


75 pubblicazioni classificate nel seguente modo:

Nr. doc. Classificazioni
31 2 Contributo in Volume
22 1 Contributo su Rivista
12 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
8 5 Altro
1 3 Libro
1 7 Curatele
Point cloud segmentation in heritage preservation. Advanced digital process for Historical Houses
Autore/i: Nespeca, Romina; Mariotti, Chiara; Petetta, Leonardo; Mandriota, Angela
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: This paper discusses the use of point cloud segmentation, both automatic and semi-automatic, in heritage conservation processes, with the aim of consciously integrating traditional and innovative methods. Thus, the research explores the potential of open-source software tools for semi-automatic point-cloud segmentation in enriching heritage knowledge and contributing to the inspection of its state of conservation. This ensures a 3D geometric view of reality and enables the identification of criticalities that may not be visible to the naked eye through colorimetric attributes. The study was conducted on Villa Leonardi, a historical house located in the city of Treia in the Marche Region (Italy) as a pilot test. The investigation focused on the east and south elevations of the building, which were suitable for two distinct trials: a semi-automatic procedure for analyzing the quality of mortar joints in an exposed masonry, and a semi-automatic procedure for mapping alterations and decay in a plastered masonry. To validate the results, manual and semi-automatic maps were compared using both qualitative and quantitative assessments. Qualitative assessment involved overlay and visual analysis, while quantitative assessment involved transforming the segmented point cloud into a mesh and calculating the resulting surface area. The critical interpretation of the two trials revealed both advantages and disadvantages; overall, experimentation highlighted the added value that advanced digital process can bring to the issue of heritage preservation.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Autore/i: Clini, P.; Mariotti, C.; Angeloni, R.; Munoz Cadiz, J.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Digital technologies enable a thorough analysis of Architectural Heritage, offering various representations that provide different levels of documentation and knowledge-based conservation tools. This paper presents a methodological approach that leverages three digital representations related to three levels of documentation: Virtual Tour Informational Modelling, Point Cloud Informational Modelling, and Historical Building Information Modelling. Their characteristics and potential are compared, focusing on the effectiveness in supporting the analysis process, and the management of future conservation works. Furthermore, the dichotomy between 2D and 3D representations of AH is tackled, emphasizing the need to align with the conservation strategies, timeline, and budget constraints. It also discusses the integration of heterogeneous data and various digital representations to address the challenges in AH preventive conservation and management, resulting in the proposal of a sustainable documentation workflow to support the conservation process.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Patrimonio culturale e transizione digitale. Tattiche per una comunicazione consapevole
Adaptive cities through the post pandemic lens. Times and Challenges in Urban History
Autore/i: Mariotti, Chiara; Zampini, Alessia; Ugolini, Andrea
Editore: AISU International, Politecnico di Torino
Luogo di pubblicazione: Torino
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: The paper proposes a reflection on the changes that digital technologies are bringing to the communication, conservation and management of cultural heritage. Starting from the project “The Galla Placidia Line” regarding a military landscape along the Adriatic coast, the authors intend to describe the ongoing research experience and contextualize it in the international panorama, focusing on the role of these tools for a conscious communication about widespread and dissonant heritage.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Governare l’emergenza progettando la cura, tra conservazione materiale e fruizione in sicurezza. Approcci predittivi per Palazzo Pitti a Firenze
Restauro dell’architettura. Per un progetto di qualità
Autore/i: Mariotti, Chiara; Ruggieri, Paola; Pozzi, Elena; Salvatici, Teresa; Centauro, Irene; Ceppetelli, Alessandro; Alberto Garzonio, Carlo
Editore: Quasar
Luogo di pubblicazione: Roma
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: The paper presents the first results of a multidisciplinary research aimed at supporting a paradigm shift in the management of decay processes affecting the stone façades of the Pitti Palace in Florence, passing from emergency interventions to continuous care. The research deals with the issue of quality in heritage preservation by focusing on the planning of mid-to-long term activities; it assumes a predictive approach and stresses the circularity of knowledge over the lifespan of conservation works. The goal is to develop preventive conservation and management strategies to ensure the material consistency of the heritage asset and the safe public fruition of its outdoor spaces threatened by detachments and falling stone fragments. The study is part of an Institutional Agreement signed in January 2023 between the Uffizi Galleries in Florence and the Department of Construction, Civil Engineering and Architecture of the Università Politecnica delle Marche, and benefits from the long-standing collaboration with the Lab of Stone Materials and Applied Geology, Environment and Landscape (DST-LAM) of the University of Florence. The scientific activities are targeted at enabling an experimental knowledge-based tool for assessing the risk of detachment and setting priorities in conservation. The knowledge areas include the results of the DST-LAM diagnostic analysis, which also serve to validate the proposed methodology, as well as data from historical-critical research, especially impacts of previous restorations, and the state of conservation of stone façades. The correlation between these different levels of knowledge through data analysis techniques provides a first predictive model to manage the complexity of this heritage; the structuring and meta-dating of the knowledge ‘input’ and ‘output’ for an operational and shareable database are also among the results to be improved and tested.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

HBIM strategies for the phygital interaction with the architectural heritage Palazzo Olivieri-Machirelli and the Auditorium Pedrotti in Pesaro
IMG 23 Proceedings of 4th International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Images and Imagination
Autore/i: DE LUCA, DANIELE ARTURO; Quattrini, Ramona; Mariotti, Chiara
Editore: Publica
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: This paper aimed to combine strategies of HBIM for conservation and management with issues related to communication and storytelling of the material and immaterial values of the architectural heritage. The result was a knowledge-based model, intended as the cornerstone of an overall methodology capable of fully enhancing the information it contains, as well as supporting phygital experiences. The work was structured around twofold issues, phygital management of architecture and phygital storytelling, and focused on historic building for public entertainment.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Enabling Scan-to-BIM workflow for heritage conservation and management process
Autore/i: Angeloni, Renato; Mariotti, Chiara; Petetta, Leonardo; Coppetta, Laura
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The paper stresses the potential of digital technology in the field of Cultural Heritage (CH), focusing on Architectural Heritage (AH) conservation and management process. It presents a workflow based on non-parametric automatic 3D modeling and Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) authoring to combine geometry and semantic information. The goal of such a methodology is to overcome time-consuming manual tasks that still limit the Historical Building Information Modelling (HBIM), which nevertheless proves to be one of the most effective digital tools for the conservation and management of AH in the medium to long term. The proposed workflow consists of five steps: the 3D survey campaign and raw data processing, the semantic annotation of images according to different information layers, the annotation transfer from images to the point cloud representing the studied architecture, the obtained Point Cloud Information Model (PCIM) automatic segmentation and 3D mesh wrapping, and finally the IFC generation for the HBIM representation. This unconventional digital chain was tested to support the knowledge representation of Villa Leonardi, an historical house in the Marche Region (Italy). The final output is a 3D model of the building, automatically processed from digital survey data, and semantically enriched thanks to the material consistency and decay analysis carried out and annotated on spherical panoramas. The effectiveness of this approach was proven in the conservation project for the façades of the house: enriched data on materials and decay supported an action plan of restoration works, which was then recorded in the HBIM model, thus permitting time and cost control.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Out-of-plane seismic response of a masonry facade using distinct element methods
Autore/i: Schiavoni, Mattia; Ferrante, Angela; Salachoris, Georgios Panagiotis; Mariotti, Chiara; Clementi, Francesco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Damage surveys after earthquakes showed that unreinforced masonry buildings are prone to local failure modes related to out-of-plane mechanisms of walls caused by the poor connection with the orthogonal walls. Otherwise, if the masonry element rises isolated it may be subject to overturning mechanisms rather than in-plane collapse. Nowadays, several methods can be used to evaluate collapses. These methods require quite a high computational cost, not beneficial to practitioners. Advanced numerical models can be applied, such as the discrete element and non-smooth contact dynamics methods, which treat the masonry as a set of either rigid or deformable blocks that can slide and impact each other. In this paper, an ancient (isolated) masonry wall is analysed, and the results provide the first comparison between two numerical models to estimate the influence of the intervention placed on the top of the wall.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

