


11 pubblicazioni classificate nel seguente modo:

Nr. doc. Classificazioni
5 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
4 1 Contributo su Rivista
1 2 Contributo in Volume
1 8 Tesi di dottorato
Wave-Forced Dynamics at Microtidal River Mouths
River Deltas - Recent Advances
Autore/i: Brocchini, Maurizio; Postacchini, Matteo; Melito, Lorenzo; Perugini, Eleonora; Manning, Andrew J.; Smith, Joseph P.; Calantoni, Joseph
Editore: IntechOpen
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: Microtidal river mouths are dynamic environments that evolve as a consequence of many forcing actions. Under the hydrodynamic viewpoint, river currents, sea waves and tides strongly interact, and their interplay determines specific sediment transport and morphological patterns. Beyond literature evidence, information comes from field observations made at the Misa River study site, a microtidal river along the Adriatic Sea (Italy), object of a long-going monitoring. The river runs for 48 km in a watershed of 383 km2, providing a discharge of about 400 m3/s for return periods of 100 years. The overall hydrodynamics, sediment transport and morphological evolution at the estuary are analyzed with particular attention to specific issues like: the generation of vortical flows at the river mouth, the influence of various wave modes (infragravity to tidal) propagating upriver, the role of sediment flocculation, the generation and evolution of bed features (river-mouth bars and longitudinal nearshore bars). Numerical simulations are also used to clarify specific mechanisms of interest.
Scheda della pubblicazione: https://iris.univpm.it/handle/11566/291760 Collegamento a IRIS

Long-term evolution of an inner bar at the mouth of a microtidal river
Autore/i: Baldoni, A.; Perugini, E.; Soldini, L.; Calantoni, J.; Brocchini, M.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: We conducted, for the first time, a study of the long-term evolution of an inner mouth bar in a microtidal environment that complements field observations with detailed numerical modelling of the same morphodynamics. Images collected by a video-monitoring station, from 2016 to 2019, were processed to study the evolution of a persistent inner mouth bar formed inside the highly engineered Misa River estuary (Senigallia, Italy) after years of reduced precipitation and discharges. We developed a semi-automatic procedure to detect the emerged area of this deposit. We seek to quantify the relationship between the long-term evolution of the bar and the forcing from the river, waves and tides. The observed high peaks in river discharge caused a strong downriver bar migration (i.e. almost twice the river width). Conversely, the observed sea storms produced an upriver bar migration smaller than one river width. A much slower and weaker (less than half the river width) upriver migration was also observed during periods of large area accretion and due to mild wave climate. Moreover, results showed that the sea water level variation did not directly impact the morphodynamics of the estuary, affecting the emerged portion of the bar only. Numerical simulations, run with Delft3D, were used to complete the information coming from field observations. After some checks on the proper use of the solver for the scenarios and environments of interest, some parametric simulations were run to highlight the role of the different forcing on the bed evolution. Simulations showed, as expected, erosion of the riverbed and significant downriver migrations (four river widths) during peaks of river discharge comparable to the 1-year return period discharges. Numerical results also showed upriver sediment transport when the wave forcing was dominant, with 10-years return period waves inducing an upriver bar migration in the order of one river width. Then, one real-life event was simulated to inspect the interaction of the various forcing and to compare their effects with the observations. Our analysis provides new insight into the complex morphodynamics in a microtidal estuary when weak river discharge is opposed by sea waves driving upriver sediment transport. A more thorough understanding of the morphodynamics is needed for future forecasting of the formation and evolution of sediment deposits inside estuarine channels that can inhibit both navigation and the flux of sediment from the river to the estuary.
Scheda della pubblicazione: https://iris.univpm.it/handle/11566/298934 Collegamento a IRIS

