Francesco FATONE


Francesco FATONE


184 pubblicazioni classificate nel seguente modo:

Nr. doc. Classificazioni
132 1 Contributo su Rivista
43 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
8 2 Contributo in Volume
1 6 Brevetti
Towards stormwater reuse risk management plans: Methodology and catchment scale evaluation of QMRA
Autore/i: Szelag, Bartosz; De Simoni, Lucia; Kiczko, Adam; Sgroi, Massimiliano; Eusebi, Anna Laura; Fatone, Francesco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The reuse of stormwater represents a potential option for meeting water demands in water stressed regions as well as preventing and mitigating diffuse pollution of receiving water bodies. Particularly, the elaboration of a risk management plan for stormwater reuse may help to understand associated environmental and public health risks and design fit-for-purpose water treatment processes. In this work, it is presented an innovative methodology to perform quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) for stormwater reuse by using data simulated by SWMM software. Particularly, 210 rain events were simulated by SWMM after qualitative and quantitative calibration of the sewer network model of the city of Cupra Maritima (Italy) to identify sewer overflows. Obtained concentrations of pathogens (i.e., E. coli, Campylobacter) in overflows from each critical spillway were fitted by theoretical distribution curves. Hence, QMRA for Campylobacter was performed by Monte Carlo simulation and by linking observed overflows to the exposure events of stormwater reuse for the scenario of 1) municipal irrigation, 2) garden irrigation and 3) toilet flushing as defined by the Australian Guideline for water recycling. Furthermore, QMRA analysis was repeated after simulation of sewer overflow treatment by nature-based solution (NBS) with and without disinfection (UV and performic acid - PFA). Stormwater treatments were simulated by applying uniform distributions of expected range of bacteria log removals. Results showed that stormwater treatment by nature-based solution and disinfections (PFA dose of 2.5–5 mg/L) were able to reduce the risk of Campylobacter infection to acceptable level for most of spillways in the three investigated reuse scenarios. In addition, produced data were elaborated to identify critical overflows discharging in bathing water according to the indications of the EU bathing directive
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems-Climate Nexus in the Water Reuse Sector. Current State, Gaps, and Challenges for Practical Applications
Water Reuse and Unconventional Water Resources. Lecture Notes in Chemistry
Autore/i: Barros, V. G.; González-Camejo, J.; Tombolini, L.; Sgroi, M.; Foglia, A.; Eusebi, A. L.; Fatone, F.
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

A liming agent by recycling mollusc shells
Sica 2024
Autore/i: Dell’Orto, Marta; Nisar, Salman; Bjørnvik Overmo, Marita; González-Camejo, Josué; Andreola, Corinne; De Nisi, Patrizia; Tambone, Fulvia; Baldi, Caterina; Foereid, Bente; Fatone, Francesco; Adani, Fabrizio
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Decision Support System for stormwater reuse based on risk assessment developed in the WATERUN project
18th International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control
Autore/i: De Simoni, L.; Sgroi, M.; Szelag, B.; Kiczko, A.; Fatone, F.
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Development of methodology for stormwater reuse risk management plans
Autore/i: DE SIMONI, Lucia; Sgroi, Massimiliano; Szelag, Bartosz; Kiczko, Adam; Eusebi, Anna Laura; Fatone, Francesco
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

SIDISA 2024 XII International Symposium on Environmental Engineering
Autore/i: Nisar, Salman; González-Camejo, Josué; Eusebi, Anna Laura; Fatone, Francesco
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Demo-scale up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor coupled with hybrid constructed wetlands for energy-carbon efficient agricultural wastewater reuse in decentralized scenarios
Autore/i: Mancuso, Giuseppe; Foglia, Alessia; Chioggia, Francesco; Drei, Pietro; Eusebi, Anna Laura; Lavrnić, Stevo; Siroli, Lorenzo; Carrozzini, Luigi Michele; Fatone, Francesco; Toscano, Attilio
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The impact of climate change on water availability and quality has affected agricultural irrigation. The use of treated wastewater can alleviate water in agriculture. Nevertheless, it is imperative to ensure proper treatment of wastewater before reuse, in compliance with current regulations of this practice. In decentralized agricultural scenarios, the lack of adequate treatment facilities poses a challenge in providing treated wastewater for irrigation. Hence, there is a critical need to develop and implement innovative, feasible, and sustainable treatment solutions to secure the use of this alternative water source. This study proposes the integration of intensive treatment solutions and natural treatment systems, specifically, the combination of up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor (UASB), anaerobic membrane bioreactor (AnMBR), constructed wetlands (CWs), and ultraviolet (UV) disinfection. For this purpose, a novel demo-scale plant was designed, constructed and implemented to test wastewater treatment and evaluate the capability of the proposed system to provide an effluent with a quality in compliance with the current European wastewater reuse regulatory framework. In addition, carbon-sequestration and energy analyses were conducted to assess the sustainability of the proposed treatment approach. This research confirmed that UASB rector can be employed for biogas production (2.5 L h−1) and energy recovery from organic matter degradation, but its effluent requires further treatment steps to be reused in agricultural irrigation. The AnMBR effluent complied with class A standards for E. coli, boasting a concentration of 0 CFU 100 mL−1, and nearly negligible TSS levels. However, further reduction of BOD5 (35 mg L−1) is required to reach water quality class A. CWs efficiently produced effluent with BOD5 below 10 mg L−1 and TSS close to 0 mg L−1, making it suitable for water reuse and meeting class A standards. Furthermore, CWs demonstrated significantly higher energy efficiency compared to intensive treatment systems. Nonetheless, the inclusion of a UV disinfection unit after CWs was required to attain water class B standards.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Process innovations and circular strategies for closing the water loop in a process industry
Autore/i: Karkou, Efthalia; Angelis-Dimakis, Athanasios; Parlapiano, Marco; Savvakis, Nikolaos; Siddique, Owais; Vyrkou, Antonia; Sgroi, Massimiliano; Fatone, Francesco; Arampatzis, George
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: By implementing advanced wastewater treatment technologies coupled with digital tools, high-quality water is produced to be reused within the industry, enhancing process efficiency and closing loops. This paper investigates the impact of three innovation tools (process, circular and digital) in a Solvay chemical plant. Four technologies of the wastewater treatment plant “WAPEREUSE” were deployed, predicting their performance by process modelling and simulation in the PSM Tool. The environmental impact was assessed using Life Cycle Assessment and compared to the impact of the current industrial effluent discharge. The circularity level was assessed through three alternative closed-loop scenarios: (1) conventional treatment and discharge to sea (baseline), (2) conventional and advanced treatment by WAPEREUSE and discharge to sea, (3) conventional and advanced treatment by WAPEREUSE and industrial water reuse through cross-sectorial symbiotic network, where effluents are exchanged among the process industry, municipality and a water utility. Scenario 1 has the lowest pollutants’ removal efficiency with environmental footprint of 0.93 mPt/m3. WAPEREUSE technologies decreased COD by 98.3%, TOC by 91.4% and nitrates by 94.5%. Scenario 2 had environmental footprint of 1.12 mPt/m3. The cross-sectorial symbiotic network on the industrial value chain resulted in higher industrial circularity and sustainability level, avoiding effluents discharge. Scenario 3 is selected as the best option with 0.72 mPt per m3, reducing the environmental footprint by 21% and 36% compared to Scenarios 1 and 2, respectively
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Circular economy and sustainability in the tourism industry: critical analysis of integrated solutions and good practices in European and Chinese case studies
Autore/i: Li, K.; Cipolletta, G.; Andreola, C.; Eusebi, A. L.; Kulaga, B.; Cardinali, S.; Fatone, F.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The concepts of sustainability and circular economy (CE) have attracted enormous attention in the academic, business and political spheres. However, a systematic review of case studies concerning CE in the tourism industry remains lacking. The present study collected good environmental management practices and circular solutions related to energy, water and waste from tourist accommodations in Italy/Europe and China. Moreover, sustainable procedures were critically discussed within the strategic water-energy-waste-food-transport (WEWFT) nexus. When comprehensive data were available, good practices were also measured by Circular Indicators (CIs) and compared to benchmark values set by existing certification or labelling. CIs support the innovative, resilient and sustainable development and assessment of the tourism industry. Most of the strategies were focused on energy optimization and a lack of tangible data was depicted for food and waste management.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Assessment of molecularly imprinted polymers for selective removal of diclofenac from wastewater by laboratory and pilot-scale adsorption tests
Autore/i: Parlapiano, Marco; Foglia, Alessia; Sgroi, Massimiliano; Pisani, Michela; Astolfi, Paola; Mezzelani, Marica; Gorbi, Stefania; Akyol, Çağrı; Eusebi, Anna Laura; Fatone, Francesco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: This study investigated the potential of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIPs) to integrate schemes for wastewater reuse and to serve as effective adsorbent for the removal of a target emerging contaminant (i.e., diclofenac – DCF), after or within pilot scale anaerobic biological treatments. Batch tests were performed to evaluate the effect on DCF removal during anaerobic biological processes by enriching activated sludge of an Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) reactor (TSS =19.6 g/L), and an Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor (AnMBR) (TSS = 120 mg/L) reactors with MIPs (3 mg/L). Therefore, tertiary treatments were investigated by columns adsorption tests that were performed first at lab scale using DCF (15 mg/L) solution in deionized water, and then in-site by treating the anaerobic permeate effluent from the AnMBR at pilot scale level (DCF 500 μg/L). Clogging or blockage of the column bed was not observed during these field tests, where the saturation process of MIPs was slower compared to laboratory tests that used deionized water. In addition, the empirical Thomas Model, Yoon-Nelson Model, Dose-Response Model and Adam Bohart Model showed very good fittings with the experimental data obtained during experiments performed with both synthetic water and anaerobic effluents showing their suitability for the description of breakthrough curves. Finally, it was observed that after regeneration the MIPs can be efficiently reused since adsorption capacity is sufficiently preserved.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Novel extended hybrid tool for real time control and practically support decisions to reduce GHG emissions in full scale wastewater treatment plants
Autore/i: Lancioni, Nicola; Szelag, Bartosz; Sgroi, Massimiliano; Barbusiński, Krzysztof; Fatone, Francesco; Eusebi, Anna Laura
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: In this paper, a novel methodology and extended hybrid model for the real time control, prediction and reduction of direct emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) is proposed to overcome the lack of long-term data availability in several full-scale case studies. A mechanistic model (MCM) and a machine learning (ML) model are combined to real time control, predict the emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2) as well as effluent quality (COD – chemical oxygen demand, NH4-N – ammonia, NO3-N - nitrate) in activated sludge method. For methane (CH4), using the MCM model, predictions are performed on the input data (VFA, CODs for aerobic and anaerobic compartments) to the MLM model. Additionally, scenarios were analyzed to assess and reduce the GHGs emissions related to the biological processes. A real WWTP, with a population equivalent (PE) of 125,000, was studied for the validation of the hybrid model. A global sensitivity analysis (GSA) of the MCM and a ML model were implemented to assess GHGs emission mechanisms the biological reactor. Finally, an early warning tool for the prediction of GHGs errors was implemented to assess the accuracy and the reliability of the proposed algorithm. The results could support the wastewater treatment plant operators to evaluate possible mitigation scenarios (MS) that can reduce direct GHG emissions from WWTPs by up to 21%, while maintaining the final quality standard of the treated effluent
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Fate and behaviour of PFAS in natural resources: towards a safe circular economy
Abstract EGU24-16438
Autore/i: Lions, Julie; Togola, Anne; Groot, Hans; Bakker, Martine; van Hullebusch, Eric D.; Miehe, Ulf; Zhiteneva, Veronika; Dulio, Valeria; Boucard, Pierre; Hartmann, Julia; Heine, Nicole; Track, Thomas; Sperlich, Alexander; Zessner, Matthias; Bosch, Carme; Sgroi, Massimiliano; Fatone, Francesco; Jou Claus, Sonia; Colombano, Stefan; H2020 PROMISCES project, Partners
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Microplastics in urban water cycles: Looking for a more scientific approach for sampling and characterization in wastewater and drinking water treatment plants
Autore/i: Foglia, Alessia; Pittura, Lucia; Vivani, Veronica; Sgroi, Massimiliano; De Simoni, Lucia; Eusebi, Anna Laura; Gorbi, Stefania; Regoli, Francesco; Fatone, Francesco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Specific campaigns to detect microplastics (MPs) in the urban water cycle were carried out in three drinking water plants and two wastewater treatment plants. A self-designed sampler for MPs detection in water matrices was in this study preliminary validated and then tested in long term campaigns sampling up to 1000 L. Raw drinking water and wastewater show microplastics (MPs) concentrations of 2–11 and of 480–801 MPs/m3, respectively, and MPs removals of 47–78 % and of 84–98 %, correspondingly. Specific roles of chemical and physical conventional processes in microplastics removals were investigated. Solid-liquid separation, flotation and filtration are the main processes for achieving high microplastics removal. Regarding concentrated matrices, MPs concentrations in sludge samples varied in the range of 5000–500,000 MPs/m3. Finally, shapes, size classes and polymers' typologies were investigated in the extracted MPs. The detected sizes are mainly 0.5–0.1 mm in drinking waters while 5–1 mm in wastewaters. Wastewaters were predominated by synthetic fibers (polyester type), while drinking waters were mainly characterized by fragments and the fibers were mostly of natural origin. Finally, the results of this study supported best practices and guidelines for a representative assessment of MPs in water (sampling methods, extraction procedures, characterization and quantification).
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Acclimated green microalgae consortium to treat sewage in an alternative urban WWTP in a coastal area of Central Italy
Autore/i: Chieti, M. G.; Petrucciani, A.; Mollo, L.; Gerotto, C.; Eusebi, A. L.; Fatone, F.; Norici, A.; González-Camejo, J.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: This study exposed a microalgal consortium formed by Auxenochlorella protothecoides, Tetradesmus obliquus, and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii to six mixed wastewater media containing different proportions of primary (P) or secondary (S) effluents diluted in centrate (C). Algae could grow at centrate concentrations up to 50 %, showing no significant differences between effluents. After acclimation, microalgae cultivated in 50%P-50%C and 50%S-50%C grew at a rate similar to that of control cultures (0.59–0.66 d−1). These results suggest that the consortium acclimated to both sewage streams by modulating the proportion of the species and their metabolism. Acclimation also altered the photosynthetic activity of wastewater-grown samples compared to the control, probably due to partial photoinhibition, changes in consortium composition, and changes in metabolic activity. No major differences were observed between the two streams with respect to biochemical composition, biomass yield, or bioremediation capacity of the cultivated algae but algae grown in the secondary effluent showed qualitatively higher exopolysaccharides (EPS) production than algae grown in primary. Regarding wastewater remediation, microalgae grown in both WW media showed proficient nutrient removal efficiencies (close to 100 %); however, the final pH value (close to 11) would be controversial if the system were upscaled as it is over the legal limit and would cause phosphorus precipitation, so that CO2 addition would be required. The theoretical scale-up of the microalgae system could achieve water treatment costs of 0.109 €·m−3, which was significantly lower than the costs of typical activated sludge systems.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Sustainable urban wastewater management in a coastal city in wet and dry periods: from combined sewer overflows to wastewater reuse
WATER Innovation & Circularity Conference (WICC)
Autore/i: De Simoni, L.; Foglia, A.; Bruni, C.; Sgroi, M.; Darvini, G.; Carini, C.; Eusebi, A. L.; Fatone, F.
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Biorefineries to improve water and resource recovery in the seafood-processing industry
Advanced Technologies in Wastewater Treatment: Food Processing Industry
Autore/i: González-Camejo, J.; Andreola, C.; Maceratesi, V.; Toscano, G.; Eusebi, A. L.; Fatone, F.
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Polyethylene pipes exposed to chlorine dioxide in drinking water supply system: A critical review of degradation mechanisms and accelerated aging methods
Autore/i: Lancioni, Nicola; Parlapiano, Marco; Sgroi, Massimiliano; Giorgi, Luca; Fusi, Vieri; Darvini, Giovanna; Soldini, Luciano; Szeląg, Bartosz; Eusebi, Anna Laura; Fatone, Francesco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Polyethylene (PE) pipes have been widely used in drinking water distribution systems across the world. In many cases, chlorine dioxide (ClO2) is used to maintain a residual disinfectant concentration in potable water. Practical experiences have shown that the lifetime of PE pipes is significantly reduced due to exposure to drinking water with ClO2. Recently, many companies have proposed new PE pipes with a modified formulation, which are more resistant to chlorine dioxide. However, a standardized test method for evaluating the long-term performances of PE pipes is still missing. This literature review was performed to provide a description of chlorine dioxide uses and degradation mechanisms of polyethylene pipes in real water distribution systems. Current accelerated aging methods to evaluate long-term performances of PE pipes exposed to ClO2 are described and discussed along with the common technics used to characterize the specimens. Accelerate aging methods can be distinguished in immersion aging tests and pressurized pipe loop tests. Wide ranges of operational conditions (chlorine dioxide concentration, water pressure, water temperature, etc.) are applied, resulting in a great variety of results. It was concluded that pressurized looping tests applying semi-realistic operational conditions could better replicate the aging mechanisms occurring in service. Despite this, the acceleration and the evaluation of the long-term performance are still difficult to determine precisely. Further experimentation is needed to correlate chemical-mechanical characterization parameters of PE pipes with their lifetime in service.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Development of methodologies and tools of risk assessment for wastewater and stormwater reuse
Autore/i: De Simoni, L.; Radini, S.; Foglia, A.; Sgroi, M.; Magna, D. J.; Szelag, B.; Kiczko, A.; Eusebi, A. L.; Fatone, F.
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Risk management and digitalisation to overcome barriers for safe reuse of urban wastewater for irrigation – A review based on European practice
Autore/i: Radini, S.; González-Camejo, J.; Andreola, C.; Eusebi, A. L.; Fatone, F.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Replication service tool to assess the feasibility of solutions for alternative water source recovery
WATER Innovation & Circularity Conference (WICC)
Autore/i: De Simoni, L.; González-Camejo, J.; Cipolletta, G.; Li, K.; Yang, Y.; Chen, R.; Eusebi, A. L.; Fatone, F.
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Integrated model for the fast assessment of flood volume: Modelling-management, uncertainty and sensitivity analysis
Autore/i: Szelag, B; Kowal, P; Kiczko, A; Bialek, A; Walek, G; Majerek, D; Siwicki, P; Fatone, F; Boczkaj, G
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The specific flood volume is an important criterion for assessing the performance of sewage networks. It has been shown that its value is greatly influenced by the layout of the sewers in the catchment area, which is usually expressed by a fractal dimension. Currently, only mechanistic models (such as SWMM) enable the determination of the impact of the layout of the sewers on flooding volume, but they require additional and robust calculations. In the presented study an integrated tool has been proposed that includes: a flooding volume simulator based on rainfall data, catchment and sewage network characteristics, sewers layout expressed by fractal dimension. A logistic model can be applied for fast flooding volume estimation as an alternative approach to SWMM, design and upgrade sewer layout even with limited access to data (spatial planning, architectural concepts, etc.). Using the random forest (RF) method, a likelihood function simulator was developed, which enabled the analysis of interactions and optimal selection of combinations of SWMM model parameters for calibration. It has been shown that the higher the fractal dimension and retention coefficient (the ratio of surface to sewer retention), the greater the influence of SWMM parameters on the specific flood volume.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Techno-economic assessment of biorefinery scenarios based on mollusc and fish residuals
Autore/i: Andreola, Corinne; González-Camejo, Josue; Tambone, F.; Eusebi, Anna Laura; Adani, Fabrizio; Fatone, Francesco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Transforming wastewater treatment plants into reclaimed water facilities in water-unbalanced regions. An overview of possibilities and recommendations focusing on the Italian case
Autore/i: Foglia, Alessia; Radini, Serena; Gonzalez-Camejo, Josué; Li, Kan; Sgroi, Massimiliano; Eusebi, Anna Laura; Fatone, Francesco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Water scarcity is one of the most challenging topics to cope currently, especially in the regions most affected by climate change such as the Mediterranean basin. The implementation of safe water reuse practices thus appears essential to satisfy future water demands in a sustainable way, helping to reduce hydric stress in water-unbalanced regions. However, it remains as an underused practice because of the lack of incentives of water companies to invest in it, limited social trust and high governance complexity, amongst other factors. To change this situation, the wastewater sector needs to develop some structural changes that include the transformation of conventional wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) into novel reclaimed water facilities (RWF), as well as some paradigm shifts regarding social, political and legal factors. The goal of this manuscript is to provide a systemic, novel and updated vision of the wastewater treatment sector in Italy and to give some recommendations for the implementation of wastewater reuse in agriculture. Extensive data regarding water reuse technologies for the refining, disinfection and advanced oxidation of wastewater is also provided. This comprehensive analysis could help to align the objectives to be achieved from all the perspectives (technical, economic, legal and socio-political), thus helping to fill current gaps and overcome barriers that hinder water reuse development.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Analysis of Sewer Network Performance in the Context of Modernization: Modeling, Sensitivity, and Uncertainty Analysis
Autore/i: Szelag, B; Majerek, D; Kiczko, A; Lagod, G; Fatone, F; Mcgarity, A
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Specific flood volume and degree of flooding are important parameters for evaluating the performance of stormwater networks. Hydrodynamic models are usually used to calculate these important measures, but this task requires the collection of detailed data on land use, the sewer network, rainfall, and flows, which are not always possible to obtain. The present research consists in the development of a methodology, using the USEPA Stormwater Management Model (SWMM), for simulating the performance of a stormwater network to determine whether it is in need of modernization. This determination is based on independent variables including rainfall data, catchment retention, and channel capacity. A logistic regression was developed to assess the sewer network performance based on simulation of specific flood volume and degree of flooding in the context of modernization. An extended sensitivity analysis was also used to assess the influence of rainfall intensity on the results of sensitivity coefficient calculations for the calibrated SWMM parameters. Using the extreme gradient boosting method, a tool has been developed to optimize the combination of SWMM parameters, reducing the uncertainty of simulation results, which can be used in the selection of their measurement methods prior to model development. It has been shown that, using the logistic regression model, it is possible to rapidly simulate the operation of a stormwater system to assess its need for modernization. It was confirmed that an increase in rainfall intensity leads to a significant decrease in the values of the calculated sensitivity coefficients associated with the SWMM parameters. The highest sensitivity coefficient was shown for a correction coefficient for percentage of impervious areas; for rainfall intensity 33-133 L.(s.ha)(-1) varied from 1.45 to 12.38. This result leads to a method for selecting specific rainfall events for calibration of the model, thereby improving the ability to assess the performance of the stormwater system. Interestingly, however, for the exemplary catchment in Kielce, Poland, the generalized likelihood uncertainty estimation (GLUE) method was used, combined with the XGboost machine learning technique, to determine that the reliability of the SWMM parameters has a negligible impact on the probability of a stormwater network failure. (C) 2022 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

