Francesca STAZI


Francesca STAZI


124 pubblicazioni classificate nel seguente modo:

Nr. doc. Classificazioni
72 1 Contributo su Rivista
27 2 Contributo in Volume
16 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
4 3 Libro
3 6 Brevetti
1 5 Altro
1 8 Tesi di dottorato
Sustainable façade design: Prototyping and evaluating self-shading and flat modules for thermal performance and environmental impact
Autore/i: Summa, S.; Tomassoni, E.; Marchione, F.; Di Perna, C.; Stazi, F.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The pursuit of sustainability and the imperative to minimize energy consumption have spurred innovative experiments in architecture, driving the demand for solutions that are efficient in shading building envelopes. For this reason, this study aimed to propose two sustainable prefabricated façade modules, a folded self-shading module and a flat module, and to optimize assembly details, base materials, geometries and finishing coating. A multidisciplinary study has been carried out, focusing on their technological definition, development and structural verification of joints, optimization of panel shapes based on solar path evaluation, experimental measurements of summer thermal performance and comparison of environmental impact (LCA) and economic costs. During the experimental phase, the thermal performance of eight different modules was evaluated by varying characteristics such as shape, surface finish, and material. Among the solutions explored, two modules notably reduced the surface temperatures of the walls behind them: the flat panel featuring heat-reflective paint and the self-shading panel without paint (or with traditional paint). The LCA analysis and costs/maintenance evaluations identified the flat aluminium module with heat-reflective paint as the optimal solution due to its superior performance in reducing temperatures, minimizing greenhouse gas emissions, and achieving higher durability and cost efficiency.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Innovative multifunctional finish for the improvement of Indoor Air Quality: Performance at laboratory and pilot scale
Autore/i: Giosue, Chiara; Czerwinska, Natalia; Remia, Giada; Stazi, Francesca; di Perna, Costanzo; Mobili, Alessandra; Ruello, Maria Letizia; Maqbool, Qaisar; Tittarelli, Francesca
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: In this study, the impact of an innovative multifunctional finish on the Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in terms of temperature (T), relative humidity (RH), and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) was compared to that of a commercial finish for the same application as reference. The two finishes were applied on the same commercial substrate and tested both at laboratory and pilot scale. At laboratory scale, the water vapour permeability, the moisture buffering capacity and the depolluting activity by adsorption of the innovative finish was 15 %, 100 % and more than 200 % higher than those of the commercial one on the same substrate, respectively. At pilot scale, the innovative finish was more effective than the commercial finish in buffering humidity variations (RH increases 53 % slower compared to the commercial solution), temperature variations (-1.5 °C), and decreasing VOCs concentration (from 14 % up to 63 %, depending to the test conditions). Therefore, the innovative multifunctional indoor finish has proven to be more effective than the commercial one in improving IAQ not only in laboratory but also at pilot scale.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

A novel multifunctional finish for the enhancement of indoor air quality: the MAMMUT Project
XIV Convegno sulla Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali Book of Abstract
Autore/i: Caioni, E; Giosué, C; Czerwinska, N; Remia, G; Stazi, F; Di Perna, C; Mobili, A; Ruello, Ml; Blasi, E; Maqbool, Q; Tittarelli, F
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Experimental Comparison Between a Diffuse Insulation Masonry and a Traditional Lightweight Insulated Wall: Evaluation of Internal Temperatures and Thermal Comfort
Sustainability in Energy and Buildings 2023
Autore/i: Summa, S.; Remia, G.; Di Perna, C.; Stazi, F.
Editore: Springer
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: The thermal masonry blocks are being introduced in building sector to replace traditional external thermal insulation composite systems due to the simplicity of their construction system, being set-up in a single-layer with the elimination of the insulating material. However, it is still unclear whether this new system is energy efficient, or whether the adoption of low thermal conductivity materials reduces the dynamic benefits of the thermal mass. This work presents an experimental study to evaluate the thermal behaviour of a new thermal masonry construction system, compared with a lightweight super-insulated system, by simultaneously measuring the thermal performance of two real house-like test rooms in an intermediate season and in summer. The results show the massive structure makes it possible to decrease the temperature of the internal air by 3.8 °C and 4.4 °C respectively in spring and in summer compared to the lightweight one, and to halve the hours of thermal discomfort.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Educational Buildings: Analysis of IAQ as a Function of Occupant Behavior and Mechanical Ventilation Systems
Sustainability in Energy and Buildings 2023
Autore/i: Remia, G.; Summa, S.; Tarabelli, L.; Stazi, F.; Di Perna, C.
Editore: Springer
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: Following the health emergency caused by SARS-CoV2, the MarcheRegion (Italy) implemented a series of interventions to finance mechanical ventilation systems in schools. These interventions enabled the implementation of ameasurement campaign to evaluate the functioning of mechanical ventilation insideeducational buildings. Specifically, the following study investigates the dynamicsregarding IAQ according to occupant behavior and the presence or absence of ventilation system on three different classrooms by analyzing the trend of measured CO2concentration. From the results obtained, it is evident that the classroom without aventilation system reaches much higher CO2 values than the classrooms with theventilation system, with a difference from the maximum values of 45.3%. In addition, the combination of natural ventilation and mechanical ventilation is crucial toobtain acceptable CO2 levels. These aspects are directly related to the behavior ofoccupants (opening/closing windows, using the ventilation system), who must beinformed about the various ventilation strategies and directed toward their conscioususe.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Mechanically ventilated classrooms in central Italy's heritage school buildings: Proposal of archetypes and CO2 prediction models
Autore/i: Summa, S.; Remia, G.; Di Perna, C.; Stazi, F.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: This study proposed a typological analysis to identify the archetypes of classrooms equipped with controlled mechanical ventilation (CMV) in Italy and an experimental campaign on 58 typical classrooms to identify the main indoor microclimatic characteristics and CO2 concentrations. From the analyses carried out, general information was gathered on the heating systems and the main energy and acoustic improvements carried out in the schools. The typological analysis identified four different types of mechanical ventilation systems installed in three different classroom archetypes: wide, square and deep, with percentages of window area of 25%, 30% and 40 % respectively. The field measurement campaign showed that, in terms of CO2 concentration, mechanical ventilation was effective in the winter period, while in the mid-season and summer periods, natural ventilation was predominant due to the opening of windows by the occupants. Furthermore, in the case of manual control, incorrect use of the machine by the occupants, who reported noise-related problems or insufficient user training, resulted in CO2 levels above the recommended limits. Multivariate regressions developed for schools equipped with CMVs predicted maximum and average CO2 concentrations as a function of minimum and maximum indoor and outdoor temperatures with a significance (R2, correct) of 76 % and 83 % respectively.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Experimental and Numerical Characterization of the In-Plane Shear Behavior of a Load-Bearing Hollow Clay Brick Masonry System with High Thermal Performance
Autore/i: Serpilli, M.; Cameli, A.; Stazi, F.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Modern masonry systems are generally built with hollow clay bricks with high thermal insulating properties, fulfilling the latest sustainability and environmental criteria for constructions. Despite the growing use of sustainable masonries in seismic-prone countries, there is a notable lack of experimental and numerical data on their structural behavior under lateral in-plane loads. The present study investigates the in-plane shear behavior of load-bearing masonry walls with thin bed joints and thermal insulating hollow clay blocks. Shear-compression tests were performed on three specimens to obtain information about their shear strength, displacement capacity and failure modes. The experimental characterization was supplemented by three shear tests on triplets, along with flexural and compression tests on the mortar for the thin joints. Furthermore, two Finite Element (FE) models were built to simulate the shear-compression tests, considering different constitutive laws and brick-to-brick contact types. The numerical simulations were able to describe both the shear failure modes and the shear strength values. The results showed that the experimental shear strength was 53% higher than the one obtained through Eurocode 6. The maximum shear load was found to be up to 75% greater compared to similar masonry specimens from the literature. These findings contribute to a better understanding of the potential structural applications of sustainable hollow clay block masonry in earthquake-prone areas.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Data-driven automation of HVAC systems: An experimental study in a university study room
Autore/i: Summa, S.; Tarabelli, L.; Di Perna, C.; Stazi, F.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: This study proposes a framework for controlling HVAC systems for university study rooms that includes a data-driven model capable of identifying the probability of user interaction with air conditioning and ventilation systems, depending on the thermal sensation vote (TSV), perceived air quality (PAQ) and microclimate parameters (air and operative temperature, air velocity, relative humidity and CO2). The experimental setup allowed the participants to carry out their usual study/work activities without the need to be supervised. This allowed the occupants not to be psychologically conditioned and made their experience and interaction with the environment/systems as realistic as possible. The analysis of the experimental data showed that the operative temperature mainly influences the thermal sensation of the occupant inside the room, while the perceived air quality depends not only on the CO2 concentration but also on thermal perception and air velocity. Furthermore, three predictive models (heating, cooling and IAQ) were obtained from the experimental data, indicating the probability of user interaction with the system (R2 between 0.85 and 0.94). The heating phase model was also verified by automatizing the heating system through the developed framework and comparing the user's sensations before and after control (users unaware of the changes). The use of the models increased users' thermal comfort from 39 % to 82 %, confirming the effectiveness of the system
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Innovative Folded Rain-Screen Cladding Prototypes
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of Ar.Tec. (Scientific Society of Architectural Engineering)
Autore/i: Summa, Serena; Calvaresi, Marica; Piunti, Manuela; Di Perna, Costanzo; Stazi, Francesca
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: This paper proposes an innovative self-shading rain-screen cladding module. Various materials and geometries were explored, and the use of a reflective nanotechnology coating was also evaluated. Multidisciplinary research was conducted, which involved the technological definition of the construction details, the mechanical verification of the anchors, the energy optimisation of the panel shape through solar path evaluations, experimental measurements of the thermal performance during the summer period, and the comparison of construction costs. The main results showed that the aluminium-designed module with a flat surface and reflective coating is the best-performing alternative and provides 9 ℃ lower surface temperatures of the wall behind than a traditional white plastered wall.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Opaque ventilated façades: Energy performance for different main walls and claddings
Autore/i: Roig, O.; Summa, S.; Pardal, C.; Isalgue, A.; Di Perna, C.; Stazi, F.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Ventilated façades can reduce heat gains through the opaque envelope of buildings, and consequently help to lower the cooling energy demand and the relative greenhouse gas emissions. However, the influence of the design features and climatic variables on their energy performance is not known enough. In this article, the influence of different parameters of the ventilated façade has been assessed. The cladding material, the relative position between mass and thermal insulation in the main wall, the air cavity geometry, and the open/closed joint configurations have been evaluated through a numerical calculation with a model that considers all these parameters, validated with experimental data. It has been observed that, in summer conditions, the best strategy to prevent heat gains is to block the energy in the outermost layers. This suggests adopting non-thermal conductor materials for claddings and the insulation of the main wall on the outer layer. Higher cavities imply a reduction of the ventilation benefits; the air remains more time in the cavity, and thus heat fluxes per unit façade area increase. On the contrary, lower air cavities allow more fresh air entrances from outside, as occurs for open joint claddings, reducing net heat gains. Additionally, widening the air cavity, up to 10 cm, results in lower average heat flux. All these different façade configurations are compared in a cradle-to-gate environmental impact assessment demonstrating that the lowest energy-demanding solution during the service life might not be the best one in the whole life cycle, thus a deeper study is needed.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Monitoring and analysis of environmental and IAQ conditions in classrooms with controlled mechanical ventilation
78th ATI Annual Congress (Energy transition: Research and innovation for industry, communities and the territory) (ATI-2023) 14/09/2023 - 15/09/2023 Carpi, Italy
Autore/i: Remia, G.; Summa, S.; Stazi, F.; Di Perna, C.
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Thermal performance of a new low-cost ventilated load bearing masonry with wood-cement blocks
Autore/i: Stazi, F.; Summa, S.; Roig, O.; Trozzi, G.; Di Perna, C.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The present paper regards the proposal of an innovative low-cost ventilated load-bearing masonry using a new prefabricated dry-laid formwork wood-cement block with external interconnected holes forming a ventilated cavity. The aim of the work was to verify the performance of this solution by experimental and numerical comparison with other traditional and ventilated walls. To that end, an experimental campaign was carried out in summer on a simplified prototype involving the reproduction of the external ventilated cavity and the simultaneous measure of a ventilated cladding currently used. Numerical calculations on measure-calibrated models allowed to compare surface temperatures and heat fluxes for several ventilated and non-ventilated configurations. The results demonstrated that the proposed wall has a very high attenuation attitude on the crossing heat flows thus reducing summer gains. Moreover, the closing of the ventilation openings in winter and the use of the cavity as a still air gap also reduces the cold period dissipation. The costs are halved with respect to a traditional ventilated solution for the absence of the metal substructure.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Experimental and numerical study on a new thermal masonry block by comparison with traditional walls
Autore/i: Summa, S.; Remia, G.; Di Perna, C.; Stazi, F.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The present work concerns an innovative construction system consisting of brick blocks with micropores and multiple air cavities which confer to the material a very low thermal conductivity combined with a high thermal inertia. The aim of this research is to experimentally compare the performance of these single-layer inertial walls with a traditional super-insulated lightweight wall, characterized by similar and very low steady thermal transmittance. The walls were monitored in the summer season in two adjacent test rooms in a free dynamic regime, i.e. without the use of mechanical cooling systems. The test rooms were built without windows to evaluate only the heat transfer through the opaque surface. The incidence of solar gains, of ventilation and of the dispersing surface area was evaluated by means of numerical analyses using the hourly dynamic method of EN ISO 52016-1. The results demonstrated that the new single-layer blocks with low conductivity and high thermal inertia guarantee excellent performance by substantially limiting the internal air temperature compared to the other solutions. This makes it possible to reduce the summer peak loads and cooling energy consumptions, especially in the case of night ventilation.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

