


71 pubblicazioni classificate nel seguente modo:

Nr. doc. Classificazioni
50 1 Contributo su Rivista
12 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
8 2 Contributo in Volume
1 5 Altro
Regional vs. Local Isotopic Gradient: Insights and Modeling from Mid‐Mountain Areas in Central Italy
Autore/i: Tazioli, Alberto; Fronzi, Davide; Palpacelli, Stefano
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Mountainous zones are often characterized by complex orography and contacts between different aquifers that usually complicate the use of isotope hydrology techniques. The Apennine chain (Italy) and 10 mountain and mid-mountain areas belonging to it are the objective of this study. An original isotopic data treatment, able to identify the most probable recharge area for several springs/springs' groups/wells, has been developed. The method consists of a two-step approach: (1) the determination of the spring/wells computed isotope recharge elevation; (2) an advanced δ18O precipitation distribution model over the study area supported by statistical and GIS-based procedures implemented by two processes: first, the clipping of precipitation δ18O values (depicted from the δ18O–elevation relationships obtained for each study area) over a most probable recharge area for each analyzed spring or well and, second, the calculation of the overlapping distribution between the spring/well mean δ18O values ± σ and the precipitation δ18O content for each outcropping aquifer. A new regional δ18O gradient covering 150 km latitudinal length of central Italy has been defined. Seven LMWL and δ18O–elevation relationships able to represent the local precipitation isotopic composition have been obtained. The mean elevation of the springs and wells recharge areas have been assessed by a comparison between the obtained gradient with nine δ18O gradients available in the literature and those obtained at a local scale. The new isotopic modeling approach can stress whether the mere isotope modeling based on the stable isotope of oxygen agrees with the hydrogeological setting of the study areas.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Identification and quantification of nutrients sources in the Aspio watershed (Italy). Insight from geogenic mineralization and anthropogenic pressure
Autore/i: Busico, G.; Fronzi, D.; Colombani, N.; Mastrocicco, M.; Tazioli, A.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: An accurate evaluation of river water quality could be challenging due to the complex hydrological and anthropogenic processes which affect its nature. Reliable water quality data are mandatory to identify long-term trends and regional variability at the watershed scale. In this study, a combined approach using time series, regression, and multivariate statistical analysis along with SWAT modelling was applied to identify the relevant hydrogeochemical processes and the nutrients sources within the Aspio watershed (Ancona, Italy). The analysis detected different processes: i) the geogenic origin of Cl- and SO42-, ii) the heavy metals (Cu and Ni) and hydrocarbons pollution due to runoff from urban and industrial areas, and iii) the agricultural contribution of pesticides, nitrogen, and phosphorous. A SWAT model was implemented to quantify the nutrients load in the Aspio river. A calibration for streamflow, river sediment yield, and for nutrients load was obtained considering agricultural, urban, and wastewater treatment plant contributions. Agriculture and treated wastewater contributed to the overall nitrogen load only for 4% and 12% respectively, while the majority was due to leakage from urban sewage (84%). A scenario with only fertilizers’ load (excluding other sources) highlighted that nitrogen and phosphorous export from agricultural lands did not significatively impact the Aspio river. The spatial representation of runoff susceptibility also showed how the highest susceptibility for nitrogen and phosphorous loads is due to areas located close to urban settlements.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Assessment of urban landslide groundwater characteristics and origin using artificial tracers, hydro-chemical and stable isotope approaches
Autore/i: Mammoliti, E; Fronzi, D; Palpacelli, S; Biagiola, N; Tazioli, A
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: In the framework of landslides, the hydrogeological features play an essential role in slope stability, governing water movement and thus resulting in modification of the effective stress in the soil. In this framework, the hydrogeological conceptualization of landslide areas and the identification of groundwater origin are key points to developing risk mitigation measures. In fact, groundwater recharge cannot always be attributed to local precipitation alone. Mixing processes between water derived from local infiltration and deep water upflow along tectonic lineaments or anthropogenic water can affect the groundwater balance on a local scale. This study aims to define the potential groundwater origin of one of the