The Applications of Graph Algorithms to Modeling of Integrated Urban Water Management System
Autore/i: Lazuka, E.; Futa, A.; Jastrzebska, M.; Lagod, G.; Szelag, B.; Fatone, F.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

An overview of operations and processes for circular management of dredged sediments
Autore/i: Crocetti, P.; González-Camejo, J.; Li, K.; Foglia, A.; Eusebi, A. L.; Fatone, F.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Lessons learnt from different inoculation strategies for pilot-scale start-up of partial nitritation for landfill leachate treatment
Autore/i: Bruni, Cecilia; Cipolletta, Giulia; Akyol, Cagri; Eusebi, Anna Laura; Fatone, Francesco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Ammonium recovery from municipal wastewater by ion exchange: Development and application of a procedure for sorbent selection
Autore/i: Pinelli, D.; Foglia, A.; Fatone, F.; Papa, E.; Maggetti, C.; Bovina, S.; Frascari, D.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Ion exchange represents one of the most promising processes for ammonium recovery from municipal waste-water (MWW). However, most previous studies on ammonium ion exchange did not optimize the process or evaluate its robustness under real operational conditions. This experimental study aimed at (i) developing a procedure for the selection of a sorbent for selective ammonium removal/recovery from MWW, (ii) validating the procedure by applying it to several sorbents, (iii) performing a preliminary optimization and robustness assessment of ammonium removal/recovery with the selected sorbent. The application of the procedure to natural and synthetic zeolites and a cation exchange resin confirmed that batch isotherm tests need to be integrated by continuous-flow tests. The selected sorbent, a natural mixture of Chabazite and Phillipsite, resulted in high performances in terms of cation exchange capacity (33 mgN gd(ry resin)(-1)), ammonium operating capacity (5.2 mgN g(dry resin)(-1)), ammonium recovery yield (78-91%) and selectivity towards ammonium. The process performances resulted stable during 7 adsorption/desorption cycles conducted with MWW treatment plant effluents in a 60-cm column. The switch to a highly saline effluent produced in a hotspot of seawater intrusion did not determine significant changes in performances. Contact time was reduced to 6 min without any decrease in performances. Potassium - well tolerated by crops - was selected as the regenerating agent, in the perspective to produce a desorbed product to be re-used as fertilizer. The study shows that Chabazite/Phillipsite has a high capacity to recover ammonium from MWW in a circular economy approach.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Energy saving from small-sized urban contexts: Integrated application into the domestic water cycle
Autore/i: Postacchini, Matteo; Di Giuseppe, Elisa; Eusebi, Anna Laura; Pelagalli, Leonardo; Darvini, Giovanna; Cipolletta, Giulia; Fatone, Francesco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: A novel approach is investigated, based on an integrated solution aiming at exploiting the energy harvestable from both drinking water reaching a municipality (or district) and wastewater flowing out from households. Global costs are also analyzed under several macroeconomic scenarios. A first experimental set was carried out using a supply system, where the mechanical power was generated using a pump as turbine (PAT). The biogas production, especially from black water discharged in a separated sewage system, was analyzed during a second set, to evaluate the anaerobic valorization of carbon sources. Several scenarios were built for small-scale urban applications, varying parameters like population and macroeconomic conditions. The produced energy changes among the scenarios: the PAT is optimized when hydraulic regulation is used, while the anaerobic digestion is optimized for decentralized system coupled to toilet operation without urine separation. Differences in energy production and costs exist between the analyzed technologies, the PAT requiring small investments for a small production, the anaerobic digestion requiring high costs for a large production. Hence, the application to urban contexts depends on the local means/needs and the size of the exploitable territory. The work also draws a potential methodology for urban planning in developing or developed countries.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Flood occurrence analysis in small urban catchments in the context of regional variability
Autore/i: Szeląg, Bartosz; Suligowski, Roman; Łagód, Grzegorz; Łazuka, Ewa; Wlaź, Paweł; Stránský, David; De Paola, Francesco; Fatone, Francesco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: An original method for analyzing the influence of the meteorological, as well as physical-geographical conditions on the flooding of stormwater in small urban catchment areas is proposed. A logistical regression model is employed for the identification of the flooding events. The elaborated model enables to simulate the stormwater flooding in a single rainfall event, on the basis of the rainfall depth, duration, imperviousness of the catchment and its spatial distribution within the analyzed area, as well as the density of the stormwater network. The rainfall events are predicted considering the regional convective rainfall model for 32 rain gauges located in Poland, based on 44 years of rainfall data. In the study, empirical models are obtained to calculate the rainfall duration conditioning the flooding of stormwater in a small urban catchment area depending on the characteristics of the examined urban basins. The empirical models enabling to control the urbanization process of catchment areas, accounting for the local rainfall and meteorological characteristics are provided. The paper proposes a methodology for the identification of the areas especially sensitive to stormwater flooding in small urban catchment areas depending to the country scale. By employing the presented methodology, the regions with most sensitive urban catchments are identified. On this basis, a ranking of towns and cities is determined from the most sensitive to flooding in small urban catchment areas to the regions where the risk of flooding is lower. Using the method developed in the paper, maximum impervious catchment area are determined for the selected regions of the country, the exceedance of which determines the occurrence of stormwater flooding.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Upscaled and validated technologies for the production of bio-based materials from wastewater
Resource Recovery from Water
Autore/i: Akyol, Çağrı; Gozde Ozbayram, E.; Eusebi, Anna Laura; Foglia, Alessia; Cipolletta, Giulia; Frison, Nicola; Conca, Vincenzo; Da Ros, Cinzia; Wessels, Coos; Ganigué, Ramon; Pikaar, Ilje; Oehmen, Adrian; Carvalho, Gilda; Fatone, Francesco
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Adsorption of Contaminants of Emerging Concern (CECs) with Varying Hydrophobicity on Macro- and Microplastic Polyvinyl Chloride, Polyethylene, and Polystyrene: Kinetics and Potential Mechanisms
Autore/i: Tseng, Ly; You, Cj; Vu, C; Chistolini, Mk; Wang, Cy; Mast, K; Luo, F; Asvapathanagul, P; Gedalanga, Pb; Eusebi, Al; Gorbi, S; Pittura, L; Fatone, F
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Microplastic particles are of concern to aquatic environments because their size enables them to be easily ingested by animals and they may become vectors of potentially harmful chemicals. This study focused on understanding the impact of plastic size and plastic types on adsorption and adsorption kinetics of commonly found contaminants of emerging concern (CECs). We exposed macro- and micro-sized polyethylene (PE), polystyrene (PS), and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) to six CECs: diclofenac (DCF), atenolol (ATN), ibuprofen (IBU), 4-acetamidophenol (ACE), bisphenol A (BPA), and 2-mercaptobenzothiazole (MBT). Our results showed that the pseudo-first order model described the adsorption kinetics better than the pseudo-second order model. The rate of adsorption ACE onto macro-PS was the fastest rate of adsorption for all CECs and microplastics evaluated. Generally, the mass fraction of CECs sorbed at equilibrium did not depend on the size of the plastic and chemical hydrophobicity. With a relatively low K-ow among the CECs studied here, ACE had the most mass fraction sorbed onto all the plastics in this study. DCF was also consistently sorbed onto all the plastics. The mechanism van der Waals interaction may have dominated in all the adsorptions in this study, but pi-pi interaction could also be a major mechanism in the adsorption of DCF, IBP, and ACE. Fast adsorption of ATN, IBP, and ACE may occur during wastewater treatment, but slow adsorption may still continue in the wastewater effluent. Our study highlights an ecotoxicological concern for plastics being a vector of commonly found CECs that are not highly hydrophobic.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Tailoring non-conventional water resources for sustainable and safe reuse in agriculture
Autore/i: Foglia, A.; Parlapiano, M.; Akyol, G. C. C.; Eusebi, A. L.; Pisani, M.; Astolfi, P.; Fatone, F.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: In water scarce areas, like the Mediterranean Region where the lack of irrigation water is already limiting agricultural production, the valorization of non-concventional water resources is utmost important. Accordingly, in this study, we aimed to provide safe and locally sustainable ways of water supply for the Mediterranean agricultural sector by exploiting non-conventional water resources for irrigation purpose. In this context, pilot scale anaerobic reactors treating urban wastewater were operated coupling upflow anaerobıc sludge blanket (UASB) reactor and ultrafiltration anaerobic membrane bioreactor (AnMBR). The resulting permeate is of high quality, accomplishing the EU quality standards for irrigation water reuse, also in terms of E.coli as the main microbial indicator. However, contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) can be a further limitation for safe reuse of the reclaimed water. Hence, molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) were further integrated as the final refining step for the selective removal of CECs. Diclofenac was used as the target compound with a removal efficiency up to 50% in the final effluent. In parallel, an intensive pilot system was operated for brine treatment through evaporation, chemical addition and precipitation, and forward osmosis, where up to 77% Mg2+ and 45% Ca2+ recovery rates were achieved. The recovered Mg-salts from the brine treatment were then used as an external source to enhance the struvite precipitation in the N- and P-rich effluent of AnMBR. The preliminary tests showed that only hydroxiapatite salts precipitated without any external P addition.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Cellulosic materials recovery from municipal wastewater: from treatment plants to the market
Clean Energy and Resource Recovery: waste water treatments plants as biorefineries
Autore/i: Akyol, Çağrı; Eusebi, Anna Laura; Cipolletta, Giulia; Bruni, Cecilia; Foglia, Alessia; Giosuè, Chiara; Frison, Nicola; Tittarelli, Francesca; Canestrari, Francesco; Fatone, Francesco
Editore: Elsevier
Luogo di pubblicazione: Amserdam
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: IntroductionCellulose is the most abundant available biopolymer (up to 1011 t/annum production) with a high molecular weight (Kumar et al., 2020 ). Cellulose is a long linear polysaccharide polymer consisting of β-1,4-linked glucose units (C5H8O4)m, and exhibits in structural cell wall tissues of all higher plans and some algae, while some bacteria also excrete cellulose. Considering the increasing demand for lignocellulosic raw materials in a huge number of industries, undervalued side streams with a high potential should be well utilized in order to embrace a more circular economy approach that reduces waste and allows for the continual use and re-use of resources (Keijsers et al., 2013; Puyol et al., 2017). For thousands of years, mankind process cellulose derived from plants in the production of pulp, paper, and derivatives. With the adoption of toilet paper in modern societies, cellulose fibers became a primary insoluble substrate entering wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). In the last decade, cellulose recovery from wastewater has become a topic of interest which has attracted a remarkable attention leading to considerable investments (Palmieri et al., 2019; Ruiken et al., 2013). By introducing a microsieving (mesh size <350 μm) downstream of the coarse sieving, it is possible to recover the cellulose from cellulosic primary sludge (CPS; Gherghel et al., 2019). In a wastewater treatment scheme, sieving is a mechanical method often used to remove solid particles. A significant part of the sieved material includes cellulosic fibers (approx. 30–50%), which mainly originates from toilet papers (Espíndola et al., 2021) together with a minor contribution of clothes, fruits, and vegetables. This is a very significant amount since approximately 10 kg toilet paper is used on average per person each year. This number varies greatly, and it is location dependent. For instance, the average toilet paper use in the United States is 22.68 kg/capita year, which translates into more than 2 × 104 ton of toilet paper entering WWTPs daily, assuming that at least 90% of toilet paper is flushed after use. Meanwhile, although the annual consumption of toilet paper per capita is considerably lower in China (i.e., 2.9 kg/capita year), the total amount of toilet paper entering WWTPs is also significant because of its vast number of consumers (Li et al., 2020). Recovering and further adding value to these cellulosic fibers can easily contribute to the sustainability of wastewater treatment processes with the possibility of generating new eco-efficient products while requiring less energy and cost for water reclamation (Mussatto and Loosdrecht, 2016). Then, recovered cellulose can be processed into various value added molecules, building bioblocks, bioplastics, and flocculants (Glińska et al., 2020).
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Assessing socio-economic value of innovative materials recovery solutions validated in existing wastewater treatment plants
