


130 pubblicazioni classificate nel seguente modo:

Nr. doc. Classificazioni
85 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
32 1 Contributo su Rivista
7 5 Altro
3 2 Contributo in Volume
3 3 Libro
Optimized Rate-Adaptive Error Correction through Puncturing and Shortening of Simplex Codes
Proceedings of the 2024 AEIT International Annual Conference (AEIT)
Autore/i: Battaglioni, Massimo; Greganti, Gianmarco; Cancellieri, Giovanni
Editore: AEIT
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: This paper presents a strategy for obtaining efficient rate-adaptive error correction by puncturing and shortening simplex codes. We derive a family of punctured cyclic codes from a parent cyclic simplex code. Using a polynomial approach based on the parity-check polynomial \( h(x) \), we analyze key properties of these codes. We introduce a procedure to optimize code design with predefined values of the code rate \( R \) and length \( n \) through optimal multiple code shortening, aiming to increase the minimum distance by eliminating residual minimum distance codewords after puncturing operations. The effectiveness of this approach is demonstrated through practical examples, with BER vs. SNR curves obtained through numerical simulations.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Rate-compatible LDPC Codes based on Primitive Polynomials and Golomb Rulers
Autore/i: Battaglioni, Massimo; Baldi, Marco; Chiaraluce, Franco; Cancellieri, Giovanni
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: We introduce and study a family of rate-compatible Low-Density Parity-Check (LDPC) codes. The design of these codes starts from simplex codes, defined by parity-check matrices having a simple form stemming from the coefficients of a primitive polynomial. For this reason, we call the new codes Primitive Rate-Compatible LDPC (PRC-LDPC) codes. By applying puncturing to these codes, we obtain a bit-level granularity of the code rate. We show that, in order to achieve good LDPC codes, the underlying polynomials, besides being primitive, must meet some more stringent conditions with respect to those of classical punctured simplex codes. We leverage non-modular Golomb rulers to take these new requirements into account. We characterize the minimum distance properties of PRC-LDPC codes, and study and discuss their encoding and decoding complexity. Finally, we assess the error rate performance of high rate PRC-LDPC codes under iterative decoding.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

A family of binary sequences derived from punctured simplex codes
Proceedings of the 2023 AEIT International Annual Conference (AEIT)
Autore/i: Battaglioni, Massimo; Cancellieri, Giovanni
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

A family of error correcting codes for automotive applications
Proceedings of the 2023 AEIT International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Technologies for Automotive (AEIT AUTOMOTIVE)
Autore/i: Battaglioni, Massimo; Cancellieri, Giovanni
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: In this paper we propose a class of error correcting codes for automotive applications. The main merits of the proposed codes are the low-complexity encoding and decoding circuits, and a fine rate adaptability. A special chip for encoding and decoding operations could be designed, with promising market perspectives.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Rate-Adaptive LDPC Codes Obtained from Simplex Codes
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2023
Autore/i: Battaglioni, Massimo; Baldi, Marco; Chiaraluce, Franco; Cancellieri, Giovanni
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: In this paper we show that, when a binary primitive polynomial can be associated to a sparse Golomb ruler, the simplex code obtained by taking it as the code parity-check polynomial exhibits good distance properties and performance. We define some conditions under which the obtained codes are also Low-Density Parity-Check (LDPC) codes, and can hence be decoded through efficient iterative algorithms. We perform code puncturing, leading to a family of rate-adaptive codes, and we predict some of their structural properties in terms of minimum distance and weight distribution. We show that, in addition to having some useful properties, these codes achieve good performance in terms of error rate under LDPC decoding.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Punctured Binary Simplex Codes as LDPC codes
Proceedings of the 61st FITCE International Congress
Autore/i: Battaglioni, Massimo; Cancellieri, Giovanni
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: Digital data transfer can be protected by means of suitable error correcting codes. Among the families of state-of-the-art codes, LDPC (Low Density Parity-Check) codes have received a great deal of attention recently, because of their performance and flexibility of operation, in wireless and mobile radio channels, as well as in cable transmission systems. In this paper, we present a class of rate-adaptive LDPC codes, obtained as properly punctured simplex codes. These codes allow for the use of an efficient soft-decision decoding algorithm, provided that a condition called row-column constraint is satisfied. This condition is tested on small-length codes, and then extended to medium-length codes. The puncturing operations we apply do not influence the satisfaction of the row-column constraint, assuring that a wide range of code rates can be obtained. We can reach code rates remarkably higher than those obtainable by the original simplex code, and the price in terms of minimum distance turns out to be relatively small, leading to interesting trade-offs in the resulting asymptotic coding gain.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

A functional approach to cyber risk assessment
Proceedings AEIT 2021 International Annual Conference
Autore/i: Rafaiani, Giulia; Battaglioni, Massimo; Baldi, Marco; Chiaraluce, Franco; Libertini, Giovanni; Spalazzi, Luca; Cancellieri, Giovanni
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: Information security has become a crucial issue not only from the technical standpoint, but also from the managerial standpoint. The necessity for organizations to understand and manage cyber risk has led to the rise of a plethora of risk assessment methods and tools. These approaches are often difficult to interpret and complex to manage for organizations. In this paper, we propose a simple and quantitative method for the estimation of the likelihood of occurrence of a cyber incident. Our approach uses a generalized logistic function and a cumulative geometric distribution to combine the maturity and the complexity of the technical infrastructure of an organization with its attractiveness towards cyber criminals.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

