


20 pubblicazioni classificate nel seguente modo:

Nr. doc. Classificazioni
11 1 Contributo su Rivista
8 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
1 8 Tesi di dottorato
Modeling coastal inundation for adaptation to climate change at local scale: the case of Marche Region (central Italy)
Autore/i: Baldoni, Agnese; Melito, Lorenzo; Marini, Francesco; Galassi, Gaia; Giacomin, Patrizia; Filomena, Giorgio; Barbizzi, Natalino; Lorenzoni, Carlo; Brocchini, Maurizio
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Climate change is raising sea level rise and storminess effects on coastal systems, affecting the morphology of coastlines and impacting coastal communities and ecosystems. It is essential to gain information at an adequate scale to identify effective adaptation measures. This is of major importance in areas combining high vulnerability to climate change with high socio-economic development, like the Northern Adriatic coastal area. To this aim, in this work two different approaches have been applied to investigate inland penetration of sea water along the Marche Region: (a) a simple "bathtub" method applied to the entire Marche coastline, to highlight areas likely prone to intense inundation; (b) a more accurate numerical model applied to two test sites, to gain detailed knowledge of inundation perimeters. Both approaches have been applied with forcing conditions provided by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the Copernicus Climate Change Service through the RCP8.5 emission scenario projected to 2070. Results showed that a 100-year return period sea storm would cause the inundation of beaches and infrastructures located along the coast, as well as affecting harbor facilities and urban areas. Information obtained with the model has been integrated in the Regional Plan for Adaptation to climate change to define specific adaptation measures.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Particle dynamics due to interaction between a breaking-induced vortex and a nearbed vortex
Autore/i: Brocchini, Maurizio; Marini, Francesco; Falchi, Massimo; Postacchini, Matteo; Zitti, Gianluca
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: A single regular wave, travelling over a submerged abrupt discontinuity, is able to generate a pair of counter-rotating vortices. A nearbed vortex is generated by the flow separation that occurs at the bed, while a surface vortex can be generated by either a direct (co-rotating vortex) or a backward (counter-rotating vortex) breaking. Starting from recent laboratory test results, which showed the influence of the wave nonlinearity on the interaction between the counter-rotating vortices and led to the identification of three different regimes, the present work illustrates the main findings obtained from the optical analysis of the flow field induced by three waves, each belonging to a specific nonlinear regime. Specifically, for each test, synthetic particles have been seeded within the domain, with the aim to obtain long-lasting trajectories driven by the Eulerian flow field obtained through the Particle Tracking Velocimetry (PTV) analysis, to be studied by means of single-particle and multi-particle statistics. Both absolute and relative statistics confirm that a ballistic regime exist just after the particle release at each location of the domain. At larger times, the absolute statistics suggest a subdiffusive regime both within the vortices and between such areas (in correspondence of the breaking-induced jet), followed by a superdiffusive regime, dominated by rotation and particle release. Differently, the relative diffusivity suggests the occurrence of a superdiffusive regime at t>TL, corresponding to enstrophy cascade and exponential growth, followed by a Richardson regime and then by an oscillatory behavior, during which particles are periodically trapped and released by vortices.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Shoreline recession due to waves and sea level rise: a semi-analytical model
Atti del XXXVIII Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche IDRA22
Autore/i: Marini, F.; Rocchi, S.; Corvaro, S.; Lorenzoni, C.; Mancinelli, A.
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Trasformazione non lineare delle onde sopra una barra sommersa
Atti del XXXVIII Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche IDRA22
Autore/i: Rocchi, S.; Marini, F.; Corvaro, S.; Lorenzoni, C.; Mancinelli, A.