Autore/i: Foglia, A.; Bruni, C.; Cipolletta, G.; Eusebi, A. L.; Frison, N.; Katsou, E.; Akyol, C.; Fatone, F.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Cost benefit analysis (CBA) and social impact assessment are well established methodologies to systematically estimate the viability of investments on technologies as well as the benefits for the society. However, there is a limited application of these assessment methods in the wastewater sector especially for resource recovery to deliver circularity objectives within urban water cycle management. In this regard, the Horizon 2020 SMART-Plant Innovation Action aimed to evaluate holistic impacts of wastewater-based resource recovery by applying and adapting cost benefit and social analysis on innovative technologies (SMARTechs). The SMARTechs were implemented and validated in real wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) across Europe and Mediterranean basin where potential impacts in terms of carbon, material and energy efficiency, recovery and safe reuse were defined. Sixteen bottom-up SMARTech scenarios were analysed for the estimation of technical, economic and social impacts using CBA, social life cycle assessment (S-LCA) and social readiness level (SRL) methods. Overall, the SMARTechs created benefits both from an environmental and social point of view, with a maximum relative total economic value up to +23% compared to baseline scenario (without any SMARTech implementation). In terms of social benefits, the S-LCA highlighted a global positive impact of all the SMARTechs in terms of technical characteristics and social acceptance. Specifically, SMARTech 1 (cellulose recovery) was the most socially accepted solution thanks to its high performance and simplicity. Finally, based on the SRL assessment, most of the SMARTechs were positioned within the SRL range of 6–7, which implies a good societal acceptance and adaptation potential.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Validating Circular Performance Indicators: The Interface between Circular Economy and Stakeholders
Autore/i: Nika, Chrysanthi-Elisabeth; Exp??sito, Alfonso; Kisser, Johannes; Bertino, Gaetano; Volkan Oral, Hasan; Dehghanian, Kaveh; Vasilaki, Vasileia; Iacovidou, Eleni; Fatone, Francesco; Atanasova, Nata??a; Katsou, Evina
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The development and application of appropriate Circular Economy indicators is an issue that concerns both the scientific and the business community, as well as decision makers. The existing gap between research, policy and practice could be bridged by using a dynamic indicators selection approach that combines both expert and participatory practices. This study aims to develop such a novel approach for the selection of indicators based on views and needs of practitioners, whilst considering the complex interdependencies of the indicators and determining their importance. Twenty circularity indicators for the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems nexus are selected and ranked by different stakeholders. The interrelationships of the indicators are identified using the Interpretive Structural Model, resulting in six levels of importance. Cross-impact matrix multiplication applied to classification (MICMAC) analysis further enabled the classification of the twenty indicators into four categories based on their driving and dependence power. The results indicate that seven indicators-one related to regeneration of natural environment principle, four related to keep resources in use, and two related to design out negative externalities-are the driving indicators to Circular Economy. The approach can be applied to other sets of indicators as well, enabling their prioritization and implementation with other systems.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Water–energy–food–climate nexus in an integrated peri‐urban wastewater treatment and reuse system: From theory to practice
Autore/i: Marinelli, E.; Radini, S.; Akyol, C.; Sgroi, M.; Eusebi, A. L.; Bischetti, G. B.; Mancini, A.; Fatone, F.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: This paper develops a framework for the identification, assessment and analysis of the water reuse–carbon–energy–food–climatic (WEFC) nexus in an integrated peri‐urban wastewater treatment and reuse system. This methodology was applied to the municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) of Peschiera Borromeo (Milan, Italy) and its peri‐urban district to define the most possible affirmations and conflicts following the EU regulations 741/2020. Results of this work showed that transferring the WEFC nexus from theory to practice can realize sustainable resource management in the operating environment by providing a reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, overall energy savings, reduction in water stress and optimization of agricultural prac-tices. Particularly, it was found that if the plant configuration is upgraded to reach water quality class C for water reuse, instead of wastewater discharge, energy savings are estimated to reach up to 7.1% and carbon emissions are supposed to be reduced up to 2.7%. In addition, enhancing water quality from class C to class A resulted in increments in energy and carbon footprint of 5.7% and 1.7%, respectively. Nevertheless, higher quality crops can be cultivated with reclaimed water in class A, with bigger economic revenues and high recovery of nutrients (e.g., recovery of 154450 kg N/y for tomato cultivation).
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Policy and legislative barriers to close water-related loops in innovative small water and wastewater systems in Europe: A critical analysis
Autore/i: Cipolletta, Giulia; Ozbayram, EMINE GOZDE; Eusebi, Anna Laura; Akyol, Çağrı; Malamis, Simos; Mino, Eric; Fatone, Francesco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Water supply and reuse through non-conventional water resources can significantly decrease the stress on natural water resources. Decentralized systems can help not only to alleviate issues of water security in arid areas, but also to create a sustainable framework within a circular economy. Although these small-scale innovative technologies are able to achieve ready-to-use, high quality of recovered/treated water on-site, the loop cannot be closed in most cases due to legislative barriers. Similarly, the end-use of sewage sludge after treatment in decentralized systems still lacks specific regulations that limit its valorization. This work analyzes the current policy and legislations related to water supply, wastewater treatment, water reuse and resource valorization within the context of decentralized state-of-the-art technologies applied in rural areas. The drawbacks in the current EU legislation that set barriers to close water-related loops in European countries are highlighted. A regulatory fitness check was applied to each type of loop to identify the key factors to accomplish the legislative compliance, and financing pathways were further evaluated at the EU level. As a possible solution, further development of an innovation deal approach is recommended to address the environmental, regulatory and financial gaps in water management through an integrated framework, providing ad-hoc policies and prescriptions for sustainable reuse of all water resources
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Advanced sensitivity analysis of the impact of the temporal distribution and intensity of rainfall on hydrograph parameters in urban catchments
Autore/i: Fatone, F; Szelag, B; Kiczko, A; Majerek, D; Majewska, M; Drewnowski, J; Lagod, G
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Knowledge of the variability of the hydrograph of outflow from urban catchments is highly important for measurements and evaluation of the operation of sewer networks. Currently, hydrodynamic models are most frequently used for hydrograph modeling. Since a large number of their parameters have to be identified, there may be problems at the calibration stage. Hence, sensitivity analysis is used to limit the number of parameters. However, the current sensitivity analytical methods ignore the effect of the temporal distribution and intensity of precipitation in a rainfall event on the catchment outflow hydrograph. This article presents a methodology of constructing a simulator of catchment outflow hydrograph parameters (volume and maximum flow). For this purpose, uncertainty analytical results obtained with the use of the GLUE (generalized likelihood uncertainty estimation) method were used. A novel analysis of the sensitivity of the hydrodynamic catchment models was also developed, which can be used in the analysis of the operation of stormwater networks and underground infrastructure facilities. Using the logistic regression method, an innovative sensitivity coefficient was proposed to study the impact of the variability of the parameters of the hydrodynamic model depending on the distribution of rainfall, the origin of rainfall (on the Chomicz scale), and the uncertainty of the estimated simulator coefficients on the parameters of the outflow hydrograph. The developed model enables the analysis of the impact of the identified SWMM (Storm Water Management Model) parameters on the runoff hydrograph, taking into account local rainfall conditions, which have not been analyzed thus far. Compared with the currently developed methods, the analyses included the impact of the uncertainty of the identified coefficients in the logistic regression model on the results of the sensitivity coefficient calculation. This aspect has not been taken into account in the sensitivity analytical methods thus far, although this approach evaluates the reliability of the simulation results. The results indicated a considerable influence of rainfall distribution and intensity on the sensitivity factors. The greater the intensity and rainfall were, the lower the impact of the identified hydrodynamic model parameters on the hydrograph parameters. Additionally, the calculations confirmed the significant impact of the uncertainty of the estimated coefficient in the simulator on the sensitivity coefficients. In the context of the sensitivity analysis, the obtained results have a significant effect on the interpretation of the relationships obtained. The approach presented in this study can be widely applied at the model calibration stage and for appropriate selection of hydrographs for identification and validation of model parameters. The results of the calculations obtained in this study indicate the suitability of including the origin of rainfall in the sensitivity analysis and calibration of hydrodynamic models, which results from the different sensitivities of models for normal, heavy, and torrential rain types. In this context, it is necessary to first divide the rainfall data by origin, for which analyses will be performed, including sensitivity analysis and calibration.Considering the obtained results of the calculations, at the stage of identifying the parameters of hydrodynamic models and their validation, precipitation conditions should be included because, for the precipitation caused by heavy rainfall, the values of the sensitivity coefficients were much lower than for torrential ones. Taking into account the values of the sensitivity coefficients obtained, the calibration of the models should not only cover episodes with high rainfall intensity, since this may lead to calculation errors at the stage of applying the model in practice (assessment of the stormwater system operating conditions, design of reservoirs and flow control devices, green infrastructure, etc.).
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Validation of an evidence-based methodology to support regional carbon footprint assessment and decarbonisation of wastewater treatment service in Italy
Autore/i: Marinelli, E.; Radini, S.; Foglia, A.; Lancioni, N.; Piasentin, A.; Eusebi, A. L.; Fatone, F.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: In this paper, a new regional methodological approach for determining direct and indirect emissions from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) is proposed. Additionally, an entire territorial wastewater treatment service located in the northern Italy and serving 411,484 PE was assessed. The most accurate emission factor identification is presented using appropriate on-site measurements, monitoring different aerated operational units and sampling several streams in 12 relevant WWTPs of different treatment capacities, ranging from 3000 to 73,000 PE. Dissolved greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations from 0.2 to 24 mgN2O/L, 0.1 to 1 mgCH4/L and 1.8 to 52 mgCO2/L in effluent flows were detected. Specific carbon footprints resulted in the emissions of 0.04–0.20 tonCO2eq/PE/y, varying as per the size of the plants. The most impactful categories were identified for indirect emissions, associated with dissolved GHGs discharged in the surface water body and due to energy consumption, which accounted for 13–70% and 10–40%, respectively. The overall territorial carbon footprint of the wastewater treatment service was also quantified to provide evidence-based decision support system (DSS) and prepare systemic mitigation strategies.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Targeted Bio-Based Volatile Fatty Acid Production from Waste Streams through Anaerobic Fermentation: Link between Process Parameters and Operating Scale
Autore/i: Bruni, Cecilia; Foglia, Alessia; Eusebi, Anna Laura; Frison, Nicola; Akyol, Çağrı; Fatone, Francesco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Anaerobic processes are proven to have much more environmental and economic benefits than conventional aerobic treatment systems, offering sustainable energy and valuable biochemicals. In recent years, bio-based volatile fatty acid (VFA) production has come into prominence as more value is derived before ending up with other final products. This paper presents a critical review of the research studies on bio-based VFA production from different waste streams (i.e., industrial sludge/waste, organic fraction of municipal solid waste/food waste, municipal wastewater/sludge, combined streams) through anaerobic fermentation. Fundamentals and decisive process parameters (i.e., pH, temperature, retention time, organic loading rate) are reviewed, and their correlations with VFA yields are critically discussed based on 178 cases (156 lab- and 22 pilot-scale). The picture we provided clearly demonstrates that process parameters should be clearly defined and optimized according to the type of waste streams which may have a significant impact on downstream processes in most cases.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