From point cloud data to HBIM for public performance spaces knowledge, management and storytelling: Palazzo Olivieri in Pesaro
Autore/i: Clini, Paolo; Quattrini, Ramona; Mariotti, Chiara; Nespeca, Romina; De Luca, Daniele arturo
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The very latest lines of European research in the field of Cultural Heritage are mainly focusing on disruptive global transitions through valueand future-oriented strategies in a green and digital scenario. This approach stems from the concept of Heritage as a unique but nonrenewable resource, featuring multilayer cultural contents (tangible and intangible), and evolving in close correlation with the constantly changing components in the territory. Digitisation is increasingly confirming itself as an enabling factor for many practices involving cultural heritage. With specific regard to the built heritage, digital technologies provide functions that can catalyse and optimally support architecture knowledge and storytelling, which in turn enhance new levels of interaction, and can improve the active conservation and integrated management of heritage asset. Starting from this assumptions, Palazzo Olivieri-Machirelli in Pesaro (Italy) was studied for challenging trials. Nowadays, the historical building is used as a music conservatory thanks to the testamentary legacy of the Italian composer Gioachino Rossini and the homonymous Foundation, and incorporates the Auditorium Pedrotti, which is the focus of this research. Thus, this architecture was selected as a testing case for inventive and immersive experiences as well as for long-term management solutions and systems, which exploit the paradigm of Heritage – or Historic – Building Information Modelling (HIBIM) and the robust technology of Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR, VR), taking advantage of solid base in the survey phase, which developed an high-detailed 3D numerical model.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Exploring dHeKalos. A Digital Heritage Lab for Building Up New Skills and Sharing Responsibilities With Cultural Institutions
Digital Humanities and Laboratories: Perspectives on Knowledge, Infrastructure and Culture
Autore/i: Clini, Paolo; Frontoni, Emanuele; Malinverni, Eva S.; Quattrini, Ramona; Mariotti, Chiara; Nespeca, Romina; Pierdicca, Roberto
Editore: Routledge
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: This chapter presents dHeKalos, an interdepartmental laboratory on digital cultural heritage within the Department of Construction, Civil Engineering and Architecture at the Università Politecnica delle Marche. The lab was launched with the aim of building new competencies by merging humanistic and technological perspectives, sharing responsibilities with local cultural institutions, training new professionals (especially museum digital curators), encouraging processes of cultural democratisation, and giving a concrete framework to the multifaceted missions of universities. After describing dHeKalos’s infrastructural approach and its implications (technology, relations, and knowledge infrastructure), this chapter presents some of our relevant and recent research and experimentations as well as future lines of research.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Progetto Linea Galla Placidia. Valorizzare un patrimonio dissonante
Autore/i: Mariotti, Chiara; Zampini, Alessia; Ugolini, Andrea
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The Linea Galla Placidia project. Enhancing a dissonant heritage. This paper presents the “Linea Galla Placidia” project financed in 2020 by the Emilia-Romagna Region, it describes the genesis, assumptions, actors and first results of this venture, providing a reflection on the enhancement strategies of the so-called “dissonant” heritage. The military landscape of German bunkers erected from 1943 onwards along the Adriatic coast offers an interesting pilot for testing and enabling unconventional solutions of re-appropriation, conservation and access to our controversial inheritance.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Piero Gazzola. Tutela e restauro dei castelli
Autore/i: Mariotti, Chiara
Editore: Marsilio
Luogo di pubblicazione: Venezia
Classificazione: 3 Libro
Abstract: Il saggio indaga il contributo di Piero Gazzola (1908-1979) alla tutela e al restauro dei castelli, o meglio, delle architetture fortificate. Approfondendo un capitolo inedito della ricerca dello studioso, offre una lettura della vicenda-fortificazioni attraverso la lente della conservazione, con particolare riferimento alle acquisizioni teoriche maturate negli anni sessanta. L’ambito dei castelli, solo apparentemente settoriale, si rivela un osservatorio privilegiato per descrivere un più ampio spaccato della disciplina nel secondo Novecento, e la stessa azione di Gazzola per le strutture munite risulta ricentrata a favore del costruito esistente. In generale, le riflessioni che il saggio elabora si collocano nell’alveo degli studi rivolti al tentativo di rendere attuale l’architettura del passato, sono incentrate sulla relazione tra la dimensione diacronica delle fabbriche storiche e il rapporto sincronico da istituire con la contemporaneità e bilanciano cultura della conservazione e progetto.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Il Management Plan del sito Unesco di Bologna. Sinergie a più livelli tra tutela e pianificazione urbana
Autore/i: Orioli, Valentina; Mariotti, Chiara
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The paper analyzes the recent inscription of the Porticoes of Bologna on the World Heritage List (WHL) by focusing on the Management Plan (MP) of the new site: it frames the Plan with respect to evolving management models and emphasizes its virtuous integration with the governance tools (planning and protection tools) of the city, which is already listed in the Unesco Creative Cities Network. As a matter of fact, this MP was developed in conjunction with a revision cycle of planning tools ended in July 2021 with the approval of the General Urban Plan and Building Regulations, which triggered multi-level synergies between heritage preservation and urban planning. The essay presents the case of Bologna as an in-depth analysis of a broader research the authors have dealt with the MPs of Unesco sites in the Emilia-Romagna region (Italy); methodologically, it is based on existing literature and benefits from the direct expertise of those responsible both for WHL candidacy and the updating of city planning tools.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Planning and managing the heritage-led regeneration of inner areas. The Sextantio experience in Santo Stefano di Sessanio
Villages et quartiers à risque d’abandon. Stratégies pour la connaissance, la valorisation et la restauration
Autore/i: Ugolini, Andrea; Mariotti, Chiara
Editore: Firenze University Press
Luogo di pubblicazione: Firenze
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: This paper examines the transformation of the medieval village of Santo Stefano di Sessanio (L'Aquila, Italy) into a scattered hotel (albergo diffuso). In 1999, the Italian-Swedish entrepreneur Daniele Elow Kihlgren gave new life to this abandoned village, triggering a process of heritage-led regeneration. The project was called “Sextantio”, from the toponym of the ancient Roman settlement located near the present-day town. This contribution analyses the methodological approach adopted to redesign the village and the criteria of architectural intervention applied to the historical buildings to accommodate new uses, considering, 20 years later, their pros and cons. By retracing the causes and consequences of the abandonment-rebirth of the place, this paper highlights Kihlgren’s innovative skill in cultural planning and his ability to manage and systemically organize the project with a strong orientation towards coevolution with the reference environment. In this perspective, this study underlines the importance of an entrepreneurial operation of specific cultural relevance, addressing issues such as the conservation and enhancement of tangible and intangible heritage, the social use-value and the identity of places, but also the impacts of an extreme minimalism in conservation practices, the use of the village by an elite clientele and the long-term economic sustainability of the project.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Patrimonio mondiale UNESCO: brandizzazione o cultura della gestione? Lo scenario dei siti emiliano-romagnoli
Autore/i: Orioli, Valentina; Ugolini, Andrea; Mariotti, Chiara
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Focussing on Emilia-Romagna cities already UNESCO sites, this paper investigates what being a “World Heritage Site” means and verifies the opportunities that it can trigger, considering both the relationship among ordinary policies (planning and protection policies) and the UNESCO management tools, and the increasing benefits that the protected site offers to the historic urban fabric.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Tra capitale umano e urbano. Il doppio registro della cura nel programma di valorizzazione della Casa del Mutilato di Ancona
LA CITTÀ E LA CURA. Spazi, istituzioni, strategie, memoria / THE CITY AND HEALTHCARE. Spaces, Institutions, Strategies, Memory
Autore/i: Pretelli, Marco; Clini, Paolo; Alici, Antonello; Mariotti, Chiara
Editore: AISU International
Luogo di pubblicazione: Torino
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: This paper deals with the way theme of care was approached in the enhancement plan of the Casa del Mutilato in Ancona. It traces back the history and events surrounding this example of rationalist architecture and highlights the importance of care and its twofold meaning: on the one hand the care of the building human capital – from its original function as a shelter for disabled war veterans to its future use as a public health center –, on the other hand the care of the urban and architectural capital, analyzing the 1920s city renewal and hygiene plan and the current challenges of redeveloping such a strategic urban hub while preserving its 20th-century architecture.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Il ruolo del Patrimonio al tempo del CoVid. Rischio, riuso, rilancio
LA CITTÀ E LA CURA. Spazi, istituzioni, strategie, memoria / THE CITY AND HEALTHCARE. Spaces, Institutions, Strategies, Memory
Autore/i: Mariotti, Chiara; Signorelli, Leila
Editore: AISU International
Luogo di pubblicazione: Torino
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: This paper reflects on the role of cultural heritage in times of CoVid-19 highlighting some of its specific issues: from a heritage at risk since the lockdown closed monuments and sites to an online entertainment for people living in quarantine, from an inactive inheritance to a resilient resource enabling also temporary medical uses. Starting from some case studies (especially OGR in Turin), it analyses pandemic impacts on heritage conservation as well as heritage inputs in building/conveying the memory of these global events in their tangible and intangible aspects.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Modeling the Fourth Dimension of Architectural Heritage: Enabling Processes for a Sustainable Conservation
Autore/i: Mammoli, Raissa; Mariotti, Chiara; Quattrini, Ramona
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: This study focuses on modeling the fourth dimension of historic architectures with an HBIM approach and special regard to stratigraphic analysis. The goal is to push the limits of current technology to understand the history of buildings, with impacts on protecting their authenticity; it is pursued with a practitioners-oriented methodology able to make aware models of their phases. The target audience are experts in the field of heritage conservation, while the outcome is to support long-term strategies for the sustainable management of heritage. Contents follow this structure: (1) Introduction: this section frames the benefits of affirming heritage’s physical authenticity and managing risks; it clarifies assumptions and the research aim; (2) State of the Art: this highlights the topic relevance, which is not yet fully resolved, focusing on semantics, critical-interpretative data control, and on the automation of some crucial results; (3) Materials and Methods: this describes the integrated workflow, including the photogrammetric acquisition, modeling, and data enrichment, the semi-automatic Harris matrix construction, and the optimization of laser data; (4) Results: this presents the results of modelling stratigraphic units, enriching them with information according to a semantics coherent with the conservation process, to govern the temporal relations while automating key outputs; (5) Discussion: this section refines the implemented solutions and introduce future works.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Digital perspectives to bring dissonant heritage back to life. The military landscape of the Galla Placidia Line
Autore/i: Ugolini, Andrea; Zampini, Alessia; Mariotti, Chiara
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: This paper focuses on enabling strategies to enhance the military landscape of the Galla Placidia Line by stressing all opportunities offered by digital technologies in the field of cultural heritage. The proposed solutions have been implemented as part of an ongoing project funded by the Emilia-Romagna region and Ravenna municipality, which supports a conscious digital transition of cultural sectors as a new way of understanding, enjoining and preserving historic architectures and sites. Assumptions and aims of the research also face the pressure the entire planet is experiencing due to Covid-19 pandemic. First, this study describes the fortified system of German bunkers erected along the Adriatic coast during World War II, highlighting its limits and potential and framing the research background; then, it presents the tested digital tools pointing out their positive effects on processes of knowledge, conservation and enhancement of such a dissonant heritage.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Conservation vs Demolition of architectural finishes. Issues and impacts on industrial heritage
Autore/i: Ugolini, Andrea; Mariotti, Chiara
Editore: Czech Technical University in Prague
Luogo di pubblicazione: Prague
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: This paper declines the theme of the 7th EAAE workshop on “conservation-demolition”, focusing on architectural finishes of industrial heritage. The issue of finishes in architecture, the management of a “surface” and not a “superficial” problem, the gap between traditional and modern technologies – in other words, between pre- and post-industrial finishes –, why to preserve and/or why to demolish architectural finishes of industrial heritage are the key matters of the discussion.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

