


17 pubblicazioni classificate nel seguente modo:

Nr. doc. Classificazioni
6 1 Contributo su Rivista
6 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
4 2 Contributo in Volume
1 8 Tesi di dottorato
What Matters the Most? The Role of Actual Occupancy Patterns and Automatic Model Calibration in Reducing the Building Energy Performance Gap in an Italian Case Study
Sustainability in Energy and Buildings 2023
Autore/i: Maracchini, Gianluca; Latini, Arianna; Di Giuseppe, Elisa; Gianangeli, Andrea; D’Orazio, Marco
Editore: Springer, Singapore
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: Building energy models are increasingly used in energy renovation projects to identify the best retrofit strategy. However, a significant discrepancy between real and numerical building performances (“performance gap”) is generally observed, which can lead to an erroneous design of the energy retrofit measures. To reduce this gap, automatic model calibrations can be undertaken. This approach generally focuses on fine-tuning some “fixed” parameters to minimize an error function but often disregards the uncertainties in time-varying occupants’ behavior patterns. These latter are also commonly modeled through standardized profiles due to a lack of knowledge, then further increasing the performance gap, especially where occupants’ behavior may have a higher level of uncertainty, as in residential buildings. In this context, it is important to understand and quantify the impact of actual occupancy profiles on model accuracy also in comparison with that achieved through calibration. For this reason, this work compares, for a specific case study of social housing in Reggio Emilia (Italy), the performance gap reduction achievable through (i) common automatic calibration approaches; (ii) the modeling of the actual, experimentally observed, occupants’ behavior. The results reveal that modeling the actual users’ behavior decreases the error (RMSE) in indoor air temperature by 0.46 °C, i.e., more than the reduction obtained through the adopted calibration approaches (0.26 °C). In terms of energy consumption for space cooling, the performance gap without actual occupancy was significantly higher than that obtained for three monitored unoccupied apartments (AC always on), i.e., 10–15% against 1–4%. However, if the actual occupants’ behavior is modeled, the performance gap is reduced to the values obtained for the unoccupied apartments. This study highlights the importance of occupancy patterns in building energy modeling.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Microwave reflection method for moisture assessment for architectural heritage conservation: first results on the case study of church of S. Pietro in Valle (Fano, Italy)
Autore/i: Monni, Francesco; Gianangeli, Andrea; Quagliarini, Enrico; D’Orazio, Marco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Influence of the rain on algae growth on building facades. A predictive model based on neural networks
Autore/i: D'Orazio, M.; Quagliarini, E.; Gianangeli, A.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Rain affects the building envelope's durability, increasing the amount of water available on the surfaces due to the wind pressure. Water can activate and accelerate chemical and biological processes causing algae and cyanobacteria growth. The velocity of this process depends on several parameters, such as temperature, relative humidity (RH%), surface characteristics (i.e. roughness, porosity) and water availability on the building surfaces considering that algae and cyanobacteria fall into a latent state without water. Wind plays a significant role: it can push the rain against the facades, wetting them and increasing the growth speed. This paper analyzes the impact of rain on algae growth on building facades, considering wind influence, through a neural network (NN). Experimental data collected imposing different combinations of temperature, RH% and water availability on the surface, also due to rain and WDR, of 5 different porous materials (bricks) were used to train and test the NN. The NN was tested showing an accuracy of 82% (r-squared) in predicting algae growth concerning experimental data, based on the imposed parameters: wind speed, wind direction; air temperature; RH%; surface characteristics (porosity, roughness). Three different UE locations, characteristics of different Koppen-Geiger climates, and four different exposures for each location were selected. The application of the trained NN in different climates, considering different orientations, demonstrates that WDR is the main factor affecting microalgae growth. WDR can increase by more than two times the area covered by algae in a year, depending on the climate and the orientation.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Internal Insulation of Historic Buildings: A Stochastic Approach to Life Cycle Costing Within RIBuild EU Project
Sustainability in Energy and Buildings
Autore/i: Di Giuseppe, Elisa; Maracchini, Gianluca; Gianangeli, Andrea; Bernardini, Gabriele; D’Orazio, Marco
Editore: Springer