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Semi-Analytical Model for the Evaluation of Shoreline Recession Due to Waves and Sea Level Rise
Autore/i: Marini, F.; Corvaro, S.; Rocchi, S.; Lorenzoni, C.; Mancinelli, A.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The climate change process is leading to an increase in the sea level and the storm intensity. The associated shoreline recession can damage coastal facilities and also beaches protected by submerged/emerged breakwaters whose defense action can become ineffective. The application of cross-shore numerical models does not allow the performance of long-term analyses. In this paper, a semi-analytical model for the evaluation of shoreline recession due to waves and sea-level rise for free and protected beaches is proposed. The model is an extension of the Dean's approach in which some limitations on the beach profile are overcome and the effects of breakwaters on the wave height (wave transmission) and on the water level (piling-up) are considered. The model takes into account a wide range of parameters for wave, sea level, beach profile, and breakwater characteristics. Among the breakwater parameters, the freeboard and the berm width are found to mainly affect the shoreline recession. For submerged breakwaters, an optimal value of the freeboard can be computed depending on the sea level and the offshore wave characteristics. The results of the model are then used to find prediction relations of the shoreline recession, with r(2) > 0.99, for both free and protected beaches, depending on the main hydrodynamic/geometrical characteristics.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Interaction between breaking-induced vortices and near-bed structures. Part 1. Experimental and theoretical investigation
Autore/i: Brocchini, M.; Marini, F.; Postacchini, M.; Zitti, G.; Falchi, M.; Xie, Z.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The present work describes the vortex-vortex interactions observed during laboratory experiments, where a single regular water wave is allowed to travel over a discontinuous rigid bed promoting the generation of both near-bed and surface vortices. While near-bed vortices are generated by the flow separation occurring at the bed discontinuity, surface vortices are induced by the wave breaking in conjunction with a breaking-induced jet. A 'backward breaking' (previously observed in the case of solitary waves) occurs at the air-water interface downstream of the discontinuity and generates a surface anticlockwise vortex that interacts with the near-bed clockwise vortex. With the vortex-vortex interaction influenced by many physical mechanisms, a point-vortex model, by which vortices evolve under both self-advection (in relation to both free surface and seabed) and mutual interaction, has been implemented to separately investigate the vortex- and wave-induced dynamics. The available data indicate that both self-advection and mutual interaction are the governing mechanisms for the downward motion of the surface vortex, with the effect of the breaking-induced jet being negligible. The same two mechanisms, combined with the mean flow, are responsible for the almost horizontal and oscillating path of the near-bed vortex. The investigation of the vortex paths allow us to group the performed tests into three distinct classes, each characterized by a specific range of wave nonlinearity. The time evolution of the main variables characterizing the vortices (e.g. circulation, kinetic energy, enstrophy, radius) and their maximum values increase with the wave nonlinearity, such dependences being described by synthetic best-fit formulas.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Hydraulic Performance of Geotextile Sand Containers for Coastal Defenses
Autore/i: Corvaro, S.; Lorenzoni, C.; Mancinelli, A.; Marini, F.; Rocchi, S.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Laboratory experiments were performed in the wave flume of the Laboratorio di Idraulica e Costruzioni Marittime of the Universita Politecnica delle Marche (Ancona, Italy) to study the hydrodynamic performance of coastal protection structures made of a new type of geotextile sand containers (GSCs). Such structures are used as softer and flexible alternatives to traditional hard coastal defenses made of concrete or rubble mound material. The GSC structures can also be used as temporary coastal protections during the winter period. The physical model reproduced two main configurations: in the former one, the GSCs were used as coastal revetments with three different slopes. In the latter one, the GSCs were applied to make detached submerged breakwaters with different submergences and berm widths. The geometric scale of the models was 1:10, and the weight of each GSC in the prototype was 5 t. The geotextile material of the containers and the wave characteristics were reproduced by using the Reynolds and the Froude similarity criteria, respectively. Reflection coefficients and hydraulic stability behaviors for the revetments, as well as transmission coefficients and piling-up amount for breakwaters, were obtained.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Adattamento delle scogliere emerse ai cambiamenti climatici (innalzamento del livello medio marino)
Atti del XXXVII Covegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche - IDRA2021web
Autore/i: Rocchi, Stefania; Marini, Francesco; Corvaro, Sara; Lorenzoni, Carlo; Soldini, Luciano; Mancinelli, Alessandro
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Interaction between wave breaking-induced vortices and nearbed structures: preliminary numerical results and laboratory-test design
Atti del 37° Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche. Ingegneria delle acque: cambiamenti globali e sostenibilità.