On the use of code-based cryptography in automotive applications
Proceedings 2021 AEIT International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Technologies for Automotive (AEIT AUTOMOTIVE)
Autore/i: Battaglioni, Massimo; Cancellieri, Giovanni; Santini, Paolo
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: Cybersecurity is a critical aspect for automotive applications. In this paper we approach this issue from a cryptographic point of view. In particular, we propose the use of a post-quantum code based cryptosystem based on a special family of low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes, called fully connected monomial LDPC codes. We also investigate some properties of these codes.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Data transmission in automotive applications and security/safety requirements
Proceedings 2020 AEIT AUTOMOTIVE
Autore/i: Cancellieri, Giovanni; Battaglioni, Massimo
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: Radio communications have a fundamental importance for assuring data exchange between vehicles and from infrastructures to vehicles, or vice-versa. With reference to assisted driving and even completely autonomous driving, such communications must satisfy very high degree of security, with the goal of assuring also the safety of drivers and passengers. Two frameworks are expected to provide a support for secure data transmissions: 5G technology and wireless V2X protocols. Interoperability between them and a proper interface with automotive buses are recommended, in order to reach the best performance and to decrease the costs. In this respect, an efficient use of channel coding can guarantee error correction, i.e., reliable communication, and also strong resilience against cyber attacks.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Improving the minimum distance of QC-LDPC codes by removing cycles
Proc. 2020 AEIT International Annual Conference (AEIT)
Autore/i: Battaglioni, Massimo; Baldi, Marco; Cancellieri, Giovanni
Editore: IEEE
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Obtaining structured generator matrices for QC-LDPC codes
Proceedings 2019 AEIT International Annual Conference
Autore/i: Battaglioni, Massimo; Santini, Paolo; Baldi, Marco; Cancellieri, Giovanni
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: In this paper we propose an efficient and general method to obtain structured generator matrices for QC-LDPC codes. Moreover, we devote particular attention to the family of fully-connected monomial codes and perform a statistical analysis of their low-weight unavoidable codewords, whose weight gives an upper bound on their minimum distance.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Telecommunications in the ICT Age: From Research to Applications
The First Outstanding 50 Years of “Università Politecnica delle Marche”
Autore/i: Baldi, Marco; Cancellieri, Giovanni; Chiaraluce, Franco; DE SANTIS, Adelmo; Gambi, Ennio; Pierleoni, Paola
Editore: Springer
Luogo di pubblicazione: Cham
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: The human society in the information age deeply relies on digital information processing, communication and storage. Photonic routing and switchingis expected to be exploited in future all-optical networks. Channel coding is needed in order to protect information against natural disturbances, and modern coding schemes are able to reach the ultimate limits predicted by Shannon. On the other hand, postquantum cryptography is necessary for assuring security against cyber attackers, possibly provided with quantum computers. Source coding, especially in video data compression, is recommended for optimizing the bandwidth usage. Spread spectrum systems can solve the problem of radio transmissions over common frequency bands. These technologies are of crucial importance for the evolution of networks and of the whole Internet, allowing people to interact each other and access information in the web. Nowadays, the conventional Internet of people has moved into the pervasive Internet of Things providing innovative services in a variety of application fields. In this respect, domotic systems, based on ambient and wearable sensors, appear of dramatic importance in the design of future assisted living protocols.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Using Non-Binary LDPC and MDPC Codes in the McEliece Cryptosystem
Proc. AEIT 2019 International Annual Conference
Autore/i: Baldi, M.; Cancellieri, G.; Chiaraluce, F.; Edoardo, Persichetti; Santini, P.
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Connections between low-weight codewords and cycles in spatially coupled LDPC convolutional codes
Autore/i: Battaglioni, Massimo; Baldi, Marco; Cancellieri, Giovanni
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: In this paper time-invariant spatially coupled low-density parity-check convolutional codes (SC-LDPC-CCs) are considered, and the connections existing between their low-weight codewords and cycles in their Tanner graphs are studied. Using the polynomial representation of these codes, we show that parity-check matrices having columns with weight ≥ 2 can be analyzed considering a certain number of parity-check sub-matrices having regular columns with weight 2. These sub-matrices are associated to cycles in the code Tanner graph and define as many codes we denote as component codes. Based on this observation, we find that codewords of the main code can be expressed as a combination of codewords of the component codes. The design of codes free of codewords up to a certain weight is also addressed. We show that low-weight codewords in the main code can be avoided by removing some types of cycles in its Tanner graph. Our design approach is applied to some well known ensembles of SC-LDPC-CCs to prove its effectiveness.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Design and Analysis of Time-Invariant SC-LDPC Convolutional Codes with Small Constraint Length
Autore/i: Battaglioni, Massimo; Tasdighi, Alireza; Cancellieri, Giovanni; Chiaraluce, Franco; Baldi, Marco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: In this paper, we deal with time-invariant spatially coupled low-density parity-check convolutional codes (SC-LDPCCCs). Classic design approaches usually start from quasi-cyclic low-density parity-check (QC-LDPC) block codes and exploit suitable unwrapping procedures to obtain SC-LDPC-CCs. We show that the direct design of the SC-LDPC-CCs syndrome former matrix or, equivalently, the symbolic parity-check matrix, leads to codes with smaller syndrome former constraint lengths with respect to the best solutions available in the literature. We provide theoretical lower bounds on the syndrome former constraint length for the most relevant families of SC-LDPCCCs, under constraints on the minimum length of cycles in their Tanner graphs. We also propose new code design techniques that approach or achieve such theoretical limits.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Hindering reaction attacks by using monomial codes in the McEliece cryptosystem
Proc. IEEE ISIT 2018
Autore/i: Santini, Paolo; Baldi, Marco; Cancellieri, Giovanni; Chiaraluce, Franco
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: In this paper we study recent reaction attacks against QC-LDPC and QC-MDPC code-based cryptosystems, which allow an opponent to recover the private parity-check matrix through its distance spectrum by observing a sufficiently high number of decryption failures. We consider a special class of codes, known as monomial codes, to form private keys with the desirable property of having a unique and complete distance spectrum. We verify that for these codes the problem of recovering the secret key from the distance spectrum is equivalent to that of finding cliques in a graph, and use this equivalence to prove that current reaction attacks are not applicable when codes of this type are used in the McEliece cryptosystem.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