CESARE Conference Publications
Autore/i: Serpilli, M.; Stazi, F.; Lenci, S.; Di Perna, C.
Editore: Jordan University of Science and Technology
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: In the last decades, the need for improved thermal-structural integrated solutions for building construction has prompt towards the development of Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs), a cost-effective wall system capable of transferring shear loads among panel layers and minimizing localized heat loss This study explored both mechanical and thermal behaviour of SIPs, composed by an Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) core within two oriented strand board (OSB) sheets. Six panels (1200x1200x170mm3) were tested under in-plane horizontal load in two configurations: (i) three single SIP wall; (ii) three double SIPs wall, joined together with a block spline and metal connections. Both specimens were anchored to a lower steel metal beam through anchor bolts and hold-downs. Moreover, the panels were characterized as regard the steady-state thermal behaviour. The study demonstrated that this wall system is a viable solution for sustainable buildings since it presents high shear strength, elevated ductility and good thermal-hygrometric performance.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Effect of pore modulating additives-sepiolite and colloidal nano silica-on physical, mechanical and durability properties of lime-based renders
Autore/i: Stazi, Francesca; Corinaldesi, Valeria; Capotondo, Ylenia; Porcarelli, Ilaria; DI PERNA, Costanzo; D’Orazio, Marco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: In hot-humid climates, porous external surfaces of the buildings with high water sorption capabilities could contribute to the surface temperatures reduction through the release of latent heat by evaporative cooling. On the other hand, compact and low permeable finishing materials could have mechanical and durability benefits respect to the underlying supports, for example reducing the permeability to degrading agents. In this paper, the properties of lime base coat renders with pore modulating additives (sepiolite and colloidal nano silica) have been surveyed to evaluate their effectiveness in water absorption, thermal performance, and the fulfilment of mechanical requirements for the application on the external side of the walls. A traditional lime–sand formulation was taken as reference. After preliminary tests on workability and shrinkage, the optimal mix designs were selected and the samples were subjected to several mechanical and thermo-hygrometric tests, before and after accelerated aging. The results allowed demonstrating that the use of sepiolite in substitution of sand, enhances the render ductility, thermal resistance and water uptake but worsens its mechanical stability, increasing the shrinkage effects and slightly reducing the ultimate strength values. The addition of colloidal nano silica, either to lime–sepiolite or to lime–sand renders, fails to produce any improvement in their either physical or mechanical behavior. Mixed formulations (lime–sand with sepiolite and nano silica) behave as simple lime–sand solutions, showing optimal compressive and flexural strength but reduced water uptake capabilities. This demonstrates that the presence of sand prevails in the performance of the render, and that the adoption of other additives doesn’t worth the cost for the benefit presented.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Experimental evaluation of natural hydraulic lime renders with nanoclay and nanolime to protect raw earth building surfaces
Autore/i: Stazi, Francesca; Pierandrei, Nicola; DI PERNA, Costanzo; Tittarelli, Francesca
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: In this study Natural Hydraulic Lime (NHL) was combined with clay and lime, the main cementitious materials used in ancient buildings, to develop a new render more suitable for applications on raw earth substrates. Nanoclay and nanolime have been separately added to a commercial NHL-based ready-mixed powder. Pure and nano-additivated NHL renders have been compared in terms of microstructure (by SEM and mercury porosimetry), mechanical performance (by dynamic elastic modulus, flexural and compressive strength tests), adhesion to the substrate (by shear strength and pull-off tests), erosion resistance (by pressure spray test), and thermo-hygrometric performance (by water absorption and thermal conductivity tests). The obtained results demonstrate that both nanoparticles increase the water absorption and decrease the mechanical properties of the render but enhance the adhesion with the earthen support and the protection against water erosion. Among the two nanoparticles, the addition of nanoclay was found to be preferable since it gives to the render the highest mechanical compatibility with the underlying layer and the best durability against erosion.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Earthen claddings in lightweight timber framed buildings: An experimental study on the influence of fir boards sheathing and GFRP jacketing
Autore/i: Serpilli, M.; Stazi, F.; Chiappini, G.; Lenci, S.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The aim of this research was to investigate the mechanical performance of an earthen massive cladding, recently used for external/internal layers in Platform Frame technology, through an extensive experimental campaign. The masonry is built with extruded unbaked earth blocks and characterized by dovetail horizontally staggered bed joints. The wall is secured to the structural timber studs through 45 degree-angled fir boards sheathing panels, fixed with steel connectors, and finished with an external plaster with an embedded Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) mesh, wrapping the whole masonry. The influence of the fir board panels and GFRP jacketing on the mechanical behavior of the earth blocks masonry is investigated and compared with the results obtained for the unreinforced configuration (bare wallettes) in (Stazi et al., 2020). The experimental program consisted of compression, diagonal compression and combined shear-compression tests on 18 wallettes. Digital Image Correlation technique was also adopted to investigate the full field strain maps. The results showed that under compression all the samples (with and without reinforcements) behave as a series of independent slender columns, without significant differences among reinforcement type. Both diagonal compression and shear with compression tests revealed the optimal behavior of GFRP plaster reinforcement that increases the strength values and thanks to an effective confinement effect, limits the out-of-plane bending and determines a monolithic response of the wall.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Approcci probabilistici alla valutazione dei costi globali di interventi di miglioramento sismico di edifici
New Horizons for Sustainable Architecture - Nuovi orizzonti per l’architettura sostenibile
Autore/i: Maracchini, G.; DI GIUSEPPE, E.; Stazi, F.; D’Orazio, M.
Editore: Edicom Edizioni
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: Il patrimonio edilizio europeo risulta costituito per più del 40% da edifici costruiti prima degli anni ‘60, i quali comportano elevati costi di gestione ordinaria, energetici e manutentivi, nonché il rischio di subire danni considerevoli in occasione di eventi sismici. Al fine di consentire una transizione efficace verso una società più sostenibile e resiliente, risulta di fondamentale importanza promuovere politiche congiunte di riduzione del rischio sismico e del consumo di energia, nonché disporre di strumenti decisionali adeguati per la definizione della strategia di intervento più sostenibile sotto un profilo economico, ambientale e sociale. Negli ultimi decenni, le analisi dei costi nel ciclo di vita (LCC) sono diventate un valido strumento decisionale nel settore edilizio. Nel campo della riqualificazione strutturale, sono oggi disponibili diversi approcci LCC rivolti alla pratica professionale per il calcolo delle perdite economiche causate da eventi sismici, utili alla definizione degli incentivi economici per gli interventi di miglioramento. Tali approcci, tuttavia, risultano basati su notevoli semplificazioni oltre a non tenere conto dell’incertezza legata all’occorrenza temporale dei terremoti. A partire da un approccio “probabilistico” precedentemente sviluppato, questo studio valuta tramite un caso di studio la convenienza economica di interventi di miglioramento sismico alternativi, con l’obbiettivo di: confrontare le diverse metodologie di calcolo dei costi rivolte ai professionisti nel contesto italiano; valutare l’incidenza delle incertezze sull’occorrenza temporale di eventi sismici sul calcolo dei costi globali; determinare l’intervento strutturale ottimale in termini di convenienza economica e salvaguardia della vita. Il presente lavoro costituisce la fase iniziale di una più ampia ricerca volta alla valutazione dell’incidenza in analisi LCC di interventi di miglioramento sismico di incertezze legate a scenari sismici e macroeconomici futuri.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Degrado da condensa - Le cause e i possibili interventi
Autore/i: Stazi, Francesca; Munafo', Placido
Editore: Aracne
Luogo di pubblicazione: Roma
Classificazione: 3 Libro
Abstract: Nuove soluzioni tecnico–costruttive e impiantistiche, spesso usate non correttamente, hanno modificato il bilancio energetico–igrometrico degli edifici e favorito la diffusione di fenomeni di condensa. Il libro ne analizza le cause e propone alcune soluzioni di retrofit. Sono riportati e discussi i risultati di una ricerca numerica–sperimentale su edifici di edilizia popolare, affetti da patologie da condensa, su cui sono state effettuate: analisi di laboratorio su campioni prelevati in situ; monitoraggio del comfort termico e delle prestazioni dell’involucro; analisi igrometriche sul rischio di germinazione delle spore; analisi energetiche su interventi di retrofit alternativi e analisi costi–benefici.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Experimental study of the mechanical behaviour of a new extruded earth block masonry
Autore/i: Stazi, Francesca; Serpilli, Michele; Chiappini, Gianluca; Pergolini, Marianna; Fratalocchi, Evelina; Lenci, Stefano
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The aim of this research is to investigate, through the Digital Image Correlation (DIC) technique, the mechanical performance of a new type of earth masonry, built with extruded blocks and characterized by dovetail horizontally staggered bed joints. The experimental program consists of two levels of investigations: (i) preliminary phase on components, (ii) compression, diagonal compression and combined shear-compression tests on 12 wallettes. Regarding the components, results showed that the mean compressive strength of the earth block was low (3.5 MPa) with respect to traditional bricks and similar to adobe blocks. The dovetail joints were effective in their joining role showing a rather good strength (2.4 MPa) when tested in triplet configuration. Regarding the wallettes, the DIC highlighted failure modes complying with the ones of a traditional masonry under shear, while it showed a ‘‘column behaviour” with vertical sliding under compressive tests. Fragile failures occurred during the diagonal compression test. DIC revealed to be a promising technique to recover the full-field strain and crack maps.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