UNESCO mania? Effetti positivi per la conservazione e valorizzazione dei siti emiliano-romagnoli
La Città Palinsesto. Tracce, sguardi e narrazioni sulla complessità dei contesti urbani storici / The City as Palimpsest. Tracks, views and narrations on the complexity of historical urban contexts
Autore/i: Orioli, Valentina; Ugolini, Andrea; Mariotti, Chiara
Editore: Federico II University Press (con CIRICE - Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca sull’Iconografia della Città Europea)
Luogo di pubblicazione: Napoli
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: The UNESCO branding is certainly one of the main reasons of the growing success of some urban tourism destinations, but it is difficult to pinpoint a cause-effect link between the inclusion in the World Heritage List (WHL) and the distorting results of overtourism. Focusing on the experience of some Emilia-Romagna cities, this paper investigates the positive effects that the WHL Nomination can trigger in terms of both the relationship between protection instruments and policies and the increasing benefits obtained, from the protected site to the historic urban fabric.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Dodici interventi, un denominatore comune
La Materia e il Tempo. I possibili utilizzi dell’acciaio corten. Conoscenza, limiti, conservazione
Autore/i: Mariotti, Chiara; Zampini, Alessia
Editore: GB EditoriA
Luogo di pubblicazione: Roma
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: Il capitolo propone una lettura critica di 12 progetti contraddistinti dall'impiego dell'acciaio corten in contesti storici. Gli interventi, ritenuti tra i più interessanti dell’ultimo trentennio a scala europea, sono analizzati con lo scopo precipuo di evidenziare come a fronte di interessanti declinazioni formali e cromatiche, l'utilizzo di un materiale osannato ma estremamente complesso come l'acciaio patinabile possa coniugarsi con la conservazione dell'esistente. La ricerca enfatizza potenzialità e criticità di tecniche costruttive e soluzioni impiegate, dopo essere state sottoposte alla prova del tempo.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Quando il cantiere ‘fa scuola’. Il restauro del Castello di Cly dall’esperienza del cantiere-scuola al progetto AVER
Restauro: Conoscenza, Progetto, Cantiere, Gestione. Sezione 4.2: Realizzazione degli interventi. Casi studio
Autore/i: Mariotti, Chiara
Editore: Quasar
Luogo di pubblicazione: Roma
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: The construction site plays a crucial role in the process that leads to the intervention on historical architectures: it turns design into something real, being at the same time an effective tool for knowledge and experimentation, a breeding ground for testing previous restoration activities and for planning future conservation programs, an interdisciplinary training hub to gain specific expertise and know-how. Through the analysis of the restoration works carried out on the Cly Castle and with particular reference to fortified buildings in ruins, this paper aims to reflect on the cultural and relational bonds that the construction site creates between the architecture and stakeholders involved in the enhancement process, by leveraging, specifically, on the importance of education in the field of architectural restoration. Planned according to the ‘construction site-school’ formula, the restoration of the Cly Castle seems to be a multi-level learning site: at the end of the 1980s, the ruins of the ancient fortification hosted an open-air experimental lab, a learning course consisting of theoretical, practical and programmatic activities based on the fundamental interaction among different actors – mainly protection bodies and construction companies –, able to train new experts, foster research, implement adequate conservation solutions and transfer practical and methodological skill acquisitions as the AVER project can demonstrate. This experience offers the opportunity to reflect today on achievements, mistakes and missed chances, to identify possible corrective collective responses, to propose new interactions and improve those already in place, to think about the relevance of education for cultural heritage preservation stressing the responsibility of those who face this challenge.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

PATRIMONIO SOMMERSO. Liceità tecnica ed etica dell’azione di spostamento dei monumenti e delle città per effetto dell’acqua
Gli effetti dell'acqua sui beni culturali. Valutazioni, critiche e modalità di verifica
Autore/i: Mariotti, Chiara
Editore: Arcadia Ricerche
Luogo di pubblicazione: Marghera Venezia
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: This paper aims to reflect on the legitimacy of an extreme and exceptional act in restoration: moving historic monuments, sites and cities as the only option to counter the certain loss of that cultural heritage due to water submersion. If in the past experts had already dwelled on the issue of whether, why and how to carry out such an operation and promoted a heated cultural debate, in recent times, the impact of human activities and climate change, especially sea level rise and coastal erosion, has made this very issue and its related technical and ethical implications highly topical and urgent. The opportunity to focus on the main cultural and operational repercussions of such an action is provided by specific case-studies that have been dealing with it adopting different assumptions, technological solutions, outcomes and impacts. Examples of these are the colossal feat of moving the Nubian Temples of Abu Simbel due to the construction of the Aswan dam in the 1960s, the recent moving of the Rubjerg Knude lighthouse in Denmark to counter the continuous coastal erosion, and the decision to let the water submerge urban centres by rebuilding them elsewhere, as happened near the Resia Pass in the Vinschgau Valley, which will be probably replicated in Jakarta, Indonesia. Starting from case studies, the goal is to investigate the meaning and the technical choices underlying the action of ‘rescue by relocation’ (or ‘loss by abandonment’) of architectural heritage in the face of water risk. This paper also addresses the unsolved contrast between the identity of monuments and cities and the power assumed by their image for contemporary society on the one hand, and the authenticity of materials and spaces, the reproducible or replaceable value of the physical and formal continuity established between the architecture and the environment on the other.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Heritage in action. Adapting reuse for the Historic Urban Landscape
The Matter of Future Heritage
Autore/i: Mariotti, Chiara; Boulanger, Saveria O. M.
Editore: TU Delft Open
Luogo di pubblicazione: Delft
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: This paper explores the centrality of adaptive reuse for knowing, accessing, understanding, conserving and enhancing open public spaces in the Historic Urban Landscape. The objective is to pro- pose an experimental process, the Adapting Reuse Process (ARP), as a possible approach to keep alive heritage sites balancing conservation on the one hand, and innovation, as well as the evolving needs of this time, on the other. The paper starts introducing the concept of ‘adaptive reuse’ and a change in terminology by using the expression of ‘adapting reuse’; it then presents an extensive section focused on the importance of ‘use’ within literature and the most recent European initiatives and events. Finally, it describes the ARP, its assumptions, phases and first results by reporting the experimental reactivation implemented by the H2020 ROCK project for Piazza Scaravilli in Bologna (Italy). Starting from this real application, the study contributes to the knowledge on and sharing of current practices in solutions for the functional re-appropriation of historic open public spaces; at the same time, it offers an interesting picture of what is being done in Europe on the matter of heritage’s adapting reuse.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

OGR - Officine Grandi Riparazioni di Torino: patrimonio industriale come fucina di creatività e innovazione
Autore/i: Signorelli, Leila; Mariotti, Chiara
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The OGR – Officine Grandi Riparazione in Turin: industrial heritage as a hotbed of creativity and innovation. The case of Officine Grandi Riparazioni (OGR) in Turin is a virtuous example of reuse and enhancement of industrial heritage triggered by the experimentation of new processes of economic development in which the role and function of culture and creative activities become increasingly crucial in the value chain of local productions. This paper retraces phases, players and meanings of this process, focusing on the cultural mechanism of ‘restarting’ OGR from a train repair factory to a creativity and innovation hotbed.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Gli orientamenti della ricerca europea nei processi di gestione e valorizzazione del Patrimonio Culturale globale
LA CITTÀ GLOBALE. La condizione urbana come fenomeno pervasivo / THE GLOBAL CITY. The urban condition as a pervasive phenomenon
Autore/i: Pretelli, Marco; Mariotti, Chiara
Editore: AISU International
Luogo di pubblicazione: Torino
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: The European Year of Cultural Heritage (2018) is the most relevant milestone attesting the global dimension of cultural heritage on the one hand, and the crucial role of European Union policies on the other. Starting from the experience of H2020 ROCK project – Regeneration and Optimisation of Cultural heritage in creative and Knowledge cities –, this paper explores European research strategies and orientations in the processes of knowledge, interpretation, communication, management and enhancement of global cultural heritage.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Editing del volume "Restauro: Conoscenza, Progetto, Cantiere, Gestione" (coordinamento di Musso, S.F.; Pretelli, M.)
Restauro: Conoscenza, Progetto, Cantiere, Gestione
Autore/i: Favaretto, Giulia; Mariotti, Chiara; Zampini, Alessia
Luogo di pubblicazione: Roma
Classificazione: 5 Altro
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Knowledge modeling for heritage conservation process: from survey to HBIM implementation
Autore/i: DI STEFANO, Francesco; Gorreja, Alban; Malinverni, Eva Savina; Mariotti, Chiara
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: This paper aims to develop a strategy for architectural knowledge modeling in order to actively support the built heritage conservation process by fostering collaboration among stakeholders and interoperability between datasets. The integration of two modeling systems, one ontology-based and one in BIM environment, seems to be the right way to meet this objective: the former is rather exhaustive to represent the semantic contents of conservation activities, especially non-geometrical data, the latter is absolutely suitable to represent the logic of the construction, above all geometrical-constructive aspects typical of any architectural organism. Thus, this study proposes a side-by-side approach to synchronize these different ways of representing reality by managing the complexity of cultural heritage on the one hand and of technology tools, such as information systems, on the other. The proposed methodology was tested on the city walls of San Ginesio (Macerata, Italy) and included different steps considering the in-use technologies (notably geomatics and information technologies) as key enablers to acquire, hierarchically order, model and enrich the knowledge of that heritage site. The result is a knowledge-led strategy moving from survey to HBIM implementation, as a way to enhance representation and management in architectural heritage processes.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Casa Bufalini: un laboratorio aperto per ripensare la città
Autore/i: Pretelli, Marco; Ugolini, Andrea; Ciacci, Sofia; Favaretto, Giulia; Mariotti, Chiara; Salina, Lorenzo; Zampini, Alessia
Classificazione: 5 Altro
Abstract: La mostra è parte delle attività promosse dal “Laboratorio Aperto di Casa Bufalini”, finanziato nell’ambito del POR-FESR 2014-20. L’esposizione intende avvicinare i cittadini al patrimonio locale dando visibilità a uno dei manufatti più interessanti del centro storico di Cesena: Casa Bufalini. La mostra raccoglie le analisi e le proposte di conservazione/valorizzazione sviluppate dal Laboratorio di Restauro Architettonico dell’Università di Bologna.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Economia creativa per il riuso e la valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale in mutamento. 10 laboratori aperti per 10 città storiche dell’Emilia-Romagna
Il patrimonio culturale in mutamento. Le sfide dell'uso
Autore/i: Mariotti, Chiara; Signorelli, Leila
Editore: Arcadia Ricerche
Luogo di pubblicazione: Marghera Venezia
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: In the last few years, Cultural Heritage has gradually moved from being an inactive and onerous inheritance to a driving force for new regenerative processes capable of catalysing sustainable development in the historic city, supported by an economy focused on culture and creativity. This is the perspective of the EU-funded project implemented by the Emilia-Romagna Region under the POR-FESR 2014-2020 Programme. To enhance the cultural attractions of urban identity while increasing the inclusiveness and participation, this programme faces the challenge of the use of heritage. The idea is to set up 10 living labs, located inside 10 historic buildings, abandoned or underused, by transforming them into creative and cultural hubs, which not only put the building back into use but innervate their activity inside the historic city. The 10 buildings are set in the consolidated fabric of as many cities in the region: revived, the goods are transformed first into architectural restoration sites then into sites of ideas to rethink the urban space with the support of ICT and the collaboration of citizens, local stakeholders, universities and public administration. In relation to the context outlined, the paper aims to read the phenomenon of reuse linked to the living labs under the lens of restoration at different scales – from the identification of artefacts to technical solutions adopted for functional recovery, from the choice of tools of technological innovation to the first experiments of unconventional use. The objective is to verify the role of the creative economy in the processes of change of the architectural and urban structure and estimate the actual contribution to the construction of an identity of the dynamic city, still rooted in the memory of places.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

