


259 pubblicazioni classificate nel seguente modo:

Nr. doc. Classificazioni
89 1 Contributo su Rivista
79 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
69 2 Contributo in Volume
20 5 Altro
2 6 Brevetti
How to quickly characterize construction and demolition wastes? Traditional and advanced portable solutions in comparison
2024 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Living Environment, MetroLivEnv 2024
Autore/i: Mobili, A.; Calcagni, M. T.; Revel, G. M.; Donnini, J.; Cosoli, G.; Sabbatini, S.; Tittarelli, F.; Salerno, G.; Leoni, E.; Corinaldesi, V.
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Effect of moisture content on the mechanical performance of 3D printed continuous reinforced two-matrix composite
Autore/i: Andreozzi, Marina; Gentili, Serena; Forcellese, Pietro; Bellezze, Tiziano; Corinaldesi, Valeria; Luzi, Francesca; Vita, Alessio
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Additive manufacturing, particularly Fused Filament Fabrication, has gained significant attraction in recent years. In order to increase the mechanical performances of several components, continuous reinforcements, such as carbon fibers, can be coextruded with a polymeric matrix.The present study relies on a specific 3D printing process, called towpreg coextrusion, which exploits continuous carbon fibers covered with an epoxy resin and polyamide (PA) as the thermoplastic matrix, thus obtaining a 3D printed two-matrix composite. Since polyamide is a highly hygroscopic material, the impact of moisture content on the mechanical properties of 3D-printed continuous composites was investigated. Tensile and flexural specimens were manufactured and tested under both undried and dried conditions. Drying treatment was carried out at a temperature of 70 degrees C for 2 h in oven, with weight measurements before and after for quantifying weight loss and then the moisture removal. Additionally, through thermogravimetric analysis, the thermal stability of the material was assessed. It was observed that the drying process allows for a reduction of up to 0.56% by weight of moisture in the specimens. Thus, the drying process led to an improvement in the mechanical properties of the material. Specifically, the tests reveal a 15% increase in tensile strength and an 11.5% increase in flexural strength following the drying process, reaching values of 392.78 MPa and 151.06 MPa, respectively. Similarly, an increase in the tensile and flexural moduli was noted in the treated specimens. Finally, fractured samples underwent optical and scanning electron microscopy analysis, through which different fracture mechanisms of the material and the presence of macrovoids and microvoids attributable to the 3D printing process were observed. Knowledge of deposition defects represents an important starting point for the improvement of the process and the mechanical properties obtained to date. This research provides valuable insights into optimizing 3D-printed continuous composites, emphasizing the importance of moisture control for superior mechanical performance in industrial applications.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Use of Recycled and Virgin Carbon Fibers in Limestone Calcined Clay Cement Composites
RILEM Bookseries
Autore/i: Donnini, Jacopo; Signorini, Cesare; Corinaldesi, Valeria; Mechtcherine, Viktor.
Editore: Springer
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: The urgent need to reduce the environmental impact of building materials has led to the recent development of low-clinker binders, such as limestone calcined clay cement (LC3). The possibility of using LC3 to produce cement-based composites with high mechanical properties and reduced environmental impact is certainly of great interest. In this study, two LC3 mixtures with different mechanical performances (low and high strength) were investigated. Chopped carbon fibers coming from end-of-life prepreg carbon textiles (rCF), recovered through pyrolysis, and virgin carbon fibers (vCF) were used to reinforce the matrices. Different fiber dosages were investigated, up to 1.5% by volume. Fiber reinforced LC3 composites were characterized through compression and bending tests. The addition of both rCF and vCF results in a decrease in matrix workability, by increasing fiber volume. On the other hand, rCF were able to increase both the compression and bending performances of the cementitious composites, up to 66% and 53%, respectively. Remarkably, no significant differences were found in using rCF instead of vCF
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

A multi-performance comparison between lime, cementitious and alkali-activated TRM systems: Mechanical, environmental and energy perspectives
Autore/i: Donnini, J.; Mobili, A.; Maracchini, G.; Chiappini, G.; Tittarelli, F.; Corinaldesi, V.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The combined need to propose new solutions for the structural reinforcement of existing buildings and for the reduction of CO2 emissions is leading to the development of more sustainable composite materials, such as those based on alkali-activated mortars (AAM). In this study, different formulations of AAM, based on metakaolin or fly ash, have been evaluated as possible matrices for Textile Reinforced Mortar (TRM) systems. Two different bidirectional textiles, made of AR glass or basalt fibers, were used as internal reinforcement. The physicalmechanical properties of TRM systems based on AAM were evaluated and compared with those of commercial systems with cementitious or lime-based matrices. Direct tensile tests on TRM coupons and shear bond tests on clay brick substrates were carried out. Then, their energy and environmental-related performance have been compared. Results showed that alkali-activated matrices can be very promising and eco-friendly alternative solutions to traditional mortars in TRM systems.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

XVII Convegno Nazionale AIMAT 2023
Autore/i: Donnini, Jacopo; Mobili, Alessandra; Tittarelli, Francesca; Corinaldesi, Valeria
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Application of digital image correlation to compression tests on tuff masonry panels strengthened by textile reinforced mortar
Autore/i: Maracchini, G; Chiappini, G; Donnini, J; Quagliarini, E; Corinaldesi, V; Lenci, S
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Digital image correlation (DIC) is a contactless full-field optical technique for measuring displacements that can be potentially used in place of more common linear variable differential transformers (LVDTs) to avoid instrumentation damage during destructive tests. However, despite being already adopted in several fields, its potentialities in testing full-scale masonry walls strengthened with textile reinforcing mortar (TRM) have not been fully investigated yet. In this paper, the results obtained by applying a stereo-DIC technique to compression tests of unstrengthened and TRM-strengthened tuff masonry walls (1.0 x 1.2 x 0.25 m(3)) are reported. Results showed that the presence of helical steel bars used to connect the two TRM layers caused crack localisation to the masonry wall, leading to a reduction of compression strength. Compared with the results obtained with LVDTs, the DIC technique was able to accurately monitor tridimensional displacements and cracking pattern evolution. The potentialities and limits of this technique are finally highlighted.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