A water-waste-energy nexus approach to bridge the sustainability gap in landfill-based waste management regions
Autore/i: Mancini, G; Luciano, A; Bolzonella, D; Fatone, F; Viotti, P; Fino, D
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The present paper discusses issues, scenarios, new ideas and processes with the specific purpose of quantitatively evaluating the feasibility of applying industrial symbiosis (IS) to regions where Waste-to-Energy (WtE) processes are not fully utilised (e.g. many Mediterranean regions), in order to exploit the potential synergies between 1) wastewater treatment (WWT), 2) WtE and 3) Anaerobic Digestion (AD) processes in a new, holistic approach that is able to maximise the efficient use of resources, while reducing the current environmental impacts.The enormous energy that can be obtained from residual waste is partially used, through an IS-based bio-refinery approach, to thermally support the AD and drying processes of organic waste and sludge, thereby allowing 100% of the increased biogas production to be upgraded to biomethane. The need to landfill can be reduced to less than 5-10%, which allows the 2035 EU target to be achieved, with relevant economic and environmental benefits.Electricity from the WtE plant is exploited to supply the utilities of the 3 main processes and in particular to lower the costs of the required tertiary WWT and wastewater pumping phases in order to make the reclaimed water cost competitive with that of conventional water resources and thus to make this marginal water resource fully sustainable. The proposed approach can be applied in numerous countries, where landfilling is still predominant, to help stakeholders favouring a cultural shift towards a more sustainable, integrated waste/wastewater management while lowering the sterile "Not In Anyone's BackYard" (NIABY) opposition to WtE plants.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Effects of the Sludge Retention Time and Carbon Source on Polyhydroxyalkanoate-Storing Biomass Selection under Aerobic-Feast and Anoxic-Famine Conditions
Autore/i: Frison, Nicola; Andreolli, Marco; Botturi, Alice; Lampis, Silvia; Fatone, Francesco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are versatile biodegradable polymers produced by bacteria and are suitable for many downstream applications. They can be produced inexpensively from mixed microbial cultures under feast and famine conditions in the presence of biobased volatile fatty acids (VFAs). Here, we investigated the effect of changing the sludge retention time (SRT) and the addition of fermented cellulosic primary sludge (CPS) as a carbon source on the selection of PHA-storing biomass when applying the feast and famine strategy under aerobic and anoxic conditions, respectively. Increasing the SRT from 5 to 7-10 days enhanced PHA yields under feast conditions from 0.18 gCOD(PHA)/gCOD(VFA) (period 1) to 0.40 gCOD(PHA)/gCOD(VFA) (period 2). The use of fermented CPS as a carbon source (period 3) increased PHA yields to 0.62 gCOD(PHA)/gCOD(VFA) despite the presence of biodegradable non-VFA fractions. Microbial characterization by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and fluorescence in situ hybridization revealed high microbial speciation during the three experimental periods. In period 3, the dominant genera were Thauera, Paracoccus, and Azoarcus, which accounted for similar to 95% of the total microbial biomass.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Selective removal of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) from urban water cycle via Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIPs): Potential of upscaling and enabling reclaimed water reuse
Autore/i: Parlapiano, M.; Akyol, C.; Foglia, A.; Pisani, M.; Astolfi, P.; Eusebi, A. L.; Fatone, F.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) are one of the main barriers in the water cycle as they limit the water reuse due to their adverse effects on humans and the ecosystem. Natural and/or engineered ecosystems, such as conventional wastewater treatment processes, are not designed to remove CECs and contribute to the bioaccumulation in organisms considering high volumes of treated water discharges. The adoption of innovative solutions to upgrade urban water cycle facilities has gained relevance for the removal of these substances from final effluents. Molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) show promising selective removal toward a wide range of CECs. However, this process is still limited to lab/bench scale and needs to be critically analyzed and assessed for possible scale-up in real environment. Therefore, in this review, an overview of the fate and occurrence of CECs in wastewater is initially reported together with the state-of-the-art adsorption mechanisms to remove these compounds. In the central part of the paper, an evaluation of MIPs synthesis and their status in removing CECs from water matrix are presented. An upscaling pathway of MIPs column from lab- to pilot-scale is given to be applied for enhanced CECs removal and safe water reuse in irrigation/fertigation. Finally, possible integration of MIP columns to real wastewater treatment facilities is discussed and advantages and disadvantages of the potential solutions are addressed to enhance their sustainability.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Effects of different pre-treatments on the properties of polyhydroxyalkanoates extracted from sidestreams of a municipal wastewater treatment plant
Autore/i: Palmieri, S.; Tittarelli, F.; Sabbatini, S.; Cespi, M.; Bonacucina, G.; Eusebi, A. L.; Fatone, F.; Stipa, P.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The paper deals with effects of two different widespread extraction methods (conventional extraction and Soxhlet extraction) and four different pre-treatments (homogenization with pressure and with blades, sonication, and impact with glass spheres) on the extraction yields and properties of polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) extracted from biomass coming from an innovative process (short-cut enhanced phosphorus and PHA recovery) applied in a real wastewater treatment plant. The results show that the two different extraction processes affected the crystallization degree and the chemical composition of the polymer. On the other hand, the extractive yield was highly influenced by pre-treatments: homogenization provided a 15% more extractive yield than the others. Homogenization, especially at high pressure, proved to be the best pre-treatment also in terms of the purity,visual appearance (transparency and clearness), thermal stability, and mechanical performances of the obtained PHA films. All the PHA films begin to melt long before their degradation temperature (Td > 200 °C): this allows their use in the fields of extrusion or compression moulding.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Urban water-energy-food-climate nexus in integrated wastewater and reuse systems: Cyber-physical framework and innovations
Autore/i: Radini, S.; Marinelli, E.; Akyol, C.; Eusebi, A. L.; Vasilaki, V.; Mancini, A.; Frontoni, E.; Bischetti, G. B.; Gandolfi, C.; Katsou, E.; Fatone, F.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Wastewater treatment is one of the major carriers of the water-energy-food-climate (WEFC) nexus, and although the relationship between water and energy is well recognized, there is still a lack of adequate analysis of the cyber-physical framework to address and assess urban and peri-urban WEFC nexus in an integrated approach. In this review paper, we deeply analyze and summarize the modelling tools and data that are currently used to quantify the nexus in wastewater treatment. Currently, comprehensive models and tools are missing that consider the interconnections amongst catchment, sewer network, wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), river and climatic system in a holistic approach and define relevant monitoring requirements and trustable information provision. Cyber-physical systems provide a technological ground for an efficient management of such integrated systems. The nexus approach in precision irrigation and smart agriculture is further discussed in the paper, highlighting the issue of water reuse and the engagement of different levels of stakeholders. Digital solutions and serious games addressing the nexus in urban and peri-urban water management are also presented to facilitate innovative practice aspects and to foster public involvement. Adaptable digital solutions can help to understand stakeholders’ perception of water quality and its governance and to improve levels of awareness and collaboration between utilities, authorities, farmers and citizens. Finally, recommendations on the added value of currently used models, tools and possible digital solutions are given to WWTP and reclamation managers and/or operators to bring the WEFC nexus approach on the operative environment.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Combined sewer overflows: A critical review on best practice and innovative solutions to mitigate impacts on environment and human health
Autore/i: Botturi, Alice; Ozbayram, E. Gozde; Tondera, Katharina; Gilbert, Nathalie I.; Rouault, Pascale; Caradot, Nicolas; Gutierrez, Oriol; Daneshgar, Saba; Frison, Nicola; Akyol, Çağrı; Foglia, Alessia; Eusebi, Anna Laura; Fatone, Francesco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Combined sewer overflows (CSOs) are of major environmental concern for impacted surface waterbodies. In the last decades, major storm events have become increasingly regular in some areas, and meteorological scenarios predict a further rise in their frequency. Consequently, control and treatment of CSOs with respect to best practice examples, innovative treatment solutions, and management of sewer systems are an inevitable necessity. As a result, the number of publications concerning quality, quantity, and type of treatments has recently increased. This review therefore aims to provide a critical overview on the effects, control, and treatment of CSOs in terms of impact on the environment and public health, strict measures addressed by regulations, and the various treatment alternatives including natural and compact treatments.Drawing together the previous studies, an innovative treatment and control guideline are also proposed for the better management practices.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Comparative life cycle environmental and economic assessment of anaerobic membrane bioreactor and disinfection for reclaimed water reuse in agricultural irrigation: A case study in Italy
Autore/i: Foglia, Alessia; Andreola, Corinne; Cipolletta, Giulia; Radini, Serena; Akyol, Çağrı; Eusebi, Anna Laura; Stanchev, Peyo; Katsou, Evina; Fatone, Francesco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Reuse of treated wastewater for irrigation purposes is a measure to reduce water stress and over exploitation of freshwater resources. This study aims to investigate the environmental and economic impacts of a current conventional wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in Peschiera Borromeo (Milan, Italy), and compare possible scenarios to enable reclaimed water reuse for agriculture. Accordingly, we propose alternative disinfection methods (i.e. enhanced UV, peracetic acid) and replace conventional activated sludge (CAS) with upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) for biological treatment and use anaerobic membrane bioreactor (AnMBR) as the tertiary treatment. Life cycle assessment (LCA) and life cycle costing (LCC) were implemented on the existing full-scale wastewater treatment line and the hypothetical scenarios. In most cases, the impact categories are primarily influenced by fertilizer application and direct emissions to water (i.e. nutrients and heavy metals). The baseline scenario appears to have the largest environmental impact, except for freshwater eutrophication, human ecotoxicity and terrestrial ecotoxicity. As expected, water depletion is the most apparent impact category between the baseline and proposed scenarios. The UASB + AnMBR scenario gives relatively higher environmental benefits than the other proposed scenarios in climate change (-28%), fossil fuel depletion (-31%), mineral resource depletion (-52%), and terrestrial ecotoxicity compared to the baseline. On the other hand, the highest impact on freshwater eutrophication is also obtained by this scenario since the effluent from the anaerobic processes is rich in nutrients. Moreover, investment and operational costs vary remarkably between the scenarios, and the highest overall costs are obtained for the UASB + AnMBR line mostly due to the replacement of membrane modules (24% of the total cost). The results highlighted the importance of the life cycle approach to support decision making when considering possible upgrading scenarios in WWTPs for water reuse
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Microplastics in real wastewater treatment schemes: Comparative assessment and relevant inhibition effects on anaerobic processes
Autore/i: Pittura, L.; Foglia, A.; Akyol, C.; Cipolletta, G.; Benedetti, M.; Regoli, F.; Eusebi, A. L.; Sabbatini, S.; Tseng, L. Y.; Katsou, E.; Gorbi, S.; Fatone, F.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The occurrence, fate and removal of microplastics (MPs) in a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in Central Italy were investigated together with their potential adverse effects on anaerobic processes. In the influent of the WWTP, 3.6 MPs.L−1 were detected that mostly comprised polyester fibers and particles in the shape of films, ranging 0.1–0.5 mm and made of polyethylene and polypropylene (PP). The full-scale conventional activated sludge scheme removed 86% of MPs, with the main reduction in the primary and secondary settling. MPs particles bigger than 1 mm were not detected in the final effluent and some loss of polymers types were observed. In comparison, the pilot-scale upflow granular anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) + anaerobic membrane bioreactor (AnMBR) configuration achieved 94% MPs removal with the abatement of 87% of fibers and 100% of particles. The results highlighted an accumulation phenomenon of MPs in the sludge and suggested the need to further investigate the effects of MPs on anaerobic processes. Accordingly, PP-MPs at concentrations from 5 PP-MPs.gTS−1 to 50 PP-MPs.gTS−1 were spiked in the pilot-scale UASB reactor that was fed with real municipal wastewater, where up to 58% decrease in methanogenic activity was observed at the exposure of 50 PP-MPs.gTS−1. To the best of our knowledge, the presented results are the first to report of PP-MPs inhibition on anaerobic processes.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Catchment-wide validated assessment of combined sewer overflows (CSOs) in a mediterranean coastal area and possible disinfection methods to mitigate microbial contamination
Autore/i: Crocetti, Paolo; Eusebi, Anna Laura; Bruni, Cecilia; Marinelli, Enrico; Darvini, Giovanna; Bernardo Carini, Claudio; Bollettini, Cristiana; Recanati, Virginia; Akyol, Çağrı; Fatone, Francesco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The first phase of this study aimed to evaluate the environmental impact of combined sewer overflow (CSO) events originated from 35 spillways on the Rio Vallescura catchment (Central Italy) and to understand their contribution to the deterioration of the coastal bathing water quality. A specific analytical campaign was carried out in the sewer system and a dynamic rainfall-runoff simulation model was developed and integrated with a water quality model and further validated. The simulations led to identify the most critical spills in terms of flow rate and selected pollutant loads (i.e. suspended solids, biochemical oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, total Kjeldahl nitrogen, Escherichia coli). Specifically, the E. coli release in the water body due to CSO events represented almost 100% of the different pollutant sources considered. In the second phase, the applicability of various disinfection methods was investigated on the CSOs introduced into the catchment. On site physical (UV) and lab-scale chemical (peracetic acid (PAA), performic acid (PFA), ozone) disinfectant agents were tested on microbial indicators including E. coli and intestinal enterococci. PFA and ozone were more effective on the removal of both bacteria (above 3.5 log units) even at low concentration and with short contact time; whereas, PAA showed a moderate removal efficiency (around 2.5 log units) only for E. coli. The highest removal efficiency was achieved in the on-site UV unit and none of the indicator bacteria was detected in the final effluent after the sand filtration and UV treatment. Finally, potential scenarios were developed in comparison to the baseline scenario for the management and treatment of CSOs where a mitigation of E. coli loads from 28% to 73% was achieved on the receiving water body, and a comparative cost assessment of the disinfection methods was provided for in situ treatment of the most critical spillway.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Brine treatment technologies towards minimum/zero liquid discharge and resource recovery: State of the art and techno-economic assessment
Autore/i: Cipolletta, G.; Lancioni, N.; Akyol, C.; Eusebi, A. L.; Fatone, F.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: In the framework of minimum liquid discharge (MLD) or zero liquid discharge (ZLD), sustainable brine management can be achieved via appropriate hybrid treatment technologies that provide water reuse, resource recovery, energy recovery and even freshwater production. This paper reviews the state of the art brine treatment technologies targeting MLD/ZLD and resource recovery and highlights their advantages and limitations. The right combination of treatment processes can add a high value to the brine management and shift the focus from removal to recovery and reuse point and help to adopt a more circular economy approach. ZLD technologies targets 100% water recovery using both membrane- and thermal-based technologies, while they are often hindered by high cost and intensive energy requirement. Meanwhile, the recovery of salts and other resources can partially compensate the operation cost of ZLD processes. MLD is a promising option that achieves up to 95% water recovery by using mainly membrane-based technologies. At this point, feasibility assessment is important to assess the environmental and economic sound of technologies. In the second part, we provide a techno-economic assessment of the most common technologies to provide possible benefits on a desalination plant. In the latter sections, innovative brine treatment schemes are discussed aiming MLD/ZLD, while resource recovery from brine and possible valorization routes of the recovered materials are highlighted to help to reduce the overall costs of the plants and to reach the targets of circular economy.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Monitoring of cyanobacterial blooms and assessing polymer-enhanced microfiltration and ultrafiltration for microcystin removal in an Italian drinking water treatment plant
Autore/i: Akyol, C.; Ozbayram, E. G.; Accoroni, S.; Radini, S.; Eusebi, A. L.; Gorbi, S.; Vignaroli, C.; Bacchiocchi, S.; Campacci, D.; Gigli, F.; Farina, G.; Albay, M.; Fatone, F.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The water intake of a drinking water treatment plant (DWTP) in Central Italy was monitored over six bloom seasons for cyanotoxin severity, which supplies drinking water from an oligo-mesotrophic lake with microcystin levels up to 10.3 μg/L. The historical data showed that the water temperature did not show extreme/large seasonal variation and it was not correlated either with cyanobacterial growth or microcystin concentration. Among all parameters, the cyanobacteria growth was negatively correlated with humidity and manganese and positively correlated with atmospheric temperature. No significant correlation was found between microcystin concentration and the climatic parameters. Polymer(chitosan)-enhanced microfiltration (PEMF) and ultrafiltration (PEUF) were further tested as an alternative microcystin removal approach from dense cyanobacteria-rich flows. The dominant cyanobacteria in the water intake, Planktothrix rubescens, was isolated and enriched to simulate cyanobacterial blooms in the lake. The PEMF and PEUF were separately applied to enriched P. rubescens culture (PC) (microcystin = 1.236 μg/L) as well as to the sand filter backwash water (SFBW) of the DWTP where microcystin concentration was higher than 12 μg/L. The overall microcystin removal rates from the final effluent of PC (always <0.15 μg/L) were between 90.1-94.7% and 89.5–95.4% using 4 and 20 mg chitosan/L, respectively. Meanwhile, after the PEMF and PEUF of SFBW, the final effluent contained only 0.099 and 0.057 μg microcystin/L with an overall removal >99%. The presented results are the first from the application of chitosan to remove P. rubescens as well as the implementation of PEMF and PEUF on SFBW to remove cyanobacterial cells and associated toxins.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Resource recovery from water: From concept to standard practice
Autore/i: Pikaar, I.; Huang, X.; Fatone, F.; Guest, J. S.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