La realtà aumentata nella progettazione, prefabbricazione, costruzione e ispezione di edifici ad alta efficienza energetica
Autore/i: Piaia, Emanuele; Turillazzi, Beatrice; Mariotti, Chiara; Djalali, Amir
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Lack of knowledge and bad implementation during the construction processes risks to affect the benefits of prefab solutions - as components for building envelopes, windows and equipment - for NET Zero Energy buildings. The energy-efficiency potential of the building results often unmet as designed. The gap between the design specification and the As-Built condition is mainly due to the ineffective communication among design, production and construction professionals. The INSITER European project aims to prevent the performance discrepancy developing self-instruction and self-inspection procedures, supported by BIM-based software tools and augmented reality applications. BIM and AR technologies, which have revealed as part of Industry 4.0, play an important role in connecting the virtual design environment with the physical production and construction sites.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

From know-how to show-how. Ovvero comunicare per il restauro
Autore/i: Mariotti, Chiara; Zampini, Alessia
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The dualism know-how/show-how comprises different features and reading keys. This second article reflects on the role and importance of the "ICT" - Information and Communication Technologies for the intervention on historical pre-existence. The analysis of some well-known restoration works and the related media events offers the opportunity to examine processes and information tools for conveying the project contents, to question their effectiveness concerning the issues of the discipline, as well as to investigate ways of dissemination leading concretely to the transferability of knowledge and protection of Cultural Heritage.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

From know-how to show-how. Ovvero comunicare i restauri
Autore/i: Mariotti, Chiara; Zampini, Alessia
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: By playing on the terms of know-how and show-how, the paper reflects on the importance of communicating the intervention on historical pre-existence. The analysis of some well-known restoration works offers the opportunity to reflect upon the authorship and anonymity of the project, trying to underline the positive consequences of associating well-conduced intervention to specific names and technicians for the dissemination of the culture of restoration.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Imagination & deception. Le Lampade sull’opera di Alfredo d’Andrade e Alfonso Rubbiani
Autore/i: Mariotti, Chiara; Pozzi, Elena
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Historiography ranks Alfredo d'Andrade and Alfonso Rubbiani as opposites to John Ruskin on protection of our architectural cultural heritage. Ruskin supported the idea of conservation instead of restoration, in stark contrast with the practice of staging and reinventing the past, of which d'Andrade and Rubbiani are some of the major proponents in Italy. Although irreconcilable, the work of the latter does not appear to be totally indifferent to Ruskin’s assumptions. Starting from a critical selection of writings and restoration works, this paper offers a crosscutting analysis of these three scholars, focussing and interpreting the results of The Seven Lamps of Architecture. This is the opportunity to investigate the influence of Ruskin’s theories on d'Andrade and Rubbiani, to reflect on the dualism between imagination and deception in restoration and, finally, to revitalize the legacy of an influential scholar and one of the forefathers of European conservation culture.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Planning the Past. Rimini and Forlì in the 1920s: The Replanning of Two Squares in Romagna
Townscapes in Transition. Transformation and Reorganization of Italian Cities and Their Architecture in the Interwar Period
Autore/i: Favaretto, Giulia; Mariotti, Chiara
Editore: Transcript
Luogo di pubblicazione: Bielefeld
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: In the 1920s, the bases of contemporary architecture were being laid in America and in central Europe. Nevertheless, architectural interventions were still closely linked to 19th-century culture. In the Italian region of Emilia-Romagna, this phenomenon can be observed in different historical squares: here, restoration works rediscovered, recovered or reinvented the stylistic features of an idealized past. As a matter of fact, squares were an ideal place to bring about and convey new political and moral contents by using that past, whose supposed meaning proved extremely useful for political propaganda and tourism. In Rimini, the destruction caused by the earthquake of 1916 presented a chance to recover the ‘medieval’ appearance of the Town Hall buildings surrounding Piazza Cavour; in Forlì, the Fascist regime redeveloped the Piazza Saffi in a ‘traditional’ way, reviving a glorious past through the restoration work. Starting from the analysis and comparison of these case studies, this article considers the ideological and pragmatic dynamics that led, between the two World Wars, to the partial transformation of these two city centers in Romagna, and investigates the reasons behind this rewriting of the past as well as the relation between the new buildings and their historical context.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

La Casa del Mutilato di Ancona: problemi e temi dell’intervento di restauro, tra conservazione e valorizzazione
Architettura tra le due guerre. La Casa del Mutilato di Ancona
Autore/i: Pretelli, Marco; Mariotti, Chiara
Editore: Edifir
Luogo di pubblicazione: Firenze
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: Il futuro del patrimonio del XX secolo è al centro del dibattito disciplinare relativo al restauro architettonico e pone questioni teorico-pratiche tuttora aperte. La vicenda della Casa del Mutilato di Ancona ne è un esempio emblematico: espressione della sperimentazione architettonica e urbanistica condotta a partire dagli anni Venti, l’edificio – costruito per supportare i mutilati e gli invalidi di guerra – è stato più volte trasformato per adattarlo ai nuovi usi e, infine, abbandonato. Solo recentemente, un’iniziativa bottom-up promossa da comuni cittadini, interessati al suo futuro, sembra poter risollevare le sorti incerte di questa architettura. A partire dall’esperienza richiamata, l’intervento sviluppa una duplice riflessione: affronta e descrive le tematiche relative al restauro dell’architettura moderna, con particolare attenzione a quella del ventennio fascista, offrendo un quadro sullo stato dell’arte delle specifiche ricerche e sulle generali problematiche di conservazione e valorizzazione; e, con esplicito riferimento all’edificio anconetano, propone l’analisi dei materiali, delle tecniche costruttive e dello stato di conservazione, prefigurando le principali problematiche per un suo prossimo restauro ed evidenziando il ruolo essenziale delle comunità di patrimonio nel sostenere e trasmettere alle generazioni future un’eredità individuale e collettiva.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