The role of wall layers properties on the thermal performance of ventilated facades: Experimental investigation on narrow-cavity design
Autore/i: Stazi, Francesca; Ulpiani, Giulia; Pergolini, Marianna; DI PERNA, Costanzo; D’Orazio, Marco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: In this paper we have investigated how different materials and thermal masses impact on the perfor- mance of ventilated facades with narrow cavities, by measuring the variation in terms of heat flows and ventilation efficiency. While geometry has been widely explored, the role of wall composition has re- ceived much less attention. To bridge the gap, three real-scale prototypes of ventilated facades were built and tested all over the year on a mock-up in Central Italy: (i) L, with a lightweight external enclosure, as a baseline reference, (ii) IM, with a massive layer enclosed in the gap and (iii) EM, with an external massive cladding. The results demonstrated that the EM solution more effectively mitigated the average surface temperatures (both external and internal), with values of –2 °C and –1 °C in summer and of –3 °C and –0.5 °C in winter, when compared to the L solution. Moreover, in the EM case, the ventilated cavity reduced both the incoming and outgoing heat fluxes, since the outer mass operated as a thermal buffer between the outdoor and the ventilation chamber. Conversely, the presence of an internal mass determined an increase of the heat transfer towards the indoor environment. The position of the thermal mass in the outer layer also increased the air velocity in the gap thus enhancing the stack effect.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Rethinking Buildings Design, Construction and Management Through Sustainable Technologies and Digitization
The First Outstanding 50 Years of “Università Politecnica delle Marche”
Autore/i: Carbonari, Alessandro; Di Giuseppe, Elisa; D’Orazio, Marco; Giretti, Alberto; Lemma, Massimo; Munafò, Placido; Naticchia, Berardo; Quagliarini, Enrico; Stazi, Francesca; Vaccarini, Massimo
Editore: Springer
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Controlled inlet airflow in ventilated facades: A numerical analysis
10th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings, IAQVEC
Autore/i: Pergolini, M; Ulpiani, G; Shehi, O; Di Perna, C; Stazi, F
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Advanced Building Envelope Components Comparative Experiments
Autore/i: Stazi, Francesca
Editore: Buttherwort-Heinemann, Elsevier
Luogo di pubblicazione: Oxford
Classificazione: 3 Libro
Abstract: This study intends to deepen how building envelope components work and to offer comparisons between alternative solutions. It identifies the optimal solutions to achieve high indoor comfort levels, such as energy saving and urban heat island mitigation, and to the enhancement of users’ satisfaction. The book explains the building technologies underlying the basic physical principles, and draws the state-of-the-art of the latest studies, identifying possible breakthrough solutions. Far from being a comprehensive review of different envelope technologies, the book aims to explore significant solutions including experimental data and to bridge the gap between the academic theoretical studies and the effective application of innovative solutions.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

An experimental and numerical study on CLT panels used as infill shear walls for RC buildings retrofit
Autore/i: Stazi, F.; Serpilli, M.; Maracchini, G.; Pavone, A.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) has been gaining more and more attention in research and professional fields as a sustainable and promising construction system for mid- and high-rise structures. The need of buildings higher than those usually built with CLT has pushed the research towards the development of innovative hybrid techniques in which steel framed structures incorporate CLT shear walls. This concept may be potentially extended to existing RC framed buildings, where CLT infill shear walls may constitute the base of an integrated seismic and energy retrofit. In order to investigate this potentiality, this paper presents a preliminary experimental and numerical study focused on the mechanical behavior of CLT panels used as a bracing system. In particular, diagonal compression tests on 3-ply panels have been carried out, also by reproducing a direct load transmission from the RC frame to the CLT infill. A comparison with the results of similar tests on CLT panels (with a different number of layers and thickness) and with unstrengthened and strengthened masonry infill walls has been also provided. In addition, numerical simulations have been carried out, in order to evaluate the changes in RC frame lateral response when CLT infills are added. The results have proved that CLT infills may be used as a strengthening solution, allowing RC frame to reach higher lateral stiffness and peak load values respect to masonry infills.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Thermal and mechanical optimization of nano-foams for sprayed insulation
Autore/i: Stazi, F.; Urlietti, Carolina; Di Perna, C.; Chiappini, G.; Rossi, M.; Tittarelli, F.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: This study investigates the effects of the addition of two different types of particles on morphological, thermo-hygrometric and mechanical properties of thermal insulating sprayed polyurethane foams. Platelet nanoclay and spherical silicon dioxide microparticles were poured into two different foams with a density of 15 Kg/m3 and 30 Kg/m3, respectively used for cavity walls infill and external insulation layers. Nanoclay particles were dispersed into the polyol through a sonication technique followed by a mechanical mixing into the isocyanate, whereas silica dioxide microparticles (aerogel) were mixed mechanically into the polyol then added to isocyanate. Results showed that the introduction of small amounts (2% and 4% in weight) of nanoparticles and microparticles significantly enhances both thermal and mechanical properties of the foams. Among the low-density foams, the best thermal performance was recorded by 4 wt% nanoclay sample with a reduction of the conductance of about 9% whereas the best mechanical performance was recorded by 4 wt% aerogel sample with an increase of the tensile modulus of about 300%. However even the 4wt% nanoclay addition significantly enhanced the outcomes of the mechanical tests. Also among the highdensity foams, the best thermal and mechanical compromise was achieved by the one containing 4% in weight of nanoclay, that showed a reduction of the conductance of about 7% and an increase of the tensile modulus of about 180%. This latter sample resulted to be the most performing among all the foams.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Seismic solution based on the use of cross-laminated timber (clt) panels with sliding joints as infilled earthquake bracing system for rc framed architectures
Autore/i: Serpilli, M.; Maracchini, G.; Stazi, F.
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) has gaining more and more attention in the research and professional field as a sustainable and promising construction system for mid- and high-rise structures. The need of buildings higher than that usually built with CLT has pushed the research towards the development of innovative hybrid techniques in which steel framed structures incorporate CLT shear walls. This concept may be potentially extended to existing RC framed buildings where infilled CLT shear walls may constitute the base for an integrated seismic and energy retrofit solution. In order to investigate this potentiality, this paper present a preliminary experimental study focused on the diagonal strut behaviour of CLT panels. In particular, diagonal compression tests on 3-ply panels have been carried out also by simulating the confinement effect provided by the structural frame. A comparison with the results of similar tests on CLT panels with different number of layers and thickness has been also provided. The results of this research have demonstrated that CLT panels has a higher strength and stiffness if confined. Then, the confinement effect provided by the RC frame on the infill should be accurately considered in the strengthening design.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Experimental Comparison Between Three Types of Opaque Ventilated Facades
Autore/i: Stazi, Francesca; Ulpiani, Giulia; Pergolini, Marianna; Magni, Daniela; DI PERNA, Costanzo
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Background: The growing interest for the energy efficiency of building technologies has led the construction sector towards the adoption of Opaque Ventilated Facades (OVFs) as high-performance solutions for building systems. Objective: The aim of this study is to determine the optimal thermal inertia of the outer surface of ventilated facades with respect to the indoor comfort and the reduction of the outdoor overheating. Method: An experimental study was carried out in Central Italy (Mediterranean climate), by comparing the thermo-physical performance of three opaque ventilated façades, characterized by different positions of the mass (hollow bricks) within the air cavity. One has no mass and is enclosed by a Lightweight (L) cladding; one has an Internal Mass (IM) right adjacent to the insulation layer and an external lightweight cladding; the last one has an External Massive cladding (EM). The three prototypes (L, IM and EM walls), were installed on a test room and simultaneously monitored in the summer season. Result: The experimental outcomes demonstrate that the EM wall outperforms the others in terms of cooling efficiency, as the incoming heat fluxes towards the indoors are considerably reduced. Moreover, such a configuration led to the lowest surface temperatures on the outer slab, thus contributing to the mitigation of the external environmental overheating. Conclusion: Overall the External Mass (EM) solution was found to be the best choice, being beneficial for mitigating the outdoor surrounding temperatures and enhancing the buoyancy-driven ventilation.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Measuring users-windows interactions in buildings: behavioural models for the summer season
Autore/i: Naspi, Federica; Stazi, Francesca; Arnesano, Marco; Seri, Federico; Zampetti, Lorenzo; Revel, Gian Marco; D'Orazio, Marco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Including the human component in simulation software is of primary importance to enhancethe building's design and management. In particular, the user-window interaction impactssignificantly energy and comfort profiles. Through an environmental and behaviouralmonitoring, this research investigated windows' opening and closing actions during thesummer season in three offices. The analyses highlighted that the behaviours are influencedby both environmental factors and time-related events. Using logistic regression techniques,stochastic behavioural models have been developed to predict windows status.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Sistema di Misura e controllo ottimale delle luci basato su modelli comportamentali
Edilizia Circolare - ColloquiAT.e
Autore/i: Stazi, Francesca; Naspi, Federica; Arnesano, Marco; Revel, Gian Marco; D'Orazio, Marco
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: Il comportamento degli occupanti è ampiamente riconosciuto come il fattore che influenza mag-giormente l’incertezza della prestazione energetica degli edifici. Su questo tema si è concentrata molta ricerca negli ultimi anni, ma ci sono ancora limitate conoscenze rispetto all’uso di modelli comportamentali integrati in sistemi di controllo al fine di effettuare previsioni accurate, ridurre i consumi energetici e massimizzare il comfort indoor. Questo gap può essere colmato grazie al paradigma degli edifici cognitivi, dotati di impianti intelligenti e caratterizzati da integrazione tra sensori e componenti. Rispetto a tale tema la nuova sfida è di implementare logiche di fun-zionamento e sistemi di controllo capaci di prevedere accuratamente il reale comportamento de-gli occupanti. Tali logiche possono seguire l’approccio standard (deterministico) o quello stoca-stico. Il primo, basato sul controllo dei dispositivi rispetto a valori soglia, deriva dall’applicazione di normative internazionali e spesso non garantisce un miglioramento delle prestazioni. Il secondo considera il reale comportamento degli occupanti e garantisce una ge-stione misurata sulle reali esigenze degli utenti. La presente ricerca studia l’interazione tra utenti e impianto di illuminazione negli uffici e, analizzando diversi fattori, definisce modelli compor-tamentali stocastici. Un monitoraggio ambientale di durata semestrale ha permesso di acquisire dati reali in tre uffici. Le analisi hanno evidenziato che gli utenti accendono le luci in funzione della diminuzione dell’illuminamento secondo definite curve, mentre le spengono in base a eventi temporali. Per valutare quale tra le due strategie fornisse le previsioni migliori, sono stati confrontati consumi energetici reali e simulati (usando sia l’approccio standard che i modelli comportamentali). I risultati dimostrano che l’approccio comportamentale approssima i dati reali più accuratamente di quello standard, con una differenza che si attesta attorno al 10%. Imple-mentando tali logiche nei sistemi di controllo sarà possibile migliorare le prestazioni energetiche degli edifici e il comfort dei fruitori.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Data-driven Behavioural Modelling for Building Energy Simulation Based on Scripted Profiles
Proceedings of BSO 2018: 4th Building Simulation and Optimization Conference
Autore/i: Naspi, Federica; Arnesano, Marco; Revel, Gian Marco; Aird, Gordon; Klebow, Birthe; Stazi, Francesca; D'Orazio, Marco
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: Energy simulation software describe users’ behaviours with static profiles, causing significant discrepancies between actual and predicted building performances. A User Behavioural Module (UBM) tool has been developed using a data-driven approach and coupled with the IESVE energy simulation software to stochastically reproduce users’ behaviours. Initial investigation on the required number of simulations showed a deviation on the overall consumptions of about 1% in a range between a single and 20 runs of simulation. The simulated electricity consumptions varied up to 10%, applying the UBM instead of Standard profiles. The tools interoperability provides considerable enhancements to the engine and its outputs.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