An innovative compact system for advanced treatment of combined sewer overflows (CSOs) discharged into large lakes: Pilot-scale validation
Autore/i: Botturi, A.; Daneshgar, S.; Cordioli, A.; Foglia, A.; Eusebi, A. L.; Fatone, F.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: When green water infrastructures are not technically feasible or practically sustainable for stormwater management, innovative compact and effective end-of-pipe systems can be of interest. This study presents long-term and real-environment validated data of a compact and rapid treatment system specifically applicable to CSOs that consists of a dynamic rotating belt filter, adsorption on granular activated carbon and UV disinfection steps. The results of treatment for Lake Garda in Italy, showed great potential for TSS, COD and E. coli removal efficiencies with more than 90%, 69% and 99% respectively. Due to the short contact time of GAC adsorption, nutrients removals were not very high. TN and TP removal of around 41% and 19% were observed respectively that suggests further specific nutrients removal processes are required for achieving higher efficiencies. The treatment system, due to its compactness and rapidness could be a great asset for water utilities in different EU catchments that are dealing with the frequent CSO events. In addition, the possibility of using different combinations of treatment steps allows the choice of different treatment scenarios depending on the treatment goals for any specific catchment
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Long-term validation of polyhydroxyalkanoates production potential from the sidestream of municipal wastewater treatment plant at pilot scale
Autore/i: Conca, Vincenzo; da Ros, Cinzia; Valentino, Francesco; Eusebi, Anna Laura; Frison, Nicola; Fatone, Francesco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: In this study, polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) production integrated with the via-nitrite nitrogen removal from anaerobic reject water was investigated at pilot scale under long-term period. The pilot plant was located in Carbonera wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) (Treviso, Italy) and comprised the following units: i) rotating belt dynamic filter (RBDF) for the recovery of cellulosic primary sludge (CPS); ii) fermentation unit for the production of volatile fatty acids (VFAs); iii) ultrafiltration unit (UF) for solid/liquid separation of the fermented sludge; iv) nitritation sequencing batch reactor (N-SBR) for the oxidation of ammonia to nitrite; v) selection SBR (S-SBR) where aerobic-feast and anoxic-famine conditions were established to select PHA-accumulating biomass and vi) an accumulation SBR (A-SBR) were intracellular PHA content was maximized through the feed-on-demand strategy. Results showed that around 80% of the influent ammonia was efficiently removed by the system when both N-SBR and S-SBR operated with volumetric nitrogen loading rate (vNLR) of 1.64–1.72 kgN/m3 d and 0.60–0.63 kgN/m3 d, respectively. Accumulation tests showed PHA yields ranging between 0.58 and 0.61 g CODPHA/g CODVFA, indicating an effective selection strategy. The overall mass balance assessment demonstrated that around 0.32 g of COD per gram of COD treated can be recovered as bio-based products. The integration of nitrogen removal and PHA production in the sidestream resulted in a methane recovery up to 4.0 m3CH4/PE y and a maximal PHA production of 1.2 kgPHA/PE y with a potential revenue for the WWTP up to 6.5 €/PE y.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

A knowledge discovery framework to predict the N2O emissions in the wastewater sector
Autore/i: Vasilaki, V.; Conca, V.; Frison, N.; Eusebi, A. L.; Fatone, F.; Katsou, E.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Data Analytics is being deployed to predict the dissolved nitrous oxide (N2O) concentration in a full-scale sidestream sequence batch reactor (SBR) treating the anaerobic supernatant. On average, the N2O emissions are equal to 7.6% of the NH4–N load and can contribute up to 97% to the operational carbon footprint of the studied nitritation-denitritation and via-nitrite enhanced biological phosphorus removal process (SCENA). The analysis showed that average aerobic dissolved N2O concentration could significantly vary under similar influent loads, dissolved oxygen (DO), pH and removal efficiencies. A combination of density-based clustering, support vector machine (SVM), and support vector regression (SVR) models were deployed to estimate the dissolved N2O concentration and behaviour in the different phases of the SBR system.The results of the study reveal that the aerobic dissolved N2O concentration is correlated with the drop of average aerobic conductivity rate (spearman correlation coefficient equal to 0.7), the DO (spearman correlation coefficient equal to −0.7) and the changes of conductivity between sequential cycles. Additionally, operational conditions resulting in low aerobic N2O accumulation (<0.6 mg/L) were identified; step-feeding, control of initial NH4+ concentrations and aeration duration can mitigate the N2O peaks observed in the system. The N2O emissions during aeration shows correlation with the stripping of accumulated N2O from the previous anoxic cycle. The analysis shows that N2O is always consumed after the depletion of NO2− during denitritation (after the “nitrite knee”). Based on these findings SVM classifiers were constructed to predict whether dissolved N2O will be consumed during the anoxic and anaerobic phases and SVR models were trained to predict the N2O concentration at the end of the anaerobic phase and the average dissolved N2O concentration during aeration. The proposed approach accurately predicts the N2O emissions as a latent parameter from other low-cost sensors that are traditionally deployed in biological batch processes.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Sieving of municipal wastewater and recovery of bio-based volatile fatty acids at pilot scale
Autore/i: Da Ros, Cinzia; Conca, Vincenzo; Eusebi, Anna Laura; Frison, Nicola; Fatone, Francesco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: This study combined at pilot scale the recovery of cellulosic primary sludge from the sieving of municipal wastewater followed by the production of bio-based VFAs through acidogenic fermentation. The sieving of municipal wastewater was accomplished by a rotating belt filter which allowed the removal of around 50% of suspended solids when operated at solids loading rates higher than 30-35 kgTSS/m2 h. The solids recovered by sieving contained around 40% of cellulose, which is a suitable raw material for the production of bio-based VFAs. Initially, fermentation batch tests of cellulosic primary sludge were carried out adjusting the initial pH of the sludge at values of 8, 9, 10 and 11, in order to evaluate the best production yields of bio-based VFAs and their composition. The highest VFAs yield achieved was 521 mgCODVFA/gVS occurring when pH was adjusted at 9, while propionic acid reached 51% of the total VFAs. Then, the optimal conditions were applied at long term in a sequencing batch fermentation reactor where the highest potential productivity of bio-based VFAs (2.57 kg COD/m3 d) was obtained by adjusting the pH feeding at 9 and operating with an hydraulic retention time of 6 days under mesophilic conditions. The cost-benefit analyses for the implementation of cellulosic primary sludge recovery was carried out consideringthe anaerobic digestion as reference scenario. The economical assessment showed that the production of bio-based VFAs from cellulosic primary sludge as carbon source and/or as chemical precursors give higher net benefits instead of the only biogas production.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Soft Sensor Application in Identification of the Activated Sludge Bulking Considering the Technological and Economical Aspects of Smart Systems Functioning
Autore/i: Szeląg, Bartosz; Drewnowski, Jakub; Łagód, Grzegorz; Majerek, Dariusz; Dacewicz, Ewa; Fatone, Francesco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The paper presented the methodology for the construction of a soft sensor used for activated sludge bulking identification. Devising such solutions fits within the current trends and development of a smart system and infrastructure within smart cities. In order to optimize the selection of the data-mining method depending on the data collected within a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), a number of methods were considered, including: artificial neural networks, support vector machines, random forests, boosted trees, and logistic regression. The analysis conducted sought the combinations of independent variables for which the devised soft sensor is characterized with high accuracy and at a relatively low cost of determination. With the measurement results pertaining to the quantity and quality of wastewater as well as the temperature in the activated sludge chambers, a good fit can be achieved with the boosted trees method. In order to simplify the selection of an optimal method for the identification of activated sludge bulking depending on the model requirements and the data collected within the WWTP, an original system of weight estimation was proposed, enabling a reduction in the number of independent variables in a model-quantity and quality of wastewater, operational parameters, and the cost of conducting measurements.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Decentralized Community Composting: Past, Present and Future Aspects of Italy
Autore/i: Bruni, Cecilia; Akyol, Çağrı; Cipolletta, Giulia; Eusebi, Anna Laura; Caniani, Donatella; Masi, Salvatore; Colón, Joan; Fatone, Francesco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Italy is among the top biowaste-generating countries in Europe, and has a well-structured waste management framework with quite a number of centralized composting facilities. In recent years, there has also been huge interest from local communities in decentralized composting. Although decentralized community composting is common in some countries, there is still a lack of information on the operative environment together with its potential logistical, environmental, economic, and social impacts. Considering the national Italian legislation on community composting as well as successfully implemented projects at EU level, Italy can set a model especially for Mediterranean countries that intend to build decentralized composting programs. Therefore, in the context of this review paper, a brief overview of the composting process was presented together with main applications in centralized and especially in decentralized composting, while the main focus was kept on the operative and legislative information gathered from Italian community composting. There is a huge dierence in the number of composting plants between the regions, and the lack of centralized facilities in the central and southern regions can be supported by decentralized solutions. Decentralizing waste treatment facilities and thus creating local solutions to urban waste management strategies will help to achieve the resource recovery and valorization targets in line with the circular economy.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