New Materials and Technologies for Durability and Conservation of Building Heritage
Autore/i: Coppola, Luigi; Bellezze, Tiziano; Belli, Alberto; Bianco, Alessandra; Blasi, Elisa; Cappello, Miriam; Caputo, Domenico; Chougan, Mehdi; Coffetti, Denny; Coppola, Bartolomeo; Corinaldesi, Valeria; D’Amore, Alberto; Daniele, Valeria; Di Maio, Luciano; Di Palma, Luca; Donnini, Jacopo; Ferrara, Giuseppe; Filippi, Sara; Gastaldi, Matteo; Generosi, Nicola; Giosuè, Chiara; Incarnato, Loredana; Lamastra, Francesca; Liguori, Barbara; Macera, Ludovico; Maqbool, Qaisar; Cristina Mascolo, Maria; Mavilia, Letterio; Mazzoli, Alida; Medici, Franco; Mobili, Alessandra; Montesperelli, Giampiero; Pia, Giorgio; Redaelli, Elena; Ruello, Maria Letizia; Scarfato, Paola; Taglieri, Giuliana; Tittarelli, Francesca; Tulliani, Jean-Marc; Valenza, Antonino
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The increase in concrete structures’ durability is a milestone to improve the sustainability of buildings and infrastructures. In order to ensure a prolonged service life, it is necessary to detect the deterioration of materials by means of monitoring systems aimed at evaluating not only the penetration of aggressive substances into concrete but also the corrosion of carbon-steel reinforcement. Therefore, proper data collection makes it possible to plan suitable restoration works which can be carried out with traditional or innovative techniques and materials. This work focuses on building heritage and it highlights the most recent findings for the conservation and restoration of reinforced concrete structures and masonry buildings.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Effect of pore modulating additives-sepiolite and colloidal nano silica-on physical, mechanical and durability properties of lime-based renders
Autore/i: Stazi, Francesca; Corinaldesi, Valeria; Capotondo, Ylenia; Porcarelli, Ilaria; DI PERNA, Costanzo; D’Orazio, Marco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: In hot-humid climates, porous external surfaces of the buildings with high water sorption capabilities could contribute to the surface temperatures reduction through the release of latent heat by evaporative cooling. On the other hand, compact and low permeable finishing materials could have mechanical and durability benefits respect to the underlying supports, for example reducing the permeability to degrading agents. In this paper, the properties of lime base coat renders with pore modulating additives (sepiolite and colloidal nano silica) have been surveyed to evaluate their effectiveness in water absorption, thermal performance, and the fulfilment of mechanical requirements for the application on the external side of the walls. A traditional lime–sand formulation was taken as reference. After preliminary tests on workability and shrinkage, the optimal mix designs were selected and the samples were subjected to several mechanical and thermo-hygrometric tests, before and after accelerated aging. The results allowed demonstrating that the use of sepiolite in substitution of sand, enhances the render ductility, thermal resistance and water uptake but worsens its mechanical stability, increasing the shrinkage effects and slightly reducing the ultimate strength values. The addition of colloidal nano silica, either to lime–sepiolite or to lime–sand renders, fails to produce any improvement in their either physical or mechanical behavior. Mixed formulations (lime–sand with sepiolite and nano silica) behave as simple lime–sand solutions, showing optimal compressive and flexural strength but reduced water uptake capabilities. This demonstrates that the presence of sand prevails in the performance of the render, and that the adoption of other additives doesn’t worth the cost for the benefit presented.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Flexural Behaviour of Ultra High Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete (UHPFRC) Under Monotonic Loads and Loading-Unloading Cycles
Flexural Behaviour of Ultra High Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete (UHPFRC) Under Monotonic Loads and Loading-Unloading Cycles
Autore/i: Generosi, Nicola; Donnini, Jacopo; Lancioni, Giovanni; Corinaldesi, Valeria
Editore: Springer Science and Business Media B.V.
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Nanoscale Characterization of Graphene Oxide-Based Epoxy Nanocomposite Using Inverted Scanning Microwave Microscopy
Autore/i: Joseph, C. H.; Luzi, Francesca; Azman, S. N. Afifa; Forcellese, Pietro; Pavoni, Eleonora; Fabi, Gianluca; Mencarelli, Davide; Gentili, Serena; Pierantoni, Luca; Morini, Antonio; Simoncini, Michela; Bellezze, Tiziano; Corinaldesi, Valeria; Farina, Marco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Scanning microwave microscopy (SMM) is a novel metrological tool that advances the quantitative, nanometric, high-frequency, electrical characterization of a broad range of materials of technological importance. In this work, we report an inverted near-field scanning microwave microscopy (iSMM) investigation of a graphene oxide-based epoxy nanocomposite material at a nanoscopic level. The high-resolution spatial mapping of local conductance provides a quantitative analysis of the sample's electrical properties. In particular, the electrical conductivity in the order of ∼10-1 S/m as well as the mapping of the dielectric constant with a value of ∼4.7 ± 0.2 are reported and validated by the full-wave electromagnetic modeling of the tip-sample interaction.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Effect of different environmental exposures on the mechanical behavior of enhanced carbon FRCM systems
American Concrete Institute, ACI Special Publication
Autore/i: Donnini, Jacopo; Bompadre, Francesca; Corinaldesi, Valeria
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Special Issue Advances in High-Performance of Eco-Efficient Concrete
Autore/i: Carlos, Thomas; De Brito, Jorge; Corinaldesi, Valeria
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Special issue high-performance eco-efficient concrete
Autore/i: Thomas, C.; de Brito, J.; Corinaldesi, V.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Special issue high-performance eco-efficient concrete
Autore/i: Thomas, C.; de Brito, J.; Corinaldesi, V.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Characterization of Ultra High Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete (UHPFRC) Tensile Behaviour
Fibre Reinforced Concrete: Improvements and Innovations
Autore/i: Generosi, Nicola; Donnini, Jacopo; Corinaldesi, Valeria
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