ICTs for Accessing, Understanding and Safeguarding Cultural Heritage: The Experience of INCEPTION and ROCK H2020 Projects
Autore/i: Di Giulio, Roberto; Boeri, Andrea; Longo, Danila; Gianfrate, Valentina; Boulanger, Saveria O. M.; Mariotti, Chiara
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Today digital technologies offer great opportunities in the field of Cultural Heritage (CH). After a general overview of the European policy documents on CH digitisation, the paper aims to reflect on tools, procedures and methodologies in the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) as a new way of visualization, application and data collection towards accessing, understanding and safeguarding our historic built environment. The focus will be on two ongoing H2020 project, INCEPTION and ROCK, selected to address the problem of CH digitisation and the access to the corresponding digitized resources in relation to historic buildings and urban districts. Therefore, they are presented as inspiring good practices for tackling this issue considering its impacts both at the architectural and urban scale. Stressing the potentials of enabling technologies, such as 3D laser surveys, environment and climate sensors, large crowd monitoring tools and CH analytic, they are also able to orient future research beyond 2020.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Planning long-term management for historic cities. The ROCK Integrated and Sustainable Management Plan
Autore/i: Boeri, Andrea; Longo, Danila; Mariotti, Chiara; Roversi, Rossella
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The practice of management, although quite recent, embodies one of the major challenges for planning sustainable historic cities. Environmental, climatic, social and cultural issues affecting historic contexts, make management a fundamental process in balancing sustainable development and heritage conservation over time. In this framework, the ROCK – Regeneration and Optimisation of Cultural heritage in creative and Knowledge cities – project (H2020, n. 730280) aims at developing Cultural Heritage-led regeneration strategies capable of ensuring streams of long-lasting structured actions after the end of the project. Involving 10 European cities under the coordination of the Municipality of Bologna with the core scientific support of the University of Bologna, this project is designing a long-term management tool and testing its innovative pathway across the EU. Thus, this paper will focus on the genesis, construction and implementation of the ROCK Integrated Management Plan (IMP) as vital toolkit for developing, over time, sustainable urban procedures in the historic cities focused on the essential role of tangible and intangible heritage. Based on the UNESCO Management Plans, the existing literature and on several international reference experiences, ROCK IMP embeds the research-action-research methodology that underlies the whole project. Following this innovative circular approach, a preliminary set of goals and actions were selected (research), then implemented trough pilot interventions, co-designed and co-created with local administrations, stakeholders and citizens (action), and finally updated, considering the impacts of the performed actions to recalibrate the process and build scenarios for the IMP (research). As it is an ongoing process, this paper will appraise its state of the art, highlighting the potential and criticalities and describing what has been done in the city of Bologna so far.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Discovering and preserving the military landscape. ICT for the German bunkers of the Galla Placidia Line
Autore/i: Mariotti, Chiara; Ugolini, Andrea; Zampini, Alessia
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The research here presented reflects on the potentials of enhancement, given by new Information and Communication technologies, in the field of Culture Heritage. It describes an interpretation and communication project for a military landscape built during World War II by the German troops. Known as Galla Placidia Line, it was a network of heterogeneous fortifications like bunkers, defensive emplacements and dragon’s teeth erected between Pesaro and Ravenna along the coasts of Emilia Romagna. The project bases its roots on the development of a rigorous census, thought as an implementation of the online open-source catalogue established by the entrusted Institutions. The direct and indirect surveys required in order to describe these structures according to a specific set of characteristics will increase their knowledge and relative awareness and it will constitute the starting point for developing new narrative contents. The communication and interpretation of these data will go through the use of locating intelligences – an integrated GPS and Beacon system – involved into a new application. A tool witch is meant to help and empower local communities and institutions not only in making this heritage known but also in its conservation policies.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Un altro castello, un'altra città. Castel Sismondo-Rimini: un binomio in divenire
La Città Altra. Storia e immagine della diversità urbana: luoghi e paesaggi dei privilegi e del benessere, dell'isolamento, del disagio, della multiculturalità / The Other City. History and image of urban diversity: places and landscapes of privilege and well-being, of isolation, of poverty, and of multiculturalism
Autore/i: Mariotti, Chiara
Editore: Federico II University Press (con CIRICE - Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca sull’Iconografia della Città Europea)
Luogo di pubblicazione: Napoli
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: Historically, the castle’s structure has always been more urban than architectural. Its connection with the physical structure and outlook of the city gets clear already at the time of its construction and continues over the centuries, constantly developing new types of interdependence. In Rimini, the castle-city duo offers the opportunity to describe the different landscapes that have been built in more than five hundred years of history.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Staging monuments. How the cultural tourism could affect the conservation strategies
HERITAGE 2018. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development
Autore/i: Mariotti, Chiara; Zampini, Alessia
Editore: Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: In the contemporary society, not only the traditional fields, as for example history or art, are affirming theirselves as propulsive factors for cultural tourism, but also more popularly spread issues are revealing their force: myths, legends and above all cinema and TV shows. Therefore, it’s not coincidence that a lot of monuments and historical cities had suddenly become worldwide known and visited by the masses. It proves how these forces can hugely increase the tourist flows, modify the perception of these places and even influence the conservation strategies. Starting from the analysis of some case studies, the paper would like to reflect upon the dynamics generated by this kind of tourism, evaluating its limits, looking for good management policies and trying to understand how the restoration approach could or should not answer this kind of tourists’ expectation, in order to establish a balance between conservation and economic issues.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Va in scena il laterizio. La ricostruzione del Teatro Galli di Rimini
Autore/i: Mariotti, Chiara; Zampini, Alessia
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Galli Theatre in Rimini was built in 1857 by the papal architect Luigi Poletti, upon the pre-existence of a seventeenth-century bakery. The theatre was partially destroyed during World War II, but in the aftermath the Minister of Public Works established that it was not a priority, hindering the reconstruction process. At first the citizens quietly accepted this decision because the theatre represented the bourgeois from which they wanted to distance themselves, but in recent times the building has assumed a different meaning in the construction of the new identity of the city. For this reason a group of intellectuals, supported by several citizens, has asked for a reconstruction “as it was, where it was”. Despite a design contest won by a contemporary project and the hypocrisy of the precept, the Public Administration has however decided to follow and accomplish the popular will and to develop a project aimed at this purpose. The analysis of the brick masonries makes possible to retrace the complex phases of the theatre, starting form the pre-existence, till the last intervention. Here the structural idea is completely inverted: the bricks become a cladding applied on a reinforced concrete frame, innovative technologies and materials are diffusely used. The result is a very interesting high performance XXI-century building, but those who were hoping to revive the ancient theatre will discover how – inevitably – this will be only its representation.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Staging monuments. How the cultural tourism could affect the conservation strategies
HERITAGE 2018. 6th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development. Book of Abstracts
Autore/i: Mariotti, Chiara; Zampini, Alessia
Editore: Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development
Luogo di pubblicazione: Barcelos
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: In the contemporary society, not only the traditional fields, as for example history or art, are affirming theirselves as propulsive factors for cultural tourism, but also more popularly spread issues are revealing their force: myths, legends and above all cinema and TV shows. Therefore, it’s not coincidence that a lot of monuments and historical cities had suddenly become worldwide known and visited by the masses. It proves how these forces can hugely increase the tourist flows, modify the perception of these places and even influence the conservation strategies. Starting from the analysis of some case studies, the paper would like to reflect upon the dynamics generated by this kind of tourism, evaluating its limits, looking for good management policies and trying to understand how the restoration approach could or should not answer this kind of tourists’ expectation, in order to establish a balance between conservation and economic issues.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Una favola ancora senza lieto fine. Il restauro del Castello di Saliceto “il giorno dopo”
Autore/i: Mariotti, Chiara
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Saliceto Castle stands along the ancient Via del Sale (Salt road), in the province of Cuneo, in southwestern Piedmont, Italy. Probably built between the twelfth and the thirteenth century AD, the structure shows today the stratigraphic signs of several and subsequent rearrangements, whose fundamental stages can still be observed: the defensive medieval phase, the Renaissance changes, the loss of the fourth corner tower, the restoration works of the early 2000s, the recent and unexpected abandonment. Starting from the current state of the building, this paper traces back the main events in the castle’s history of the last twenty years, focusing on what happened "the day after" the restoration, stressing the effectiveness of the whole project, and investigating the cultural response after the closing of the worksite. Finally, in the light of changed circumstances, the paper reflects on the impact of social, political and economic forces on the redevelopment project, underlining the need to closely combine the conservation actions with the management and maintenance processes of the recently restored – as in this specific case – built heritage.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Bunker tedeschi della Seconda guerra mondiale. Esiti e prospettive per la conservazione delle superfici in calcestruzzo armato
Intervenire sulle superfici dell'architettura tra bilanci e prospettive
Autore/i: Mariotti, Chiara; Pulga, Stefano; Zampini, Alessia
Editore: Arcadia Ricerche
Luogo di pubblicazione: Marghera Venezia
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: The outbreak of the Second World War and the awareness of the destructive power reached by the armaments drove the engineers of the German army to test, as never before, the potentialities of reinforced concrete for the construction of more and more resistant permanent fortifications. Bunkers, as main linchpins of this complex defensive system, were carefully codified in the form according to ballistic reasons, but they were equally codified in their material and constructive features. At the end of the war several were deliberately destroyed, others were occasionally reused, some of them were simply abandoned and forgot, while few of them has recently captured the attentions of local associations of volunteers. Thanks to the analysis of Italian and French experiences, the paper aims at reflecting upon the conservation of the concrete surfaces typical of this German engineering works. In the awareness of how superficial treatments can influence the interpretation of the object and its relationship with the landscape, the purpose is therefore to verify the outcomes of the solutions adopted, to investigate the consequences of the valorisation strategies at the expenses of the preservation of signs, as well as to indentify critical issues and good practices.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

I bunker tedeschi a difesa della Linea Galla Placidia. Conservare un patrimonio dimenticato
Autore/i: Mariotti, Chiara; Ugolini, Andrea; Zampini, Alessia
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: After the armistice, the threat of an Allied landing on the Italian coasts of Romagna, north of the Gothic Line, spread among the German Army. This danger led to a real arms race, as it would have offered free access to the heart of the Third Reich. What ensued was therefore the organization of a strong line of defence consisting of bunkers, defensive emplacements and structures like dragon’s teeth. The landing, however, never took place and it turned out to be part of a deception strategy. At the end of the war the bunkers were largely destroyed, silted or covered by sand; since then only some of them have been reused as storages or warehouses. As rejected ruins they were never perceived as cultural heritage, but nowadays they offer the opportunity to reflect on their destiny.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Programma per la conservazione della componente architettonica
Strappati all’oblio. Strategie per la conservazione di un luogo di memoria del secondo Novecento: l’ex Campo di Fossoli
Autore/i: Mariotti, Chiara; Ugolini, Andrea; Zampini, Alessia
Editore: Altralinea
Luogo di pubblicazione: Firenze
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: TECHNICAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE ACTIVE PRESERVATION OF THE SITE. The essential condition for launching a constant and permanent process for preserving the buildings at the Fossoli camp is planning. Current regulations and field literature define planning as the combination of measures needed to prevent and/ or reverse the deterioration and neglect that endangers or could endanger existing assets. Planning is therefore responsible for clarifying the type of checks required (visual, empirical, instrument-based), the timescale (bimonthly, quarterly, biannual, annual), the priority of repairs (not urgent, slight urgency, moderate urgency, extreme urgency) and the technical/scientific responsibility for the project. This realistically ensures that conservation work will be arranged, whilst taking into account, above all, the economic and human resources available both in the long and short term. Based on the recommendations gathered during research carried out with the first safety improvements on the pilot worksite huts (8, 4.1 and 14.5), this study attempted to provide initial recommendations that were not designed to be obligatory regulations, but rather tools for orienting planning. They were established both as regards the buildings and the landscape elements. Listed according to the amount of work required, the latter provided interesting ground for comparison and experimentation, helping to develop an increasing awareness of the issue of preventative and planned conservation. THE ACTIVE PRESERVATION OF THE BUILDINGS. Starting with the entries in the annotated chart of problems and dangerous conditions, an operational methodology was developed, aimed at maximising the preservation of what still survives of the old buildings, without denying the essential role that vegetation and ruins now play in defining the camp’s current image. In particular, the work to be carried out on the following elements was specified in detail: rubble, masonry structures, roofs, indoor partitions, cladding, flooring, paving, thresholds, pavements, plasterwork, the writings left behind by those who had been deported and fixtures and fittings.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

La ricerca nel restauro dell’architettura fortificata italiana. Piero Gazzola: ruolo-significato-attualità
RICerca/REStauro. Sezione 6: Ricerca in-formazione
Autore/i: Mariotti, Chiara
Editore: Quasar
Luogo di pubblicazione: Roma
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: Any reflection on the restoration of Italian fortifications would not be possible without analysing the work of Piero Gazzola, who wrote an essential chapter in its history. The issue of castle conservation took on new meaning and a new approach from the second half of the last century on. From within an intense historical context, Gazzola drew the attention of the cultural milieu back to the very delicate matter of defence buildings, which had sunk into oblivion long before: he cast light on the conditions of their remains, began to raise awareness of castles and initiated a systematic and scientifically-sound approach to conservation-related issues. Through the critical reading of this author’s writings and of existing publications, this study focuses on the impact that the development of this new approach – in which Gazzola played a key role – had on this particular category of ancient buildings in the second half of the twentieth century. What emerges is a new scenario in the field of castle conservation. This paper explores the role, the significance and, last but not least, the topicality of Piero Gazzola’s contribution to the protection of fortified heritage, and provides the first results of a more far-reaching, ongoing study that is being carried out as part of the University of Bologna’s PhD in Architecture, whose aim is to verify their validity and vitality compared to the main theoretical and operational issues regarding the restoration of former defence buildings.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Reconstructing bridges. A cultural operation
REHAB 2017. 3rd International Conference on Preservation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Historical Buildings and Structures. Book of abstracts
Autore/i: Mariotti, Chiara; Zampini, Alessia
Editore: Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development
Luogo di pubblicazione: Barcelos
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: Building bridges has always been one of the most inspiring technological and engineering challenges for the constructors of our cities, but its role in connecting physically divided places has immediately become a metaphor for the building of deep relationships between different contexts or even cultures. Over the centuries, the opportunity to deny the passage to enemy troops has made the destruction of this element a “privileged” instrument of war, but the ability in creating a cultural caesura in communities has significantly increased its power. Therefore, the destruction of a bridge, especially if deliberate, does not represent a mere break, but it can be regarded as an inner wound that needs to be healed. It can turn out to be a symbol of rebirth, a strong possibility to re-establish the thread of continuity between different peoples and, broadly speaking, also between the past and the future.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Dino Palloni. I castelli. Antologia di scritti
Autore/i: Ugolini, Andrea; Mariotti, Chiara
Editore: Altralinea
Luogo di pubblicazione: Firenze
Classificazione: 7 Curatele
Abstract: Il volume raccoglie una selezione di scritti, redatti dall’ingegner Dino Palloni tra la metà degli anni Ottanta e il 2011, sulle architetture fortificate italiane dalla fine dell’Alto Medioevo alle soglie del Cinquecento. I ventotto contributi che compongono l’antologia si articolano in due sezioni: la prima, dedicata ai testi di carattere generale, illustra "Forme, modi, aspetti tecnici delle fortificazioni tra X e XVI secolo", mentre la seconda, riferita a specifiche realtà castellane dell’Italia del centro-nord, raggruppa una serie di "Contributi monografici" che analizzano gli edifici difensivi secondo modalità per lo più descrittivo-funzionali e tipologiche. Il criterio adottato per ordinare la raccolta tende a ricalcare l’organizzazione del sito, ideato da Dino Palloni nel 2004. Questo permette al lettore di comprendere non solo le linee di ricerca, ma anche la crescita scientifica nonché la maturazione culturale dell’ingegnere. L’elenco completo delle pubblicazioni dell’autore conclude il volume ed è affiancato da una ricca bibliografia ragionata di argomento castellano. Le difficoltà e i rischi legati alla conservazione delle informazioni depositate in ambiente digitale hanno suggerito oggi la tradizionale riedizione di alcune di queste su carta stampata nella speranza che, divulgandole e per certi versi tutelandole, fungano da incentivo a nuove ricerche nel campo dell’architettura fortificata.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Un libro che non vuole essere "quel libro"
Dino Palloni. I castelli. Antologia di scritti
Autore/i: Ugolini, Andrea; Mariotti, Chiara
Editore: Altralinea
Luogo di pubblicazione: Firenze
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: Il contributo fa luce sulla figura di Dino Palloni e ricostruisce, attraverso alcuni passaggi essenziali legati alla vita e alla formazione dell'ingegnere, il percorso di avvicinamento al tema del "castello", fulcro di una ricerca costante e inesauribile. La ripresa puntuale di alcuni brani, redatti dall'autore tra la metà degli anni Ottanta e il 2011 e in buona parte ripubblicati all'interno del volume, permette di chiarirne il modus operandi: dall'interesse per la fortificazione come macchina bellica, allo studio del congegno militare nei suoi dispositivi tecnico-formali, alla predilezione per la lettura descrittivo-funzionale dell'organismo di difesa statica, all'importanza attribuita alla consistenza fisica della costruzione, alla necessità di toccare con mano la materia dell'architettura, alla forma semplice e immediata di comunicazione delle conoscenze acquisite. Conclude la disamina del personaggio, l'illustrazione delle ragioni e della struttura poste alla base della racconta antologica.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Scritti di Dino Palloni
Dino Palloni. I castelli. Antologia di scritti
Autore/i: Mariotti, Chiara
Editore: Altralinea
Luogo di pubblicazione: Firenze
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: Il contributo raccoglie l’elenco sistematizzato degli scritti di Dino Palloni, desunto dallo spoglio dei materiali d’archivio e dalla cernita di quanto già pubblicato dall'ingegnere nel corso dei lunghi anni di studio e ricerca sul tema castellano.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

