


12 pubblicazioni classificate nel seguente modo:

Nr. doc. Classificazioni
9 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
2 1 Contributo su Rivista
1 8 Tesi di dottorato
Underwater Simulators Analysis for Digital Twinning
Autore/i: Ciuccoli, Nicolo; Screpanti, Laura; Scaradozzi, David
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The underwater environment is among Earth's most challenging domains, where failures incur elevated risks and costs for both technology and human endeavors. As a consequence, forecasting the behavior of mechatronic systems through simulation has become increasingly important. Underwater Robotic Simulators (URSs) allow researchers and engineers to safely develop and assess submarine systems. The selection of an appropriate URS from the list of available tools is not trivial. Moreover, the integration of this software with the Digital Twin (DT) concept presents numerous advantages, particularly the ability to link the simulated environment with actual underwater vehicles. This connection is facilitated by performing validation and simulation tests using Software In the Loop (SIL), Model In the Loop, and Hardware In the Loop (HIL) techniques. This paper extensively reviews URSs in the context of both robots and unmanned vehicles in light of the DT paradigm. The article critically examines distinctions among existing URSs, offering valuable insights to aid researchers in selecting the most fitting tool for their specific applications. Additionally, the review explores the practical applications of the identified simulators, categorizing their usage across different fields to illuminate the preferences within the scientific community and showcase prominent case studies.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

A digital twin infrastructure for designing an underwater survey with a professional DPV
2022 30th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED 2022
Autore/i: Bartolucci, V.; Ciuccoli, N.; Prendi, F.; Screpanti, L.; Scaradozzi, D.
Editore: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: This paper presents a digital twin infrastructure developed to study and test the buoyancy set-up of a diver propulsion vehicle (DPV) with and without payloads prior to the underwater survey. In order to obtain the final software simulator, MATLAB/Simulink (for physical and mathematical models) was connected with Unity (for robot and environment visualization and navigation). A user interface is also presented to simulate the model directly and guide the user in adding objects to the DPV and in running the code to recalculate the fundamental parameters of the model. The system was verified and validated through case studies designed to test the behavior of the virtual DPV.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Control Engineering and Robotics since Primary School: an Infrastructure for creating the Digital Twin model of the Learning Class
Autore/i: Screpanti, L.; Scaradozzi, D.; Gulesin, R. N.; Ciuccoli, N.
Editore: Elsevier B.V.
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: Control engineering has a cross-boundary nature because its applications span over a wide range of fields, among which science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Creating an automation literacy from the Primary School's age is beneficial for pupils because it supports the development of valuable skills that allow the comprehension and analysis of real-world phenomena. Even if many researchers and policymakers have advocated for engineering education since early education, it is usually kept for undergraduate and graduate-level education. What prevents systems theory and control education from being integrated into K12 education is the lack of available educational resources and the lack of indicators to represent the learning gain of students. To help teachers in the latter aspect, a solution can be studying the entire process as a cyber-physical human system (CPHS). The paper consists of a brief report about the work carried out by authors to represent the entire classroom as a CPHS where the physical robots designed by students, humans (teachers and learners), and cybertechnologies are interconnected to accomplish a goal which is learning. The entire infrastructure could be seamlessly deployed into the classroom, supporting learning assessment and the feedback process starting from the deployment of a (quasi) real-time intelligent collection system.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