TRM reinforced tuff and fired clay brick masonry: Experimental and analytical investigation on their in-plane and out-of-plane behavior
Autore/i: Donnini, J.; Maracchini, G.; Lenci, S.; Corinaldesi, V.; Quagliarini, E.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The paper presents the results of an experimental campaign aimed at investigating the in-plane and out-of-plane behavior of tuff and fired clay brick masonry panels reinforced by a commercial, not yet tested, Textile Reinforced Mortar (TRM) system. The TRM, consisting of hydraulic lime mortar coupled with a bidirectional glass fabric (total thickness of 30 mm), was applied on both sides of the panels and connected through stainless-steel helical bars. First, a mechanical characterization of the TRM system was carried out, according to recent guidelines (AC434 and CNR-DT215) by means of tensile tests and single-shear bond tests on the two different substrates. Then, the effectiveness of the reinforcement was investigated through uniaxial compression, diagonal compression and three-point bending tests on masonry panels. After that, experimental results were compared to the predictions of recent guidelines and analytical models available in the literature, by using the mechanical parameters obtained from the TRM mechanical characterization. TRM showed to be very effective in increasing the in-plane shear strength of tuff panels, of about 170%, whereas in the case of fired clay brick ones the increase was limited to 33%. Besides, the diagonal compression strength of reinforced specimens seemed to be strongly influenced by the mortar matrix, instead of by the fabric reinforcement, as it usually happens i.e. for Fabric Reinforced Cementitious Matrix (FRCM) systems. Thus, novel simplified analytical formulations to predict the shear strength of reinforced panels by only considering the contribution of the TRM matrix were provided, discussed and compared to current analytical approaches for FRCM systems. As regards the out-of-plane behavior, the TRM system significantly increased the out-of-plane bending strength and ductility of both tuff and fired clay brick panels. The applicability of current analytical approaches, as well as possible amendments, was also investigated. Finally, the compressive behavior of the walls was not substantially modified by the reinforcement, reasonably due to the low axial stiffness of the connectors and, to a minor extent, because they were dry inserted within the masonry and simply folded over the glass fabric.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Uniaxial tensile behavior of ultra-high performance fiber-reinforced concrete (uhpfrc): Experiments and modeling
Autore/i: Donnini, J.; Lancioni, G.; Chiappini, G.; Corinaldesi, V.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Ultra-High Performance Fiber-Reinforced Concrete (UHPFRC) is considered a promising material for many structural applications where high strength and high energy absorption capacity are required. The purpose of this work is to study the uniaxial tensile behavior of soft cast (flowable at casting time) UHPFRC by varying the amount of hooked steel fibers (30-mm long) from 0% up to 2.55% by volume. Direct tensile tests have been performed on dog-bone shaped specimens and Digital Image Correlation (DIC) has been used to measure displacements and deformations and to monitor the evolution of cracks. Then, a phase-field model has been implemented in a FE code and numerical simulations have been performed to better understand the effects of different fiber dosages on the mechanical behavior of UHPFRC composites and on their post-elastic evolution. Concrete matrix and fiber reinforcement have been modeled as brittle and elasto-plastic phases of a mixture, whose internal energies are enriched by non-local damage and plasticity contributions. The different failure mechanisms observed in experiments have been reproduced, including the ductile failure experienced by specimens with sufficiently high fiber dosage, which distinguishes for a strain-hardening phase of matrix multi- micro-cracking that anticipates material failure.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Durability Assessment of Recycled Aggregate HVFA Concrete
Autore/i: Corinaldesi, Valeria; Donnini, Jacopo; Giosue', Chiara; Mobili, Alessandra; Tittarelli, Francesca
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The possibility of producing high-volume fly ash (HVFA) recycled aggregate concrete represents an important step towards the development of sustainable building materials. In fact, there is a growing need to reduce the use of non-renewable natural resources and, at the same time, to valorize industrial by-products, such as fly ash, that would otherwise be sent to the landfill. The present experimental work investigates the physical and mechanical properties of concrete by replacing natural aggregates and cement with recycled aggregates and fly ash, respectively. First, the mechanical properties of four dierent mixtures have been analyzed and compared. Then, the eectiveness of recycled aggregate and fly ash on reducing carbonation and chloride penetration depth has been also evaluated. Finally, the corrosion behavior of the dierent concrete mixtures, reinforced with either bare or galvanized steel plates, has been evaluated. The results obtained show that high-volume fly ash (HVFA) recycled aggregate concrete can be produced without significative reduction in mechanical properties. Furthermore, the addition of high-volume fly ash and the total replacement of natural aggregates with recycled ones did not modify the corrosion behavior of embedded bare and galvanized steel reinforcement.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Tensile behavior of a glass FRCM system after different environmental exposures
Autore/i: Donnini, J.; Bompadre, F.; Corinaldesi, V.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The use of Fabric-Reinforced Cementitious Matrix (FRCM) systems as externally bonded reinforcement for concrete or masonry structures is, nowadays, a common practice in civil engineering. However, FRCM durability against aggressive environmental conditions is still an open issue. In this paper, the mechanical behavior of a glass FRCM system, after being subjected to saline, alkaline and freeze-thaw cycles, has been investigated. The experimental campaign includes tensile tests on the fabric yarns, compression and flexural tests on the matrix and tensile tests (according to AC434) on FRCM prismatic coupons. The effects of the different environmental exposures on the mechanical properties of both the constituent materials and the composite system have been investigated and discussed. Ion chromatography analysis has also been performed to better understand the damage mechanisms induced by environmental exposures and to evaluate the ions' penetration within the inorganic matrix. Alkaline exposure was shown to be the most detrimental for Alkali-Resistant (AR) glass fiber yarns, causing a reduction in tensile strength of about 25%. However, mechanical properties of the FRCM composite seemed not to be particularly affected by any of the artificial aging environments.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Can textile reinforced mortar (TRM) systems be really effective to increase compressive strength of masonry panels?
Key Engineering Materials
Autore/i: Donnini, J.; Maracchini, G.; Chiappini, G.; Corinaldesi, V.; Quagliarini, E.; Lenci, S.
Editore: Trans Tech Publications Ltd
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: The use of Textile Reinforced Mortar (TRM) systems represent a valid alternative to traditional strengthening techniques, to improve mechanical strength and seismic performance of masonry buildings. Their effectiveness has been validated by several studies [1-4]. However, the TRM contribution in the mechanical behavior of masonry walls, subjected to simple compression, has not yet been fully investigated. In this study, an experimental campaign with the objective of studying the efficiency of TRM systems, applied to clay brick masonry panels, is presented. Compression tests were conducted on clay brick masonry panels with dimensions of 250x1000x1200 mm3 . Glass fiber bidirectional fabrics were applied on both sides of the panels, coupled with lime-based mortar, and connected with stainless steel helical connectors. The total thickness of the reinforcement system is 30 mm. The effect of the TRM reinforcement on the mechanical behavior of the panel is analyzed and experimental results are compared with those of unreinforced panels in terms of ultimate strength and failure modes.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Sustainability in Construction Materials: From Waste Valorization to Circular Economy
The First Outstanding 50 Years of “Università Politecnica delle Marche”
Autore/i: Ruello, Maria Letizia; Bellezze, Tiziano; Corinaldesi, Valeria; Donnini, Jacopo; Eusebi, Anna Laura; Fatone, Francesco; Fava, Gabriele; Favoni, Orlando; Fratesi, Romeo; Giosue', Chiara; Giuliani, Giampaolo; Marcellini, Mirco; Mazzoli, Alida; Mobili, Alessandra; Roventi, Gabriella; Tittarelli, Francesca
Editore: Springer
Luogo di pubblicazione: Cham
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: Already from the beginning, 50 years ago, the first nucleus of researchers establishing the research group, was convinced that the construction sector was the best option for the valorization of industrial by-products as “secondary raw materials”. In fact, this sector is probably the largest consumer of resources and the largest waste generator, consequently it has huge environmental impact. On the other hand, construction materials affect the performance of buildings with respect to safety, health, environmental performance and energy efficiency. Manufacturing of construction products using alternative raw materials; recycling to manage construction and demolition waste; durability and environmental compatibility of materials: all these were the different and challenging fields of research that the group has faced in a continuous effort of innovation and cooperation at national and international level. The focus of the group was already perfectly in line with what is now called “Circular Economy”, which at present is considered a revolution in the way of human economic development. We are sure the group thus contributed to this revolution even before the term was in current use. We feel ready for the next 50.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