"E LA CANTINA BUIA DOVE…". Bunker e rifugi in terra di Romagna: ricerca, restauro, contaminazioni
Le nuove frontiere del restauro. Trasferimenti, Contaminazioni, Ibridazioni
Autore/i: Mariotti, Chiara; Ugolini, Andrea; Zampini, Alessia
Editore: Arcadia Ricerche
Luogo di pubblicazione: Marghera Venezia
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: Nowadays, there are some places and buildings seeming without significance and architectural quality. They are the bunker and the air-raid shelters realized during the dark years of the World War II, in order to defend lands and to protect people. Neglected, destroyed, and sometimes reused as storages and warehouse at the end of the war, these objects testify a recent past whose memory risk to be lost because of a juridical condition, avoiding a legal protection. What this research is based on, it is the purpose of borrowing a methodological approach from the best practices of the restoration. This intention is shared with local administrations and associations and it will allow the best conditions of use, management and valorisation of these architectures, addressing the practices towards the best conservative and maintenance purposes. From this point of view, the experiences of the German bunkers erected along the Adriatic Coast from Pesaro to the Po River and the air-raid shelters built in Cesena represent the very first chance to test and verify the validity of this method and subsequently to reflect upon the possibility of extending it to other similar systems.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Attori, fasi e strumenti di lavoro
Strappati all’oblio. Strategie per la conservazione di un luogo di memoria del secondo Novecento: l’ex Campo di Fossoli
Autore/i: Mariotti, Chiara; Senese, Manuela; Zampini, Alessia
Editore: Altralinea
Luogo di pubblicazione: Firenze
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: Players, tools and work phases. PLAYERS. The Conservation Plan combines the monitoring and assessment activities that are required, given the permanence of the technological elements that have survived in the Fossoli camp. The planning and coordination of these activities is entrusted to the Scientific Director, who is also responsible for supervising the selection and training of both the specialised and non-specialised workers involved in the entire process. A number of professionals have been called in on the basis of their skills to carry out inspection, monitoring and conservation work at regular intervals on both the buildings (an expert in restoration and structures [A_RS], an expert in construction practices [A_E] and a non specialised worker [A_NS]) and the landscape (an expert in plant diseases and insects [V_F], an expert botanist [V_B], an expert in pruning and garden maintenance [V_SP] and a non-specialised worker [V_NS]). PHASES AND TOOLS. A) The preliminary worker training and study phase. The study and training phase is essential for establishing the approach to the inspection process. This involves: 1. Compiling a fact sheet. Drafted for each hut, this serves as its ‘identity card’. The fact sheet lists the details, both visual and text-based, regarding the building: name, location, history and evolution, layout features and construction technology. 2. The drafting of two charts designed to be work aids, used to list, in an organised and systematic way, the most important and widespread problems that are endangering, or could endanger, the camp’s buildings and landscape. More specifically, these are: – An annotated chart of problems and dangerous conditions, which identifies the most dangerous phenomena of deterioration and damage affecting each technological element of each hut: foundations [FN], masonry [MR], roofs [CP], floors [SL], outdoor paving [PE], indoor flooring [PI], external fixtures and fittings [FE], interior fixtures and fittings [FI], technological devices and systems [IM]; – A chart noting vegetation and building interaction, which focuses on the most dangerous situations from the point of view of conservation that have developed in ruined areas featuring the uncontrolled growth of plants: vegetation along the bottom of walls, visible roots, tree trunks pushing against masonry, tree crowns resting on masonry, tree trunks and branches holding up the structure, climbers, naturalisation. B) Worksite phases. The study and training phase is followed by the worksite phase. Conducted under the constant supervision of the Scientific Director, this envisages the compilation of an inspection sheet, drafted for each architectural and landscape component. Both begin by identifying the essential data needed to identify and catalogue these elements in future – inspection sheet number, inspection date, name of workers – and go on to describe inspection motives, conditions and methods. Once this preliminary information has been provided, the inspection sheet lists each individual problem with a clear reference to the phenomena listed in the charts, where the gravity, quantity, urgency and responsibility of workers are all estimated. The information included in the inspection sheet is illustrated in a visual attached to it. C) Data interpretation. Once worksite activities are completed, the data interpretation phase begins. This takes the data and uses it to draft a report, which also individually lists the camp’s architectural and landscape components. The analyses carried out in situ are organised and both the preventative work and recommended improvements are listed, as well as the experts involved and timescales. The report is drafted in such way that each entry is associated with a detailed visual that creates a true photographic archive, which is essential for the comparative interpretation of the inspections carried out over time.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Per comprendere la complessità di ciò che resta. Il Campo di Fossoli: costruzione, evoluzione, status quo
Strappati all’oblio. Strategie per la conservazione di un luogo di memoria del secondo Novecento: l’ex Campo di Fossoli
Autore/i: Mariotti, Chiara; Zampini, Alessia
Editore: Altralinea
Luogo di pubblicazione: Firenze
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: So as to understand the complexity of what remains. The Fossoli camp: construction, evolution, status quo. STRATIFIED MATTER. 1942-1943: building of the camp. In 1942, an area suitable for building POW camp no.73 (PG 73) is identified in Fossoli. Known from then on as Campo Vecchio (the ‘old camp’) or Camp no.1, the complex featured four sectors that contained 93 huts. The requirements of a quick and cheap construction phase resulted in simple buildings: rectangular, one-storey units with masonry walls and wooden trusses. However, the arrival of its prisoners before construction work had been completed imposed the creation of a second detention centre, which initially consisted of tents and only later was built in masonry. Known as Campo Nuovo (‘the new camp’) or Camp no.2, it was divided into three sectors, within which a whole series of buildings were constructed, only slightly different from those of the adjacent area. 1943-1945: the war years. From 1943 to 1945, the Polizei und Durchgangslager (Dulag 152), the General Bevollmachtigte Fur Den Arbeitseinsatz (or ‘Gathering and Sorting Centre for Forced Labour’), the Fascist concentration camp and the Foreign Refugee Centre were all based at the camp. The simplicity of the buildings and the alternating and dishonourable uses to which the camp was put made preservation of both complexes difficult. At the end of the war, the old camp was demolished (1945) and the new camp was abandoned (1946). 1947-1952: Nomadelfia. In 1947, thanks to the work of a parish priest, Fr. Zeno Saltini, the Opera Piccoli Apostoli di San Giacomo in Roncole was granted a transfer to Fossoli. The new settlement, known as the Community of Nomadelfia, inaugurated a profound rebirth: the symbols of oppression were removed and renovation work was carried out on both the buildings – roofs were repaired, walls were cut and replastered, windows and doors replaced, new fixtures and fittings added – and the open spaces, with the redesign of the outdoor layout and a planting programme. In 1952, the Nomadelfia period came to an end for a variety of reasons. 1954-1970: Villaggio San Marco. In 1954, the Julian-Dalmatian refugee assistance organisation of Rome transferred a hundred or so families from Istria to the camp at Fossoli: this marked the beginning of Villaggio San Marco. This new purpose required the creation of new divisions and new decor – mostly stencilled – inside dwellings and the conversion of hut no.9 into a church. In 1970, the camp was almost entirely abandoned. 1970-2004: Dereliction. Many decades followed, during which the precarious state of the buildings rendered them unable to resist the signs of neglect. WORN-OUT MATTER. In the years that followed the Villaggio San Marco period, the camp rapidly became derelict. The commendable work of the Fondazione ex Campo di Fossoli (the Fossoli Foundation), founded in 1996, only managed to halt part of the deterioration and collapse, which worsened in 2012 due to earthquakes and heavy snowfall. To date, apart from hut 14.1, which was reconstructed in keeping with its original state in 2004, the camp can be grouped according to three different states of conservation: one where huts still have a proportion of their walls and limited sections of roof, a similar group with remains of roofs and a third group with only fragments of wall. The analysis and comprehension of the surviving remains is the conditio sine qua non for their hoped-for survival.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Reconstructing bridges. A cultural operation
REHAB 2017. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Preservation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Historical Buildings and Structures
Autore/i: Mariotti, Chiara; Zampini, Alessia
Editore: Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: Building bridges has always been one of the most inspiring technological and engineering challenges for the constructors of our cities, but its role in connecting physically divided places has immediately become a metaphor for the building of deep relationships between different contexts or even cultures. Over the centuries, the opportunity to deny the passage to enemy troops has made the destruction of this element a “privileged” instrument of war, but the ability in creating a cultural caesura in communities has significantly increased its power. Therefore, the destruction of a bridge, especially if deliberate, does not represent a mere break, but it can be regarded as an inner wound that needs to be healed. It can turn out to be a symbol of rebirth, a strong possibility to re-establish the thread of continuity between different peoples and, broadly speaking, also between the past and the future.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Esempi schede
Strappati all’oblio. Strategie per la conservazione di un luogo di memoria del secondo Novecento: l’ex Campo di Fossoli
Autore/i: Mariotti, Chiara; Senese, Manuela; Zampini, Alessia
Editore: Altralinea
Luogo di pubblicazione: Firenze
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: The paper includes a selection of operational tools (data sheet; inspection sheet; report) through which to implement strategies for the preventive and planned conservation of the Fossoli camp, in its twofold architectural and plant component. The materials refer to the building 4.1 of the "political" sector.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