The role of areal heat capacity and decrement factor in case of hyper insulated buildings: An experimental study
Autore/i: Stazi, F.; Ulpiani, G.; Pergolini, M.; Di Perna, C.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Measuring Occupants’ Behaviour for Buildings’ Dynamic Cosimulation
Autore/i: Naspi, Federica; Arnesano, Marco; Stazi, Francesca; D’Orazio, Marco; Revel, Gian Marco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Measuring and identifying human behaviours are key aspects to support the simulation processes that have a significant role in buildings’ (and cities’) design and management. In fact, layout assessments and control strategies are deeply influenced by the prediction of building performance. However, the missing inclusion of the human component within the building-related processes leads to large discrepancies between actual and simulated outcomes. This paper presents a methodology for measuring specific human behaviours in buildings and developing human-in-the-loop design applied to retrofit and renovation interventions. The framework concerns the detailed building monitoring and the development of stochastic and data-driven behavioural models and their coupling within energy simulation software using a cosimulation approach. The methodology has been applied to a real case study to illustrate its applicability. A one-year monitoring has been carried out through a dedicated sensor network for the data recording and to identify the triggers of users’ actions. Then, two stochastic behavioural models (i.e., one for predicting light switching and one for window opening) have been developed (using the measured data) and coupled within the IESVE simulation software. A simplified energy model of the case study has been created to test the behavioural approach. The outcomes highlight that the behavioural approach provides more accurate results than a standard one when compared to real profiles. The adoption of behavioural profiles leads to a reduction of the discrepancy with respect to real profiles up to 58% and 26% when simulating light switching and ventilation, respectively, in comparison to standard profiles. Using data-driven techniques to include the human component in the simulation processes would lead to better predictions both in terms of energy use and occupants’ comfort sensations. These aspects can be also included in building control processes (e.g., building management systems) to enhance the environmental and system management.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Experimental study on occupants interaction with windows and lights in Mediterranean offices during the non-heating season
Autore/i: Naspi, Federica; Arnesano, Marco; Zampetti, Lorenzo; Stazi, Francesca; Revel, Gian Marco; D'Orazio, Marco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The modelling of human behaviour is an important challenge for the building sector, as the actions of users have significant impacts on both energy consumption and comfort assessment. In the search for a comprehensive understanding of the behaviour of occupants, many researchers have directed their efforts towards determining typical patterns and developing models to predict human-building interactions. This study investigates the behaviour of building users during the summer season in offices in Mediterranean climate. Studies focusing on this area are still lacking, despite their importance for cooling loads. A survey is conducted using a dedicated sensor network to monitor environmental variables, and to determine the presence of people and their interactions with windows and lights in three offices. The driving factors for the actions of users are assessed and behavioural models are proposed. The results indicate that interactions with windows and lights are driven by both timerelated events and environmental factors, confirming previous findings. A comparison of the proposed models with others developed for different climate zones suggests that interactions with windows are affected by the geographic area, while light switching behaviour seems to be very similar for the different case studies. A simplified approach for the consideration of different user-device interactions is also proposed. This novel method, developed to evaluate the interactivity between users and building systems, is based on a coefficient of interactivity, CI. Both the behavioural models and the simplified approach could be introduced into future simulations to improve predictions of energy use in buildings.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Carbon nanofibers in polyurethane foams: Experimental evaluation of thermo-hygrometric and mechanical performance
Autore/i: Stazi, Francesca; Tittarelli, Francesca; Saltarelli, Federico; Chiappini, Gianluca; Morini, Antonio; Cerri, Graziano; Lenci, Stefano
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Polymer nanocomposites synergistically combine the good thermal properties of the hosting polymer matrix with the high mechanical performance of the fillers, providing a new class of materials with superior properties. The present study aims to evaluate in a multidisciplinary way the enhancement in mechanical and thermalhygrometric properties of low and medium density nanophased polyurethane (PUR) foams with either randomly oriented or aligned nanofibers as compared to the neat ones. To this aim, 1% weight of carbon nanofibers (CNFs) were homogeneously dispersed into polyol of PUR foam by an ultrasonic cavitation method. In parallel, a small amount of CNFs was functionalized in advance by a coprecipitation method so as to align them into the polymer matrix through an external low intensity magnetic field. SEM analyses were used to compare the microstructure of the neat and nanophased samples. Results have shown that the addition of carbon nanofibers in the foams products a closer structure with a more uniform size and shape. Moreover, functionalized CNFs play a significant role in regulating cells shape as well as strengthening cells walls. Mechanical test results also demonstrated that CNFs increase both strength and stiffness of the samples. The alignment of carbon nanofibers within medium density nanophased foams determines the highest mechanical properties. However, the more noticeable improvement in samples performance occurred in low density nanophased foams. Finally, carbon nanoparticles decrease the thermal conductivity and increase the resistance against water adsorption.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Modelli comportamentali per la previsione dell’interazione finestre-utenti nel periodo estivo
Demolition or reconstruction?
Autore/i: Naspi, Federica; Stazi, Francesca; Arnesano, Marco; Seri, Federico; Zampetti, Lorenzo; Revel, Gian Marco; D'Orazio, Marco
Editore: Edicom Edizioni
Luogo di pubblicazione: Monfalcone
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Algoritmi di ottimizzazione del comfort termico e di qualità dell’aria nelle scuole: sviluppo di un sistema BD-based
Autore/i: D'Orazio, Marco; Quagliarini, Enrico; Stazi, Francesca; Bernardini, Gabriele; Naspi, Federica; DI PERNA, Costanzo; Ulpiani, Giulia
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Livelli di comfort e consumi energetici negli edifici: verso una progettazione basata sul comportamento degli utenti
Autore/i: D'Orazio, Marco; Quagliarini, Enrico; Bernardini, Gabriele; Stazi, Francesca; Naspi, Federica
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Interazione uomo-ambiente nelle aule scolastiche: driving factors per la progettazione di soluzioni sostenibili
Autore/i: D'Orazio, Marco; Quagliarini, Enrico; Bernardini, Gabriele; Stazi, Francesca; Naspi, Federica
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Thermal Inertia in Energy Efficient Building Envelopes
Autore/i: Stazi, Francesca
Editore: Butterworth-Heinemann, Publisher Elsevier Science
Classificazione: 3 Libro
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Windows use in school buildings: findings on the influence of occupants’ actions
Autore/i: Naspi, Federica; Stazi, Francesca; D'Orazio, Marco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Impact of Occupants' Behaviour on Zero-Energy Buildings.
Autore/i: Stazi, Francesca; Naspi, Federica
Editore: Springer International Publishing
Classificazione: 3 Libro
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Comfort e qualità dell’aria per le nuove scuole smart: un innovativo sistema di apertura automatizzata delle finestre
Autore/i: Stazi, Francesca; Naspi, Federica; Ulpiani, Giulia; DI PERNA, Costanzo
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Le aule scolastiche sono un ambiente estremamente delicato sia perché rappresentano il secondo posto, dopo le mura domestiche, dove bambini e ragazzi trascorrono maggior tempo, sia per l’elevata densità di occupazione nelle aule. L’edificio scolastico dovrebbe disporre di ambienti salubri, che favoriscano l’apprendimento e l’attenzione degli studenti, che riducano al minimo la proliferazione di batteri e, di conseguenza, l’assenteismo. Fattori ambientali di disturbo, come elevate temperature e scarso ricambio d’aria, possono determinare un calo di attenzione e quindi una riduzione nel rendimento. Al contrario, se le persone lavorano in un adeguato contesto psico-fisico, l’efficienza, la produttività e il livello di benessere aumentano. Negli edifici di nuova costruzione e nelle ristrutturazioni questa problematica è ulteriormente enfatizzata dall’utilizzo di involucri superisolati e serramenti a elevata tenuta all’aria. Da un punto di vista prettamente ambientale, il problema della salubrità nelle aule può essere lenito mantenendo un adeguato livello di qualità dell’aria e di comfort termico. Questo obiettivo è stato raggiunto con l’ausilio di un sistema meccanico automatizzato che ha il compito di gestire le aperture e le chiusure delle finestre secondo un opportuno algoritmo di controllo basato sul modello di comfort adattivo. Il sistema fornisce i risultati migliori quando viene affiancato ad una progettazione intelligente delle aperture vetrate, sia a livello di posizione che di tipologia: è preferibile la collocazione delle finestre sul medesimo lato, per evitare fastidiose correnti, e l’unione del sistema ad anta con sovrapposta apertura a vasistas.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Comportamento termico degli involucri alla luce dei criteri ambientali minimi (CAM)
Autore/i: Stazi, Francesca; Pergolini, Marianna; DI PERNA, Costanzo
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Indoor air quality and thermal comfort optimization in classrooms developing an automatic system for windows opening and closing
Autore/i: Stazi, Francesca; Naspi, Federica; Ulpiani, Giulia; DI PERNA, Costanzo
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Thermal comfort and indoor air quality in school classrooms are essential requirements to promotestudents’ productivity and reduce health symptoms. This paper presents the development of an automaticsystem for window openings, based on thermal comfort and indoor air quality correlations. The researchwas carried out in two adjacent classrooms. The initial phase aimed at assessing environmental conditionsin classrooms, testing objective and subjective comfort models and establishing trigger parameters forwindow opening events; the second phase regarded the implementation of an adaptive control algorithmin an automatic system piloting windows with the aim of maintaining a satisfactory environment bothin terms of IAQ and thermal comfort. The main results show that: (1) the IAQ is a relevant issue in schoolclassrooms, because students usually suffer high CO2levels; (2) the stronger driving force for undertakingadaptive actions is thermal comfort, while the need to improve the air quality is a secondary constraint;(3) the mechanized system ensures a good quality in terms of IAQ, thermal comfort and users’ satisfaction.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Super-insulated wooden envelopes in Mediterranean climate: Summer overheating, thermal comfort optimization, environmental impact on an Italian case study
Autore/i: Stazi, Francesca; Tomassoni, Elisa; DI PERNA, Costanzo
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The aim of the study is to verify the actual performance of a super-insulated wooden envelope in aresidential building located in a hot dry summer temperate climate and to optimize its thermal behaviorfavoring a dynamic interaction with the indoor environment.The method involved an integrated strategy between monitoring and calibrated simulations on exper-imental data and the simultaneous analysis of several aspects such as energy performance (EnergyPlussoftware), comfort (dynamic analysis with Fanger’s PMV comfort model) and environmental-economicsustainability (LCA analysis with SimaPro software). Parametric analyses were carried out to generalizethe results to various usage patterns of plants and passive cooling techniques and to several climatezones.The study highlighted the presence of overheating phenomena and demonstrated that this problemcan be solved or reduced through the adoption of appropriate passive strategies, such as massive innerlinings combined with natural or hybrid ventilation.Appropriate values of internal areal heat capacity and decrement factor will configure comfortable andenergy efficient solutions.In temperate climates the optimal solution, namely the adoption of a 12 cm thick solid brick (or dou-ble dry clay panel) and natural ventilation, reduces the discomfort levels of 30–50%. In hottest periodsof extreme climates the best solution, namely CMV + free-cooling combined with internal lightweightplaster, only slightly reduces the overheating with a 6% reduction of discomfort.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