A comparison between the use of FRP, FRCM and HPM for concrete confinement
Autore/i: Donnini, J.; Spagnuolo, S.; Corinaldesi, V.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The use of new methods to strengthen and rehabilitate existing concrete and masonry structures is one of the challenges that the engineering community is facing in recent years. In this field, composite materials are acquiring more and more success, due to lower invasiveness and ease of application if compared to more traditional systems (e.g. steel plates or reinforced concrete jacketing). This work, based on experimental investigations, aims to propose a comparison between three different methods as possible strengthening solutions for existing concrete elements. Twenty compression tests were conducted on reduced scale concrete columns, realized by using a low performance concrete, in order to reproduce the poor mechanical properties of most existing structures. Two of them were left unconfined, while the other ones were reinforced by using Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP), Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Matrix (FRCM) or High Performance Mortar (HPM) systems. The effectiveness of the different strengthening techniques and the main differences in terms of structural response were investigated. Experimental results were then compared with predictions deriving from guidelines and theoretical models from the literature.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

A comparison between the use of FRP, FRCM and HPM for concrete confinement
Autore/i: Donnini, Jacopo; Spagnuolo, Simone; Corinaldesi, Valeria
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Tensile behaviour of glass FRCM systems with fabrics’ overlap: Experimental results and numerical modeling
Autore/i: Donnini, Jacopo; Chiappini, Gianluca; Lancioni, Giovanni; Corinaldesi, Valeria
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Study of environmentally friendly mortars prepared with recycled concrete aggregates and biomass ash
American Concrete Institute, ACI Special Publication
Autore/i: Corinaldesi, V.; Donnini, J.; Merlonetti, G.
Editore: American Concrete Institute
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Study of green FRCM systems made of lime-based matrix and hemp fibers
American Concrete Institute, ACI Special Publication
Autore/i: Donnini, J.; Corinaldesi, V.
Editore: American Concrete Institute
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Variational modelling of diffused and localized damage with applications to fiber-reinforced concretes
Autore/i: Lancioni, Giovanni; Corinaldesi, Valeria
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Concrete columns confined with different composite materials
MATEC Web of Conferences
Autore/i: Donnini, J.; Corinaldesi, V.
Editore: EDP Sciences
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Mechanical, electrical and self-sensing properties of cementitious mortars containing short carbon fibers
Autore/i: Donnini, Jacopo; Bellezze, Tiziano; Corinaldesi, Valeria
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: This paper is aimed at exploring mechanical, electrical and self-sensing properties of cement-based mortars through the addition of short carbon fibers, at different dosages (2%, 3%, 4% by weight of cement). Compression and bending tests on carbon fiber reinforced mortars (CFRM) were performed. The addition of carbon fibers showed to enhance the mortars’ flexural strength by increasing the fibers content, while no improvement was found in the compressive strength. Electrical resistivity of the CFRM, at different days of curing, was evaluated by AC impedance measurements, using two stainless steel wire meshes as electrodes. The electrical resistivity decreased with time, until reaching a constant value after about 60 days of curing. Carbon fibers were able to drastically reduce the mortar resistivity, up to values below 150 Ω cm. The effect of fibers dosage on the ability of the mortar to change its electrical resistivity when subjected to different stress states was also studied. The specimens were gradually loaded up to 50–60% of the maximum compressive strength, carrying out two loading/unloading cycles, while resistivity was measured using a conductivity meter. Depending on the fibers dosage and stress state within the material, CFRM resistivity changed with significant variations.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Distributed internal strain measurement of the fluid-solid state CTE below the glass transition temperature during a composite manufacturing process
Autore/i: Poggetti, Ilaria; Dyson, Jack; MARTINEZ SANCHEZ2, Daniel; Albertini, Gianni; Soutis, Constantinos; Gresil, Matthieu; Corinaldesi, Valeria
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The total distributed strain produced during a vacuum-assisted resin infusion moulding composite manufacture process is measured in real time by using optical fibre sensors embedded in three different layers of a thin 5-harness satin weave flat plate cured with low-viscosity epoxy resin/cycloaliphatic polyamine epoxy resin polymer matrix. We present and discuss the chemical reaction of the epoxy resin polymer matrix adhesive to show that under manufacturing conditions, well below the glass transition point, substrates gradually come into contact with and become covered with epoxy resin polymer matrix strongly bonded to their surfaces. The fluid dynamics of the reaction system under such conditions reduces to a Cauchy equilibrium found in stressed solids, which leads to a strength of materials argument to show that the embedded, distributed optical fibres can accurately measure the motion of the surrounding epoxy resin polymer matrix before the gel point. The same argument is applied to the embedded 5-harness satin carbon fibre weave and leads immediately to an extension of the composite laminate theory for the thermodynamic liquid phase before the glass transition temperature. The predictions of the modified composite laminate theory framework are found to be consistent with experiment.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Effect of graphene oxide and metallic fibers on the electromagnetic shielding effect of engineered cementitious composites
Autore/i: Mazzoli, A.; Corinaldesi, V.; Donnini, J.; Di Perna, C.; Micheli, D.; Vricella, A.; Pastore, R.; Bastianelli, L.; Moglie, F.; Mariani Primiani, V.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Experimental Analysis of the Aging Effects on Shielding Effectiveness of Cementitious Composites
2018 IEEE Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Signal Integrity and Power Integrity, EMC, SI and PI 2018
Autore/i: Bastianelli, Luca; Primiani, Valter Mariani; Moglie, Franco; Donnini, Jacopo; Mazzoli, Alida; Corinaldesi, Valeria; Gradoni, Gabriele; Micheli, Davide
Editore: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: The shielding effectiveness of cementitious composites is analyzed by means of the nested reverberation chamber method. This feature is evaluated as function of time in order to estimate the aging effects. Different cementitious mixtures are considered and carbon/metallic fibers are put within the mortar in order to improve the shielding effectiveness considering the frequency band from 0.8 GHz up to 8.4 GHz
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Bricks and Concrete Wastes as Coarse and Fine Aggregates in Sustainable Mortars
Autore/i: Mobili, Alessandra; Giosue', Chiara; Corinaldesi, Valeria; Tittarelli, Francesca
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The total substitution by volume of natural coarse calcareous aggregate by coarse recycled brick aggregate (RBA) and coarse recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) has been investigated to produce more sustainable and environment-friendly mortars. Aggregates were also partially substituted by their fines at 12.5% by volume. Mortars have been tested in terms of mechanical, microstructural, and durability properties. Results show that it is feasible to replace a natural calcareous aggregate entirely by recycled aggregates. In particular, the obtained mortars, even if more porous and more prone to the water capillary absorption than that manufactured with natural aggregates, result in less stiffness and thus are less subjected to crack formation, more permeable to water vapour, and less susceptible to sulphate attack.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Binders alternative to Portland cement and waste management for sustainable construction - Part 1
Autore/i: Coppola, Luigi; Bellezze, Tiziano; Belli, Alberto; Chiara Bignozzi, Maria; Bolzoni, Fabio; Brenna, Andrea; Cabrini, Marina; Candamano, Sebastiano; Cappai, Marta; Caputo, Domenico; Carsana, Maddalena; Casnedi, Ludovica; Cioffi, Raffaele; Cocco, Ombretta; Coffetti, Denny; Colangelo, Francesco; Coppola, Bartolomeo; Corinaldesi, Valeria; Crea, Fortunato; Crotti, Elena; Daniele, Valeria; De Gisi, Sabino; Delogu, Francesco; Vittoria Diamanti, Maria; Di Maio, Luciano; Di Mundo, Rosa; Di Palma, Luca; Donnini, Jacopo; Farina, Ilenia; Ferone, Claudio; Frontera, Patrizia; Gastaldi, Matteo; Giosue', Chiara; Incarnato, Loredana; Liguori, Barbara; Lollini, Federica; Lorenzi, Sergio; Manzi, Stefania; Marino, Ottavio; Marroccoli, Milena; Cristina Mascolo, Maria; Mavilia, Letterio; Mazzoli, Alida; Medici, Franco; Meloni, Paola; Merlonetti, Glauco; Mobili, Alessandra; Notarnicola, Michele; Ormellese, Marco; Pastore, Tommaso; Pia Pedeferri, Maria; Petrella, Andrea; Pia, Giorgio; Redaelli, Elena; Roviello, Giuseppina; Scarfato, Paola; Scoccia, Giancarlo; Taglieri, Giuliana; Telesca, Antonio; Tittarelli, Francesca; Todaro, Francesco; Vilardi and Fan Yang, Giorgio
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: This review presents “a state of the art” report on sustainability in construction materials. The authors propose different solutions to make the concrete industry more environmentally friendly in order to reduce greenhouse gases emissions and consumption of non-renewable resources. Part 1—the present paper—focuses on the use of binders alternative to Portland cement, including sulfoaluminate cements, alkali-activated materials, and geopolymers. Part 2 will be dedicated to traditional Portland-free binders and waste management and recycling in mortar and concrete production.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Failure modes in FRCM systems with dry and pre-impregnated carbon yarns: Experiments and modeling
Autore/i: Donnini, Jacopo; Lancioni, Giovanni; Corinaldesi, Valeria
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Binders alternative to Portland cement and waste management for sustainable construction – Part 2
Autore/i: Coppola, Luigi; Bellezze, Tiziano; Belli, Alberto; C Bignozzi, Maria; Bolzoni, Fabio; Brenna, Andrea; Cabrini, Marina; Candamano, Sebastiano; Cappai, Marta; Caputo, Domenico; Carsana, Maddalena; Casnedi, Ludovica; Cioffi, Raffaele; Cocco6, Ombretta; Coffetti, Denny; Colangelo8, Francesco; Coppola, Bartolomeo; Corinaldesi, Valeria; Crea, Fortunato; Crotti, Elena; Daniele, Valeria; De Gisi, Sabino; Delogu, Francesco; V Diamanti, Maria; Di Maio, Luciano; Di Mundo, Rosa; Di Palma, Luca; Donnini, Jacopo; Farina, Ilenia; Ferone, Claudio; Frontera, Patrizia; Gastaldi, Matteo; Giosue', Chiara; Incarnato, Loredana; Liguori, Barbara; Lollini, Federica; Lorenzi, Sergio; Manzi, Stefania; Marino, Ottavio; Marroccoli, Milena; C Mascolo, Maria; Mavilia, Letterio; Mazzoli, Alida; Medici, Franco; Meloni, Paola; Merlonetti, Glauco; Mobili, Alessandra; Notarnicola, Michele; Ormellese, Marco; Pastore, Tommaso; Pia Pedeferri, Maria; Petrella, Andrea; Pia6, Giorgio; Redaelli, Elena; Roviello, Giuseppina; Scarfato, Paola; Scoccia, Giancarlo; Taglieri, Giuliana; Telesca, Antonio; Tittarelli, Francesca; Todaro, Francesco; Vilardi, Giorgio; Yang, Fan
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The paper represents the “state of the art” on sustainability in construction materials. In Part 1 of the paper, issues related to production, microstructures, chemical nature, engineering properties, and durability of mixtures based on binders alternative to Portland cement were presented. This second part of the paper concerns the use of traditional and innovative Portland-free lime-based mortars in the conservation of cultural heritage, and the recycling and management of wastes to reduce consumption of natural resources in the production of construction materials. The latter is one of the main concerns in terms of sustainability since nowadays more than 75% of wastes are disposed of in landfills.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Bond behavior of FRCM carbon yarns embedded in a cementitious matrix: Experimental and numerical results
Mechanics of Masonry Structures Strengthened with Composite Materials II
Autore/i: Donnini, Jacopo; Lancioni, Giovanni; Bellezze, Tiziano; Corinaldesi, Valeria
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Fabric-reinforced cementitious matrix behavior at high-temperature: Experimental and numerical results
Autore/i: Donnini, Jacopo; De Caso y. Basalo, Francisco; Corinaldesi, Valeria; Lancioni, Giovanni; Nanni, Antonio
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