Autore/i: Brocchini, M.; Marini, F.; Postacchini, M.; Zitti, G.
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Gastrointestinal Complications after Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant: A Multidisciplinary Approach with Early Endoscopic Evaluation
Autore/i: Tarantino, G; Saraceni, F; Mancini, G; Poiani, M; Maroni, L; Goteri, G; Scortechini, I; Fiorentini, A; Dubbini, Mv; Marini, F; Daretti, L; Marzioni, M; Bendia, E; Benedetti, A; Olivieri, A.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Gastrointestinal complications (GICs) represent the major cause of morbidity and mortality after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT). Differential diagnosis of GICs is of paramount importance since early and reliable identification of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is essential for a correct management of the patients. The aim of the present retrospective study was to evaluate the occurrence of GICs after allo-HSCT and to assess the diagnostic performance of a quick endoscopic and histological assessment in the differential diagnosis between GVHD and other GI conditions. Between January 2015 and August 2019, 122 consecutive patients receiving an allo-HSCT were managed by an interdisciplinary team, supported by a dedicated endoscopic service. Clinical, therapeutic, endoscopic and histological data were analyzed for each patient. Collectively, 94 of the patients developed GICs (77%). A moderate-severe mucositis was the most frequent complication, occurring in 79 patients (84%). Acute GI-GVHD was diagnosed in 35 patients (37% of whom with GICs) and 19 of them with a moderate-severe grade. Infective acute colitis developed in eight patients, mainly due to Clostridium difficile (CD) and Cytomegalovirus infections (8.5%). Rectal biopsy showed the highest sensitivity and specificity (80% and 100%, respectively). However, when biopsy procedures were guided by symptoms and performed on apparently intact mucosa, upper histology also provided a high negative predictive value (80%). Our multidisciplinary approach with a quick endoscopic/histologic investigation in the patients receiving an allo-HSCT and who suffered GICs could improve diagnostic and therapeutic management in this challenging setting.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Wave induced hydro and morpho-dynamics around a single slender pile: experimental and numerical analysis
Autore/i: Marini, Francesco
Editore: Università Politecnica delle Marche
Classificazione: 8 Tesi di dottorato
Abstract: Negli ultimi anni, la presenza in mare di strutture fondate su pali, come piattaforme petrolifere e turbine eoliche offshore, sta diventando sempre più importante. Per questa ragione, guadagna sempre più importanza l’analisi di possibili criticismi e incertezze nella loro progettazione. L’obiettivo di questa tesi è lo studio dell’idro e della morfodinamica indotta da onde regolari e non su un palo di piccolo diametro attraverso una modellazione fisica e numerica. Questa tesi vuole quindi dare un contributo per la comprensione di tali processi fisici. In particolare, si vogliono fornire degli strumenti che possono risultare utili ad evitare valutazioni errate dei parametri che rientrano nella progettazione di tali strutture. Particolare attenzione è riservata alla valutazione della forza dell’azione ondosa sulla struttura, allo scavo generato alla sua base e al run-up sulla sua superficie. Un modello fisico a fondo rigido è stato realizzato per valutare quale fosse il miglior approccio per la stima della forza dovuta ad onde non lineari. Viene quindi proposta un’alternativa al classico metodo di Morison (1950) per il calcolo della forza totale con valori di velocità e accelerazione orbitale calcolati a partire da una serie temporale della superficie libera. Tale metodo consiste in una decomposizione spettrale di Fourier del segnale di livello; il contributo di ogni componente, calcolato mediante la teoria di Airy, viene quindi sommato per ottenere un profilo di velocità orizzontale e verticale in ogni istante. I risultati mostrano che questo approccio fornisce una buona stima della forza totale sia in termini di valore massimo che di valutazione della fase ondosa in cui avviene. Al contrario invece, l’applicazione della teoria lineare a tale scopo (che viene utilizzata usualmente nella progettazione) porta ad una sottostima del valore di picco e ad una