A literature review on driving factors and contextual events influencing occupants' behaviours in buildings
Autore/i: Stazi, Francesca; Naspi, Federica; D'Orazio, Marco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The present paper illustrates the results of a literature review on occupants' behaviours, assessing the actions' drivers. There is no general agreement about the reasons people interact with building systems or the driving factors that trigger their decisions. Even if lot of researchers focus on this target, they usually analyse one or two actions, while no survey makes a comprehensive investigation. Windows, lights, blinds, air-conditioning, thermostat, fans and doors patterns are investigated in different building uses (offices, houses and schools). The analysis is split in three parts: 1) evaluating the influence of environmental parameters 2) and time-related events (e.g. arrivals and departures) and 3) describing the variables adopted in behavioural models. The results suggest that not only environmental factors play a key role in the use of building systems but also contextual factors, as well as routine and habits, largely affect occupants' behaviours. Behavioural models are becoming more and more complex and comprehensive to better reproduce the human component. Considering the principal driving factors inside the behavioural models would bring a double benefit: improving the results of building simulation programs and assisting designers during the project of energy-saving and comfortable buildings
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Modelling window status in school classrooms. Results from a case study in Italy
Autore/i: Stazi, Francesca; Naspi, Federica; D'Orazio, Marco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: In free running buildings users restore their thermal comfort usually opening and closing windows. In school buildings the window use is also useful to achieve good IAQ and avoid health hazards among students and teachers. In last decades many surveys focused on this topic, in order to understand which environmental parameters are the main triggers for users' actions. This paper investigates the relationship between window use and environmental stimuli in an Italian classroom. The survey concerned the monitoring of indoor and outdoor environmental variables and occupants' actions on windows to assess if occupants were influenced by the environment and the daily routine. Linear and logistic regression analyses were carried out to evaluate the relationship between variables and actions. The results highlight that indoor and outdoor temperatures are the main action trigger, while the relationship with CO2 concentration is weak. Also the daily routine affected students' actions, in fact the opening frequency is higher during breaks. Findings from previous studies are confirmed and new insight on behavioral pattern for school classrooms are presented.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Nanotechnology on wood: The effect of photocatalytic nanocoatings against Aspergillus niger
Autore/i: Goffredo, Giovanni Battista; Citterio, Barbara; Biavasco, Francesca; Stazi, Francesca; Barcelli, Sara; Munafò, Placido
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Numerical assessment of the impact of roof reflectivity and building envelope thermal transmittance on the UHI effect
Autore/i: DI GIUSEPPE, Elisa; Pergolini, Marianna; Stazi, Francesca
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Cool materials benefits for the mitigation of the urban microclimate overheating caused by Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect are well-established at international level. Since the need for building energy efficiency is more and more pushing towards highly insulated envelope, there is a growing need for studies that address the correlation between the optical properties of building coatings and the thermal transmittance of the envelope where they are applied, also assessing their mutual impact on the UHI. The present paper reports a study, carried out through a fluid-dynamic microclimate simulation software in an Italian urban context, aiming at understanding the impact of the combination of several roof covering optical properties and building envelope U-value levels on the UHI, given the recent nation threshold values for both. The outcomes of the simulations, performed in urban contexts with a typical morphology of Italian town centres and under different climatic conditions, highlight how the increase of the environment air temperatures is influenced by the combinations of the following factors: lower urban canyons, roof surfaces with low solar reflectivity and highly insulated envelopes. In fact, the high insulation levels, in response to current regulatory standards for the reduction of winter energy consumption, inhibit the ingoing thermal fluxes (thermal decoupling phenomenon) leading to an increase of the external surface temperatures and consequently heating up the surrounding area. In this regard, the adoption of reflective materials can be beneficial in attenuating the overheating. Simulation results demonstrate that these materials are able to mitigate the outdoor air temperature until 2°C, depending on specific building envelope configurations and geographical locations.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Design of a smart system for indoor climate control in historic underground built environment
Autore/i: Stazi, Francesca; Gregorini, Benedetta; Gianangeli, Andrea; Bernardini, Gabriele; Quagliarini, Enrico
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The application of sensors-actuators networks in Building Heritage can lead to significant improvement in indoor climate control, with the aim to both reduce energy consumption, and improve conditions for occupants and hosted Heritage. This study proposes the preliminary design of a smart indoor climate control system, based on low-impact application criteria, which can be applied to visited underground built environment. The system is based on the balance of hygrothermal loads. Sensors and actuators requirements are defined, and control algorithm are based on the comparison between real-time monitored and “natural” temperature and hygrometric values (for stationary and transitory conditions).
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Comparing real and predicted window use in offices. A POE-based assessment
Autore/i: Stazi, Francesca; Naspi, Federica; Bernardini, Gabriele; D'Orazio, Marco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Accurate predictions of human-building interactions are essential to decrease energy waste and improve indoor comfort. Although users’ dynamic behaviour has been recognised, most of simulation programs still work using deterministic rules. This paper investigates the effectiveness of both deterministic and stochastic models in reproducing window openings, using a Post- Occupancy evaluation (POE). A summer monitoring campaign in offices settled in Mediterranean climate was performed to acquire experimental data. Results highlight that deterministic approaches poorly reflect real behaviours. Probabilistic models seem to represent effective users’ actions. Findings demonstrate the urgent need of behavioural approaches in simulations.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Colloqui.AT.e 2016 Convegno Ar.Tec - Matera
Autore/i: Naspi, Federica; Stazi, Francesca; D'Orazio, Marco
Editore: Gangemi
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: Le finestre sono lo strumento maggiormente utilizzato dagli utenti di un edificio per ristabilire la sensazione di comfort termico. Nelle scuole, l’utilizzo delle finestre permette di migliorare la qualità dell’aria ed evita lo sviluppo di malattie respiratorie. Numerose ricerche recenti si sono occupate di definire i parametri ambientali che stimolano maggiormente le azioni degli utenti. Il presente articolo analizza le relazioni che intercorrono tra l’uso delle finestre e alcuni parametri ambientali nelle aule italiane. Lo studio ha previsto il monitoraggio simultaneo delle variabili ambientali e delle azioni degli occupanti e analisi in regressione lineare e logistica per individuare le correlazioni. I risultati evidenziano che le azioni degli studenti sono influenzate principalmente dalla temperatura interna e da quella esterna e avvengono con più frequenza durante gli intervalli tra lezioni consecutive.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

An experimental study on earth plasters for earthen building protection: the effect of different admixtures and surface treatments
Autore/i: Stazi, Francesca; Nacci, Andrea; Tittarelli, Francesca; Pasqualini, Erio; Munafo', Placido
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: In rainy climates, the external surfaces of earthen buildings suffer water erosion. In this paper, the properties of earth plasters have been investigated considering the specific relationship with the underlying substrate. Ten typologies of earth plasters containing different admixtures and surface treatments, a cob wall and a rammed earth wall were produced in laboratory. The aim is to evaluate the effectiveness of the coatings in protecting the earthen walls against weathering. An in situ procedure consisting of a shrinkage test followed by an adhesion strength test was performed in order to identify the earth/sand ratio optimal for the plaster manufacturing. Then, a series of tests was carried out both on the plasters and the two walls: compression, water vapor permeability, surface color, wettability, water absorption and erosion. The results demonstrate that all the plasters are physically and mechanically compatible with the earthen substrates and that the most important differences are in the specific relationship with water. The earth plaster treated with the silane–siloxane product was found to be the best one: it is fully compatible, water-repellent and highly resistant to water erosion. Hence, there is a potential for the use of earth plasters for the protection of earthen buildings against weathering.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Comfort e qualità dell’aria per scuole smart: un innovativo sistema di apertura automatizzata delle finestre
Autore/i: DI PERNA, Costanzo; Stazi, Francesca; Ulpiani, Giulia; Naspi, Federica
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Durability of different glass coatings in humid and saline environments, ageing impact on heat-light transmission and thermal comfort
Autore/i: Stazi, Francesca; Giampaoli, Margherita; Tittarelli, Francesca; DI PERNA, Costanzo; Munafo', Placido
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The present study investigates the durability of different types of glass coatings (four solar control, two low-emissivity and one self-cleaning) with various metal compositions. In the experimental phase, physical, chemical, optical and energy properties were evaluated, before and after two ageing treatments: hot-wet and salt-spray. In the numerical phase, the energy performance of a double glazing with the selected coatings were compared by adopting an office room as case study. Heating, cooling, artificial lighting consumptions, solar gains, daylighting factors and summer comfort levels were analysed. Further, the environmental impact in the use phase was assessed. The salt-spray environment resulted to have the highest incidence on the film performance. In the physical and chemical tests, the worst resistance was shown by the coatings with the highest silver percentages, with consequent significant decay of the light transmittance. The films with niobium and titanium showed the best durability. On the other hand, the silver-based coatings demonstrated the best solar selectivity and the highest performance in term of energy consumptions, comfort levels and CO2 emissions, both before and after ageing
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Mechanical performance reduction of GFRP specimens with polyester matrix exposed to continuous condensation
Autore/i: Stazi, Francesca; Giampaoli, Margherita; Nisi, Laura; Rossi, Marco; Munafo', Placido
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: In this experimental study, GFRP small specimens and full-scale profiles with polyester matrix were exposed for six months to a constant temperature of 40 C and relative humidity of 98e100%. The trend of absorption during the ageing treatment was evaluated and, after the exposure period, the mass increment and mechanical properties of aged specimens were compared to un-aged ones. Tensile tests were conducted on dog-bone geometries with different fiber orientations (0, 45 and 90), while squared tubular profiles were employed in flexural and torsional tests. The trend of absorption was found to be pseudo-Fickian and the weight increment was very similar for all the tested samples. The artificial ageing reduced the mechanical properties in the matrix dominant direction of GFRP profiles. In tensile tests, the ageing treatment produced different effects depending on specimen fiber orientations: the lowest strength and elastic modulus reductions (respectively of about 4 and 5%) were registered by those specimens tested along the direction of fibers (0), which are only moderately affected by moisture and heat. The same failure modes in tension, before and after ageing, were observed for all fiber directions. Both torsional and flexural properties resulted to be significantly decreased (8%). In these latter loading types, the aged matrix is more involved in the failure mechanisms and this was confirmed by the failure modes that after ageing showed more evident fractures.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Towards a Comprehensive Approach to Sustainable Urban Planning: Integrated Estimation of Housing Electricity Consumption and Photovoltaic Generation Potential Using the web-based framework iGUESS®
Renewable Energy in the Service of Mankind Vol I
Autore/i: Mastrucci, Alessio; Braun, Christian; Baume, Olivier; Stazi, Francesca; Leopold, Ulrich
Editore: Springer
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Experimentation on historic timber trusses to identify repair techniques compliant with the original structural–constructive conception
Autore/i: Munafo', Placido; Stazi, Francesca; Tassi, Camilla; Davi', Fabrizio
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The paper focuses on historic timber trusses to characterize the original failure mode and identify suitable repair techniques. 4 full scale trusses with different spans (6 and 12 m) and assembly modes for the king-post to tie beam connection (close or open node) were submitted to symmetric load carrying test up to failure. For all the assemblies the failure mechanism advantageously occurred for sliding shear in the tie beam toe (the heel) with subsequent structure capability to support additional loads. The king post to tie beam node configuration was found to influence the ultimate load value and the overall structure deformation without changing the original mode of collapse. The most common type of truss (in surveyed Italian areas) was then selected (6m, open node) to test up to failure four different heel repair techniques: screws, bolts, lateral steel plates with screws, internal steel plates with epoxy resin. Only one technique, the one with internal glued plates, enhanced the overall load carrying capacity but proper measures should be taken to avoid the sudden failure of the tie beam end. The introduction of lateral plates with screws restored the original load carrying capacity, improved the node ductility and reduced the upper ridge lowering.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