A variational model for determining fracture modes in FRCM Systems
Autore/i: Lancioni, Giovanni; Donnini, Jacopo; Corinaldesi, Valeria
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Autore/i: Micheli, D.; Vricella, A.; Pastore, R.; Delfini, A.; Buneno Morles, R.; Marchetti, M.; Santoni, F.; Bastianelli, Luca; Moglie, Franco; MARIANI PRIMIANI, Valter; Corinaldesi, Valeria; Mazzoli, Alida; Donnini, Jacopo
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Feasibility Study of a Table Prototype Made of High-Performance Fiber-Reinforced Concrete
Autore/i: Baioni, Elisa; Alessi, Roberto; Corinaldesi, Valeria; Lancioni, Giovanni; Rizzini, Robin
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The challenging and innovative idea of realizing a table totally made of fiber-reinforced concrete is explored through an interdisciplinary research activity, where contributions coming from different fields (design, material science, experimental testing, numerical modeling) are combined. The paper describes the different phases of the study, starting from the design of the table, moving through the development of a purpose-made high-performance fiber-reinforced concrete and the mechanical characterization via experimental testing, and concluding with numerical modeling. Numerical results are determined by implementing a damage plasticity constitutive model in a finite element code. The mechanical response of the table has been analyzed for different loading and boundary conditions, and an exhaustive and complete picture of the possible failure mechanisms has been drawn. Simulations have clearly described the different stress-softening processes of damage evolution and plastic strains localization, pointing out the vulnerable parts of the table. Finally, strategies for improving the table mechanical performances are discussed.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Mechanical characterization of different FRCM systems for structural reinforcement
Autore/i: Donnini, Jacopo; Corinaldesi, Valeria
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Properties of fibre reinforced cement-based composites containing expansive agent
FRC: The Modern Landscape, Proceedings of the 9th RILEM International Symposium on Fiber Reinforced Concrete, PRO 116
Autore/i: Corinaldesi, Valeria; Donnini, Jacopo; Nardinocchi, Alessandro; Merlonetti, Glauco
Editore: RILEM Publications S.A.R.L.
Luogo di pubblicazione: Paris
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Evolution of FRCM strengthening systems: fabric coating bond enhancement
REHABEND 2016, Euro-American Congress about “Construction pathology, rehabilitation technology and heritage management”
Autore/i: Donnini, Jacopo; De Caso y. Basalo, F.; Corinaldesi, Valeria; Nanni, A.
Editore: Graficas Iguna
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Study of high-temperature effects on the FRCM mechanical properties
4th Workshop on “The New Boundaries of Structural Concrete”
Autore/i: Donnini, Jacopo; De Caso y. Basalo, F.; Corinaldesi, Valeria; Nanni, A.
Editore: Edizioni MReady
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Shielding effectiveness statistical evaluation of random concrete composites
2016 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for AeroSpace (MetroAeroSpace) Proceedings
Autore/i: Bastianelli, Luca; Capra, Sofia; Gradoni, Gabriele; Micheli, Davide; Vricella, Antonio; Corinaldesi, Valeria; Mazzoli, Alida; Moglie, Franco; MARIANI PRIMIANI, Valter
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: The shielding performance of random concrete composite samples are checked under a random excitation. It is achieved by means of a nested reverberation chamber system. Metallic fibers are randomly diffused in the concrete in order to improve shielding effectiveness from less than 10 dB up to an averaged value of 35 dB within a frequency range that includes communication system operating bands.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Effect of graphene oxide addition on the mechanical and thermal properties of cement-based composites
Autore/i: Donnini, Jacopo; DI PERNA, Costanzo; Mazzoli, Alida; Christiansen, S; Corinaldesi, Valeria
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Mechanical characterization of Engineered Cement-based Composites prepared with hybrid fibres and expansive agent
Autore/i: Corinaldesi, Valeria; Nardinocchi, Alessandro
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Autore/i: Donnini, Jacopo; Nardinocchi, Alessandro; Magrini, Isabella; Poggetti, Ilaria; Corinaldesi, Valeria
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Structural behavior of recycled concrete: mechanical strength, shrinkage and bond strength
2nd RILEM International Conference on Concrete Sustainability
Autore/i: Seara Paz, S.; Corinaldesi, Valeria; González Fonteboa, B.; Martínez Abella, F.
Editore: CIMNE
Luogo di pubblicazione: Barcelona
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Study of Environmentally friendy bedding mortars prepared with recycled aggregates and biomass ash
2nd RILEM International Conference on Concrete Sustainability
Autore/i: Fernàndez Ledesma, E.; Ramòn Jiménez, J.; Corinaldesi, Valeria
Editore: CIMNE
Luogo di pubblicazione: Barcelona
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Properties of bacterial rice husk ash concrete
Autore/i: Siddique, Rafat; Singh, Karambir; Kunal, Null; Singh, Malkit; Corinaldesi, Valeria; Rajor, Anita
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Reuse of wood waste for lightweight mortars
Autore/i: Corinaldesi, Valeria; Mazzoli, Alida; Siddique, Rafat
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