cattiva rappresentazione dell’andamento della forza nel periodo. Lo scavo alla base del palo è un altro parametro fondamentale nella sua progettazione. Una campagna sperimentale a fondo mobile è stata quindi realizzata studiando l’effetto di onde regolari e non regolari su un fondale sabbioso in cui è stato inserito un cilindro verticale. I risultati di questo studio sono abbastanza in accordo con quelli ottenuti da un precedente la voro di Sumer et al. (1992) sebbene sia mostrato come il processo di scavo inizi in presenza di condizioni idrodinamiche di minore intensità (parametro di Keulegan-Carpenter KC=4) rispetto a quanto presente in letteratura (KC=6). Diverse formule sono proposte per valutare la profondità di scavo in funzione di parametri adimensionali come KC e Ur. Per lo scavo dovuto ad onde irregolari, è stato modificato l’approccio di Ong et al. (2013). Questo metodo dipende dalla funzione di distribuzione cumulata delle altezze di cresta ma, a causa della sua complessità, è stata semplificata per essere resa più adatta a fini progettuali senza però inficiare la bontà dei risultati. Per migliorare la comprensione sul processo di formazione, crescita e distacco dei vortici, sono state svolte misure di tipo PTV che, integrate con le misure di pressione e coi risultati del fondo mobile, hanno permesso di caratterizzare l’intero processo di scavo. Dai risultati si è osservato come le fasi e le posizioni in cui i gradienti di pressione sono massimi corrispondono a quelle in cui è stato osservato distacco dei vortici. Le mappe di scavo ottenute nella campagna a fondo mobile sono state quindi spiegate dall’interpretazione delle mappe di vorticity e del parametro OW. È stato inoltre realizzato un modello numerico con OpenFOAM per ampliare la comprensione del complesso fenomeno tridimensionale riguardante l’interazione onda-struttura. Una nuova condizione al contorno per la generazione ondosa a partire da una serie temporale misurata di superficie libera è stata implementata nel codice. Il campo di velocità viene calcolato con la scomposizione di Fourier sopra descritta. I test della campagna a fondo rigido sono stati simulati allo scopo di ottenere ulteriori informazioni sul distacco dei vortici e per stimare il run-up sulla struttura che è un parametro fondamentale per garantire l’accesso alle strutture in mare. Il confronto con le misure sperimentali di livello, velocità, pressione e forza è eccellente. L’analisi dei massimi valori di run-up è stata realizzata confrontando i risultati con formule presenti in letteratura. In particolare, l’equazione di Hallermeier (1976) è stata adattata per il calcolo del run-up a partire dall’altezza della cresta e i risultati, ottenuti con un numero di campioni significativo, sono molto buoni. Infine, le strutture vorticose sono visualizzate mediante l’uso del Q-criterion. I risultati numerici mostrano come, a volte, un vortice generato nella prima metà di un periodo può rimanere nell’area di influenza del palo. Dopo l’inversione del flusso cambia direzione insieme al flusso e viene finalmente rimosso nel lato del palo opposto rispetto a dove era stato generato. I risultati sono in accordo con quelli della campagna PTV: sia la fase, la dimensione e la posizione dei vortici sono ben rappresentate. Gli obiettivi raggiunti con il modello numerico aumentano la comprensione di tale complesso processo fisico unendo informazioni di diversa natura come i gradienti di pressioni, le strutture vorticose e le mappe di scavo ad esse associate.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Coastal Submerged Structures Adaptation to Sea Level Rise over Different Beach Profiles
Autore/i: Marini, Francesco; Mancinelli, Alessandro; Corvaro, Sara; Rocchi, Stefania; Lorenzoni, Carlo