The effect of high thermal insulation on high thermal mass: Is the dynamic behaviour of traditional envelopes in Mediterranean climates still possible?
Autore/i: Stazi, Francesca; Bonfigli, Cecilia; Tomassoni, Elisa; DI PERNA, Costanzo; Munafo', Placido
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The paper aims at studying the effect of both high thermal insulation and high thermal mass techniques in buildings dynamic behaviour in Mediterranean climates. The two techniques can lead to conflicting requirements when considering winter and summer conditions, or even high daily temperature ranges. Therefore, the best solution for the summer can be the worst solution for the winter. It is necessary to identify insulation measures that conserve the mass dynamic behaviour. Experimental investigations were carried out on a single-family house to characterize the behaviour of two walls with different thermal inertia. Thermal simulations made it possible to explore different retrofit configurations also including dynamic strategies. The solutions were compared on comfort, energy savings and global cost. The study shows that the most suitable intervention is the maximization of the internal heat capacity and the introduction of an external insulation layer sealed in wintertime and ventilated in summer, thus maintaining the existing massive envelope seasonal dynamic behaviour by alternatively maximising thermal barrier effect and heat loss. Considering this, the authors introduced a recently patented dynamic system that reduces both summer discomfort levels and consumption, respectively, of about 20% and 43% respect to the worst retrofit solution.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Environmental ageing on GFRP pultruded joints: Comparison between different adhesives
Autore/i: Stazi, Francesca; Giampaoli, Margherita; Rossi, Marco; Munafo', Placido
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: In this paper, a series of mechanical tests were performed on GFRP (glass fibre-reinforced polymers) specimens, adhesively bonded in single-lap and butt joints, in both un-aged and aged conditions. Six different types of adhesives were compared: two epoxy, one acrylic, one methacrylate and two polyurethane adhesives. Two ageing conditions were investigated, i.e. temperature/moisture changes and UV exposure. Both environmental exposures had a slight effect on the load carrying capacity of the joints, while they remarkably increased their elongation, with a stiffness decrease of about 70 90%. For some adhesives, the load carrying capacity was improved because of the completion of the polymerization process caused by the high or slightly high temperatures. For all joints, in both exposures a great stiffness decrease occurred: it was ascribed to the reaching of adhesives Tg during cycles of combined high and low temperatures and to the polymer bonds dissociation during UV radiation. Both before and after the two ageing treatments, the highest load carrying capacity was recorded by the epoxy adhesives that, on the contrary, showed the highest joint elongations. The two polyurethane adhesives always recorded similar ultimate loads, but one of them presented lower deformations, also showing the best compatibility with pultruded laminates.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Estimating energy savings for the residential building stock of an entire city: A GIS-based statistical downscaling approach appliedto Rotterdam
Autore/i: Mastrucci, Alessio; Baume, Oliver; Stazi, Francesca; Leopold, Urlich
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Energy retrofit of buildings represents an important sector for mobilizing investments to address carbonmitigation of cities. The identification of the actual energy consumption profile of large building stocksis a necessary step to evaluate the impact of retrofit measures, e.g. energy savings, at city scale.The present study introduces a bottom-up statistical methodology based on a Geographical InformationSystem (GIS) to estimate the energy consumption of residential stocks across an entire city.The adoption of a multiple linear regression model allows the downscaling of measured natural gasand electricity consumption from the aggregated post-code level to single dwellings, based on severaldescriptors, such as dwelling type, period of construction, floor surface and number of occupants. Theenergy consumption is apportioned to different end-uses and corrected for weather, then the energysavings potential is estimated by accounting for the implementation of typical refurbishment measures.Results are finally aggregated across the whole city for evidence-based decision support in sustainableurban planning.The study provided relevant results to prioritize the implementation of energy retrofit measures forthe residential stock of Rotterdam city, consisting of about 300,000 dwellings. The methodology can befurther applied to other contexts due to its generic nature.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Assessment of the actual hygrothermal performance of glass mineralwool insulation applied 25 years ago in masonry cavity walls
Autore/i: Stazi, Francesca; Tittarelli, Francesca; Politi, Giacomo; DI PERNA, Costanzo; Munafo', Placido
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: An experimental study was carried out on buildings constructed in the 1980s adopting vertical envelopeswith a glass wool insulation layer in the cavity. The aims of this study are to evaluate the insulationconservation state after 25 years, to assess the actual indoor thermal comfort and to compare differentretrofit interventions.The research included the following phases: laboratory tests on insulation samples to quantify anychanges of morphological, chemical, physical and thermal proprieties of the material; detailed on-sitemonitoring in order to analyze the thermal comfort conditions; dynamic thermal simulations to assess theimpact of different retrofit scenarios to satisfy the limits imposed by the current energy saving standard.The results show that the glass fibers and the binder were affected by a degradation process thusincreasing both water absorption and thermal conductivity; thermal comfort and consumptions were notinfluenced by the insulation aging; the most effective retrofit is the introduction of an external insulationlayer.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