A novel DPV as a holistic platform for real-time physiological status assessment of divers
2021 29th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED 2021
Autore/i: Scaradozzi, D.; Ciuccoli, N.; Pugliese, A.; Bartolucci, V.; Egi, S. M.; Memisoglu, M.; Ozyigit, T.
Editore: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: This paper presents the work performed to integrate a sensors network to a more complex and extensive system, represented by the architecture that constitutes the main output of the DiveSafe European project (G.A. EASME/EMFF/2017/ SI2.789635). The latter also includes an underwater scooter, a Docking Station, a tablet and a whole communication system between the surface and the underwater environment in which the diver is located, as well as a remote server that also allows the execution of 3D reconstruction of the appropriately photographed environment. The sensors system presented here allows to monitor the main indicators of the diver's health during underwater activities. Through these sensors, it is therefore possible to real-time monitor physiological values such as breath rate, heartbeat and glucose levels, as well as to provide information on the decompression phases execution, in order to safely ascend once the underwater work is finished. The electronic components are located inside a special waterproof box that the diver wears at the height of the belt. The main sensors have been validated, motivating the choices made.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Intelligent Systems for the Exploration of Structured and Complex Environments
Autore/i: Ciuccoli, Nicolo'
Editore: Università Politecnica delle Marche
Classificazione: 8 Tesi di dottorato
Abstract: L’attività di ricerca si è concentrata sullo studio, progettazione e realizzazione di sistemi di raccolta dati in ambienti strutturati e complessi. Si è iniziato studiando metodologie e sensori tipicamente utilizzati negli ambienti strutturati, in particolare quello industriale, per poi procedere sull’ambiente sottomarino (ambiente complesso). Tre sistemi meccatronici innovativi sono stati realizzati. Partendo da un ambiente strutturato è stata sviluppata una stazione automatica per il collaudo dei boiler domestici installata al termine di una catena produttiva. In questo caso studio si è contribuito allo sviluppo e implementazione di tecniche di image processing per l’identificazione dei difetti. La macchina in questo momento lavora autonomamente presso un importante azienda italiana e nelle varie sessioni ha una percentuale di individuazione dei difetti superiore al 90\%, con solo il 3\% di falsi positivi: percentuali di gran lunga migliori a quelle ottenute dagli operatori esperti dell’azienda. Considerando l’ambiente sottomarino è stato progettato e sviluppato un dispositivo capace di collezionare dati per subacquei al fine di aiutare gli archeologi nell’esplorazione di siti archeologici e ricostruzione 3D. La sfida più importante nello sviluppo è stata implementare l’Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) risolvente il problema della localizzazione fondendo i dati forniti da Ultra Short Baseline (USBL), Unità di Misura Inerziale (IMU) e ricevitore GPS. Proseguendo nella tematica di raccolta dati in ambienti non strutturati è stato sviluppato un veicolo marino pesciforme autonomo a propulsione ibrida. È stato caratterizzato il sistema di visione del veicolo basato su action camera ed il sistema di controllo dell’orientamento. Il controllore realizzato (Backstepping con osservatore non lineare del disturbo) ha permesso, tramite due motori brushless, la cancellazione del comportamento oscillatorio introdotto dalla propulsione biomimetica.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

The Lab4Dive project: A mobile smart lab for augmented archaeological dives - Overview and first results
IMEKO International Conference on Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, MetroArchaeo 2017
Autore/i: Scaradozzi, D.; Zingaretti, S.; Panebianco, L.; Ciuccoli, N.; Screpanti, L.; Cesaretti, L.; Costa, D.; Palmieri, G.; Bruno, F.; Muzzupappa, M.; Ritacco, G.; Lagudi, A.; Cozza, M.; Mageruga, M.; Raxis, P.
Editore: International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO)
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: Marine archaeologists study a large number of submerged sites of interest around the world, which require continue diving explorations and monitoring. Although technology has improved a lot the research in the underwater environment, human intervention is preferred whenever depth makes the sites accessible by divers. This paper presents the concept, the first steps and the preliminary results of the Lab4Dive project, which is co-funded by the EMFF programme of EU, that aims to design, develop, and validate an innovative, marketable and competitive product for surveying, documenting and preserving Underwater Cultural Heritage. The archaeologist will be provided with an underwater tablet equipped with environmental sensors, where a properly designed data gathering system will be accessible through a dedicated application. Lab4Dive aims also to train young researchers and to encourage multi-disciplinary cooperation through the concept of a “Blue Lab”.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