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: The application of internal insulation is a widespread and effective solution for energy renovation of historic buildings.However, it entails quite high installation costs and a certain risk of failure due to moisture-related problems. A probabilistic risk assessment of both hygrothermal performance and life cycle costs can be used to address internal insulation issue, in order to support riskmanagement and decisionmaking. This paper presents the application of a probabilistic approach to Life Cycle Costing developed within the EU project RIBuild (Robust Internal Thermal Insulation of Historic Buildings), to five internal insulations solutions widely used in Italy. The method provides estimates of the range and likelihood of global costs and payback periods, also considering alternative energy and future economic scenarios. The impact of insulation systems service life on global costs is also addressed, in order to highlight the possible connection of the method to a stochastic estimation of insulation systems durability based on hygrothermal and damage assessments.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Sustainable fruition as a preventive conservation strategy for hypogeum artefacts
Autore/i: D'Orazio, M.; Quagliarini, E.; Bernardini, G.; Gregorini, B.; Gianangeli, A.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: As well as valuable Building Heritage, hypogeum scenarios often host artefacts such as i.e. graffiti, paintings or low reliefs, but differently to them, they are characterized by very particular microclimatic conditions due to their isolation from the outdoor environment. This way, they are very susceptible to human impact due to visitors’ fruition that can cause or accelerate degradation processes. Strategies for preventive conservation of Cultural Heritage should balance Heritage conservation (i.e. building materials and surfaces, hosted goods and chattels) and public access (i.e. visitors’ fruition). In these scenarios, preventive conservation strategies are based on the definition of both interventions on technical installations (to restore or improve indoor environment conditions) and operative models for sustainable fruition (to diminish the impact of stressors on the Heritage). Combining such strategies is not viable in hypogeum environments, which can be hardly equipped by technical systems. To face with such issues, this work proposes a novel strategy for Heritage conservation inside hypogeum environments based on the joint combination between environment microclimatic characterization and visitors’ impact definition. The proposed strategy has been developed and tested on a significant case of study: Palazzo Campana's hypogeum (Osimo, Italy). This hypogeum is a typical example of man-made underground structure characterized by sandstone walls carved in artistic value high-reliefs. Currently, its walls have been becoming very friable and subsequently their surfaces have been exposing to harsh deterioration phenomena. The strategy firstly includes indoor temperature and relative humidity long-term monitoring by means of a real-time widespread sensors system, so as to evaluate microclimatic conditions and its admissible gradients. A novel visitors’ admissible impact is defined on these data, by considering visiting time and numbers of visitors so as to not alter the indoor climate conditions. Visitors’ access tests are then carried out to confirm the proposed visitors’ admissible impact. Results demonstrate the capability of the proposed combined strategies and the possible extension to other Heritage scenarios to reduce the impact of direct interventions and improve preservation aspects.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

A novel Failure Model to predict Biofouling (Algae Growth) on Different Building Facades under Different Environmental Conditions
Autore/i: Gianangeli, Andrea
Editore: Università Politecnica delle Marche
Classificazione: 8 Tesi di dottorato
Abstract: L’involucro edilizio è spesso soggetto, sul lato esterno, ad un degrado causato dalla crescita algale, il quale rende necessari interventi di manutenzione ed una serie di costi da sostenere. L’attività biologica sulle facciate è principalmente dovuta alla colonizzazione da parte di alghe verdi e cianobatteri, che possono successivamente favorire la proliferazione di altri microorganismi, come muffe e licheni. Sono pochi gli studi hanno investigato le condizioni favorevoli allo sviluppo algale sui materiali da costruzioni e per questo manca ancora un modello di danno legato a tale fenomeno. In questa ricerca viene presentato un modello matematico, basato su risultati sperimentali e sulla legge di Avrami, capace di predire la crescita algale sui materiali edili esposti alle condizioni ambientali tenendo in conto delle proprietà del substrato. La crescita algale è stata studiata su laterizi, attraverso test accelerati in diverse condizioni ambientali di temperatura e umidità relativa. Si è notato che la temperatura influenza notevolmente il tasso di crescita (area coperta in funzione