A LoRa enabled building automation architecture based on MQTT
AEIT International Annual Conference, 2017
Autore/i: Spinsante, Susanna; Ciattaglia, Gianluca; Del Campo, Antonio; Perla, Davide; Pigini, Danny; Cancellieri, Giovanni; Gambi, Ennio
Editore: IEEE
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Post-quantum cryptography based on codes: state of the art and open challenges
Proc. AEIT International Annual Conference
Autore/i: Baldi, Marco; Santini, Paolo; Cancellieri, Giovanni
Editore: IEEE
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Time-invariant spatially coupled low-density parity-check codes with small constraint length
Proc. IEEE BlackSeaCom 2016
Autore/i: Baldi, Marco; Battaglioni, Massimo; Chiaraluce, Franco; Cancellieri, Giovanni
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: We consider a special family of spatially coupled low-density parity-check (SC-LDPC) codes, that is, time-invariant low-density parity-check convolutional (LDPCC) codes, which are known in the literature for a long time. Codes of this kind are usually designed by starting from quasi-cyclic (QC) block codes, and applying suitable unwrapping procedures. We show that, by directly designing the LDPCC code syndrome former matrix without the constraints of the underlying QC block code, it is possible to achieve smaller constraint lengths with respect to the best solutions available in the literature. We also find theoretical lower bounds on the syndrome former constraint length for codes with a specified minimum length of the local cycles in their Tanner graphs. For this purpose, we exploit a new approach based on a numerical representation of the syndrome former matrix, which generalizes over a technique we already used to study a special subclass of the codes here considered.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Design of spatially coupled LDPC codes based on symbolic hyper-graphs
Proc. 24th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM 2016)
Autore/i: Battaglioni, Massimo; Baldi, Marco; Cancellieri, Giovanni
Editore: IEEE
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: We consider a special family of spatially coupled low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes known as LDPC convolutional codes and propose a design technique based on symbolic hyper-graphs aimed at achieving good codes with small syndrome former memory order. We define conditions on the minimum syndrome former memory order that must be imposed in order to avoid short local cycles in the codes Tanner graphs and to achieve good minimum distance. Code design examples are provided, accompanied by error rate performance assessments based on Montecarlo simulations.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

25 anni di attività del gruppo "Formazione e Professione" dell' AEI
Autore/i: Stracca, Giovanni Battista; Vannucchi, Guido; Cancellieri, Giovanni
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Low-rate LDPC Convolutional Codes with Short Constraint Length
Proc. International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM 2015)
Autore/i: Baldi, Marco; Cancellieri, Giovanni
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: We study a family of LDPC convolutional codes having code rate of the type 1/a, and analyze their minimum distance and local cycles length properties. We consider some low weight codewords that are known from the literature, and are easily obtained from the symbolic parity-check matrix of these codes. Starting from the structure of such codewords, we follow a twofold approach: i) we exploit graph-based techniques to design these codes with the aim to maximize their minimum distance while keeping the syndrome former constraint length as small as possible and ii) we provide a simple form for their generator matrices that allows to perform exhaustive searches through which we verify that the code design actually reaches its target. We also estimate the normalized minimum distance multiplicity for the codes we consider, and introduce the notion of symbolic graphs as a new tool to study the code properties.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Polynomial Theory of Error Correcting Codes
Signals and Communication Technology
Autore/i: Cancellieri, Giovanni
Editore: Springer Verlag Germany:Tiergartenstrasse 17, D 69121 Heidelberg Germany:011 49 6221 3450, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 49 6221 345229
Classificazione: 3 Libro
Abstract: The book offers an original view on channel coding, based on a unitary approach to block and convolutional codes for error correction. It presents both new concepts and new families of codes. For example, lengthened and modified lengthened cyclic codes are introduced as a bridge towards time-invariant convolutional codes and their extension to time-varying versions. The novel families of codes include turbo codes and low-density parity check (LDPC) codes, the features of which are justified from the structural properties of the component codes. Design procedures for regular LDPC codes are proposed, supported by the presented theory. Quasi-cyclic LDPC codes, in block or convolutional form, represent one of the most original contributions of the book. The use of more than 100 examples allows the reader gradually to gain an understanding of the theory, and the provision of a list of more than 150 definitions, indexed at the end of the book, permits rapid location of sought information.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Array Convolutional Low-Density Parity-Check Codes
Autore/i: Baldi, Marco; Cancellieri, Giovanni; Chiaraluce, Franco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: This paper presents a design technique for obtaining regular time-invariant low-density parity-check convolutional (RTI-LDPCC) codes with low complexity and good performance. We start from previous approaches which unwrap a low-density parity-check (LDPC) block code into an RTI-LDPCC code, and we obtain a new method to design RTI-LDPCC codes with better performance and shorter constraint length. Differently from previous techniques, we start the design from an array LDPC block code. We show that, for codes with high rate, a performance gain and a reduction in the constraint length are achieved with respect to previous proposals. Additionally, an increase in the minimum distance is observed.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Sparse generator matrices for some families of quasi-cyclic low-density parity-check codes
Proc. SoftCOM 2014
Autore/i: Baldi, Marco; Cancellieri, Giovanni; Chiaraluce, Franco
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: In this paper, we provide a general form for sparse generator matrices of several families of Quasi-Cyclic Low-Density Parity-Check codes. Codes of this kind have a prominent role in literature and applications due to their ability to achieve excellent performance with limited complexity. While some properties of these codes (like the girth length in their associated Tanner graphs) are well investigated, estimating their minimum distance is still an open problem. By obtaining sparse generator matrices for several families of these codes, we prove that they are also Quasi-Cyclic Low-Density Generator Matrix codes, which is an important feature to reduce the encoding complexity, and provides a useful tool for the investigation of their minimum distance.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