A Complete IoT Infrastructure to Ensure Responsible, Effective and Efficient Execution of Field Survey, Documentation and Preservation of Archaeological Sites
IEEE 4th International Forum on Research and Technologies for Society and Industry, RTSI 2018 - Proceedings
Autore/i: Zingaretti, S.; Scaradozzi, D.; Ciuccoli, N.; Costa, D.; Palmieri, G.; Bruno, F.; Ritacco, G.; Cozza, M.; Raxis, P.; Tzifopanopoulos, T.; Manglis, A.; Agouridis, C. S.; Michalis, M.
Editore: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Lab4Dive Mobile Smart Lab for Augmented Archaeological Dives
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Autore/i: Scaradozzi, D.; Zingaretti, S.; Ciuccoli, N.; Costa, D.; Palmieri, G.; Bruno, F.; Ritacco, G.; Cozza, M.; Raxis, P.; Tzifopanopoulos, A.
Editore: Institute of Physics Publishing
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: Lab4Dive project aims to design, develop, and validate an innovative, marketable and competitive product for supporting underwater archaeologists in surveying, documenting and preserving the underwater cultural heritage. These activities could be improved considerably with the introduction of new technological devices and tools, helping underwater archaeologists to collect data from the marine environment. The project will provide a solution by equipping divers with portable, low cost and relatively small sized data-gathering systems (i.e. environmental sensors, acoustic localization system, HD cameras, etc.), so they can significantly improve both the amount of data collected in a single mission and the management of time and human resources at disposal. In this paper, the preliminary developments and the tests of the Lab4Dive system will be presented, which is mainly based on two modules: Cloud Server Module and the Underwater Module. The latter is based on two systems: an underwater tablet, that supports the diver during the immersion providing an augmented navigation interface that guides the diver along the selected targets; and a Docking Station, to acquire and exchange data coming from different environmental sensors, a high-resolution camera and an acoustic localization system, physically connected to it.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Underwater position estimation for an underwater vehicle using unscented Kalman filter
2017 25th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2017
Autore/i: Scaradozzi, David; Panebianco, Luca; Ciuccoli, Nicolo; Zingaretti, Silvia; Egi, S. Murat; Altepe, Corentin
Editore: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: Marine researchers need consistent historical and georeferenced data from the marine environment in order to constantly monitor the biological condition of the habitat or to document delicate archeological sites. To overcome the difficulties related to the acquisition of high quantity of worthy data and to the accurate estimation of the position, the development of easy to-use IT tools could certainly help. This article aims to present a tool that can equip different type of underwater vehicles capable of estimating its position during his surveys using its on-board sensors and with the aid of an external buoy. The estimation algorithm is based on the UKF technique and some preliminary simulation results of its performances are presented.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Field test of an integrated ASV/ROV platform
Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference
Autore/i: Conte, Giuseppe; Scaradozzi, David; Mannocchi, Daniele; Ciuccoli, Nicolò
Editore: Society of Petroleum Engineers
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: The issue of making available efficient, versatile and cost effective solutions for exploring, monitoring and exploiting the marine environment is a challenge that can be tackled by developing integrated robotic platforms, where autonomous surface vehicles (ASV) cooperates with unmanned underwater vehicles (UUV). A robotic structure of that kind is considered in this work, which continues the activity of the authors and co-workers. The robotic platform consists of a small ASV that can serve as supply vessel for a micro-UUV, which is remotely guided by a pilot from a shore-ground station. The present work focuses on the integration of the UUV component in the overall structure and in the development of the its remote guidance system. Mechatronic, control and communication problems encountered in implementing this solution are described and the results of functional tests are illustrated. A simple and efficient robotic structure that can be managed by a single operator for exploration and light intervention in relatively shallow water (up to a depth of about 50m) is finally assembled and made ready for field test in an harbor basin in the next months. Copyright © 2017 by the International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE).
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

UNIVPM BRAVe: A hybrid propulsion underwater research vehicle
Autore/i: Scaradozzi, David; Palmieri, Giacomo; Costa, Daniele; Zingaretti, Silvia; Panebianco, Luca; Ciuccoli, Nicolo'; Pinelli, Antonio; Callegari, Massimo
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: In the last decade, the underwater activities performed by archaeologists and biologists have benefited from scientific research on the guidance, control, and sensory systems of unmanned vehicles. In fact, because underwater sites of interest are often difficult for divers to access, the use of unmanned vehicle technology to conduct surveys could be quite advantageous. In this paper, a novel and partially-biomimetic underwater robot, referred to as BRAVe (Biomimetic Research Autonomous Vehicle), is presented. For documentation purposes, it is equipped with a hybrid propulsion system, which consists of two different types of thrusters. The thrusters are designed to compensate for their reciprocal flaws in order to achieve a more efficient overall system. Specifically, the biomimetic thruster is employed for its superior energetic efficiency, and the horizontal propellers are exploited for accurate maneuvering. While the documentation and 3D reconstruction of the underwater seabed is a consolidated aspect for the authors, the hybrid propulsion system represents the main innovation of the present work. The increase in efficiency achieved by this propulsion system allows the vehicle to perform a thorough and precise documentation of underwater remains within short distances, while exploiting the maximum possible autonomy. This article discusses the details of the development of all the vehicle compartments and their associated characteristics, focusing on the significance of this technology. In addition, the results of 3D reconstructions extrapolated from images taken during real field missions are presented.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Procedures and technologies for 3D reconstruction with divers of underwater archaeological sites and marine protected areas
IMEKO TC19 Workshop on Metrology for the Sea, MetroSea 2017: Learning to Measure Sea Health Parameters
Autore/i: Panebianco, Luca; Zingaretti, Silvia; Ciuccoli, Nicolò; Altepe, Corentin; Murat Egi, S.; Micheli, Fiorenza; Scaradozzi, David
Editore: IMEKO-International Measurement Federation Secretariat
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: Underwater monitoring and exploration actions are fundamental to preserve natural habitats and submerged cultural heritage, but researchers have to face high costs related to technology and staff to carry out researches in this troublesome environment. As a partial solution to these problems, Citizen Science has been incrementally employed by the scientific community but, to effectively make the most of it, it is mandatory to design two components: a generic-scenario procedure that describes the steps to perform before, during and after the survey and tailored technologies to acquire, gather, process and visualize the environmental data. In this work, a procedure tested in different underwater missions, that is the enhancement of a precedent one, and technologies that, arranged in a pipeline, carry out all the process from data acquisition to output visualization are presented. The procedure and technology were tested in tailored tests aimed to guarantee the validity of the technologies.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

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