The use of wood by-products waste for producing lightweight and thermal insulating cement-based materials
Autore/i: Corinaldesi, Valeria; Favoni, Orlando; Mazzoli, Alida; Nardinocchi, Alessandro; Siddique, Rafat
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Reuse of recycled glass in mortar manufacturing
Autore/i: Corinaldesi, Valeria; Nardinocchi, Alessandro; Donnini, Jacopo
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: This work is aimed at studying the possibility of reusing waste glass from crushed containers as aggregate for preparing mortars. At present, this kind of reuse is still not common due to the risk of alkali–silica reaction (ASR) between alkalis of the cement and silica of the waste glass. This expansive reaction can cause great problems of cracking and, consequently, it can be extremely deleterious for the mortar durability. The influence of both size and colour of recycled glass coming from crushed containers on the durability of mortars is studied. The attention is focused on both mechanical behaviour, investigated by means of bending and compression tests, as well as durability, studied by means of accelerated tests for evaluating the tendency to expand under alkaline environment due to ASR. Several mortars are prepared by replacing at different rate the quartz sand with coarse glass cullet of different colours: clear (i.e. uncoloured), green and amber. Then, pulverised clear glass is added to the mortar mixtures, also in the presence of class F fly ash. Results obtained show that by using both green and amber glass cullet the mortars are stable, as well as by using powder glass, which also shows a significant pozzolanic effect. On the other hand, considerable expansion due to ASR is detected by using clear glass cullet.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Influence of recycled coarse aggregates characteristics on mechanical properties of structural concrete
Autore/i: Seara Paz, S.; Corinaldesi, Valeria; González Fonteboa, B.; Martínez Abella, F.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: This work studies with the influence of recycled coarse aggregates features on the mechanical properties of structural concrete. Recycled concrete is characterised by replacing different percentages of natural coarse aggregate with recycled coarse aggregate (0, 20, 50 and 100%) and two different water-to-cement ratios .50 and .65. The experimental program was carried out at the two laboratories: one at the University of A Coruña and another at the Università Politecnica delle Marche (Italy). For said purpose, two different recycled aggregates were used, with different water absorptions and compositions. Results obtained allowed the authors to establish different mechanical behaviour of recycled concrete (compressive strength, tensile splitting strength and modulus of elasticity) due to different replacement percentages and characteristics of the recycled aggregates.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Electrically Conductive DSP Cement Composites
Autore/i: Mazzoli, Alida; Corinaldesi, Valeria; Moglie, Franco; MARIANI PRIMIANI, Valter; Favoni, Orlando
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Electromagnetic shielding and propagation in concrete structures are getting more and more interest in radiation hazard problems and wireless communications. The protection of sensitive environment is nowadays carried out by appropriate shielding room made of metallic walls. Even if effective they are heavy structures not adequate for the installation over existing building walls. The using of concrete composites filled by conductive elements represents a valid alternative to metallic shielded room since they can be adopted to directly build up the building walls and/or to easily plaster existing walls
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Study of physical and elasto-mechanical behaviour of fiber-reinforced concrete made of cement containing biomass ash
Autore/i: Corinaldesi, Valeria; Nardinocchi, Alessandro; Donnini, Jacopo
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: In this work, the influence of different kinds of fibres on Fibre-reinforced concrete (FRC) cracking behaviour is examined. Several FRC mixtures are designed, in which cement is partially replaced at 20% by weight of cement by a biomass ash coming from paper mill sludge incineration. These FRCs are prepared by alternatively using steel fibres, polypropilene macro-fibres, glass macro-fibres, as well as hybrid or bicomponent synthetic fibres. The dosage of fibres is always equal to .55% by concrete mixing volume. As reference, also a mixture with the same mixture proportions but without fibre reinforcement is prepared and tested. Ring test according to ASTM C 1581-04 and free shrinkage test are carried out in the same exposure conditions: 21 °C and 50% relative humidity. Moreover, compressive and tensile strengths of FRCs, as well as their elastic modulus, are evaluated on cubic specimens up to 28 days of curing, and, in particular, also at the time of ring cracking. In this way, other important information could be extrapolated by introducing these experimental data in suitable numerical model of the ring concrete specimens available in the literature. This procedure enables to study the influence of the kind of fibres on the potential for early-age cracking of concrete, as well as to identify the effect of tensile creep on concrete cracking. Results obtained show the effectiveness of the randomly dispersed fibres in counteracting the early cracking of FRC.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