AnMBR, reclaimed water and fertigation: Two case studies in Italy and Spain to assess economic and technological feasibility and CO2 emissions within the EU Innovation Deal initiative
Autore/i: Jimenez-Benitez, A.; Ferrer, F. J.; Greses, S.; Ruiz-Martinez, A.; Fatone, F.; Eusebi, A. L.; Mondejar, N.; Ferrer, J.; Seco, A.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The use of anaerobic membrane bioreactor (AnMBR) technology on urban wastewater can help to alleviate droughts, by reusing the water and nutrients embedded in the effluent in agriculture (fertigation) in line with Circular Economy principles. The combination of AnMBR and fertigation reduces CO2 emissions due to the organic matter valorization and the partial avoidance of mineral fertilizer requirements. However, both AnMBR and fertigation still face technological and regulatory barriers that need to be overcome. These bottlenecks were tackled within the first Innovation Deal approved by the European Commission in 2016, and gave rise to several case studies on water reuse systems. The results of the Oliva Wastewater Treatment Plant (Spain) and Peschiera-Borromeo Wastewater Treatment Plant (Italy) showed that reclaimed water can be considered as a reliable water and nutrient source, return a positive economic balance (up to 376 k€·year−1) and provide significant reductions and savings in CO2 emissions (up to −898.9 tCO2·year−1). According to the new EU regulation, a new key player known as the Reclaimed Water Manager, was also proposed to be in charge of supplying reclaimed water with appropriate quantity and quality to end-users. This new agent would also be responsible for drawing up and implementing a Water Reuse Risk Management Plan in cooperation with the parties involved. Applying AnMBR technology to water reuse thus shows potential for contributing to catchment-scale Circular Economy while preserving natural water bodies, reducing the carbon footprint and creating new business opportunities. However, to take full advantage of its benefits demonstration projects would need to be carried out and favorable and harmonized regulations among the EU States would need to be adopted.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Validated innovative approaches for energy-efficient resource recovery and re-use from municipal wastewater: From anaerobic treatment systems to a biorefinery concept
Autore/i: Akyol, Cagri; Foglia, Alessia; Ozbayram, E. G.; Frison, N.; Katsou, E.; Eusebi, A. L.; Fatone, F.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The development of innovative technologies in wastewater treatment create the concept of biorefinery in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), placing anaerobic processes in the highlight. Starting from the conventional anaerobic treatment processes to ‘closing the loop’ scheme, next generation WWTPs are ready to serve for water, energy and materials mining. While bioenergy is still dominating the resource recovery, recovery of value-added materials (i.e. struvite, biopolymers, cellulose) are receiving significant attention in recent years. So, what are the state-of-the-art approaches for energy-efficient resource recovery and re-use from municipal wastewater? This paper follows a critical review on the validated technologies in operational environment available and further suggests possible market routes for the recovered materials in WWTPs. Considering the development and verification of a novel technology together with the valorization of the obtained products, biorefinery and resource recovery approaches were gathered in this review paper from a circular economy point of view. General currently-faced barriers were briefly addressed to pave the way to create to-the-point establishments of resource recovery facilities in the future
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Long-term operation of a pilot-scale anaerobic membrane bioreactor (AnMBR) treating high salinity low loaded municipal wastewater in real environment
Autore/i: Foglia, A.; Akyol, C.; Frison, N.; Katsou, E.; Eusebi, A. L.; Fatone, F.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Long term operation of an anaerobic membrane bioreactor (AnMBR) treating municipal wastewater was investigated in a real seawater intrusion spot in Falconara Marittima (Central Italy) on the Adriatic coastline. Changes in biological conversion and system stability were determined with respect to varying organic loading rate (OLR) and high salinity conditions. At an OLR of 1 kg COD m3−1 d−1, biogas production was around 0.39 ± 0.2 L d−1. The increase of the OLR to 2 kg COD m3−1 d−1 resulted in increase of biogas production to 2.8 ± 1.5 L d−1 (with 33.6% ± 10.5% of CH4) with methanol addition and to 4.11 ± 3.1 L d−1 (with 29.7% ± 11.8% of CH4) with fermented cellulosic sludge addition. COD removal by the AnMBR was 83% ± 1% when the effluent COD concentration was below 100 mg O2 L−1. The addition of the fermented sludge affected the membrane operation and significant fouling occurred after long-term filtration, where the trans-membrane pressure (TMP) reached up to 500 mbar. Citric acid solution was applied to remove scalants and the TMP reached the initial value. High saline conditions of 1500 mgCl− L−1 adversely affected the biogas production without deteriorating the membrane operation. The treated effluent met the EU quality standards of the D.M. 185/2003 and the new European Commission Resolution for reuse in agriculture.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Autore/i: Palmieri, Silvia; Cipolletta, G; Pastore, C; Giosuè, C; Eusebi, Al; Frison, N; Tittarelli, F; Fatone, F
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Sustainability in Construction Materials: From Waste Valorization to Circular Economy
The First Outstanding 50 Years of “Università Politecnica delle Marche”
Autore/i: Ruello, Maria Letizia; Bellezze, Tiziano; Corinaldesi, Valeria; Donnini, Jacopo; Eusebi, Anna Laura; Fatone, Francesco; Fava, Gabriele; Favoni, Orlando; Fratesi, Romeo; Giosue', Chiara; Giuliani, Giampaolo; Marcellini, Mirco; Mazzoli, Alida; Mobili, Alessandra; Roventi, Gabriella; Tittarelli, Francesca
Editore: Springer
Luogo di pubblicazione: Cham
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: Already from the beginning, 50 years ago, the first nucleus of researchers establishing the research group, was convinced that the construction sector was the best option for the valorization of industrial by-products as “secondary raw materials”. In fact, this sector is probably the largest consumer of resources and the largest waste generator, consequently it has huge environmental impact. On the other hand, construction materials affect the performance of buildings with respect to safety, health, environmental performance and energy efficiency. Manufacturing of construction products using alternative raw materials; recycling to manage construction and demolition waste; durability and environmental compatibility of materials: all these were the different and challenging fields of research that the group has faced in a continuous effort of innovation and cooperation at national and international level. The focus of the group was already perfectly in line with what is now called “Circular Economy”, which at present is considered a revolution in the way of human economic development. We are sure the group thus contributed to this revolution even before the term was in current use. We feel ready for the next 50.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Food wastes and sewage sludge as feedstock for an urban biorefinery producing biofuels and added-value bioproducts
Autore/i: Battista, F.; Frison, N.; Pavan, P.; Cavinato, C.; Gottardo, M.; Fatone, F.; Eusebi, A. L.; Majone, M.; Zeppilli, M.; Valentino, F.; Fino, D.; Tommasi, T.; Bolzonella, D.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The updated Bioeconomy Strategy document “A sustainable bioeconomy for Europe: strengthening the connection between economy, society and the environment”, which was issued by the European Commission in October 2018, encourages the exploitation of organic wastes according to a pyramidal hierarchy in which the extraction of valuable biomolecules, which will be used as they are or as precursors of high-added-value compounds, is a priority in biofuel production. This review considers a biorefinery platform in which food waste and sewage sludge are adopted to produce volatile fatty acids (VFAs) through a dark fermentation process. VFA fermentation is optimized by slightly acid pH (6–7), short hydraulic retention time (1–7 days) and high organic load rate (more than 10 gTS L−1 d−1). Attention has been focused on VFA exploitation for polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) production via a ‘feast and famine’ strategy performed in sequencing batch reactors. The obtained PHA yields are around 0.4–0.5 gPHA gCOD−1. Moreover, VFAs allow for the production of biofuels, such as hydrogen and methane, through single- or double-staged anaerobic digestion. Innovative bioelectrochemical upgrade strategies for biogas helps producers to obtain biomethane for the automotive sector. Moreover, biogas has recently been tested for the production of polyhydroxybutyrate, a biodegradable and biocompatible thermoplastic made by microorganisms from C1 carbon sources (CO2 and CH4). Digestates from anaerobic bioreactors are still rich in nitrogen and phosphorus compounds. These latter compounds have been identified as critical raw materials due to their low availability in the European Union and to increasing demand from the growing global population. Thus, nutrient recovery from digestate allows users to close the loop of the ‘circular economy’ approach. © 2019 Society of Chemical Industry. © 2019 Society of Chemical Industry
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

H2020 Water Innovations for Sustainable Impacts in Industries and Utilities Post-conference H2020 workshop report IWA RR 2019, Venice (Italy), September 11
H2020 Water Innovations for Sustainable Impacts in Industries and Utilities
Autore/i: Fatone, Francesco; Frijns, Jos; Schiavi, Ilaria; Malamis, Simos; Katsou, Evina; Evdokiaachilleos,
Luogo di pubblicazione: BRUSSELS
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: The workshop “H2020 Water Innovations for sustainable impacts in industries and utilities” was held within the 3rd IWA Resource Recovery Conference. The conference hosted over 300 water stakeholders and professionals from around the globe, who met in Venice to discuss and boost the impact of the latest scientific and engineering results, state-of-the-art technologies and eco-innovative solutions for sustainable treatment and recovery and reuse of renewable resources from the water cycle. The “H2020 Water Innovations for sustainable impacts in industries and utilities” post-conference workshop was attended by over 70 delegates and invited stakeholders, representatives of water utilities, technology providers, policy makers, market segments and industries who agreed on potential impacts and results exploitability of large EU-funded innovation actions and discussed opportunities, barriers and challenges finally providing recommendations to be used as a vehicle for policy advice to competent EU authorities. The main conclusions, collected in the final chapter of this report, include considerations on the importance and opportunity of digitalization of water solutions, demonstration of the water/energy/food and nutrients nexus, development of niche markets and overcoming legislative, regulatory and social acceptance barriers to deliver circular economy in water management sector.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Anaerobic membrane bioreactor for urban wastewater valorisation: Operative strategies and fertigation reuse
Autore/i: Foglia, A.; Cipolletta, Giulia; Frison, N.; Sabbatini, S.; Gorbi, S.; Eusebi, A. L.; Fatone, F.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: In European scenario, the potential source for water supply from treated wastewater is actually estimated in 1,100 Mm3/y (EU-ENV, 2015). Anaerobic processes compared with conventional aerobic ones, cause a net reduction of the operative costs and possible reuse for fertigation purposes. The tested anaerobic pilot (HRT 6 h and T 30°C) is constituted from a UASB reactor (16 L). Increment of influent organic loading rate (OLR) was studied for 1 year from 1 to 2 kgCOD/m3/d by feeding raw wastewater (Period 1), methanol (Period 2) and fermented supernatant from cellulosic sludge (Period 3).The biogas production was assessed equal to 0.13 m3biogas/kgCOD (Period 1), to 0.57 m3biogas/kgCOD (Period 2) and to 0.24 m3biogas/kgCOD (Period 3) with methane percentages constant around 33%. UASB effluent has not the final quality to comply limit values for water reuse and fertigation, especially for microbiological parameters. Further treatments could be necessary to achieve the removals of bacteria, such as E.Coli, recalcitrant organic traces and metals. Therefore, some advanced post treatments have been studied in this paper after UASB treatments, like UV disinfection, UV coupled with H2O2 and GAC adsorption. The innovative solution is coupling UASB reactor with anaerobic submerged sidestream AnMBR (UF hollow fiber membrane with 0.03 μm of nominal pore-size and 0.5 m2 of surface area KOCH, Puron single bundle). Membrane cleaning was carried out using sodium hypochlorite solution (400 ppm) each 45 days to remove organic fouling and to recover the initial permeability of the membrane. The average operative flux at process temperature was equal to 8.8±1.9 L/h/m2 and operating TMP of 44.6±8.5 mbar was detected. The removal of E.Coli was investigated in the effluent from UASB and in the permeate from AnMBR process. At clean membrane conditions, complete removal of bacteria (99±1%) was found. Furthermore, the determination of microplastics distribution was carried out both in the experimental anaerobic pilot and in the conventional full scale aerobic treatment plant. The effluent microplastics were quantified and the removal role of the different operative units was studied. Copyright © 2019, AIDIC Servizi S.r.l.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Pilot scale cellulose recovery from sewage sludge and reuse in building and construction material
Autore/i: Palmieri, Silvia; Cipolletta, Giulia; Pastore, Carlo; Giosue', Chiara; Akyol, Cagri; Eusebi, Anna Laura; Frison, Nicola; Tittarelli, Francesca; Fatone, Francesco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The recovery of cellulose in toilet paper from municipal wastewater is one of the most innovative actions in the circular economy context. In fact, fibres could address possible new uses in the building sector as reinforcing components in binder-based materials. In this paper, rotating belt filters were tested to enhance the recovery of sludge rich in cellulose fibres for possible valorisation in construction applications. Recovered cellulosic material reached value up to 26.6 gm3 with maximum solids removal of 74%. Content of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin was found averagely equal to 87% of the total composition. Predictive equation of cellulosic material was further obtained. The addition of recovered cellulose fibres in mortars bring benefits in terms of lightness, microstructure and moisture buffering value (0.17 g/m2%UR). Concerning mechanical properties, flexural strength was improved with the addition of 20% of recovered cellulose fibres. In addition, a simplified economic assessment was reported for two possible pre-mixed blends with 5% and 20% of recovered fibres content.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Toilet paper recovery from municipal wastewater and application in building sector
Autore/i: Cipolletta, G; L Eusebi, A; Palmieri, S; Giosuè, C; Tittarelli, F; Frison, N; Pastore, C; Foglia, A; Fatone, F
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: One of the most innovative applications for a circular economy approach is the recovery of cellulose fibres from municipal wastewater. Recovered cellulose fibres from the wastewater could bring benefits to the construction industry in terms of reducing the amount of non-renewable raw materials and increasing sustainability. Rotating belt filter was used to obtain cellulose fibre-rich sludge from real urban influent. Recovered cellulosic material reached values up to 26.59 g m-3 when the solids removal efficiency was higher than 70%. Treated cellulosic sludge had an average of 87% content of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. The recovered cellulose fibres were analysed and used in mortar mix to understand their possible impact in the building sector and the effect on the properties of hydraulic lime-based mortars. Properties of fibre addition were investigated in terms of microstructure and mechanical strength. Cellulose fibres were added by mix volume up to 20%. The overall results with the maximum content of cellulose fibres indicated the improvement of mortars performance in terms of increased lightness, flexural strength and hygrometric properties.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