Sandbar dynamics in microtidal environments: Migration patterns in unprotected and bounded beaches
Autore/i: Melito, Lorenzo; Parlagreco, Luca; Perugini, Eleonora; Postacchini, Matteo; Devoti, Saverio; Soldini, Luciano; Zitti, Gianluca; Liberti, Luca; Brocchini, Maurizio
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Novel observations of bar features and migration patterns at three Italian sandy beaches in Senigallia (central Adriatic Sea) and Terracina (central Tyrrhenian Sea) are presented. While two of these beaches are unprotected, one is artificially embayed through the presence of a concrete jetty. Bar locations and motions are analysed with video imagery data sets from coastal monitoring stations. Wave climate from the Copernicus oceanographic model is used to correlate hydrodynamics and beach morphology. Clear net offshore migration (NOM) patterns are identified at all beaches, although exhibiting different response scales. At the low-slope beach of Senigallia (mean surf zone slope of 0.009) bars are more sensitive to seasonal changes in wave climate, with offshore shifts in winter and inactivity in summer. Mean annual migration rates of up to 0.26 m/day and 0.09 m/day are observed for outer and inner bars, respectively. No significant response to single storms is observed, except during a single NNE storm. No distinct erosive or accretive trend for the shoreline is evidenced. At the steep beach of Terracina (mean surf zone slope of 0.018), conversely, bars are strongly responsive to single storm events, with displacements of up to 25–50 m across a single storm. The mean inter-annual migration rate is 0.08 m/day for the single/outer bar, whereas a slight onshore trend (-0.02 m/day) for the newborn inner bar is established. The presence of an artificial jetty at the Misa river mouth in Senigallia, finally, leaves the bar system, typically oscillating around an equilibrium position, susceptible to larger seasonal oscillations and strong offshore migration due to two ESE storm events. Numerical simulations of nearshore circulation for two storms from different directions predict the birth of longshore currents, higher ratios of significant wave height to water depth, and stronger bottom orbital velocities over bars in case of the ESE storm, suggesting a greater tendency for offshore-directed sediment transport.
Scheda della pubblicazione: https://iris.univpm.it/handle/11566/283529 Collegamento a IRIS

The Application of Video-Monitoring Data to Understand Coastal and Estuarine Processes
Autore/i: Perugini, Eleonora
Editore: Università Politecnica delle Marche
Classificazione: 8 Tesi di dottorato
Abstract: La presente tesi riguarda l’uso dei dati raccolti da una nuova stazione di video monitoraggio, denominata SGS allo scopo di accrescere la conoscenza dei processi idro-morfodinamici caratteristici di una spiaggia sabbiosa naturale tipica della costa Adriatica, in prossimità di un estuario. La stazione è stata installata all’interno del porto di Senigallia e ogni ora registra un video di dieci minuti a 2Hz. In questa tesi, sono stati elaborati i video raccolti dal 2015 al 2017. Le immagini derivanti sono state utilizzate in due differenti analisi: 1) lo studio della capacità di stimare la batimetria applicando il codice cBathy (un algoritmo ampiamente utilizzato per la valutazione della profondità dell’acqua tramite analisi inversa) ai dati ottici provenienti dalla stazione e 2) lo studio della dinamica di un sistema di barre sommerse. La stima della profondità dell’acqua varia, in termini di qualità, in funzione della posizione spaziale e delle condizioni ondose e si è osservata una generale sottostima della profondità in gran parte del dominio. Si è quindi eseguita una dettagliata analisi per comprendere il motivo di tale risultato. La causa principale è stata attribuita al grande angolo presente tra l’asse ottico della telecamera e la direzione di propagazione delle onde incidenti. Dei test sintetici sono stati usati per analizzare più in profondità questo aspetto. La procedura utilizzata può essere applicata anche per il progetto di nuove stazioni di video-monitoraggio. Per quanto riguarda la seconda analisi, le immagini disponibili permettono di ben identificare la complessa variabilità 3D (commutazione e biforcazione) del sistema di barre sommerse, sottolineando la capacità della stazione SGS di monitorare le caratteristiche del fondale dell’area oggetto di studio. Tre principali ordini di barre sono stati identificati in accordo con gli studi precedenti basati su dati raccolti da indagini in situ e la loro migrazione è stata correlata con il clima ondoso. Durante il periodo analizzato, è stata riscontrata una generale stabilità del sistema di barre in risposta a eventi di tempesta con onde provenienti da NNE, mentre è stato osservato un netto movimento delle barre verso il largo durante l’unica tempesta con onde provenienti da ESE. Il diverso comportamento è stato collegato alla diversa orientazione delle onde e alla riflessione delle onde provenienti da ESE dal molo del fiume.
Scheda della pubblicazione: https://iris.univpm.it/handle/11566/263695 Collegamento a IRIS