A proposal for the maximum use of recycled concrete sand in masonry mortar design
Autore/i: Fernández Ledesma, E.; Jiménez, J. R.; Ayuso, J.; Corinaldesi, Valeria; Iglesias Godino, F. J.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Influence of type of fibers on the properties of high performance cement-based composites
Autore/i: Corinaldesi, Valeria; Nardinocchi, Alessandro
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Study of the use of different chemical admixtures in mortars manufactured with recycled sand from CDW
2nd RILEM International Conference on Concrete Sustainability
Autore/i: Torres Gòmez, A. I.; Cingolani, C.; Ledesma, E. F.; Corinaldesi, Valeria; Jimènez, J. R.; Fernàndez, J. M.
Editore: CIMNE
Luogo di pubblicazione: Barcelona
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Localized Versus Diffuse Damage: A Variational Approach
AIP Conference Proceedings
Autore/i: Lancioni, Giovanni; Corinaldesi, Valeria
Editore: AIP Publishing
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

The Influence Mineral Additions on the Failure Properties of Bitumen Emulsion Mortars
8th RILEM International Conference on Mechanisms of Cracking and Debonding in Pavements
Autore/i: Godenzoni, Carlotta; Graziani, Andrea; Corinaldesi, Valeria
Editore: Springer Netherlands
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: The use of both cold asphalt and cold recycled asphalt mixtures produced with bitumen emulsion is constantly increasing. The failure properties of these low-energy materials are normally improved by using mineral additions or active fillers. These additions are a key component of the bituminous mortar, which binds the coarse aggregate fraction of the mixture. The objective of the present study is to investigate the evolution of the failure properties bitumen-emulsion mortars obtained by using three different types of additions: Portland cement (active filler), hydrated lime and calcium carbonate (inactive filler). The mortars were prepared with standard sand and a fixed bitumen/addition rate. Cylindrical samples were compacted with a shear gyratory compactor, the selected procedure also allowed evaluating the effect of the different additions and water content on workability. The indirect tensile strengths were measured after 7, 14, 28 and 100 days of curing in two conditions: sealed (i.e. no evaporation) and unsealed, at 50% relative humidity. Each bituminous mortars was also characterized in terms of low temperature fracture resistance. Results showed the influence of the mineral additions on the emulsion breaking and the different curing conditions allowed highlighting the impact of both evaporation and cement hydration on strength and stiffness evolution.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Cost Action 15107, Multi-Functional Nano-Carbon Composite Materials - MULTICOMP, Scientific Kick-Off meeting
Autore/i: Tittarelli, Francesca; Belli, Alberto; Mobili, Alessandra; Roventi, Gabriella; Corinaldesi, Valeria; Mazzoli, Alida; Bellezze, Tiziano; Ruello, Maria Letizia
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Mechanical properties of FRCM using carbon fabrics with different coating treatments
Autore/i: Donnini, Jacopo; Corinaldesi, Valeria; Nanni, Antonio
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Study of early age behavior of fiber-reinforced cement-based materials containing expansive agent
4th Workshop on “The New Boundaries of Structural Concrete”
Autore/i: Nardinocchi, Alessandro; Corinaldesi, Valeria; Palmeri, A.
Editore: Edizioni MReady
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Improving Adhesion at the Fibers/Matrix Interface in FRCM for Masonry Strengthening
Conference Proceedings of the ICCS18 - 18th International Conference on Composite Structures
Autore/i: Corinaldesi, Valeria; Donnini, Jacopo
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Effect Of Expansive Agent and Shrinkage Reducing Admixture on the Performances of Fiber Reinforced Mortars
SP 302 - Superplasticizers and Other Chemical Admixtures in Concrete
Autore/i: Collepardi, Mario; Corinaldesi, Valeria; Monosi, Saveria; Nardinocchi, Alessandro
Editore: American Concrete Institute
Luogo di pubblicazione: Farmington Hills, Michigan
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

FRCM mechanical properties using carbon fabrics with different coating treatments
ACI SP 305
Autore/i: Donnini, Jacopo; Corinaldesi, Valeria; Nanni, Antonio
Editore: American Concrete Institute
Luogo di pubblicazione: Farmingoton Hills
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Experimental Study of Adhesion between FRCM and Masonry Support
Mechanics of Masonry Structures Strengthened with Composite Materials
Autore/i: Corinaldesi, Valeria; Donnini, J.; Mazzoni, G.
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Study of fibre-reinforced cement-based composites containing expansive agent
Book of Abstracts of the X INSTM Conference
Autore/i: Nardinocchi, Alessandro; Corinaldesi, Valeria
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

The Influence of Expansive Agents on The Properties of Fiber Reinforced Cement-Based Composites
Conference Proceedings of the ICCS18 - 18th International Conference on Composite Structures
Autore/i: Corinaldesi, Valeria; Nardinocchi, Alessandro
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Use of recycled aggregate and expanded clay for self-compacting lightweight aggregate concretes
ACI SP 305
Autore/i: Corinaldesi, Valeria; Moriconi, Giacomo
Editore: American Concrete Institute
Luogo di pubblicazione: Farminghton Hill
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Use of synthetic fibers in self-compacting lightweight aggregate concretes
Autore/i: Corinaldesi, Valeria; Moriconi, Giacomo
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Study of plasters containing organic particles for sustainable and energy-efficient building
Book of Abstracts of the X INSTM Conference
Autore/i: Corinaldesi, Valeria; Nardinocchi, Alessandro
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Lightweight plasters containing plastic waste for sustainable and energy-efficient building
Autore/i: Corinaldesi, Valeria; Donnini, Jacopo; Nardinocchi, Alessandro
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

The influence of calcium oxide addition on properties of fiber reinforced cement-based composites
Autore/i: Corinaldesi, Valeria; Donnini, Jacopo; Nardinocchi, Alessandro
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