ENERWATER – A standard method for assessing and improving the energy efficiency of wastewater treatment plants
Autore/i: Longo, S.; Mauricio-Iglesias, M.; Soares, A.; Campo, P.; Fatone, F.; Eusebi, A. L.; Akkersdijk, E.; Stefani, L.; Hospido, A.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: This paper describes the first methodology specifically tailored to estimate energy efficiency at wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Inspired by the cycle of continuous improvement, the method (i) precisely defines the concept of energy efficiency in WWTPs, (ii) proposes systematic and comparable ways to measure it, and (iii) allows benchmarking and diagnosing energy hotspots. The methodology delivers an aggregated measure of the WWTP energy efficiency defined as the Water Treatment Energy Index, a single energy label that uses universally known illustrations enabling wide communication of standardized information on the WWTP energy status. The accuracy, reproducibility and generality of the methodology were validated by a widespread energy benchmarking method, and a case study is presented to show its capabilities. By promoting dialogue towards the creation of a specific European Standard, the actions accomplished by the H2020 Coordination Support Action ENERWATER should positively contribute to improving the exchange of information on energy saving actions and results between wastewater utilities and towards other stakeholders.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

A decade of nitrous oxide (N2O) monitoring in full-scale wastewater treatment processes: A critical review
Autore/i: Vasilaki, V.; Massara, T. M.; Stanchev, P.; Fatone, F.; Katsou, E.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Direct nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions during the biological nitrogen removal (BNR) processes can significantly increase the carbon footprint of wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) operations. Recent onsite measurement of N2O emissions at WWTPs have been used as an alternative to the controversial theoretical methods for the N2O calculation. The full-scale N2O monitoring campaigns help to expand our knowledge on the N2O production pathways and the triggering operational conditions of processes. The accurate N2O monitoring could help to find better process control solutions to mitigate N2O emissions of wastewater treatment systems. However, quantifying the emissions and understanding the long-term behaviour of N2O fluxes in WWTPs remains challenging and costly. A review of the recent full-scale N2O monitoring campaigns is conducted. The analysis covers the quantification and mitigation of emissions for different process groups, focusing on techniques that have been applied for the identification of dominant N2O pathways and triggering operational conditions, techniques using operational data and N2O data to identify mitigation measures and mechanistic modelling. The analysis of various studies showed that there are still difficulties in the comparison of N2O emissions and the development of emission factor (EF) databases; the N2O fluxes reported in literature vary significantly even among groups of similar processes. The results indicated that the duration of the monitoring campaigns can impact the EF range. Most N2O monitoring campaigns lasting less than one month, have reported N2O EFs less than 0.3% of the N-load, whereas studies lasting over a year have a median EF equal to 1.7% of the N-load. The findings of the current study indicate that complex feature extraction and multivariate data mining methods can efficiently convert wastewater operational and N2O data into information, determine complex relationships within the available datasets and boost the long-term understanding of the N2O fluxes behaviour. The acquisition of reliable full-scale N2O monitoring data is significant for the calibration and validation of the mechanistic models -describing the N2O emission generation in WWTPs. They can be combined with the multivariate tools to further enhance the interpretation of the complicated full-scale N2O emission patterns. Finally, a gap between the identification of effective N2O mitigation strategies and their actual implementation within the monitoring and control of WWTPs has been identified. This study concludes that there is a further need for i) long-term N2O monitoring studies, ii) development of data-driven methodological approaches for the analysis of WWTP operational and N2O data, and iii) better understanding of the trade-offs among N2O emissions, energy consumption and system performance to support the optimization of the WWTPs operation.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Biorefinery of cellulosic primary sludge towards targeted Short Chain Fatty Acids, phosphorus and methane recovery
Autore/i: Crutchik, Dafne; Frison, Nicola; Eusebi, Anna Laura; Fatone, Francesco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Cellulose from used toilet paper is a major untapped resource embedded in municipal wastewater which recovery and valorization to valuable products can be optimized. Cellulosic primary sludge (CPS) can be separated by upstream dynamic sieving and anaerobically digested to recover methane as much as 4.02 m3/capita·year. On the other hand, optimal acidogenic fermenting conditions of CPS allows the production of targeted short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) as much as 2.92 kg COD/capita·year. Here propionate content can be more than 30% and can optimize the enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) processes or the higher valuable co-polymer of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs). In this work, first a full set of batch assays were used at three different temperatures (37, 55 and 70 °C) and three different initial pH (8, 9 and 10) to identify the best conditions for optimizing both the total SCFAs and propionate content from CPS fermentation. Then, the optimal conditions were applied in long term to a Sequencing Batch Fermentation Reactor where the highest propionate production (100–120 mg COD/g TVSfed·d) was obtained at 37 °C and adjusting the feeding pH at 8. This was attributed to the higher hydrolysis efficiency of the cellulosic materials (up to 44%), which increased the selective growth of Propionibacterium acidopropionici in the fermentation broth up to 34%. At the same time, around 88% of the phosphorus released during the acidogenic fermentation was recovered as much as 0.15 kg of struvite per capita·year. Finally, the potential market value was preliminary estimated for the recovered materials that can triple over the conventional scenario of biogas recovery in existing municipal wastewater treatment plants.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Enhanced retention of deammonification microorganisms for the treatment of psycrophilic anaerobic digestate
Autore/i: Frison, Nicola; Malamis, Simos; Katsou, Evina; Bolzonella, David; Fatone, Francesco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: This study focused on the treatment of psychrophilic anaerobic digestate from pig slurry digestion through a single-stage Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) accomplishing the autotrophic nitrogen removal (ANR). In period 1, the combination of the high sludge retention time (>50days) and the presence of significant concentrations of biodegradable organic carbon favoured the uncontrolled growth of the denitrifying bacteria (HDB) and the nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB), affecting negatively the deammonification (DAM) activity from 14 to 15mgN/ gMLVSS·h to only 2.2mgN/gMLVSS·h. In Period 2, the sieving of the suspended biomass at 125µm was evaluated to enhance the retention time of DAM microrganisms in granular sludge into the SBR. This strategy allowed the recovery of 60% of the initial specific deammonification activity (sDAA) and to promote the washout of the NOB, obtaining a nitrogen removal efficiency of 81%. This method was never applied to increase the robustness and reliability of ANR during the treatment of livestock streams, so it could be considered after optimization as a potential option to increase the sustainability of smaller and local farms.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Pilot-scale multi-stage reverse osmosis (DT-RO) for water recovery from landfill leachate
Autore/i: Cingolani, D.; Fatone, F.; Frison, N.; Spinelli, M.; Eusebi, A. L.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Critical analyses of nitrous oxide emissions in a full scale activated sludge system treating low carbon-to-nitrogen ratio wastewater
Autore/i: Spinelli, M.; Eusebi, A. L.; Vasilaki, V.; Katsou, E.; Frison, N.; Cingolani, D.; Fatone, F.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Nutrients recovery from anaerobic digestate of agro-waste: Techno-economic assessment of full scale applications
Autore/i: Bolzonella, D.; Fatone, F.; Gottardo, M.; Frison, N.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The sustainable production of fertilizers, especially those based on phosphorus, will be one of the challenges of this century. Organic wastes produced by the agriculture, urban and industrial sectors are rich in nutrients which can be conveniently recovered and used as fertilizers. In this study five full scale systems for the recovery of nutrients from anaerobic digestate produced in farm-scale plants were studied. Monitored technologies were: drying with acidic recovery, stripping with acidic recovery and membrane separation. Results showed good performances in terms of nutrients recovery with average yields always over 50% for both nitrogen and phosphorus. The techno-economic assessment showed how the specificity of the monitored systems played a major role: in particular, membranes were able to produce a stream of virtually pure water (up to 50% of the treated digestate) reducing the digestate volume, while drying, because of the limitation on recoverable heat, could treat only a limited portion (lower than 50%) of produced digestate while stripping suffered some problems because of the presence of suspended solids in the liquid fraction treated. Specific capital and operational costs for the three systems were comparable ranging between 5.40 and 6.97 € per m3 of digestate treated and followed the order stripping > drying > membranes. Costs determined in this study were similar to those observed in other European experiences reported in literature.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Environmental and sustainability evaluation of livestock waste management practices in Cyprus
Autore/i: Lijó, Lucía; Frison, Nicola; Fatone, Francesco; González-García, Sara; Feijoo, Gumersindo; Moreira, Maria Teresa
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The aim of this study was to compare the environmental performance and sustainability of different management options for livestock waste in Cyprus. The two most common practices in the country, i.e. the use of anaerobic lagoons and conventional biogas plants, were compared with the innovative scheme developed in the LiveWaste project (LIFE12 ENV/CY/000544), which aims not only to produce bioenergy, but also to treat the digestate for nutrient recovery and water reuse. The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology was combined with the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to compare the performance of these alternatives. Four relevant indicators were selected for each dimension of sustainability (environmental, social and economic). The results of the evaluations showed that anaerobic lagoons are not an appropriate option for the sustainable management of livestock waste due to environmental (e.g. climate change, acidification and eutrophication) and social impacts (e.g. noise exposure, visual impact and risk perception for human health). The most important strengths and weaknesses of anaerobic treatment with and without digestate treatment were identified. Compared to conventional anaerobic digestion where digestate is directly applied as an organic fertiliser, the technology proposed in the project entails higher technological complexity due to nitrogen removal and phosphorus recovery. The rise in chemical and electricity requirements increased the impacts on some indicators, such as climate change and operational cost (emissions of greenhouse gases and operation costs were around 50% higher), while reduced impacts in others due to proper nutrient management, as acidification and eutrophication impacts (which were 10 and almost two times lower, respectively). For the specific Cypriot conditions, where the overapplication of nutrients leads to pollution of water bodies, the innovative treatment scheme with higher technological development presents an interesting approach. Nevertheless, the treatment of the digestate should be analysed taking into account the specific characteristics of each scenario.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Optimization of the Short-Cut Enhanced Nutrient Abatement (SCENA) system using fermented cellulosic primary sludge as carbon source
Prooceding of FICWTM
Autore/i: Frison, N.; Conca, V.; Acleo, G.; Eusebi, ANNA LAURA; Fatone, Francesco
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Tertiary filtration with rotating discs unit for effluent from urban or industrial wastewater treatment plants: Hydraulic study and granulometric distribution influence
Chemical Engineering Transactions
Autore/i: Eusebi, Anna Laura; Spinelli, Matteo; Cingolani, Diego; dal Pan, Mauro; Fatone, Francesco; Battistoni, Paolo
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Green House Gases Emissions from full scale biological activated sludge process: N2O emission factors and statistical analysis
International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management,
Autore/i: Spinelli, Matteo; Vasilaki, V.; Katsou, E.; Eusebi, ANNA LAURA; Fatone, Francesco
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Production of greenhouse gases from biological activated sludge processes: N2O emission factors and influences of the sampling methodology
Autore/i: Eusebi, ANNA LAURA; Spinelli, Matteo; Cingolani, Diego; Fatone, Francesco
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Is SCENA a good approach for side-stream integrated treatment from an environmental and economic point of view?
Autore/i: Longo, Stefano; Frison, Nicola; Renzi, Daniele; Fatone, Francesco; Hospido, Almudena
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The environmental and economic benefits and burdens of including the first Short Cut Enhanced Nutrient Abatement (SCENA) into a real municipal wastewater treatment plant were evaluated using life cycle assessment (LCA) and life cycle cost (LCC). The implications of accomplishing nitrogen (N) removal and phosphorus (P) recovery via nitrite in the side stream were assessed taking into account the actual effluent quality improvement, the changes in the electricity and chemical consumption, N2O, CO2 and CH4 emissions and the effects of land application of biosolids, among others. In addition, a case-specific estimation of the P availability when sludge is applied to land, therefore replacing conventional fertilizer, was performed. Furthermore, to account for the variability in input parameters, and to address the related uncertainties, Monte Carlo simulation was applied. The analysis revealed that SCENA in the side stream is an economic and environmentally friendly solution compared to the traditional plant layout with no side-stream treatment, thanks to the reduction of energy and chemical use for the removal of N and P, respectively. The uncertainty analysis proved the validity of the LCA results for global warming potential and impact categories related to the consumption of fossil-based electricity and chemicals, while robust conclusions could not be drawn on freshwater eutrophication and toxicity-related impact categories. Furthermore, three optimization scenarios were also evaluated proving that the performance of the WWTP can be further improved by, for instance, substituting gravitational for mechanical thickening of the sludge or changing the operational strategy to the chemically enhanced primary treatment, although this second alternative will increase the operational cost by 5%. Finally, the outcomes show that shifting P removal from chemical precipitation in the main line to biologically enhanced uptake in the side stream is key to reducing chemicals use, thus the operational cost, and increasing the environmental benefit of synthetic fertilizers replacement.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Chemical and biological processes for nutrients removal and recovery
Technologies for the Treatment and Recovery of Nutrients from Industrial Wastewater