On the generator matrix of array LDPC codes
Proc. SoftCOM 2012
Autore/i: Baldi, Marco; Bianchi, Marco; Cancellieri, Giovanni; Chiaraluce, Franco; Kløve, T.
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Interleaved product LDPC codes
Autore/i: Baldi, Marco; Cancellieri, Giovanni; Chiaraluce, Franco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Product LDPC codes take advantage of LDPC decoding algorithms and the high minimum distance of product codes. We propose to add suitable interleavers to improve the waterfall performance of LDPC decoding. Interleaving also reduces the number of low weight codewords, that gives a further advantage in the error floor region.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Progressive differences convolutional low-density parity-check codes
Autore/i: Baldi, Marco; Bianchi, Marco; Cancellieri, Giovanni; Chiaraluce, Franco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: We present a new family of low-density paritycheck (LDPC) convolutional codes that can be designed using ordered sets of progressive differences. We study their properties and define a subset of codes in this class that have some desirable features, such as fixed minimum distance and Tanner graphs without short cycles. The design approach we propose ensures that these properties are guaranteed independently of the code rate. This makes these codes of interest in many practical applications, particularly when high rate codes are needed for saving bandwidth.We provide some examples of coded transmission schemes exploiting this new class of codes.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Exploiting concatenation in the design of low-density parity-check codes
Autore/i: Baldi, Marco; Cancellieri, Giovanni; Chiaraluce, Franco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Regular and irregular multiple serially-concatenated multiple-parity-check codes for wireless applications
Autore/i: Baldi, Marco; Cancellieri, Giovanni; Chiaraluce, Franco; DE AMICIS, A.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Irregular M-SC-MPC codes for wireless applications
Proc. European Wireless 2010
Autore/i: Baldi, Marco; Cancellieri, Giovanni; Chiaraluce, Franco; DE AMICIS, A.
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Design of permuted serially concatenated multiple parity-check codes
Proc. SoftCOM 2010
Autore/i: Baldi, Marco; Cancellieri, Giovanni; Chiaraluce, Franco; DE AMICIS, A.
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Good LDPC codes based on very simple component codes
Riunione Annuale GTTI 2009 - Session on Trasmission
Autore/i: Baldi, Marco; Cancellieri, Giovanni; Chiaraluce, Franco
Classificazione: 5 Altro
Abstract: Riunione Annuale GTTI 2009, Session on Transmission
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

A class of low-density parity-check product codes
Proc. SPACOMM 2009
Autore/i: Baldi, Marco; Cancellieri, Giovanni; Chiaraluce, Franco
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

New LDPC codes based on serial concatenation
Proc. AICT 2009, Fifth Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications
Autore/i: Baldi, Marco; Cancellieri, Giovanni; Chiaraluce, Franco
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Design of multiple serially concatenated multiple parity-check codes for wireless applications
Proc. SoftCOM 2009
Autore/i: Baldi, Marco; Cancellieri, Giovanni; Chiaraluce, Franco; DE AMICIS, A.
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: Paper SS2-1569231445-2409
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