del tempo) e che ad umidità relative minori del 98% non si riscontra alcuna crescita. Substrati altamente porosi e rugosi, invece, favoriscono la colonizzazione, accelerando il processo di crescita e quindi anche il degrado. Il modello di danno ottenuto si compone di varie equazioni che descrivono il tasso di crescita algale su substrati in condizioni ambientali, considerando l’effetto del tempo di esposizione, della temperatura e dell’umidità relativa. I parametri e i valori numerici presenti nel modello sono stati fittati per laterizi e pietre, ma il modello può essere ritenuto valido anche per altri materiali da costruzione. Inoltre, l’implementazione del modello in un software di simulazione aiuterebbe a prevedere il degrado sulle facciate degli edifici e la programmazione di manutenzione in specifici contesti climatici.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Risks and benefits of internal insulation as a measure for historic buildings energy renovation
Small Towns…from problem to resource. Sustainable strategies for the valorization of building, landscape and cultural heritage in inland areas
Autore/i: Gianangeli, Andrea; Maracchini, Gianluca; DI GIUSEPPE, Elisa; D’Orazio, Marco
Editore: Cooperativa Universitaria Athena
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Risks and benefits of internal insulation as a measure for historic buildings energy renovation
Small Towns…from problem to resource. Sustainable strategies for the valorization of building, landscape and cultural heritage in inland areas
Autore/i: Gianangeli, A.; Maracchini, G.; DI GIUSEPPE, E.; D’Orazio, M
Editore: Franco Angeli
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: European historic buildings account for more than a third of the total energy consumption of buildings. Therefore, it is vital to reduce their energy demand, while maintaining their architectural and cultural heritage. Installing internal insulation is an effective measure, however it entails a certain risk of failure due to possible hygrothermal damages. Furthermore, several insulation systems are available in the market, thus building owners and practitioners need knowledge on how to handle internal insulation in an effective way. This paper reports the outcomes of an extended monitoring of the hygrothermal performance of two insulation systems (on “capillary active”, the other “vapour tight”) installed in a real historic building. Results highlights how the hygrothermal behaviour and the built-in moisture due to the installation operations can critically affect the energy performance of the wall, thus providing suggestions for the planning phase of a historic building renovation.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Effect of temperature and relative humidity on algae biofouling on different fired brick surfaces
Autore/i: Quagliarini, E.; Gianangeli, A.; D'Orazio, M.; Gregorini, B.; Osimani, A.; Aquilanti, L.; Clementi, F.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of environmental temperature and relative humidity on algae biofouling that often occurs on porous and rough fired brick surfaces. Brick samples were chosen since their common use on building façades. Accelerated growth tests were performed under different relative humidities and different temperatures. Results showed the effects of different temperature conditions in terms of algae growth delay and reduction of the covered area. All the relative humidity conditions tested substantially showed no growth from an engineering standpoint. The modified Avrami's law succeeded in modelling the biofouling under the different environmental conditions
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Building Heritage cognitivo: un sistema per la gestione e la conservazione dell’edificio storico (Cognitive Building heritage: a system for management and conservation of historic buildings)
Colloqui.AT.e 2018. Edilizia Circolare
Autore/i: Gregorini, Benedetta; Gianangeli, Andrea; Bernardini, Gabriele; Quagliarini, Enrico; D’Orazio, Marco
Editore: Edicom Editore
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Mould growth risk evaluation of internal insulation solutions in a historic building under temperate climates
SER4SC 2018 Seismic and Energy Renovation for Sustainable Cities - Conference Proceedings
Autore/i: Gianangeli, A.; DI GIUSEPPE, E.; D’Orazio, M
Editore: EdicomEdizioni
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

La conservazione dell’ambiente ipogeo di Palazzo Campana: monitoraggi e prove di caratterizzazione propedeutici all’intervento
ReUSO 2018 - L’intreccio Dei Saperi per Rispettare Il Passato Interpretare Il Presente Salvaguardare Il Futuro
Autore/i: Gregorini, Benedetta; Gianangeli, Andrea; Bernardini, Gabriele; D’Orazio, Marco; Quagliarini, Enrico
Editore: Gangemi Editore
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

A “smart” low-impact system for guaranteeing sustainable visitors’ access
HERITAGE 2018. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development
Autore/i: Gregorini, B.; Bernardini, G.; Gianangeli, A.; Quagliarini, E.; D’Orazio, M.