In Casa del Popolo. Idee progettuali e rappresentazioni di un patrimonio storico
Autore/i: Ceccarelli, Francesco; Esposito, Antonio; Capecchi, Saveria; Mitrugno, Giulia; Baratta, Daniele; Bartolini, Nicola; Bottan, Elisa; Favaretto, Giulia; Foschi, Riccardo; Caterina Giovannini, Elisabetta; Lanteri Minet, Tomaso; Liverani, Giorgio; Mariotti, Chiara; Politi, Stefano; Prati, Davide; Orlandi, Serena; Tattara, Sabina; Tognon, Alessandro; Zampini, Alessia; Abbondandolo, Pina; Di Dio, Alessandra; Lombardo, Sabrina
Classificazione: 5 Altro
Abstract: La mostra dà visibilità alle proposte di recupero e valorizzazione di due case del popolo di Bologna: la Casetta Rossa e la Casetta del Battiferro. Le idee progettuali sono state sviluppate durante i workshop "La Casetta Rossa: studio ed evoluzione di una Casa del Popolo bolognese" (2015) e "Battiferro 2016: studio ed evoluzione di una Casa del Popolo bolognese" (2016) organizzati dal Dottorato di Ricerca in Architettura e dal Corso di Comunicazione dell'Università di Bologna. La mostra è accompagnata dagli scatti del fotografo Lucio Rossi.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Il riuso degli edifici fortificati tra eresia e ortodossia. Il caso del Castello di Montebello
Eresia ed ortodossia nel restauro. Progetti e realizzazioni
Autore/i: Mariotti, Chiara
Editore: Arcadia Ricerche
Luogo di pubblicazione: Marghera Venezia
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: Historically linked to military functions and for a long time confined to Giovannoni’s category of «dead monuments», fortifications seem to have found a new lease of life in the second half of the Twentieth century thanks to the profuse actions of Piero Gazzola. In an attempt to bring new life to fortified spaces the architect proposes a qualified re-integration in the present according to a strategy linked to economic development and integrated in social life. Sustained by the results obtained in numerous experiences abroad, he supports functions very different from the original ones placed side by side with the so-called “orthodox” ones already tested. The restoration carried out on Montebello Castle, which stands on the homonymous hill in the territory of the Marecchia Valley, distorts the principle of active protection supported by Gazzola taking it almost to the level of “heresy”. Placed along the Gothic Line and used as defence during the Second World War, the castle is subjected to first of all bombings and then the insult of a reconstruction strongly influenced by new functional necessities. Through a critic analysis of the “heretic” and “orthodox” elements which distinguish the project designs and the works carried out, this paper intends to reflect upon the effects of Gazzola’s thoughts on the reuse of fortified buildings and highlight the narrow border which separates the benefit induced by the remaining potentiality of use, from the limits of some of its deviations.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Laboratorio urbano di Casa Bufalini. Idee e progetti
Autore/i: Pretelli, Marco; Favaretto, Giulia; Mariotti, Chiara; Zampini, Alessia
Classificazione: 5 Altro
Abstract: Promossa dall'Amministrazione Comunale di Cesena, la mostra ha come obiettivo quello di definire possibili strategie di reinserimento di Palazzo Bufalini all'interno di rinnovate dinamiche urbane favorendone la conservazione e valorizzazione. La mostra raccoglie i migliori lavori degli studenti del Laboratorio di Restauro Architettonico del Corso di Laurea in Architettura dell'Università di Bologna (a.a. 2014-15) e si articola in 5 sezioni: storia, tempo, materia, uso e progetto.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Ricucire un frammento di città: idee e progetti per Porta Fiume e Ponte San Martino
Autore/i: Pretelli, Marco; Mariotti, Chiara; Zampini, Alessia
Classificazione: 5 Altro
Abstract: L'iniziativa è frutto della proficua collaborazione nata tra il Dipartimento di Architettura dell'Università di Bologna e il Comune di Cesena. La mostra raccoglie gli esisti più stimolanti del lavoro svolto dagli studenti del Laboratorio di Restauro Architettonico dell'anno accademico 2014-15 e si articola in cinque temi che ripercorrono le fasi di sviluppo delle proposte di conservazione e valorizzazione: storia, tempo, materia, uso e progetto.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Ri-conoscere i segni della memoria
Il Museo Monumento al Deportato politico e razziale di Carpi e l’ex Campo di Fossoli
Autore/i: Mariotti, Chiara; Zampini, Alessia
Editore: Bononia University Press
Luogo di pubblicazione: Bologna
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: L'ex Campo di Fossoli, che i più inevitabilmente legano alla fase di prigionia e deportazione, è in realtà un complesso microcosmo di storie che spesso si intrecciano e si confondono. Il contributo, grazie ad alcune schede di approfondimento relative alle baracche più significative del Campo, ricostruisce un excursus delle principali trasformazioni subite nel tempo e costituisce uno strumento di lettura e interpretazione dei segni e delle stratificazioni che ancora oggi quella fragile materia conserva.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Casetta Rossa: studio ed evoluzione di una Casa del Popolo bolognese
Autore/i: Ceccarelli, Francesco; Esposito, Antonio; Bartolini, Nicola; Bottan, Elisa; Lanteri Minet, Tomaso; Liverani, Giorgio; Mariotti, Chiara; Prati, Davide; Tattara, Sabina; Zampini, Alessia
Classificazione: 5 Altro
Abstract: La mostra raccoglie gli esiti del progetto di riqualificazione della Casetta Rossa, Casa del Popolo bolognese. L'esposizione della proposta progettuale, sviluppata nell'ambito del Dottorato di Ricerca in Architettura dell'Università di Bologna, è accompagnata da una anteprima della rassegna fotografica curata da Lucio Rossi.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Le forme del potere
La Casa del Fascio di Predappio nel panorama del restauro dell'architettura contemporanea. Contributi per aiutare a scegliere
Autore/i: Mariotti, Chiara; Pozzi, Elena; Serrau, Andrea
Editore: Bononia University Press
Luogo di pubblicazione: Bologna
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: Eclettiche e di impronta storicista, le prime Case del Fascio evolvono rapidamente verso un nuovo paradigma compositivo-formale: essenzialità, rigore, ritmo, severità sono i termini del rinnovato linguaggio architettonico di regime. Nel ricco ed eterogeneo panorama che contraddistingue la produzione del Ventennio, la Casa del Fascio di Predappio rappresenta un episodio di non trascurabile rilevanza. Il saggio, puntualizzati i criteri di articolazione e le implicazioni ideologiche poste alla base della progettazione delle nuove sedi Littorie, descrive la soluzione elaborata dall’ingegner Arnaldo Fuzzi per la città natia del Duce ed evidenzia le relazioni che legano inscindibilmente architettura e politica, forma e potere.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Un'insolita lacuna architettonica. Tra abuso e disuso, il ri-uso delle Case del Fascio
La Casa del Fascio di Predappio nel panorama del restauro dell'architettura contemporanea. Contributi per aiutare a scegliere
Autore/i: Mariotti, Chiara
Editore: Bononia University Press
Luogo di pubblicazione: Bologna
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: Tra i temi più complessi che contraddistinguono l’intervento sull’esistente, vi è senza dubbio quello dell’uso. Fondamentale parametro di conservazione, l’uso non solo testimonia la rinnovata vitalità del monumento nel presente ma ne favorisce la permanenza nel futuro. Nel caso delle architetture di regime, il ritorno all’uso assume declinazioni di rara difficoltà: segnate da un radicale processo di damnatio memoriae, le sedi del partito alternano vicende di abuso a episodi di disuso ai quali, solo recentemente, si sono affiancati apprezzabili tentativi di riuso. Il saggio, attraverso l’analisi di alcuni interventi realizzati in territorio italiano, si interroga sulle possibilità di conservazione attiva delle Case del Fascio evidenziandone limiti e benefici.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Verso un benessere culturale
La Casa del Fascio di Predappio nel panorama del restauro dell'architettura contemporanea. Contributi per aiutare a scegliere
Autore/i: Mariotti, Chiara; Zampini, Alessia
Editore: Bononia University Press
Luogo di pubblicazione: Bologna
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: Il restauro dell’architettura fonda la sua ragione di validità nell’approfondita conoscenza della fabbrica, conoscenza che non può escludere i delicati aspetti impiantistici. La Casa del Fascio di Predappio, non solo rappresenta uno dei luoghi più significativi per la storia degli edifici di regime, ma segna un importante capitolo del graduale processo di integrazione tra architettura e impianti, destinato a tradurre in forma costruita l’idea di “macchina per abitare”. Il saggio, a partire dall’analisi dei diversi sistemi impiantistici ancora leggibili, si interroga sulle loro possibilità di conservazione e sul potenziale ritorno all’uso. Consapevole del ruolo distruttivo della componente impiantistica nell’intervento sull’esistente, la riflessione propone la ricerca di un nuovo benessere che può dirsi non solo fisico ma culturale.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Quando la materia inganna il tempo. Il COR-TEN nel progetto sulla preesistenza
Metalli in Architettura. Conoscenza, Conservazione, Innovazione
Autore/i: Favaretto, Giulia; Mariotti, Chiara; Ugolini, Andrea; Zampini, Alessia
Editore: Arcadia Ricerche
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: COR-TEN is an American patent generally identifying a group of steel alloys, developed in order to improve the response to weathering exposure. Thanks to its substantial properties of CORrosion resistance and TENsile strength, to the reduced need for maintenance and, above all, to the aesthetic value of its surfaces able to establish consonant relationships between the ancient and the new, it is one of the most widespread materials in the project for the pre-existence. Analysing the interaction with the environment, deepening the technical solutions adopted and gathering the underlying reasons, the essay aims at studying some realised projects closely, projects that can be considered smart interpretations of the contemporary addiction in ancient contexts where the weathering steel becomes a designing paradigm. On account of a series of interviews, the research aspires to understand how these interventions have been stratifying through the history.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

