation in urban outdoor scenarios
Autore/i: D'Orazio, Marco; Quagliarini, Enrico; Bernardini, Gabriele; Spalazzi, Luca
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Earthquake risk assessment at urban scale does not actually consider human behaviours during both the event and the first evacuation phases. Nevertheless, understanding and simulating these aspects become essential in determining how human behaviours influence inhabitants' safety levels, defining combined “risk maps” and evaluating community resilience features. This work proposes an innovative approach by offering a simulator for pedestrians' earthquake evacuation in urban scenarios. Firstly, our previous behavioural investigations of real earthquake evacuation from all over the World allow organizing rules in pedestrians' evacuation and man–environment interactions in the post-event scenario: an agent-based (ABM) approach is provided for their representation by using the in language. Secondly, operative criteria for pedestrian motion are provided: in particular, motion law for pedestrians is defined by modifying the Social Force model approach with the behavioural results of our case study. Rules for environmental modifications due to the earthquake are proposed. Finally, the software EPES (Earthquake Pedestrians' Evacuation Simulator) is implemented on these bases and validated using a case study (an Italian historical centre). Results firstly summarize the behavioural analysis discussion and the ABM definition. First validations about ruins formations, behavioural aspects, motion speed in evacuations and path choice are offered. EPES is proposed as a tool for evaluating probable pedestrians' choices in different scenarios, and checking solutions for reducing interferences between the human evacuation process and the built environment. Operative strategies for interferences reduction could be founded on model previsions, such as interventions on particular buildings, evacuation strategies definition and urban planning. &
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Definition of a Software for Outdoor Post-Earthquake Evacuation Simulation. Group Attraction Definition Using a Social Force Model Approach
Changing needs, adaptive buildings, smart cities.
Autore/i: D'Orazio, Marco; Spalazzi, Luca; Quagliarini, Enrico; Bernardini, Gabriele
Editore: Poliscript
Luogo di pubblicazione: Milano
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

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