LDPC codes based on serially concatenated multiple parity-check codes
Autore/i: Baldi, Marco; Cancellieri, Giovanni; Carassai, A; Chiaraluce, Franco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: This letter proposes a new class of serially concatenated codes that can be viewed as Low-Density Parity- Check (LDPC) codes. They are derived from Multiple Serially Concatenated Single Parity-Check (M-SC-SPC) codes, but they use different components, that we call Multiple Parity-Check (MPC) codes. In comparison with M-SC-SPC codes, the new scheme achieves better performance with similar complexity. The proposed codes can represent an alternative to the well-known family of Repeat Accumulate (RA) codes, being based on the same principles.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Finite-precision analysis of demappers and decoders for LDPC-coded M-QAM systems
Autore/i: Baldi, Marco; Chiaraluce, Franco; Cancellieri, Giovanni
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: LDPC codes are state-of-art error correcting codes, included in several standards for broadcast transmissions. Iterative soft-decision decoding algorithms for LDPC codes reach excellent error correction capability; their performance, however, is strongly affected by finite-precision issues in the representation of inner variables. Great attention has been paid, in recent literature, to the topic of quantization for LDPC decoders, but mostly focusing on binary modulations and analysing finite precision effects in a disaggregrated manner, i.e., considering separately each block of the receiver. Modern telecommunication standards, instead, often adopt high order modulation schemes, e.g. M-QAM, with the aim to achieve large spectral efficiency. This puts additional quantization problems, that have been poorly debated in previous literature. This paper discusses the choice of suitable quantization characteristics for both the decoder messages and the received samples in LDPC-coded systems using M-QAM schemes. The analysis involves also the demapper block, that provides initial likelihood values for the decoder, by relating its quantization strategy with that of the decoder. A new demapper version, based on approximate expressions, is also presented, that introduces a slight deviation from the ideal case but yields a low complexity hardware implementation.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Low-complexity soft-decision decoding of BCH and RS codes based on belief propagation
Riunione Annuale GTTI 2008 - Sessione su Trasmissione Numerica
Autore/i: Baldi, Marco; Cancellieri, Giovanni; Chiaraluce, Franco
Classificazione: 5 Altro
Abstract: Riunione Annuale GTTI 2008, Sessione su Trasmissione Numerica
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Interactive Contents Protection in Digital Terrestrial Television
Proceedings of the 4 th International Conference on Automated Solutions for Cross Media Content and Multi-Channel Distribution
Autore/i: Baldi, Marco; Cancellieri, Giovanni; Gambi, Ennio; Rascioni, G; Spinsante, Susanna
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Easily encodable LDPC codes based on polynomial codes
Proc. SoftCOM 2008, 16th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications & Computer Networks
Autore/i: Baldi, Marco; Cancellieri, Giovanni; Chiaraluce, Franco; Carassai, A.
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: Paper S5-8098-2509
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Iterative soft-decision decoding of binary cyclic codes
Autore/i: Baldi, Marco; Cancellieri, Giovanni; Chiaraluce, Franco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Binary cyclic codes achieve good error correction performance and allow the implementation of very simple encoder and decoder circuits. Among them, BCH codes represent a very important class of t-error correcting codes, with known structural properties and error correction capability. Decoding of binary cyclic codes is often accomplished through hard-decision decoders, although it is recognized that soft decision decoding algorithms can produce significant coding gain with respect to hard-decision techniques. Several approaches have been proposed to implement iterative soft-decision decoding of binary cyclic codes. We study the technique based on “extended parity-check matrices”, and show that such method is not suitable for high rates or long codes. We propose a new approach, based on “reduced parity-check matrices” and “spread parity-check matrices”, that can achieve better correction performance in many practical cases, without increasing the complexity.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

DigiMarche.DT: Public Administration Goes TV
Adjunct Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 5066
Autore/i: Gambi, Ennio; G., Rascioni; Spinsante, Susanna; Baldi, Marco; Cancellieri, Giovanni; C., Alfonsi
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Iterative soft-decision decoding of binary cyclic codes based on spread parity-check matrices
Proc. SoftCOM 2007
Autore/i: Baldi, Marco; Cancellieri, Giovanni; Chiaraluce, Franco
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Sistemi Enhanced-WiFi per la copertura di estese aree geografiche
Autore/i: Cancellieri, Giovanni
Editore: Milano : Edizioni Ritman
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Radio communication systems for facing ambient emergence situations due to oil spills in Central Adriatic Sea
Proc. of DAMAC Congress
Autore/i: Cancellieri, Giovanni; Gambi, Ennio
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Audio Rendering System for Multimedia Applications
Distributed Cooperative Laboratories: Networking, Instrumentation, and Measurements
Autore/i: Pierleoni, P.; DI BIASE, T.; Cancellieri, G.; Fioretti, F.; Pasqualini, S.; Nicolini, F.
Luogo di pubblicazione: BERLIN HEIDELBERG
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Variable rate LDPC codes for wireless applications
Proc. SoftCOM 2006
Autore/i: Baldi, Marco; Cancellieri, Giovanni; Chiaraluce, Franco
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: Paper S9-6017
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

The Dynamic Construction of Multi-User VRML 3D Environment for Immersive Learning on the Web
Distributed Cooperative Laboratories: Networking, Instrumentation, and Measurements
Autore/i: Pierleoni, P.; DI BIASE, T.; Cancellieri, G.; Fioretti, F.; Pasqualini, S.
Luogo di pubblicazione: BERLIN HEIDELBERG
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Rate adaptive low density parity check codes in radio links
Proc. SoftCOM 2005
Autore/i: Baldi, Marco; Cancellieri, Giovanni; Chiaraluce, Franco; S., Bianchi; A., Carassai
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

A 4-Colorable Mapping for a Class of Crosstalk-Free Permutations in Dilated Networks for Photonic Switching
Proc. of 8th International Conference on Telecommunications
Autore/i: Borella, A; Cancellieri, Giovanni; Pallotta, V; Frontoni, Emanuele
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Theory and simulation of binomial product generator codes
International Symposium on information Theory and its Applications, ISITA 2004
Autore/i: Cancellieri, Giovanni; Chiaraluce, Franco; Garello, R.
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Multilayered crosstalk-free optical interconnection networks
Networks & Optical Communications, NOC 2004
Autore/i: Borella, A; Cancellieri, Giovanni; Pallotta, V.
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Space division architectures for crosstalk reduction in optical interconnection networks
QoS-IP 2003 Milano
Autore/i: Borella, A.; Cancellieri, Giovanni; Mantini, D.
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