GIS-based approach to estimate energy savings and indoor thermal comfort for urban housing stock retrofitting
Human-centred building(s)
Autore/i: Alessio, Mastrucci; Olivier, Baume; Stazi, Francesca; Susanna, Salvucci; Ulrich, Leopold
Editore: Christoph van Treeck, Dirk Müller
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Invisible Window Frame
Autore/i: Munafo', Placido; Stazi, Francesca
Classificazione: 6 Brevetti
Abstract: Finestra con ante senza telaio a vista inserito tra due vetri che collaborano strutturalmente al telaio stesso. Sistema che consente di utilizzare tutte le tipologie di apertura: anta apribile, ribalta, scorrevole, ecc.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Energy, comfort and environmental assessment of different building envelope techniques in a Mediterranean climate with a hot dry summer
Autore/i: Stazi, Francesca; Tomassoni, Elisa; Bonfigli, Cecilia; DI PERNA, Costanzo
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The EU regulations on energy saving have been implemented in Italy with the adoption of the North-European super-insulated model that led to the construction of buildings not much related to their climatic context. The European Directives 2010/31/EU and 2012/27/EU highlighted the importance to consider the specific climate but the development of a technical culture suitable for a temperate climate stillremains an open question. The aim of the paper is to quantify the effect on energy consumptions, comfort levels, environmental sustainability of the adoption of 3 energy efficient envelopes recently introduced in Mediterranean area and characterized by different thermal inertia (masonry, wood–cement, wood). In order to achieve this goal, a multidisciplinary approach was adopted involving: the study of the energy performance in winter and summer using analytical models both in semi-stationary and dynamic conditions (Termo and EnergyPlus programs) and the detailed analysis of thermal bridges (Therm software); the analysis of the annual comfort through dynamic analysis with Fanger’s PMV and adaptive comfort models; the quantification of environmental–economic impacts through LCA analysis (SimaPro software) with Eco-indicator 99, CED, EPS 2000 and IPCC 2001 GWP methods and LCC considering financial and environmental costs. The results made it possible to stress the differences between the various adopted methods and demonstrate that in such energy efficient envelopes the thermal mass has low influence on energy saving while it has a great effect on comfort levels and environmental burdens, with a conflicting incidence on these two aspects.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Comparison on solar shadings: Monitoring of the thermo-physical behaviour, assessment of the energy saving, thermal comfort, natural lighting and environmental impact
Autore/i: Stazi, Francesca; Marinelli, Simona; DI PERNA, Costanzo; Munafo', Placido
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The paper presents an analytical and experimental study on external solar shadings. The purpose is to compare the behaviour of different typologies in various seasons in a Mediterranean climate from the point of view of thermo-physical behaviour, energy consumptions, thermal comfort, day lighting and environmental impact. The study included two phases: i. Simultaneous summer monitoring of different devices typical of a perimeter office building: sliding perforated panels, ventilated double-glazed window, aluminium horizontal louvers; ii. In-depth study of the louver shading devices through the analysis of the impact of adopting different materials, length of slats and vertical distance between slats. Configurations mainly adopted on residential buildings were also considered. The following activities were carried out: simultaneous winter monitoring of different louver shading devices, aluminium horizontal louvers, aluminium persiana, traditional wooden persiana; dynamic thermal simulations (Energy Plus software) to analyse energy consumptions, indoor thermal comfort and daylighting for different seasons and louvers configurations; assessment of the environmental impact with LCA analysis (SimaPro software). The study made it possible to highlight different behaviours of the shadings depending on their specific characteristics. The shade permeability influences the presence and efficacy of the stack effect in the air channel behind it while its geometries and materials (with relative optical and thermal properties) have an impact on the temperature trends of the adjacent layers, on yearly consumptions, on indoor thermal comfort and on uniformity level of the natural light. The results demonstrate that the wooden solution could to be a good compromise between the different aspects and that adopting an aluminium louver screen it is important to choice configurations characterized by wide and movable slats.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Experimental assessment of a zinc-titanium ventilated fac¸ ade in a Mediterranean climate
Autore/i: Stazi, Francesca; Vegliò, Ambra; DI PERNA, Costanzo
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: An experimental study was carried out on ventilated fac¸ ades with zinc-titanium cladding in a hot-summer Mediterranean climate. The aim was to investigate the thermo-physical performance, verifying the effect of the following parameters: (i) the height of the ventilation channel; (ii) the external climate conditions (direct solar radiation, wind); (iii) the exposure to sunlight; (iv) the type of external facing. The study involved the simultaneous monitoring of walls with zinc-titanium cladding with ventilation channels of different heights (4 m, 8 m and 12 m) and different exposure (south, east and west). The data obtained were also compared with those measured on ventilated walls with clay cladding (12 m south-facing wall). The results allowed to experimentally verify for the studied fac¸ ades the strong relationship between difference in internal-to-external air temperature and airflow rate and to demonstrate that while the wind pressure strongly influences the lower walls airflow rate, it does not affect the higher walls performance. The exposure of the wall causes only a slight shift in the onset of the stack effect. The Reynolds number was calculated and the different air flow conditions in the ventilation channel were identified. Linear relationship between the external air temperature and air temperature in the gap were identified for each studied wall. The qualitative comparison with ventilated fac¸ ades characterised by a massive clay cladding showed that the cladding’s inertia influences the time in which the stack effect becomes more effective: during the night for low inertia claddings and during the daytime for massive ones.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Degradation of Glass Mineral Wool Insulation after 25 Years in Masonry Cavity Walls
International Journal Conference on Humanities, Bio-Science, Chemical and Environmental Engineering (HBCEE'2014)
Autore/i: Francesca, Tittarelli; Stazi, Francesca; Giacomo, Politi; DI PERNA, Costanzo; Munafo', Placido
Editore: International Scientific Academy of Engineering & Technology
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: An experimental study was carried out on glass wool insulation extracted from the cavity of vertical envelope of buildings constructed in the 1980s to evaluate the insulation conservation state after 25 years. Laboratory tests on insulation samples were carried out to assess any changes of the morphological, chemical, physical and thermal properties of the material. The results show that in glass mineral wool insulation, the glass fibers and the binder were affected by a degradation process thus increasing both water absorption and thermal conductivity.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Experimental comparison between 3 different traditional wall constructions and dynamic simulations to identify optimal thermal insulation strategies
Autore/i: Stazi, Francesca; Vegliò, Ambra; DI PERNA, Costanzo; Munafo', Placido
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The aim of this research is to verify the dynamic performance of 3 envelopes characterised by different traditional wall constructions adopted in temperate climates. In each case the optimal retrofit solution from the point of view of comfort and energy savings is identified. To that end contemporary experimental comparisons were made between 3 buildings which are characteristic of the existing building heritage. They were all constructed between the 1940s and the 1980s adopting envelopes which use different wall constructions to deal with the outdoor climate conditions: capacity (high thermal mass), stratification (different layers and a cavity), and resistance (the use of an insulation layer). Dynamic parametric analyses (EnergyPlus, CFD Fluent) were carried out in order to verify the impact of different retrofit solutions on the buildings studied. The results show that the behaviour of the 3 envelopes differs greatly because they interact in different ways according to climate changes. The use of considerable thicknesses of thermal insulation causes problems of overheating when coupled with high thermal mass, while it is an improvement in the stratified envelopes. The problem of summer discomfort can be resolved by adopting mixed insulation strategies such as a ventilated external insulation layer, which allows the existing envelopes to maintain their dynamic behaviour.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Serramento per finestra
Autore/i: Munafo', Placido; Stazi, Francesca
Classificazione: 6 Brevetti
Abstract: Finestra con ante mobili di solo vetro, senza telaio a vista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Degradation of Glass Mineral Wool Insulation after 25 Years in Masonry Cavity Walls
Autore/i: Tittarelli, Francesca; Stazi, Francesca; Politi, Giacomo; DI PERNA, Costanzo; Munafo', Placido
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: An experimental study was carried out on glass wool insulation extracted from the cavity of vertical envelope of buildings constructed in the 1980s to evaluate the insulation conservation state after 25 years. Laboratory tests on insulation samples were carried out to assess any changes of the morphological, chemical, physical and thermal properties of the material. The results show that in glass mineral wool insulation, the glass fibers and the binder were affected by a degradation process thus increasing both water absorption and thermal conductivity.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Traditional houses with stone walls in temperate climates: the impact of various insulation strategies
Effective Thermal Insulation - The Operative Factor of a Passive Building Model
Autore/i: Stazi, Francesca; Angeletti, F.; DI PERNA, Costanzo
Editore: InTech - Open Access Publisher
Luogo di pubblicazione: Rijeka
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: The present chapter focuses on the yearly behaviour of a traditional farmhouse in a temperate Italian climate and analyses the impact of alternative energy saving strategies on summer comfort and winter consumptions. The aim of the current study was to: - identify combinations of thermal insulation interventions which: optimise winter energy saving and summer internal comfort without modifying the close relationship between architecture and specific climate typical of traditional buildings; respect the building material consistency and the façades aesthetic appearance. - compare the performance of this traditional architecture (after the retrofit intervention) with that of a modern building, of the type encouraged by new energy saving legislation (lightweight and super-insulated). To that aim a series of monitoring activities in summer and in winter were carried out to investigate the internal environmental conditions and to calibrate a simulation model with the software Energyplus. This model was used to assess the impact of various energy-saving strategies on winter energy consumptions and summer comfort with the method of Percentage outside the comfort range (EN 15251:2007-08).
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Comparative assessment of wood, cement-bonded wood fiber and brick construction technologies in a mediterranean climate with regard to consumption, comfort and environmental impact
Visions for the future of housing. Mega Cities
Autore/i: Stazi, Francesca; Bonfigli, C.; Tomassoni, E.; Stazi, Alessandro
Editore: Oktay Ural; Muhammed Sahin; Derin Ural
Luogo di pubblicazione: Istanbul
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: Energy efficiency regulations encourage lightweight building constructions and super-insulation, which are not suited to temperate climates where the aspects of comfort and summer cooling consumption are dominant compared to winter consumption. The aim of the paper is to compare the annual behaviour of different constructive technologies in a temperate climate through an analytical study of three buildings soon to be constructed in Ancona (central Italy). These buildings are equal in dimension and distribution and they differ in the adoption of three constructive technologies (widely used in the Italian current practice), characterized by a different configuration of inertial mass-thermal insulation. The three buildings have been compared according to different points of view: energy performance, comfort, environmental sustainability. The energy performance has been studied through analytical models in semi-stationary and dynamic conditions; the comfort has been analyzed through the Fanger’s PMV model for the winter season and through the adaptive comfort model for the summer season; energy and environmental sustainability have been addressed through the life cycle assessment (LCA) of the materials and the cost-benefit analysis. In Mediterranean climates the masonry represents a good solution with lower consumption during the summer, minimum exploitation of environmental resources and affordability.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Life cycle assessment approach for the optimization of sustainable building envelopes: An application on solar wall systems
Autore/i: Stazi, Francesca; Mastrucci, Alessio; Munafo', Placido
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Design of sustainable building envelopes requires the analysis of environmental performances in every stage of their life cycle. As a matter of fact, the production phase of building materials and components can significantly contribute to the total energy consumption and environmental loads of buildings. However, façade systems such as passive solar systems, ventilated walls and double skins, are usually not designed considering aspects related to their life cycle. Furthermore, there are still few studies concerning the optimization and the combined effect of different design features of complex façades on environmental and energy performances. This paper introduces an integrated approach for the optimization of energy and environmental performances of complex building envelopes that combines life cycle assessment, energy simulation and optimization analysis with factorial plan technique. The environmental performance was calculated in terms of energy demand and CO2 emissions in the production phase and operational phase. The methodology was applied to an exemplary case study with solar wall systems. The results showed that solar walls have high environmental impact both in the production and operational phases. Results of the optimization analysis demonstrated that it is possible to reduce the CO2 emissions and cumulative energy demand of solar walls for both the production and use phases up to 55% in comparison with a traditional design. This methodology may be generally applied to the sustainability analysis, design and optimization of efficient façade systems.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Retrofitting using a dynamic envelope to ensure thermal comfort, energy savings and low environmental impact in Mediterranean climates
Autore/i: Stazi, Francesca; Veglio', Ambra; DI PERNA, Costanzo; Munafo', Placido
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The paper presents an experimental and analytic study on multi-storey residential buildings without thermal insulation that were constructed before the introduction of energy saving standards (Italian Law 373/1976). Several activities were carried out to identify the optimal retrofit in terms of comfort, energy consumption and environmental impact: typological analysis of 70 buildings in the province of Macerata (Central Italy) and energy analysis of representative case studies; monitoring of a selected case study during summer and winter; thermal simulation of the building in dynamic conditions with EnergyPlus software and calibration of the virtual model by comparison with experimental results; parametric analyses to predict the effect of various retrofit solutions on comfort and energy consumption; environmental impact on the different solutions. It was possible to identify the optimal retrofit solutions for the external vertical and horizontal envelopes. The study showed that the most effective strategy is the insulation of the external vertical wall. The introduction of an external ventilated coating was found to be the optimal solution in a temperate climate.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Recommendation for restoration of Modern buildings with stone cladding and steel windows: A multi-disciplinary approach on a significant case study
Autore/i: Stazi, Francesca; Mugianesi, Enrico; Munafo', Placido
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The paper reports the results of a multi-disciplinary study carried out on a significant example of Modernist architecture, dating back to the Fascist period in Italy. The buildings of that period are as laboratories for architectural innovation and are characterized by the adoption of new constructive and technological solutions for the elimination of the decorative and functional element in order to obtain pure volumes. This characteristic feature caused in a great number of Modern buildings design errors and the deterioration of the unprotected elements. In order to safeguard this heritage it is necessary to have a thorough understanding of the materials and the techniques used. This can be achieved only through a multi-disciplinary approach on relevant case studies. The current study was carried out on the characteristic construction components of the main façade of a selected building, the stone cladding and the steel windows, to have a more thorough awareness of the techniques used and to verify the state of conservation. It was also possible to hypothesise conservation actions coherent with the material culture.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