The Influence of Expansive Agent on the Performance of Fiber Reinforced Cement-Based Composites
Autore/i: Corinaldesi, Valeria; Nardinocchi, Alessandro; Donnini, Jacopo
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: In this work several fibre reinforced cement-based composites (FRCCs) as well as ultra high performance concretes (UHPCs) were studied, in which CaO-based expansive agent was added in order to help in reducing the risk of cracking induced by drying shrinkage. Three different kinds of metallic reinforcing fibres were tested: flat (and flexible) steel-alloy fibres, and brass-coated either hooked or straight steel fibres. All the mixtures were characterised at both fresh and hardened state, by measuring fresh consistency, compressive and flexural strength, as well as length changes under drying shrinkage test. Moreover, FRCC microstructure was investigated by means of Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry (MIP) and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) observations. The effect on mechanical performance of a thermal pre-treatment at 80 °C for the first 24 h of curing after casting was also evaluated. Results obtained confirmed the effectiveness of CaO addition on material stability under drying shrinkage; moreover, it seems to produce a beneficial effect on flexural strength if used with brass-coated fibres. The reason of this synergy probably lies in the formation of calcium-hydroxy-zincate crystals at the interface between fibres and surrounding cement paste (phenomenon promoted by dezincification of brass in alkaline environment), able to significantly improve the quality of the interface fibre–matrix by increasing adhesion.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Influence of Recycled Glass Addition on Mortar Properties
Autore/i: Corinaldesi, Valeria; Nardinocchi, A.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: This work was aimed at studying the possibility of reusing waste glass from crushed containers as aggregate for preparing mortars. At present, this kind of reuse is still not common due to the risk of alkali–silica reaction (ASR) between alkalis of the cement and silica of the waste glass. This expansive reaction can cause great problems of cracking and, consequently, it can be extremely deleterious for the mortar durability. The influence of both size and colour of recycled glass coming from post-consumer domestic containers on the properties of mortars was studied. The attention was focused on both mechanical behaviour, investigated by means of bending and compression tests, as well as durability, studied by means of accelerated tests for evaluating the tendency to expand under alkaline environment due to ASR. Several mortars were prepared by replacing at different rate the quartz sand with coarse glass cullet of different colours: clear (i.e. uncoloured), green and amber. Then, pulverized clear glass was added to the mortar mixtures, also in the presence of class F fly ash. Results obtained showed that by using both green and amber glass cullet the mortars are stable, as well as by using powder glass, which also showed a significant pozzolanic effect. On the other hand, considerable expansion due to ASR was detected by using clear glass cullet.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Lightweight aggregate mortars for sustainable and energy-efficient building
Autore/i: Corinaldesi, Valeria; Nardinocchi, Alessandro; Donnini, Jacopo
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Study of Ultra-High Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete with Expansive and Shrinkage Reducing Agents
Autore/i: Nardinocchi, Alessandro; Corinaldesi, Valeria
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Il riciclaggio delle macerie da C&D per chiudere il ciclo di vita del calcestruzzo
Autore/i: Corinaldesi, Valeria; Moriconi, Giacomo
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Experimental study on cracking behaviour of fiber reinforced concretes by ring test
Proc. of the 2nd Int. Conf. on Advances in Civil, Structural and Mechanical Engineering - CSM 2014
Autore/i: Corinaldesi, Valeria; Nardinocchi, Alessandro
Editore: IRED
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Influence of recycled glass addition on mortar properties
Proc. of the 2nd Intl. Conf. on Advances in Civil, Structural and Mechanical Engineering - CSM 2014
Autore/i: Corinaldesi, Valeria; Nardinocchi, Alessandro
Editore: IRED
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Experimental Study on Cracking Behaviour of Fiber Reinforced Concretes by Ring Test
Autore/i: Corinaldesi, Valeria; Nardinocchi, Alessandro
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: In this work the influence of different kinds of fibers on Fiber Reinforced Concrete (FRC) cracking behaviour was examined. Several FRCs were prepared by alternatively using steel fibers, polypropilene macro-fibers, glass macro-fibers, hybrid or bicomponent synthetic fibers. The fibers’ dosage was always equal to 0,55% by volume. As reference, a mixture with the same mixture proportions but without fiber reinforcement was prepared and tested. Ring test according to ASTM C 1581– 04 and free shrinkage test were carried out in the same exposure conditions: 21°C and 50% relative humidity. Moreover, compressive and tensile strengths of FRCs, as well as their elastic modulus, were evaluated on cubic specimens up to 28 days of curing, and, in particular, also at the time of ring cracking. In this way, other important information could be extrapolated by introducing these experimental data in suitable numerical model of the ring concrete specimens available in the literature. This procedure enables to study the influence of the kind of fibers on the potential for early-age cracking of concrete, as well as to identify the effect of tensile creep on concrete cracking. Results obtained showed the effectiveness of the randomly dispersed fibers in counteracting the FRC early cracking.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Composizione di calcestruzzi con alta resistenza a trazione
Autore/i: Corinaldesi, Valeria; Nardinocchi, Alessandro
Classificazione: 6 Brevetti
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Effectiveness of synthetic structural fibers for self-compacting fiber reinforced concretes
The new boundaries of Structural Concrete
Autore/i: Corinaldesi, Valeria; Nardinocchi, Alessandro; Donnini, Jacopo
Editore: Edizioni MReady
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Effect of Steel Fiber Volume on Fiber Reinforced Concrete Post-Cracking Behavior
The new boundaries of Structural Concrete
Autore/i: Corinaldesi, Valeria; Moriconi, Giacomo; Nardinocchi, Alessandro
Editore: Edizioni MReady
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Study of self-compacting concretes reinforced by synthetic structural fibres
Fiber Concrete 2013
Autore/i: Nardinocchi, Alessandro; Corinaldesi, Valeria
Editore: Faculty of Civil Engineering
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Impiego di ceneri da biomassa e pigmenti in polvere per SCC eco-sostenibili colorati
Autore/i: Corinaldesi, Valeria
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Effect of Different Fibers on FRC Cracking Behavior Evaluated Through Ring Test
Proceedings of the 3rd ACI Italy Chapter Workshop ‘The new boundaries of Structural Concrete’
Autore/i: Corinaldesi, Valeria; Nardinocchi, Alessandro; Moriconi, Giacomo
Editore: Edizioni MReady
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

A natural-scale analysis of estuarine cohesive sediments: the EscoSed project
8th international SedNet conference - Innovative sediment management: how to do more with less
Autore/i: Brocchini, Maurizio; Calantoni, J.; Postacchini, Matteo; Reed, A. H.; Lorenzoni, Carlo; Russo, Aniello; Mancinelli, Alessandro; Corinaldesi, Valeria
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Lightweight Self-Leveling Mortars for Sustainable and Energy Efficient Building
Advances in Cement and Concrete Technology in Africa
Autore/i: Corinaldesi, Valeria; Moriconi, Giacomo
Editore: BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Berlin, Germany
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Environmentally-friendly concretes for sustainable building
The Sustainable City VII - Vol.2
Autore/i: Corinaldesi, Valeria; Moriconi, Giacomo
Editore: WIT Press
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Characterization of Colored Self-Compacting Concretes
Superplasticizers and Other Chemical Admixtures in Concrete
Autore/i: Corinaldesi, Valeria; Monosi, Saveria
Editore: American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Characterization of Lightweight Mortars Containing Wood Waste
Recent Advances in Concrete Technology and Sustainability Issues
Autore/i: Corinaldesi, Valeria; Moriconi, Giacomo
Editore: American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Recycled Aggregate Concretes for Structural Applications:From Investigation to Design
Autore/i: Corinaldesi, Valeria; Moriconi, Giacomo
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Study of Lightweight Mortars Made of Wooden Waste
Autore/i: Corinaldesi, Valeria
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Influence of Lightweight Aggregates and GRP By-Product Powderson the Properties of Self-Compacting Concretes
Autore/i: Corinaldesi, Valeria
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Study of recycled-aggregate concrete mixtures containing fly ash
4th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation
Autore/i: Corinaldesi, Valeria; Moriconi, Giacomo
Editore: Mines d’Albi, Albi (France)
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

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