A new type of channel code for multimedia applications
Netties 2003, Cyprus
Autore/i: Mantini, D.; Vatta, F.; Volponi, F.; Carassai, A.; Cancellieri, Giovanni
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Idee per soluzioni tecnologiche contro possibili effetti biologici dei campi elettromagnetici
Autore/i: Cancellieri, Giovanni; D., Mantini; F., Volponi
Editore: Edizioni Iens:via Taramelli 19, 20124 Milan Italy:011 39 02 69007179, EMAIL:, Fax: 011 39 02 6072078
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Channel coding with very low decoding complexity
WSEAS 2003 Malta
Autore/i: Mantini, D.; Volponi, F.; Cancellieri, Giovanni
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Life long Learning e e-Learning
Autore/i: Angelini, V; Mantini, D; Cancellieri, Giovanni
Editore: Association Elettrotecnica Elettronic:AEI Uffic Center, Piaz Morandi 2, 20121 Milan Italy:011 39 02 77790223, EMAIL:, Fax: 011 39 02 798817
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Digital pre-processing of foetal magnetocardiographic signals for optimal extractions of foetal traces
EMBEC 2002, Vienna, Austria
Autore/i: Comani, S.; Mantini, D.; Cancellieri, Giovanni
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Optical Burst switching in a WRS all-optical architecture
NOC 2002, Darmstadt, Germany
Autore/i: A., Borella; Cancellieri, Giovanni
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

A wavelength recognizing switching architecture for Omega interconnection networks
ONDM 2002
Autore/i: A., Borella; Cancellieri, Giovanni; P., Prosperi
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Codifica di canale in grado di ridurre gli effetti dell’inquinamento elettromagnetico
Convegno Nazionale"Predizione dell’impatto ambientale dei sistemi..."
Autore/i: Cancellieri, Giovanni; Piva, Francesco; S., Comani
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Feedback concatenation of convolutional codes
Workshop on channel coding techniques, Split-Dubrovnik, Ancona-Bari
Autore/i: Cancellieri, Giovanni; F., Vatta
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Channel code design for high data-rate space missions
Proc. DSP 2001
Autore/i: R., Garello; Cancellieri, Giovanni; Chiaraluce, Franco; G. P., Calzolari
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Bandwidth efficient concatenated codes for earth observation telemetry
Proc. ITC/USA 2001
Autore/i: G. P., Calzolari; Cancellieri, Giovanni; Chiaraluce, Franco; R., Garello
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Interleaver properties and their applications to the Trellis complexity analysis of Turbo Codes
Autore/i: Garello, R.; Montorsi, G.; Benedetto, S.; Cancellieri, Giovanni
Editore: IEEE / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Incorporated:445 Hoes Lane:Piscataway, NJ 08854:(800)701-4333, (732)981-0060, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: (732)981-9667
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Sorgenti Laser per Comunicazioni ottiche
Autore/i: Borella, A; Cancellieri, Giovanni
Editore: Ultimo editore: Arti grafiche Stefano Pinelli, Milano precedente: Association Elettrotecnica Elettronic:AEI Uffic Center, Piaz Morandi 2, 20121 Milan Italy:011 39 02 77790223, EMAIL:, Fax: 011 39 02 798817
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Design techniques of two-layer architectures for WDM optical networks
Autore/i: Borella, A.; Cancellieri, Giovanni; Chiaraluce, Franco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: A general method for designing multilayered WDM optical networks, based on the combined use of single- and multi-hop connection modes, is presented. It takes into account variable values for the number of users and wavelengths in each cluster. Closed form expressions are derived for the transmission capacity and the optimum number of channels for intra-cluster communications, either in the case of uniform or non-uniform traffic distribution. The analytical approach is particularly useful in the presence of constraints on the number of wavelengths, due to technological limits or non-linear phenomena, when sub-optimal solutions must be necessarily addressed. The proposed method is integrated with the adoption of well-known selection procedures, like simulated annealing or genetic algorithms, to reduce the computational effort.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

The UMTS turbo code performance at low bit error rates
ICC2001, Helsinki
Autore/i: R., Garello; Cancellieri, Giovanni; Gambi, Ennio; Pierleoni, Paola
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Importanza di un Progetto Nazionale sulla Fotonica
Autore/i: Cancellieri, Giovanni
Editore: Ultimo editore: Arti grafiche Stefano Pinelli, Milano precedente: Association Elettrotecnica Elettronic:AEI Uffic Center, Piaz Morandi 2, 20121 Milan Italy:011 39 02 77790223, EMAIL:, Fax: 011 39 02 798817
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Improving the cost/performance ratio in multicast communications
Proc. NOC 2000
Autore/i: Cancellieri, Giovanni; A., Borella
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Analysis of the trellis complexity of interleavers and turbo codes
Proc. 2000 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Sorrento, Italy
Autore/i: S., Benedetto; Cancellieri, Giovanni; R., Garello; G., Montorsi
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Remote time-alignment of interactive services through efficient multicast algorithms
Proc. ECUMN 2000
Autore/i: Cancellieri, Giovanni; A., Borella
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Vision and prospectives on technologies
Proceedings del International Forum on Optical Transport Networks 2000, Taormina
Autore/i: Cancellieri, Giovanni; C. G., Someda
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