Autore/i: Pedemonte, Dafne Crutchik; Frison, Nicola; Tayà, Carlota; Ponsa, Sergio; Fatone, Francesco
Editore: IGI Global
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: This chapter gives an overview on the main technologies for nutrient removal from industrial wastewater by focusing on principles and operational parameters of real applications. A plethora of technologies can achieve the nutrients removal from wastewater depending mainly on their concentration and forms; however, biological nitrification and denitrification and chemical precipitation are the most common processes used today to remove nitrogen and phosphorus, respectively. Stripping, adsorption and membrane based processes for nutrients recovery can be economically viable only when nitrogen concentration is higher than 1.5-2 gN/L. On the other hand, phosphorus recovery should always be pursued and struvite crystalization is the most common option that should be evaluated together with biological phosphorus accumulation in sludge or plants for the following post-processing and valorization
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Autore/i: Frison, Nicola; Eusebi, ANNA LAURA; Valentino, Francesco; Majone, Mauro; Fatone, Francesco
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Microalgae cultivation on anaerobic digestate of municipalwastewater, sewage sludge and agro-waste
Autore/i: Zuliani, Luca; Frison, Nicola; Jelic, Aleksandra; Fatone, Francesco; Bolzonella, David; Ballottari, Matteo
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Microalgae are fast-growing photosynthetic organisms which have the potential to be exploited as an alternative source of liquid fuels to meet growing global energy demand. The cultivation of microalgae, however, still needs to be improved in order to reduce the cost of the biomass produced. Among the major costs encountered for algal cultivation are the costs for nutrients such as CO2, nitrogen and phosphorous. In this work, therefore, different microalgal strains were cultivated using as nutrient sources three different anaerobic digestates deriving from municipal wastewater, sewage sludge or agro-waste treatment plants. In particular, anaerobic digestates deriving from agro-waste or sewage sludge treatment induced a more than 300% increase in lipid production per volume in Chlorella vulgaris cultures grown in a closed photobioreactor, and a strong increase in carotenoid accumulation in different microalgae species. Conversely, a digestate originating from a pilot scale anaerobic upflow sludge blanket (UASB) was used to increase biomass production when added to an artificial nutrient-supplemented medium. The results herein demonstrate the possibility of improving biomass accumulation or lipid production using different anaerobic digestates.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Validation of a decision support tool for wastewater treatment selection
Autore/i: Castillo, A.; Porro, J.; Garrido Baserba, M.; Rosso, D.; Renzi, D.; Fatone, Francesco; Gómez, V.; Comas, J.; Poch, M.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Wastewater treatment selection is a complex task usually addressed by applying separate tools for the correct assessment of multi-criteria evaluation. Novedar_EDSS integrates technical, environmental, economic and social assessment capabilities in one single platform. The aim of this work is to evaluate and demonstrate the capabilities of this environmental decision support system (EDSS). For that purpose, 4 case studies of real projects were selected to validate the results in the EDSS by comparing them with those from the study of alternatives performed by the decision makers. Moreover, 1 conceptual case study was applied to support the selection of the most properly strategy for plant retrofitting. Results have demonstrated that the EDSS provides key aspects when deciding the retrofitting process to apply and, when compared to real projects, it recommends analogue treatments as those applied in the projects, ranking them in the same order. Therefore, results in the validation process performed show that this tool provides a reliable basis to support decision makers to select properly treatment alternatives in wastewater treatment plant pre-design.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Decentralised schemes for integrated management of wastewater and domestic organic waste: The case of a small community
Autore/i: Lijó, Lucía; Malamis, Simos; González García, Sara; Moreira, María Teresa; Fatone, Francesco; Katsou, Evina
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: This study assesses from an environmental perspective two different configurations for the combined treatment of wastewater and domestic organic waste (DOW) in a small and decentralised community having a population of 2000. The applied schemes consist of an upflow anaerobic blanket (UASB) as core treatment process. Scheme A integrates membranes with the anaerobic treatment; while in Scheme B biological removal of nutrients in a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) is applied as a post treatment to UASB effluent. In energy-related categories, the main contributor is electricity consumption (producing 18-50% of the impacts); whereas in terms of eutrophication-related categories, the discharge of the treated effluent arises as a major hotspot (with 57-99% of the impacts). Scheme B consumes 25% more electricity and produces 40% extra sludge than Scheme A, resulting in worse environmental results for those energy categories. However, the environmental impact due to the discharge of the treated effluent is 75% lower in eutrophication categories due to the removal of nutrients. In addition, the quality of the final effluent in Scheme B would allow its use for irrigation (9.6 mg N/L and 2 mg P/L) if proper tertiary treatment and disinfection are provided, expanding its potential adoption at a wider scale. Direct emissions due to the dissolved methane in the UASB effluent have a significant environmental impact in climate change (23-26%). Additionally, the study shows the environmental feasibility of the use of food waste disposers for DOW collection in different integration rates
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Social Aspects of Livestock Waste Management in Cyprus
Autore/i: Longo, S.; Malamis, S; Katsou, E.; Costa, C. N.; Theologides, C. P.; Fatone, Francesco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: This work examined the social perception of the population towards the management of livestock waste (LWM) in Cyprus. A questionnaire was designed based on major concerns of citizen extracted from literature reviews. These concerns were integrated into questions related to impact aspect of LWM, people perception on the subject, and to the management aspect. The questionnaire was sent to more than 100 individuals residing close to LWM facilities. A relation between risk perception and level of information was found. On a scale 1–5, the responses showed that the greatest problems as perceived by the population are odour issues (3.9), health issues and the adverse impact on property values (both 3.2). Although 81 % of the respondents stated that they have some information or are well informed about LWM in their area, they often tend to evaluate improperly functionality of the facility. Odour emissions are seen as an indication of improper operation of the facility; respondents usually agree on the fact that the current livestock waste treatment system is not adequate compared to the requirements. Finally, the participants in the survey believe that LWM activities cannot significantly improve the employment level in Cyprus. The job estimate for biogas power plant is 0.62 job-years/GWh, which is higher compared to other type of renewable energy installations.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Effects of selected pharmaceuticals on nitrogen and phosphorus removal bioprocesses
Autore/i: Katsou, E; Alvarino, T; Malamis, S; Suarez, S; Frison, N; Omil, F; Fatone, Francesco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Integrating the selection of PHA storing biomass and nitrogen removal via nitrite in the main wastewater treatment line
Autore/i: Basset, N; Katsou, E.; Frison, N.; Malamis, S.; Dosta, J.; Fatone, Francesco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: A novel scheme was developed for the treatment of municipal wastewater integrating nitritation/denitritation with the selection of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) storing biomass under an aerobic/anoxic, feast/famine regime. The process took place in a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) and the subsequent PHA accumulation in a batch reactor. The carbon source added during the selection and accumulation steps consisted of fermentation liquid from the organic fraction of municipal solids waste (OFMSW FL) (Period I) and OFMSW and primary sludge fermentation liquid (Period II). Selection of PHA storing biomass was successful and denitritation was driven by internally stored PHA during the famine phase. Under optimum conditions of SBR operation ammonia removal was 93%, reaching a maximum nitrite removal of 98%. The treated effluent met the nitrogen limits, while PHA-storing biomass was successfully selected. The maximum accumulation of PHA was 10.6% (wt.) since the nutrients present in the carbon source promoted bacterial growth.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Monitoring and diagnosis of energy consumption in wastewater treatment plants. A state of the art and proposals for improvement
Autore/i: Longo, S.; D’Antoni, B. M.; Bongards, M.; Chaparro, A.; Cronrath, A.; Fatone, F.; Lema, J. M.; Mauricioiglesias, M.; Soares, A.; Hospido, A.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Energy audit methodology and key performance parameters (KPI) in small wastewater treatment plants.
Proceeding of 13th IWA Specialized Conference on Small Water and Wastewater Systems & 5th IWA Specialized Conference on Resources-Oriented Sanitation Athens
Autore/i: D’Antoni, 1. B. M.; Longo, S.; Akkersdijk, E.; Stefani, L.; Parelli, E.; Fatone, F.
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Biological refinery of cellulosic sludge integrated in municipal wastewater treatment plants,
proceedings of GRICU 2016
Autore/i: Dafne, Crutchick Pedemonte; Nicola, Frison; Laura, Eusebi Anna; David, Bolzonella; Mirko, D‘Antoni Benedetto; Franco, Cecchi; Fatone, Francesco
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Technical and environmental evaluation of an integrated scheme for the co-treatment of wastewater and domestic organic waste in small communities
Autore/i: Lijó, Lucía; Malamis, Simos; González García, Sara; Fatone, Francesco; Moreira, María Teresa; Katsou, Evina
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: A technical and environmental evaluation of an innovative scheme for the co-treatment of domestic wastewater and domestic organic waste (DOW) was undertaken by coupling an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB), a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) and a fermentation reactor. Alternative treatment configurations were evaluated with different waste collection practices as well as various schemes for nitrogen and phosphorus removal. All treatment systems fulfilled the required quality of the treated effluent in terms of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and total suspended solids (TSS) concentrations. However, only the configurations performing the short-cut nitrification/denitrification with biological phosphorus removal met the specifications for water reuse. The environmental assessment included the analysis of impacts on climate change (CC), freshwater eutrophication (FE) and marine eutrophication (ME). A functional unit (FU) of 2000 people receiving treatment services was considered. The most relevant sources of environmental impacts were associated to the concentration of dissolved methane in the UASB effluent that is emitted to the atmosphere in the SBR process (accounting for 41% of impacts in CC), electricity consumption, mainly for aeration in the SBR (representing 14% of the impacts produced in CC), and the discharge of the treated effluent in receiving waters (contributing 98% and 57% of impacts in FE and ME, respectively). The scheme of separate waste collection together with biological nitrogen removal and phosphorus uptake via nitrite was identified as the best configuration, with good treated effluent quality and environmental impacts lower than those of the other examined configurations.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Recovery of volatile fatty acids from fermentation of sewage sludge in municipal wastewater treatment plants
Autore/i: Longo, S.; Katsou, E.; Malamis, S; Frison, N.; Renzi, D.; Fatone, Francesco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: This work investigated the pilot scale production of short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) from sewage sludge through alkaline fermentation and the subsequent membrane filtration. Furthermore, the impact of the fermentation liquid on nutrient bioremoval was examined. The addition of wollastonite in the fermenter to buffer the pH affected the composition of the carbon source produced during fermentation, resulting in higher COD/NH4-N and COD/PO4-P ratios in the liquid phase and higher content of propionic acid. The addition of wollastonite decreased the capillary suction time (CST) and the time to filter (TTF), resulting in favorable dewatering characteristics. The sludge dewatering characteristics and the separation process were adversely affected from the use of caustic soda. When wollastonite was added, the permeate flux increased by 32%, compared to the use of caustic soda. When fermentation liquid was added as carbon source for nutrient removal, higher removal rates were obtained compared to the use of acetic acid.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Development of a Novel Process Integrating the Treatment of Sludge Reject Water and the Production of Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs)
Autore/i: Frison, Nicola; Katsou, Evina; Malamis, Simos; Oehmen, Adrian; Fatone, Francesco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Nano-occurrence and removal of PCBs within the Europe's largest petrochemical MBR system
Autore/i: Jelic, Aleksandra; Di Fabio, Silvia; Vecchiato, Giuseppe; Cecchi, Franco; Fatone, Francesco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Treatment of petrochemical wastewater by employing membrane bioreactors: a case study of effluents discharged to a sensitive water recipient
Autore/i: Malamis, S; Katsou, E.; Di Fabio, S.; Frison, N.; Cecchi, F.; Fatone, Francesco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Coupling the treatment of low strength anaerobic effluent with fermented biowaste for nutrient removal via nitrite
Autore/i: Katsou, E.; Malamis, S.; Frison, N.; Fatone, Francesco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

A basic bottom-up approach for small systems of safe-water supply: A decentralized case study in Uganda
Autore/i: Andreolli, Marco; Giovannini, Mattia; Fatone, Francesco; Kyamunyogonya, Magdalen; Yatuha, Jane
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: In developing countries, diarrhea is known as the major cause of burden among children. Diarrhea is associated to poor quality of drinking water, inadequate sanitation and insufficient hygiene behavior. This work introduces a bottom-up approach for the implementation of a borehole installation in conjunction with proper water handling in rural areas. A pre-intervention survey was performed as a basic decision tool, and a post-intervention survey was performed to evaluate the quality of the intervention. In particular, information was collected regarding the water source, the health status, the water related behavior, hygiene and on other issues. Furthermore, coliforms and fecal contamination of the water sources used during the dry season were determined. Prior to the intervention the monthly diarrhea incidence was estimated to be around 22.0% among children. Microbiological analysis showed that sources of water (river, swamp and waterhole) presented a high fecal contamination (>250 for river and swamp, 110 most probable number index 100 mL–1 for waterhole). After the intervention, the monthly diarrhea incidence dropped to 10.2% among children, showing a significant reduction of 11.8% (p < 0.01). Even though this represents an exciting result, more intervention projects at household level are required in order to further reduce the diarrhea incidence.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

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