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The paper focuses on the analysis of the sea level rise and storms effects on natural or nourished beach profiles protected by submerged breakwaters. The increase in terms of intensity and frequency of extreme sea storms, and water levels produced by climate change, could lead to a deviation from the original trend of the beach. Typical Adriatic beaches will be considered as realistic study cases and a submerged structure for coastal protection of a natural or artificial (nourishment) beach is analysed in order to identify its resilience and its design adaptation. Different scenarios are taken into account, according to the 2019 special report of IPCC on climate change. A numerical model is here provided to evaluate beach response to wave set-up and sea level rise in the case of any beach profile protected by submerged breakwaters. The present model can provide useful information for the adaptation design of an existing defence submerged breakwater against coastal flooding and beach erosion. The shoreline position change, Δy, is evaluated by a large number of simulations varying both wave parameters (wave height Hi, wave length L) and the geometry of breakwater (submergence |Rc| berm width B, structure height hc). Different scenarios of sea level rises, as a consequence of climate change, and of storm conditions are considered in performing numerical simulations.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Problemi e soluzioni progettuali nella difesa della costa Problems and design solutions for coastal defence adaptation
Atti della XL edizione dei seminari tecnico-scientifici in “Tecniche per la Difesa del Suolo e dall’Inquinamento” a cura di Giuseppe Frega e Francesco Macchione
Autore/i: Mancinelli, Alessandro.; Marini, Francesco; Corvaro, Sara; Lorenzoni, Carlo
Editore: EdiBios
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Clinical and patient reported outcomes of the multidisciplinary management in patients with inflammatory bowel disease-associated spondyloarthritis
Autore/i: Luchetti, M. M.; Benfaremo, D.; Bendia, E.; Bolognini, L.; Fava, G.; Marini, F.; Di Sario, A.; Ciferri, M.; DI NICOLA, Francesca; Marconi, Valentina; Perini, Lucia; Manfredi, L.; Pomponio, G.; Mosca, P.; Benedetti, A.; Gabrielli, A.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: OBJECTIVE: Arthritis is the most frequent extra-intestinal manifestation in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). The coexistence of intestinal and articular inflammation advocates the need for a multidisciplinary management of patients with IBD-associated spondyloarthritis. METHODS: Consecutive IBD patients were evaluated jointly by the gastroenterologist and the rheumatologist in a combined clinic. All the patients were assessed and screened for articular involvement, disease activity and health related quality of life. After the prescription of a shared treatment, patients with spondyloarthritis were followed up for 24 months. RESULTS: Two hundred sixty-two IBD patients, including 80 who were classified as affected by spondyloarthritis according to the ASAS criteria, were included in the study. At baseline, patients with both IBD and spondyloarthritis showed worse quality of life in both the physical and mental domains. The multidisciplinary management provided a significant improvement of gastrointestinal and articular manifestations, as well as the health-related quality of life. Moreover, global and gastrointestinal-specific quality of life significantly correlated with articular disease activity. CONCLUSION: The multidisciplinary management significantly improves both articular and gastrointestinal disease activities and the quality of life of patients with IBD-associated spondyloarthritis. An appropriate screening strategy and the integrated management of these patients should be encouraged and employed in clinical practice.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Experimental and numerical analysis of the hydrodynamics around a vertical cylinder in waves
Autore/i: Corvaro, S.; Crivellini, A.; Marini, F.; Cimarelli, A.; Capitanelli, L.; Mancinelli, A.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The present study provides an extensive analysis on the hydrodynamics induced by a vertical slender pile under wave action. The authors carried out the study both experimentally and numerically, thus enabling a deep understanding of the flow physics. The experiments took place at a wave flume of the Università Politecnica delle Marche. Two different experimental campaigns were performed: In the former one, a mobile bed model was realized with the aims to study both the scour process and the hydrodynamics around the cylinder; in the latter one, the seabed was rigid in order to make undisturbed optical measurements, providing a deeper analysis of the hydrodynamics. The numerical investigation was made by performing a direct numerical simulation. A second order numerical discretization, both in time and in space, was used to solve the Navier-Stokes equations