DVMA-CC algorithm for multicast connections in optical networks
Proc. Of Fotonica 99
Autore/i: A., Amorini; A., Borella; Cancellieri, Giovanni
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Wavelength Division Multiple Access Optical Networks
Autore/i: Borella, A.; Cancellieri, Giovanni; Chiaraluce, Franco
Editore: Artech House
Classificazione: 3 Libro
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Multicast communications in WDM network: DFS verus MST techniques
Proc. NOC
Autore/i: Cancellieri, Giovanni; A., Borella
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: Antwerp, Belgium
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Conversione tra modulazione di intensità on-off e modulazione FSK basata su four-wave-mixing
Autore/i: Cancellieri, Giovanni; Chiaraluce, Franco; Gambi, Ennio; Pierleoni, Paola
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Application of turbo-codes in mobile radio systems
Proc. IWTS ‘97
Autore/i: Cancellieri, Giovanni; Chiaraluce, Franco; M., Mazzone
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Spatial Solitons Interaction for all-Optical Switching and Wavelength Routing: a Chance for WDM Networks
Proc. NOC ‘97
Autore/i: Cancellieri, G.; Chiaraluce, F.; Gambi, E.; Pierleoni, P.
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Mo-demodulation hybrid schemes for optical CDMA: a comparative analysis
Proc. NOC ‘97
Autore/i: Cancellieri, Giovanni; Chiaraluce, Franco; Gambi, Ennio; M., Mazzone
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

A survey of the variational approach to nonlinear optics
Autore/i: Cancellieri, Giovanni; Chiaraluce, Franco; Gambi, Ennio; Pierleoni, Paola
Editore: Fondazione Giorgio Ronchi:via S Felice A Ema 20, I 50125 Florence Italy:011 39 055 2320844, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 39 055 2320844
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The paper presents and extended survey of the application of the variational analysis to nonlinear media and waveguides. In particular, propagation of spatio-temporal light pulses under the combined effects of Kerr-like nonlinearity, dispersion and diffraction is investigated. Special emphasis is devoted to the problem of finding stable stationary solutions, with particular attention also to the physical meaning and acceptability of the analytical results.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

A test point dependent statistical method for ESD
Proc. EMC ‘96 ROMA
Autore/i: Cancellieri, Giovanni; Chiaraluce, Franco; DE LEO, Roberto; Gambi, Ennio
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Componenti solitonici per commutazione tutto-ottica in reti ad instradamento di lunghezza d’onda
Atti del Convegno FOTOMODEL II
Autore/i: Cancellieri, Giovanni; Chiaraluce, Franco; Gambi, Ennio; Pierleoni, Paola; L., Zappelli; T., Rozzi
Classificazione: 5 Altro
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

All-optical polarization modulator based on spatial soliton coupling
Autore/i: Cancellieri, G.; Chiaraluce, F.; Gambi, E.; Pierleoni, P.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The possibility of realizing an all-optical polarization modulator is theoretically demonstrated. Basic device exploits the cross-phase modulation effect involving spatial solitons in a Kerr-like nonlinear material. It is shown that a weak wave (modulating signal) can be used to control a stronger wave (pump signal), in such a way to obtain a polarization switch, if their input phase difference is exactly equal to 90° and the two waves exhibit mutual orthogonal polarizations. Since the required relative phase may be difficult and sometimes impossible to maintain, an improved solution is then proposed which eliminates any effect due to random phase difference between the colliding solitons. It is based on the adoption of a suitable control device employing two additional nonlinear blocks excited by solitons with equal amplitude and linear polarization. The resulting field is then subjected to self-phase modulation. The structure is completed by a cascade of linear and nonlinear waveguides acting as proper soliton filters. This way, the behavior as an all-optical polarization modulator is ensured, even in the most critical input conditions, corresponding to a phase difference of 12.5° for our choice of the physical and geometrical parameters.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