highest risk urban landslides in central Italy and to define a hydrogeological conceptual model by exploiting its existing drainage system network. This research is based on a multiple-techniques approach based on hydrological water balance, artificial tracer tests during recharge period, seasonal monitoring of the water stable-isotope content, hydro-chemical survey during low-flow periods, and analysis of the piezometric level fluctuation. All these analyses are coupled with a detailed reconstruction of the geology of the area depicted from boreholes and drill holes. Two groundwater bodies have been evidenced from the study. The shallower one is located in the landslide unstable zone and is hydraulically connected to a deeper groundwater body hosted in the underlying bedrock. Results highlighted that the local rainfall regime could not fully explain the hydro-chemical facies. Local water contributions to the landslide area coming from leakage of the urban sewerage system have been evidenced, excluding deep groundwater upflow from the fault system.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

On understanding mountainous carbonate basins of the Mediterranean using parsimonious modeling solutions
Autore/i: Azimi, S; Massari, C; Formetta, G; Barbetta, S; Tazioli, A; Fronzi, D; Modanesi, S; Tarpanelli, A; Rigon, R
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The study aims to demonstrate that an effective solution can be implemented for modeling complex carbonate basins, in the situation of limited data availability. Considering the alternative modeling approaches under circumstances of data shortage is more significant knowing the vulnerability and effectiveness of these kinds of basins to drought and climate change conditions. In this regard, a hybrid approach that combines time series analysis and reservoir modeling is proposed to describe behavior in carbonate basins. Time series analysis estimates the contributing area and response time of the fractured carbonate system beyond the catchment's hydrographic boundaries. The results obtained align with previous literature-based field surveys. This information is then used to develop a conceptual reservoir system using the GEOframe modeling system. The model is validated using in situ discharge observations and Earth observations (EO) data on evapotranspiration and snow. Model reliability is assessed using traditional goodness of fit indicators, hydrological signatures, and a novel statistical method based on empirical conditional probability. This approach enables detailed analysis and investigation of water budget components in Mediterranean carbonate catchments, highlighting their response to significant precipitation deficits.Overall, our results demonstrate that flows from carbonate rock areas outside the hydrographic boundaries significantly impact the water budget of the upper Nera River. The storage capacity of the carbonate basin plays a crucial role in sustaining river discharge during drought years. In a single dry year, meteorological drought is considerably attenuated, while in subsequent dry years, it is slightly intensified. Multi-year droughts result in slower recovery due to the time required for precipitation to replenish the depleted storage that supported river discharge in previous dry years. This unique behavior makes these basins particularly vulnerable to the more severe and frequent drought episodes expected under future climate change.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Towards Groundwater-Level Prediction Using Prophet Forecasting Method by Exploiting a High-Resolution Hydrogeological Monitoring System
Autore/i: Fronzi, Davide; Narang, Gagan; Galdelli, Alessandro; Pepi, Alessandro; Mancini, Adriano; Tazioli, Alberto
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Forecasting of water availability has become of increasing interest in recent decades, especially due to growing human pressure and climate change, affecting groundwater resources towards a perceivable depletion. Numerous research papers developed at various spatial scales successfully investigated daily or seasonal groundwater level prediction starting from measured meteorological data (i.e., precipitation and temperature) and observed groundwater levels, by exploiting data-driven approaches. Barely a few research combine the meteorological variables and groundwater level data with unsaturated zone monitored variables (i.e., soil water content, soil temperature, and bulk electric conductivity), and—in most of these—the vadose zone is monitored only at a single depth. Our approach exploits a high spatial-temporal resolution hydrogeological monitoring system developed in the Conero Mt. Regional Park (central Italy) to predict groundwater level trends of a shallow aquifer exploited for drinking purposes. The field equipment consists of a thermo-pluviometric station, three volumetric water content, electric conductivity, and soil temperature probes in the vadose zone at 0.6 m, 0.9 m, and 1.7 m, respectively, and a