The behaviour of solar walls in residential buildings with different insulation levels: an experimental and numerical study
Autore/i: Stazi, Francesca; Mastrucci, Alessio; DI PERNA, Costanzo
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The paper presents a study on the behaviour of solar walls in a residential building under a Mediterranean climate,in terms of energy performances and thermal comfort all year round. The aims of this study are: the investigation of Trombe wall’s thermal behaviour; the evaluation of solar wall’s influence on heating and cooling energy needs and indoor thermal comfort; the analysis and optimization of solar wall’s behaviour in an accommodation varying the envelope insulation level. In order to do that,various activities were carried out: a series of monitoring campaigns in different seasons; dynamic simulations with software EnergyPlus; calibration of the model with experimental data; parametric analyses on the interaction between solar walls (on the southern side) and different types of building envelopes (on the other exposures) varying the insulation level according to recent standards. The results demonstrated that solar wall provides heating energy savings and thermal comfort in winter and intermediate seasons. A significant improvement of the solar wall’s performances can be obtained using double glazing. In summer solar walls determine an increase in cooling energy needs and risk of overheating. The use of solar wall’s shading and ventilation reduces such drawbacks and leads to indoor conditions within comfort range.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Trombe wall management in summer conditions: an experimental study
Autore/i: Stazi, Francesca; Mastrucci, Alessio; DI PERNA, Costanzo
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The application of Trombe walls in temperate climates is problematic due to undesired heat gains and overheating phenomena in summer. A proper shading and ventilation of this system can reduce such drawbacks, but the impact of these strategies on the wall’s thermal parameters is yet not widely investigated in quantitative terms. This paper presents an experimental study on the thermal behavior of Trombe walls in summer under Mediterranean climate conditions. The aim of the study is to determine experimentally the thermal parameters of a Trombe wall in summer conditions through the changing of shading, ventilation and operational conditions. In order to do that a series of experimental campaigns were carried out on a case study. A detailed simultaneous monitoring of two Trombe walls made it possible to compare the thermal behavior by varying the screening, ventilation and internal gains conditions. Furthermore, monitoring of indoor thermal comfort conditions and energy simulation using a model in dynamic state were carried out. The results showed that shading, ventilation and occupancy conditions affect significantly the thermal parameters of Trombe wall in summer: screening with roller shutters determines a decrease in internal surface temperature of the wall of 1.4 C and a decrease in daily heat gains of about 0.5 MJ/m2; the combined use of overhangs, roller shutters and cross ventilation for the Trombe wall can assure a satisfactory thermal comfort level in summer and a reduction of the cooling energy needs respectively of 72.9% and 63.0% for a dwelling with low or highly insulated building envelope in comparison with the case of an unvented Trombe wall without solar protections.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Experimental and numerical study on a ventilated Trombe wall
World Sustainable Building Conference
Autore/i: DI PERNA, Costanzo; R., Mosciatti; Stazi, Francesca
Editore: Thety Suomessa
Luogo di pubblicazione: Finland
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Experimental and numerical study on the performance of solar walls in Mediterranean climates
World Renewable Energy Congress – Sweden, 8–13 May, 2011, Linköping, Sweden
Autore/i: Stazi, Francesca; Mastrucci, Alessio; DI PERNA, Costanzo
Editore: Linköping University Electronic Press; Linköpings universitet
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Analysis of the mean radiant temperature in well insulated buildings: experimental comparison between low temperature radiator and floor radiant heating system; internal reflecting solar shading effect
Energy refurbishment of existing buildings: which solutions for an integrated System, Envelope, Plant, Control
Autore/i: DI PERNA, Costanzo; Mosciatti, Rosaria; URSINI CASALENA, Andrea; Stazi, Francesca
Editore: F.R.D'Ambrosio
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: The paper reports the results of an experimental and analytic study on the behaviour of an internal environment characterized by high thermal insulation and alternative heating systems, low temperature radiator or floor heating system. The aims of the research are: to analyse the wintertime discomfort caused by the window in the two types of thermal plant; to verify the effectiveness of the adoption of internal reflective solar shadings to reduce the discomfort penetration depth. To that aims an experimental campaign was carried out in a full scale test room equipped with a window under controlled conditions. Wall surface temperatures, heat fluxes, globe temperature distribution, air temperature distribution and air velocity near the window were measured. Thermal discomfort was assessed by the analysis of the mean radiant temperature’s distribution (TMR). Numerical simulation were performed with a commercial code able to calculate the mean radiant temperature for different position along different axes. Experimental and numerical results were compared to check the reliability of the numerical analysis. The experimental results showed that at a distance of 1 m from the window the globe temperature was lower than 19°C. This occurs when the room was heated by floor radiant heating systems. The discomfort penetration depth decreases to 0,50 m with low temperature radiator and to 0,30 m with internal reflective solar shading. Internal reflective solar shading system reduces the variation of the mean radiant temperature near the window and the heat losses through the window.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Modulo per cappotto e cappotto
Autore/i: Munafo', Placido; Stazi, Francesca
Classificazione: 6 Brevetti
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Influence of the internal inertia of the building envelope on summertime comfort in buildings with high internal heat loads
Autore/i: DI PERNA, Costanzo; Stazi, Francesca; Ursini Casalena, Andrea; D'Orazio, Marco
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The aim of this study was to assess the influence of thermal mass placed on the inner side of the building envelope, described as the dynamic internal areal heat capacity (International Standard ISO 13786), on the summertime thermal comfort in buildings characterised by high internal heat loads. To that aim, simultaneous monitoring was carried out on rooms with high internal heat loads (school classrooms), varying the internal inertia of the envelope through the introduction of an insulating panel on the interior side. Analytical assessment was performed in order to include different inertia values and combinations of both external and internal heat loads. The study allowed the threshold values of internal areal heat capacity to be determined with respect to the different periodic transmittance values of the walls, assessed according to the adaptive thermal comfort model described in Standard EN15251. These values could be adopted in energy saving regulations which, being based on semi-stationary calculation models, tend to consider the performance of building envelopes as analogous even if there is different thermal inertia
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Experimental evaluation of ventilated walls with an external clay cladding
Autore/i: Stazi, Francesca; Tomassoni, Francesca; Veglio', Ambra; DI PERNA, Costanzo
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The paper presents the results of an experimental study on ventilated walls with an external clay cladding in a temperate Mediterranean climate. The aim of this work is to assess the actual thermal performance of the ventilated façade with a complete thermo-fluid dynamic analysis. The paper describes the experimental work carried out on walls with different exposure and various heights of the ventilation channel (6 m and 12 m) with controlled internal air temperature. The air velocities, temperatures and heat fluxes in the ventilated facade were monitored and correlations between the thermo-physical parameters were identified. The study showed that, on sunny days, the external surface temperatures, temperatures in the air cavity and air velocity in the gap are considerably higher for the 12 m wall, while during the nighttime lower temperatures are found for the various layers of the wall. The data obtained allowed us to calculate the Reynolds number and to identify the airflow rate in the channel. Correlations were found between the air velocity in the gap, the airflow rate, the Reynolds number and the suneair temperature. These correlations are useful for modelling ventilated walls, which are generally very complex, with simplified equivalent walls. Finally it was possible to identify the peak temperatures with respect to exposure and thermal lag. The thermo-graphic analysis showed that the behaviour of the walls is almost uniform without thermal bridges.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Traditional massive building or “passivhaus”? Contradictions between Traditional Architecture and International Standards
Regional Architecture in the Mediterranean area
Autore/i: Stazi, Francesca
Editore: Alinea
Luogo di pubblicazione: Firenze
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: The aim of the research is to study the behaviour of buildings with various kinds of outer envelopes for different temperate climates in the Mediterranean regions during the summer, the winter and in the intermediate seasons. In particular that studies are aimed at deducing the performance of the various envelopes in term of both energy consumption and internal comfort. In order to study that problems we carried out various monitoring activities and parametric analysis of 5 different cases-study. The results from these studies enabled us to work out early proposals for: a summer energy certification strictly connected to climatic and usage conditions; as well as guidelines for carrying out a designing activity in temperate climates that considers both the summer and the winter issues. In particular we tested the inadequacy of the completely glazed buildings and we demonstrated that the “passivhauses”, slightly better from the energetic point of view, turn out to be unsuitable from the comfort point of view because in temperate climates the mass plays a fundamental role especially during the middle seasons.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Thermal behaviour of vented roofs
Autore/i: D'Orazio, Marco; DI PERNA, Costanzo; Stazi, Francesca
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Il cappotto funziona
Autore/i: Stazi, Francesca; Munafo', Placido
Editore: BE MA Editrice:Via Teocrito 50, I 20128 Milan Italy:011 39 02 25207281, EMAIL:, Fax: 011 39 02 27000692
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Durability of 20 year old external insulation and assessment of various types of retrofitting to meet new energy regulations.
Autore/i: Stazi, Francesca; DI PERNA, Costanzo; Munafo', Placido
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The exterior envelope of some social housing scheme buildings constructed at the beginning of the 1970s without thermal insulation has proved to be the cause of great thermal loss and condensation. At the start of the 1980s, in order to resolve these problems, our research group carried out a study which led to the introduction of external thermal insulation (on the basis of previously developed performance specifications) and verification of the thermal performance achieved. With the aim of verifying the efficacy of the intervention after 20 years and in order to assess the thermal–hygrometric performance and the state of conservation of the exterior envelope we carried out a two stage study: 1. Performance analysis carried out through monitoring and laboratory tests. 2. Formulation of hypotheses for retrofitting, assessed through simulations and parametric analysis. The results showed the efficacy and durability from the thermal–hygrometric and mechanical point of view of the external insulation applied in the 1980s. It was also possible to verify energy saving for the different types of retrofit scenarios and to identify the correct positioning of the thermal insulation on the brickwork and on the floors so as to increase the surface temperatures in winter phase.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Massa e comfort: necessità di una adeguata capacità termica areica interna periodica
Autore/i: DI PERNA, Costanzo; Stazi, Francesca; URSINI CASALENA, Andrea; Stazi, Alessandro
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Massa e confort, necessità di una adeguata capacità termica areica interna periodica.
Autore/i: DI PERNA, Costanzo; Stazi, Francesca; URSINI CASALENA, A; Stazi, Alessandro
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

La casa del comfort sostenibile
Autore/i: Stazi, Francesca; Mengarelli, Alessandro; DI PERNA, Costanzo; Stazi, Alessandro
Editore: Gruppo Editoriale Faenza Editrice:via Pier de Crescenzi 44, I 48018 Faenza Italy:011 39 0546 670111, EMAIL:, Fax: 011 39 0546 660440
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Experimental study of a ventilated wall in summer phase
In "Proceedings of the World Renewable Energy Congress"
Autore/i: DI PERNA, Costanzo; Stazi, Francesca; Tomassoni, F; Stazi, Alessandro
Editore: Elsevier
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

The solar wall in the italian climates
Autore/i: Stazi, Francesca; DI PERNA, Costanzo; Filiaci, C; Stazi, Alessandro
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: Passive systems were born with the purpose of the greatest exploitation of solar energy in cold climates and high altitudes. They spread themselves until the 80’s all over the world without any attention to the specific climate and the summer behavior; this caused the deactivation of the systems due to a series of problems connected to the summer overheating, the complex management and the rising of the dust. Until today the European regulation limits only the winter consumptions without any attention to the summer behavior but, the recent European EN 15251 underlines the relevance of the indoor comfort, and the necessity of the analytic studies validation by monitoring case studies. In the porpose paper we demonstrate that the solar wall is an efficient system both from thermal comfort and energy saving point of view and it is the most suitable for our temperate climates because it can be used as a passive cooling sistem too. In particular the paper present an experimental and numerical analisys carried out on a case study with nine different solar passive systems in Ancona, Italy. We carried out a detailed study of the lodging provided by the solar wall by the monitoring and the evaluation of the indoor conditions. Analyzing the monitored data, on the base of recognized models of comfort (ISO, ASHRAE, Givoni’s BBCC), is emerged that the solar wall has an optimal behavior in the middle seasons. In winter phase this passive system gives more advantages in terms of energy consumptions than the other systems, because it gives greater heat gain and therefore smaller consumptions. In summer, when outside air temperature return in the mean seasonal value, the indoor comfort is optimal thanks to an efficient transversal ventilation activated from the same wall.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

The Solar Wall in the Italian Climates
Autore/i: Stazi, Francesca; DI PERNA, Costanzo; Filiaci, Cristiano; Stazi, Alessandro
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Influenza di un percorso-atrio ventilato e pareti ventilate sul comfort estivo
Autore/i: Stazi, Francesca; DI PERNA, Costanzo; Mengaroni, Elena; Stazi, Alessandro
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Comparison between monitoring and simulating. An important step forward for model reliability
International Building Performance Simulation Association Conference
Autore/i: Stazi, Francesca; DI PERNA, Costanzo; DEL PRETE, L; Stazi, Alessandro
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Risparmio energetico e comfort ambientale degli edifici in fase estiva: linee guida per la progettazione e la certificazione energetica
Autore/i: Stazi, Francesca
Editore: Università Politecnica delle Marche
Classificazione: 8 Tesi di dottorato
Abstract: .
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

The solar wall: a suitable passive solar system for Italian climates
L'involucro edilizio. Una progettazione complessa
Autore/i: Stazi, Francesca
Editore: Alinea
Luogo di pubblicazione: Città di Castello (PG)
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: The research group of Ancona, has been designing, monitoring and using a solar house with 9 passive solar systems since 1980. That systems were designed to take into account energy saving in wintertime and summer cooling. In the last years we carried out monitoring activities and an in-depth quantitative study (simulations and parametric analysis) of the said solar house. The overall evaluation of the summertime and wintertime operation of the various systems used showed that the Trombe-wall was the most suitable to our climates. The present study focus on the optimization of building techniques and control systems of the Trombe-wall to maximize both performance and comfort and to eliminate the management problems, such as the raising of the dust due to the movement of the air by means of the recirculation vents. The Trombe-wall proved to be suitable to the Italian climates but proper measures about design and management need to be taken.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

I conventi francescani nelle Marche: analisi tipologico-costruttiva e analisi sperimentale di una caso di studio
"Valorizzazione e Recupero del Patrimonio Edilizio in Italia"
Autore/i: Munafo', Placido; Stazi, Francesca
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Università Politecnica delle Marche

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