while a volume of fluid (VOF) approach was adopted for tracking the free surface. The comparison between experimental and numerical results is provided in terms of velocity, pressure distributions around the cylinder, and total force on it. The analysis of the pressure gradient was used to evaluate the generation and evolution of vortices around the cylinder. Finally, the relation between scour and bed shear stresses due to the structure of the vortex pattern around the pile was assessed. It is worth noting that the physical understanding of this last analysis was enabled by the combined use of experimental data on scour and numerical data on the flow pattern.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on the Application of Physical Modelling in Coastal and Port Engineering and Science (Coastlab18)
Autore/i: Corvaro, Sara; Crivellini, Andrea; Capitanelli, Loris; Marini, Francesco; Mancinelli, Alessandro
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Atti del XXXVI Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche
Autore/i: Marini, Francesco; Corvaro, Sara; Lorenzoni, Carlo; Mancinelli, Alessandro; Crivellini, Andrea
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Proceeding of the 36th Conference on Coastal Engineering, Baltimore, Maryland, 2018
Autore/i: Corvaro, Sara; Marini, Francesco; Mancinelli, Alessandro; Lorenzoni, Carlo
Editore: Patrick Lynett
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Hydro- and morpho-dynamics induced by a vertical slender pile under regular and random waves
Autore/i: Corvaro, Sara; Marini, Francesco; Mancinelli, Alessandro; Lorenzoni, Carlo; Brocchini, Maurizio
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: This paper proposes an experimental study of the hydro- and morpho-dynamics induced by a slender vertical pile fitted into a sandy seabed and forced by sea waves in finite waters. The scour depth at the pile and the seabed morphology around it were measured and analyzed for both regular and random wave forcing. Scour depths due to regular waves were compared to those predicted in a previous study, revealing good agreement. The maximum scour depth occurred at the lateral side of the pile for waves characterized by a Keulegan-Carpenter (KC) number smaller than 7–8 and behind the pile for waves with KC>7–8. Such a result revealed an asymmetric effect on the scour depth because of the weaker reversal flow. This behavior was more evident for nonlinear waves being crests larger than troughs and, as a consequence, vortices, responsible for the scour processes, became even more energetic around crest stages. To better understand the dynamics in front of, around, and behind the cylinder, pressure measurements were obtained to evaluate the generation and evolution of vortices. The pressure data showed that the adverse pressure gradient around the pile was higher than on the upstream of the pile. The analyses of the pressure data seemed to confirm that, if the forcing was only due to waves, the effect of the lee-wake vortices on the scour depth around the cylinder was stronger than that due to the horseshoe vortices. Finally, the practical stochastic method proposed by previous authors to compute the maximum scour depth around a vertical pile exposed to random waves was verified. The best adaptation between measured and predicted scour depths was obtained by taking into account approximately half of the highest waves (instead of one-tenth) over the threshold; such a condition is still cautionary for a practical point of view. A simplification of the previously discussed methodology was proposed in which the characteristic wave that generates the scour depth is defined.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

PDX-1 mRNA expression in endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle cytoaspirate: Perspectives in the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer
Autore/i: Marzioni, Marco; Germani, Ugo; Agostinelli, Laura; Bedogni, Giorgio; Saccomanno, Stefania; Marini, Francesco; Bellentani, Stefano; Barbera, Carmelo; DE MINICIS, Samuele; Rychlicki, Chiara; Santinelli, Alfredo; Ferretti, Maurizio; Di Maira, Pier Vittorio; Baroni, Gianluca Svegliati; Benedetti, Antonio; Caletti, Giancarlo; Lorenzini, Ivano; Fusaroli, Pietro
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Università Politecnica delle Marche

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