piezometer instrumented with a permanent water-level probe. The monitored period started in January 2022, and the variables were recorded every fifteen minutes for more than one hydrologic year, except the groundwater level which was recorded on a daily scale. The developed model consists of three “virtual boxes” (i.e., atmosphere, unsaturated zone, and saturated zone) for which the hydrological variables characterizing each box were integrated into a time series forecasting model based on Prophet developed in the Python environment. Each measured parameter was tested for its influence on groundwater level prediction. The model was fine-tuned to an acceptable prediction (roughly 20% ahead of the monitored period). The quantitative analysis reveals that optimal results are achieved by expoiting the hydrological variables collected in the vadose zone at a depth of 1.7 m below ground level, with a Mean Absolute Error (MAE) of 0.189, a Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) of 0.062, a Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of 0.244, and a Correlation coefficient of 0.923. This study stresses the importance of calibrating groundwater level prediction methods by exploring the hydrologic variables of the vadose zone in conjunction with those of the saturated zone and meteorological data, thus emphasizing the role of hydrologic time series forecasting as a challenging but vital aspect of optimizing groundwater management.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

3D Discrete Fracture Network Modelling from UAV Imagery Coupled with Tracer Tests to Assess Fracture Conductivity in an Unstable Rock Slope: Implications for Rockfall Phenomena
Autore/i: Mammoliti, Elisa; Pepi, Alessandro; Fronzi, Davide; Morelli, Stefano; Volatili, Tiziano; Tazioli, Alberto; Francioni, Mirko
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The stability of a rock slope is strongly influenced by the pattern of groundwater flow through the fracture system, which may lead to an increase in the water pressure in partly open joints and the consequent decrease in the rock wall strength. The comprehension of the fracture pattern is a challenging but vital aspect in engineering geology since the fractures’ spatial distribution, connectivity, and aperture guide both the water movement and flow quantity within the rock volume. In the literature, the most accepted methods to hydraulically characterise fractured rocks in situ are the single borehole packer test, the high-resolution flow meters for fractures, and the artificial tracer tests performed in boreholes. However, due to the high cost a borehole requires and the general absence of wells along coastal cliffs, these methods may not be appropriate in rockfall-prone areas. In this study, an unsaturated rocky cliff, strongly affected by rockfalls, was investigated by combining kinematic analysis, Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) modelling, and artificial tracer tests. The DFN model and potential rock block failure mechanisms were derived from high-resolution 3D virtual outcrop models via the Structure from Motion (SfM) photogrammetry technique. An artificial tracer was injected using a double ring infiltrometer atop the recharge zone of the slope to determine the infiltration rate and validate the DFN results. The DFN and tracer test methods are frequently used at different spatial scales and for different disciplines. However, the integration of digital photogrammetry, DFN, and tracer tests may represent a new step in rockfall and landslide studies. This approach made possible the identification of groundwater flow patterns within the fracture system and revealed about a 10-day tracer transit time from the injection area and the monitored slope, with similar conductivity values gathered from both the DFN and tracer test. Planar and wedge failures with volumes ranging from 0.1 and 1 m3 are the most probable failure mechanisms in the areas. The results were consistent with the delay between the intense rainfall and the slope failures previously documented in the study area and with their mechanisms.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Autore/i: Palpacelli, Stefano; Marcellini, Mirco; Cicora, Stefano; Tazioli, Alberto
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Per una migliore comprensione del testo si forniscono qui di seguito alcune definizioni liberamente tratte da: Celico, 1986; Freeze & Cherry, 1979; Custodio & Llamas, 2005. Acquifero: è una roccia che consente al suo interno l’immagazzinamento, il deflusso e il recapitodi acqua sotterranea. Un acquifero è definito saturo quando le sue cavità sono interamente riempite di acqua; a seconda del tipo di permeabilità che li caratterizza gli acquiferi si distinguono anche in porosi e fessurati. Tra i più diffusi si ricordano gli acquiferi delle pianure alluvionali, quelli carbonatici, quelli sabbiosi, quelli cristallini e quelli vulcanici. Falda: è l’acqua contenuta all’interno di un acquifero; una tipologia di falda è quella artesiana (l’acqua