Monitoring for Coastal Resilience: Preliminary Data from Five Italian Sandy Beaches
Autore/i: Parlagreco, Luca; Melito, Lorenzo; Devoti, Saverio; Perugini, Eleonora; Soldini, Luciano; Zitti, Gianluca; Brocchini, Maurizio
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Video-monitoring can be exploited as a valuable tool to acquire continuous, high-quality information on the evolution of beach morphology at a low cost and, on such basis, perform beach resilience analyses. This manuscript presents preliminary results of an ongoing, long-term monitoring programme of five sandy Italian beaches along the Adriatic and Tyrrhenian sea. The project aims at analyzing nearshore morphologic variabilities on a time period of several years, to link them to resilience indicators. The observations indicate that most of the beach width variations can be linked to discrete variations of sandbar systems, and most of all to an offshore migration and decay of the outermost bars. Further, the largest net shoreline displacements across the observation period are experienced by beaches with a clear NOM (Net Offshore Migration)-type evolution of the seabed.
Scheda della pubblicazione: https://iris.univpm.it/handle/11566/265226 Collegamento a IRIS

Monitoring for Coastal Resilience: A Project for Five Italian Beaches
Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for the Sea
Autore/i: Melito, Lorenzo; Luca, Parlagreco; Perugini, Eleonora; Postacchini, Matteo; Zitti, Gianluca; Brocchini, Maurizio
Editore: IEEE
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: This paper presents the COPEMAP project, fruit of a research collaboration between the Università Politecnica delle Marche and the Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale. The project focuses on developing a methodology for the assessment of beach resilience as a function of both natural forcing (e.g. incoming wave fields) and natural protection (e.g. underwater sand bars). This is accomplished through simplified analyses of available video-monitoring data.
Scheda della pubblicazione: https://iris.univpm.it/handle/11566/263465 Collegamento a IRIS

Linear depth inversion sensitivity to wave viewing angle using synthetic optical video
Autore/i: Perugini, Eleonora; Soldini, Luciano; Palmsten, Margaret L.; Calantoni, Joseph; Brocchini, Maurizio
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: https://iris.univpm.it/handle/11566/269388 Collegamento a IRIS

A new video monitoring station along the Adriatic coast
XXXVI Convegno nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche
Autore/i: Perugini, Eleonora; Soldini, Luciano; Palmsten, Margaret L.; Calantoni, Joseph; Brocchini, Maurizio
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: https://iris.univpm.it/handle/11566/266318 Collegamento a IRIS

Video-monitoring to sand bar analysis in a middle Adriatic beach
Seventh International Symposium. Monitoring of Mediterranean Coastal Areas: Problems and Measurement Techniques
Autore/i: Perugini, Eleonora; Soldini, Luciano; Lorenzoni, Carlo; Palmsten, Margaret L.
Editore: Firenze University Press
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: https://iris.univpm.it/handle/11566/265530 Collegamento a IRIS

Effects of the wave climate on a multiple sandbar system
Proceedings of the 5th IAHR EUROPE CONGRESS New Challenges in Hydraulic Research and Engineering
Autore/i: Perugini, E.; Soldini, L.; Lorenzoni, C.; Brocchini, M.; Palmsten, M. L.; Calantoni, J.
Editore: The International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR)
Luogo di pubblicazione: Madrid
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: https://iris.univpm.it/handle/11566/265534 Collegamento a IRIS

Condizioni al Contorno di Riva Morfodinamiche: Alcuni Aspetti della Metodologia di Validazione
Atti del XXXV Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche
Autore/i: Perugini, E.; Postacchini, Matteo; Brocchini, Maurizio
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: https://iris.univpm.it/handle/11566/247227 Collegamento a IRIS

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