PPM transmission over a photon counting channel: comparison among various transmission formats
Autore/i: Cancellieri, Giovanni; Chiaraluce, Franco; Gambi, Ennio
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: A detailed analysis for a variety of transmission formats suitable for photon communication systems is presented. More precisely, starting from the basic orthogonal pulse position modulation (PPM), here assumed as a reference, several alternative modulation schemes are discussed. They can be seen as extensions of the basic format or, equivalently, as particular cases of the most complete alphabet obtained by considering all the possible combinations of high and low levels in a transmission organized over slotted time intervals. The analysis is developed in comparative terms, looking at the three parameters which are usually invoked for performance evaluation, i.e. transmission capacity, cut-off rate and bit error rate. Closed form expressions are given in all the examined cases, stressing the role, as figures of merit, of the transmission efficiency and the bandwidth expansion factor. At a parity of the latter parameter, it is shown that the performance of basic PPM can be improved, even significantly, by resorting to the alternative transmission formats. In particular, they maintain the spectral occupancy within acceptable limits, whereas the bit error rate can be lowered using alphabet puncturation or asymmetric error correcting codes.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Optimized TCM transmission formats in a photon counting channel
International Conference on Applications of Photonic Technologies, Proc. ICAPT '96
Autore/i: Cancellieri, Giovanni; Chiaraluce, Franco; M., Mazzone
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: Also included in “Applications of Photonic Technology 2”, G. A. Lampropoulos and R. A. Lessard (Eds.), pp. 423-428, Plenum Press, New York, 1997
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Reti ottiche di accesso per servizi multimediali
Atti del Convegno FOTOMODEL II
Autore/i: Cancellieri, Giovanni; Chiaraluce, Franco; A., Pellissier; R., Rosi
Classificazione: 5 Altro
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Dispositivi basati sull’interazione tra solitoni spaziali multifrequenza
Atti della XI Riunione Nazionale di Elettromagnetismo
Autore/i: Cancellieri, Giovanni; Chiaraluce, Franco; Gambi, Ennio; Pierleoni, Paola
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Vehicle-to-vehicle communications for active safety
Autore/i: Cancellieri, Giovanni
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: Proc. Conf. on Active and Passive Automobile Safety
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Modulazione di polarizzazione basata sull’interazione tra solitoni spaziali
Atti del Quarto Convegno Nazionale sulle Tecniche Fotoniche nelle Telecomunicazioni
Autore/i: Cancellieri, G.; Chiaraluce, F.; Gambi, E.; Pierleoni, P.
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Coupled-soliton photonic logic gates: practical design procedures
Autore/i: Cancellieri, G.; Chiaraluce, F.; Gambi, E.; Pierleoni, P.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The feasibility of AND, OR, and EX-OR functions based on the interaction of optical solitons is proved by use of a five-layer dielectric structure with a nonlinear core. With the exception of the OR logic gate, the design of these devices is rather flexible, offering a wide variety of choices with respect to both the geometrical parameters and the input power levels.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Solitons in single-mode optical fibres
inluded in Trends in Lightwave Technology
Autore/i: Cancellieri, Giovanni; Chiaraluce, Franco; Gambi, Ennio; Pierleoni, Paola
Classificazione: 5 Altro
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

L’amplificatore ottico: modellistica numerica
Atti della Giornata di Studio FOTOMODEL: modellizzazione di dispositivi fotonici
Autore/i: Cancellieri, Giovanni; Chiaraluce, Franco; Gambi, Ennio; Pierleoni, Paola
Classificazione: 5 Altro
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Effects of EDFA construction parameters on soliton propagation in long-distance transmission systems
Autore/i: Cancellieri, Giovanni; Chiaraluce, Franco; Gambi, Ennio
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The rate equations which rule the evolution of the signals inside an active fiber and the nonlinear Schrödinger equation are jointly solved in order to obtain an accurate characterization of the pulse propagation. The exact behaviour of the gain is taken into account so obtaining useful informations also in the perspective of system design when a cascade of passive and active fibers is considered.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Efficient coding and mapping in photon communication systems
Proc. ICAPT ‘94
Autore/i: Cancellieri, Giovanni; Chiaraluce, Franco; Gambi, Ennio
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: Also included in “Applications of Photonic Technology”, G. A. Lampropoulos, J. Chrostowski, and R. M. Measures (Eds.), pp. 43-47, Plenum Press, New York, 1995
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Analysis of concatenated Reed-Solomon encoding schemes with full and partial interleaving for short data messages
Autore/i: Cancellieri, Giovanni; Chiaraluce, Franco; G., Guidotti
Editore: Association Elettrotecnica Elettronic:AEI Uffic Center, Piaz Morandi 2, 20121 Milan Italy:011 39 02 77790223, EMAIL:, Fax: 011 39 02 798817
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: A concatenation of Reed-Solomon and repetition codes with symbol interleaving is considered for applications in which the message length is limited and the probability of incorrect received symbols is high. An analysis is developed with reference to a Packet Radio Network, using Spread Spectrum modulation, simultaneously affected by random errors and burst errors. The results obtained are compared with those derived by numerical simulation. It is shown that a canonical formulation can be used for the case of full interleavers, but it cannot be applied to encoding schemes with partial interleavers. In the latter situation a modified, improved, approach is proposed.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Recent progress in fibre optics
Autore/i: Cancellieri, Giovanni; Chiaraluce, Franco
Editore: Elsevier Science Limited:Oxford Fulfillment Center, PO Box 800, Kidlington Oxford OX5 1DX United Kingdom:011 44 1865 843000, 011 44 1865 843699, EMAIL:,, INTERNET:,, Fax: 011 44 1865 843010
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: In recent years optical communications and optical signal processing have experienced remarkable progress. This is essentially due to the advent of fibre optics. This paper deals with theoretical and practical aspects regarding fibre optics, with particular attention to some recent applications, and to the most attractive future perspectives. In order to give an exhaustive treatment of this subject, some related technologies are discussed as well, e.g. optical sources and detectors, semiconductor opto-electronic and photonic devices, and crystalline and polymeric materials for non-linear wave interactions.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Modellizzazione di solitoni spaziali in fibra ottica singolo-modo
Atti della X Riunione Nazionale di Elettromagnetismo
Autore/i: Cancellieri, Giovanni; Chiaraluce, Franco; Gambi, Ennio; Pierleoni, Paola
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Probabilita' e fenomeni aleatori
Autore/i: Cancellieri, Giovanni; Gambi, Ennio
Editore: SSGRR
Luogo di pubblicazione: L'AQUILA
Classificazione: 3 Libro
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

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