Editore: Green Line Institute
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Influenza delle finiture sulle prestazioni moisture buffering di blocchi in calce e fibra di canapa
Colloqui.AT.e 2017 Demolition or reconstruction?
Autore/i: Gianangeli, Andrea; Gennari, Matteo; DI GIUSEPPE, Elisa; D'Orazio, Marco
Editore: Edicom Edizioni
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: Hempcrete, made with the woody core of hemp plant and a lime based binder, has an excellent hygroscopic performance, confirmed by a consolidated international literature that highlights the capacity of this bio-composite material to dampen the indoor relative humidity variations (moisture buffering capacity) (Collet, 2015; Rahim 2015). However, it is not possible to use hempcrete for building envelope without a finishing layer, due to aesthetic reasons. This study aims to evaluate how different finishing layers could influence the hygroscopic performance of hempcrete, by assessing the water vapor permeability and the moisture buffering capacity of samples finished by a rendering layer and three types of painting: two latex paints and an acrylic based paint. From experimental tests it was observed that the vapor permeability of hempcrete decreases up to 28,5% when finished by acrylic based paint - characterized by a high water vapor diffusion resistance factor - if compared to the unpainted sample. Experimental determination of moisture buffering values (MBV) in accordance with the Nordtest protocol demonstrates that the rendered hempcrete can reach a MBV value of 2,34 [g/m2∙%RH] (“excellent” MBV performance according to the Nordtest protocol). A surface painting could further reduce the moisture buffering capacity of hempcrete: up to 14,1% with high and medium permeable latex paints and up to 78,6% with acrylic based paint.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Design of a smart system for indoor climate control in historic underground built environment
Autore/i: Stazi, Francesca; Gregorini, Benedetta; Gianangeli, Andrea; Bernardini, Gabriele; Quagliarini, Enrico
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The application of sensors-actuators networks in Building Heritage can lead to significant improvement in indoor climate control, with the aim to both reduce energy consumption, and improve conditions for occupants and hosted Heritage. This study proposes the preliminary design of a smart indoor climate control system, based on low-impact application criteria, which can be applied to visited underground built environment. The system is based on the balance of hygrothermal loads. Sensors and actuators requirements are defined, and control algorithm are based on the comparison between real-time monitored and “natural” temperature and hygrometric values (for stationary and transitory conditions).
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Design and performance assessment of building counter-walls integrating Moisture Buffering “active” devices
Autore/i: Gianangeli, Andrea; DI GIUSEPPE, Elisa; D'Orazio, Marco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Degrado di strutture lignee in edifici storici: effetti dell’uso di isolanti capillarmente attivi per il retrofit energetico / Decay of wooden beams in historical buildings: effects of capillary active insulation for the energy retrofit
Colloqui.AT.e 2016. MATER(i)A Materials Architecture Technology Energy/Environment Reuse (Interdisciplinary) Adaptability
Autore/i: Gianangeli, Andrea; Nikita, Cozzolino; Elena, Ippoliti; DI GIUSEPPE, Elisa; D'Orazio, Marco
Editore: Gangemi Editore
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: According to the actual Italian regulation on energy efficiency, retrofit interventions in historic building's envelope typically concern the internal thermal insulation, which however can cause a strong alteration of the hygrothermal conditions of the interior environment and of building components. Consequently, the risk of decay and microorganism proliferation increases. Aim of this work is the evaluation of the effectiveness of capillary active insulation materials for the reduction of these typical problems’ impact. After experimental activities, aimed at measuring operating hygrothermal conditions of a historic office building and obtaining simulation boundary conditions, HAM simulations have been used to evaluate the hygrothermal performance of wooden beams and envelope components. Results expressed by specific decay indicators showed that internal insulation is likely to involve an increase of building components decay. Nevertheless, the use of a capillary active insulation system can significantly reduce the damage risk.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

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