The defence of fortified ruins on the Italian coast
Defensive Architecture of the Mediterranean. XV to XVIII Centuries
Autore/i: Ugolini, Andrea; Mariotti, Chiara
Editore: Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: The essay, as part of a more extensive scientific research, aims at evaluating the theoretical and technical issues linked to the active conservation of fortified heritage in ruins present on the Italian coast. Through the analysis of some exemplary projects, the study will describe the relationship between the architecture and the context, deal with the theme of the absence (lacuna) and the relative interventions, reflect upon the different ways of interpretation and reinstatement, look into the design and management of the vegetation and, last but not least, define strategies and processes for a planned preventive maintenance of these important testimonies of the past.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Difendere l'architettura fortificata. Il contributo di Piero Gazzola
Fortificazioni, memoria, paesaggio. Convegno scientifico in occasione dei cinquant'anni di attività dell'Istituto Italiano dei Castelli, 1964-2014. Riassunti delle relazioni
Autore/i: Mariotti, Chiara
Editore: Forum
Luogo di pubblicazione: Udine
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: Il problema della sopravvivenza dei castelli – ed in senso più ampio dell’architettura fortificata del passato – comincia a delinearsi in territorio italiano a partire dagli anni Sessanta e trova il suo più alto contributo, teorico ed operativo, nell’attività di Piero Gazzola. Figura complessa e poliedrica del secondo Novecento, teorico colto ed operatore pragmatico, Gazzola lega il proprio nome alla battaglia per lo studio, la protezione e la valorizzazione dei manufatti di difesa statica ed introduce all’interno della disciplina una nuova tensione a fronte di urgenti tematiche per la prima volta affrontate in modo sistematico e scientificamente fondato. Parte attiva del processo di sensibilizzazione, si fa promotore, attraverso l’opera di Istituti internazionali e nazionali – rispettivamente l’Internationalen Burgenforshung Institut (IBI) e l’Istituto Italiano dei Castelli –, di quell’incessante operazione di divulgazione delle questioni di castellologia con l’intento «di togliere dalla dimenticanza e dall’abbandono questo importante settore delle testimonianze storiche del passato, cercando di conferire loro una funzione viva e attuale nella vita moderna». Sotto l’azione catalizzante di Piero Gazzola comincia a delinearsi un nuovo pensiero interdisciplinare in grado di orientare, secondo i criteri di un programma operativo duttile e multiforme, una più consapevole azione culturale che vede nel castello una forza potenziale ancora inespressa. Il saggio proposto intende approfondire il contributo di Piero Gazzola alla difesa del patrimonio fortificato. Attraverso la lettura critica e la messa a sistema dei principali scritti dello studioso piacentino unita all’analisi di alcuni dei suoi più significativi progetti, verranno precisati i contorni del contesto culturale a partire dal quale comincia a prendere forma l’azione di tutela nei confronti delle strutture munite e ripercorse le origini del dibattito scientifico.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

A sustainable state of mind. Proposte per un progetto di restauro: la Casa del Fascio di Predappio e l'Asilo Santarelli di Forlì
Quale sostenibilità per il restauro?
Autore/i: Di Resta, Sara; Favaretto, Giulia; Mariotti, Chiara; Pozzi, Elena; Zampini, Alessia
Editore: Arcadia Ricerche
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: The Casa del Fascio in Predappio and the Santarelli Kindergarten in Forlì are not able to hide, behind their characteristic monumentality, typical of the Fascist Regime, a deep frailty in terms of durability, capability of “growing old” and answering to energy efficiency requirements. Their current state of conservation calls for a reflection concerning the problem of sustainability applied to the restoration of Modern Architecture, a theme developed starting from the results of researches in fieri at the Architecture Department of Bologna University. The restoration project, aiming at tradere these architectures, adopts the logics of reuse and keeping what exists and fights against the process of progressive consumption, abandon and disposal of matter, becoming the very first aware choice towards the sustainability aims. Here, a “sustainable” intervention upon the preexistence does not mean to conform historical architectures to mere prescriptive reasons, but rather to govern the behaviors of the building, in order to improve its performances avoiding unacceptable material and formal sacrifices, causes of an irreversible loss of identity. To respect the authenticity of the buildings, an accurate knowledge both of the architectures and their histories, has to lead the whole designing process and has to suggest, on a case-by-case basis, the solutions best fitting to the context, the system morphology and the constructive details. In this way, not a fixed operative praxis is defined, but a possible methodological approach, as said, a sustainable state of mind.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Conservando i segni della memoria. Strategie per il Campo di Fossoli (Carpi)
Sguardi ed esperienze sulla conservazione del patrimonio storico architettonico
Autore/i: Pretelli, Marco; Ugolini, Andrea; Faccio, Paolo; Mariotti, Chiara; Zampini, Alessia
Editore: Nardini
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: The Campo di Fossoli tells us about some of the most emblematic stories of the Short Twenthieth Century. Unforgettably marked by the events of the Second World War, it was built for the Allied prisoners and quite immediately turned into a dramatic place for Jewish persecution and opponents’ repression. Later a new redemption period interested the Camp as it was used to host the Nomadelfia Community and, then, the Istrian exiles, before the ultimate abandonment in the Seventies. Just before the 2012 earthquake, a collaboration between Fondazione Ex Campo di Fossoli, Bologna University, and Ministry of National Heritage and Culture started, aiming at the protection and conservation of this fragile built Heritage, at pinpointing an immediate safeguard agenda and at defining a possible path to guide visitors through the different stories (i.e., periods of life) of the camp. It consequently identifies a strategy of intervention, based on subsequent and progressive steps to value the consistency and significance of this Monument. This planned maintenance program will be based on different levels of conservative actions, carried out by workers with different skills able to ensure the survival of the relics of the buildings and to help people to comprehend the remaining signs. The paper presents the first results and, above all, the theoretical and methodological aspects of this work in progress, based on the integration between conservation and valorisation (exploitation, development) processes.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

RIUSO. 16 proposte per la città. Festa dell'Architettura 2014
Autore/i: Bottan, Elisa; Boulanger, Saveria O. M.; Lanteri Minet, Tomaso; Mariotti, Chiara; Zampini, Alessia
Classificazione: 5 Altro
Abstract: La mostra affronta il tema del riuso attraverso 16 progetti di Tesi di Laurea sviluppati nell’ambito del corso di studi in Architettura dell’Università di Bologna. La mostra si articola in 5 sezioni che concettualizzano le strategie di riuso del patrimonio costruito evidenziate dalla proposte progettuali: ri-costruire, ri-abitare, ri-qualificare, ri-cucire e ri-funzionalizzare.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

The Hypogea of Santarcangelo di Romagna. Notes for the valorisation of a hidden heritage
Conservazione e valorizzazione dei siti archeologici. Approcci scientifici e problemi di metodo.
Autore/i: Mariotti, Chiara; Ugolini, Andrea; Zampini, Alessia
Editore: Arcadia Ricerche
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: The hypogeus settlements of Romagna, thanks to their complexity and diversity, define a real underground world, still little known and investigated. The hypogeus architecture of the Santarcangelo medieval hamlet constitutes a complex system of artificial caves documented since the XV century: a real subterranean city, dug into the Jovis Hill. The molassic consistency of the ground has permitted the creation of about 150 caves, whose primitive function is till now uncertain: maybe born as sacred place, the only certainty was the up-to-date use as wine cellars and air-raid shelters. Starting from the summary existing cataloguing of the whole underground system, with the forecast of new reliefs, the research aims at increasing the knowledge about the hypogea, monitoring and describing their state of deterioration. Also the main structural damages and the bio-deterioration of the surfaces are highlighted and from these criticalities an appropriate intervention strategy is developed toward an accurate conservation. Because of the testimonial and historical importance of the complex, the essay deals also with the problems connected to the fruition of the caves, already partly opened to the public. In the end, all the information would flow into some notes for a planned preventive maintenance regarding not only the whole hypogeus complex, but also its context. Therefore the very aim of this research project is to develop an ambitious project of valorisation.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Ex Asilo Santarelli: idee per un possibile restauro
Autore/i: Pretelli, Marco; Mariotti, Chiara; Serrau, Andrea; Zampini, Alessia
Classificazione: 5 Altro
Abstract: L’idea della mostra nasce da una proficua collaborazione avviata tra Comune di Forlì e Dipartimento di Architettura dell’Università di Bologna: il progetto, oltre a dare la possibilità ai futuri architetti di confrontarsi con un tema oggettivo e tangibile, mira a sensibilizzare la città sul destino di uno dei più importanti edifici razionalisti di Forlì, l’ex Asilo Santarelli. La mostra raccoglie le migliori proposte elaborate dagli studenti del Laboratorio di Restauro Architettonico dell’anno accademico 2012-2013. A fronte di un’accurata indagine conoscitiva, i 9 progetti selezionati interpretano le vocazioni d’uso della fabbrica e definiscono possibili strategie di conservazione e valorizzazione.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Una rocca consona ai tempi e agli uomini mutati. La Rocca delle Caminate, nuovo Castello del Duce. Luigi Corsini 1924-27
Rocche e castelli tra Romagna e Montefeltro. Progetti ed interventi di restauro
Autore/i: Mariotti, Chiara; Zampini, Alessia
Editore: Alinea
Luogo di pubblicazione: Firenze
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: In 1923 a Regional fascist Committee decided to offer the Rocca of Caminate to a rising Benito Mussolini. The ancient ruins of the fortress have to be revived as the Dux’s castle, giving life to a new symbol of the leader’s great origins. Being an eminent chief involved coming from a land of strength and honour. The superintendent Luigi Corsini, charged with all the phases of the restoration (survey, design, supervision), achieved an interesting and complex project, thanks to his education, to the historical setting and to his contemporary cultural debate. The project proceeded from both the philological and stylistic restoration theories, and reached a brought back image of a medieval crenellated fortress. Works started on September 1924 and Corsini decided to complete the ruins of the surrounding walls and the still standing portion of the central tower with Guelph battlements, while a new summer residence was rebuilt, rising from the castellan’s house foundations. At the end a lighthouse was placed on the top of the central tower: its light was celebrated everywhere as a sign of the Mussolini’s power, spread on his homeland.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

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