in pressione è in grado di uscire in superficie), l’altra è quella freatica. Il livello di una falda non è costante durante l’anno; esso raggiunge, infatti, un massimo al termine della cosiddetta ricarica (ad opera dell’infiltrazione delle acque meteoriche) e un minimo nel periodo di magra. Acquiclude/Acquitard: si tratta di rocce in cui il passaggio di acqua è difficoltoso (permeabilità medio/bassa o bassa) per cui si comportano come barriere naturali al deflusso. Sorgente: una manifestazione di uscita in superficie di acque sotterranee. Tracciante artificiale: sostanza chimica, non presente nella zona da indagare, che viene immessa nelle acque superficiali o sotterranee per studiarne il movimento. Pur miscelandosi perfettamente con l’acqua, essa è rilevabile da sonde specifiche
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Inferring Hydrological Information at the Regional Scale by Means of δ18O–δ2H Relationships: Insights from the Northern Italian Apennines
Autore/i: Cervi, F.; Tazioli, A.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: We compared five regression approaches, namely, ordinary least squares, major axis, reduced major axis, robust, and Prais–Winsten to estimate δ18O–δ2H relationships in four water types (precipitation, surface water, groundwater collected in wells from lowlands, and groundwater from low-yield springs) from the northern Italian Apennines. Differences in terms of slopes and intercepts of the different regressions were quantified and investigated by means of univariate, bivariate, and multivariate statistical analyses. We found that magnitudes of such differences were significant for water types surface water and groundwater (both in the case of wells and springs), and were related to robustness of regressions (i.e., standard deviations of the estimates and sensitiveness to outliers). With reference to surface water, we found the young water fraction was significant in inducing changes of slopes and intercepts, leading us to suppose a certain role of kinetic fractionation processes as well (i.e., modification of former water isotopes from both snow cover in the upper part of the catchments and precipitation linked to pre-infiltrative evaporation and evapotranspiration processes). As final remarks, due to the usefulness of δ18O–δ2H relationships in hydrological and hydrogeological studies, we provide some recommendations that should be followed when assessing the abovementioned water types from the northern Italian Apennines.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Applying Artificial and Environmental Tracing Techniques in Hydrogeology
Autore/i: Cervi, F.; Tazioli, A.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Reaction of the carbonate Sibillini Mountains Basal aquifer (Central Italy) to the extensional 2016–2017 seismic sequence
Autore/i: Cambi, C.; Mirabella, F.; Petitta, M.; Banzato, F.; Beddini, G.; Cardellini, C.; Fronzi, D.; Mastrorillo, L.; Tazioli, A.; Valigi, D.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Hydrogeological perturbations in response to earthquakes are widely described worldwide. In carbonate aquifers, a post-seismic discharge increase is often attributed to an increase of bulk permeability due to co-seismic fracturing and the attention on the role of faults to explain the diversion of groundwater is increasing. We focus on the reaction of carbonate hydrogeological basins to extensional seismicity, taking as an example the effects of the Central Italy 2016–2017 seismic sequence, on the Basal aquifer of the Sibillini Mountains area. Geo-structural, seismological and ground deformation data were collected and merged with artificial tracer tests results and with a 4-years discharge and geochemical monitoring campaign. The main NNW-directed groundwater flow was diverted to the west and a discharge deficit was observed at the foot-wall of the activated fault system with a relevant discharge increase, accompanied by geochemical variations, at the fault system hanging-wall. The observed variations are consistent with the combined action of a permeability increase along the activated fault systems, which modified the predominant pre-seismic along-strike regional flow, and with hydraulic conductivity increase due to fracturing, determining a fast aquifers emptying. We show that the prevailing mechanism depends on the aquifer systems position with respect to the activated faults.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Tritium as a Tracer of Leachate Contamination in Groundwater: A Brief Review of Tritium Anomalies Method
Autore/i: Tazioli, A; Fronzi, D; Mammoliti, E
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Environmental isotopes are essential in hydrogeological studies, thanks to their contribution to the understanding of aquifers dynamics, vulnerability, water resources assessment, and management issues. The environmental isotopic approach plays a vital role in tracing the hydrological cycle and identifying various sources of contamination in the environment and gives independent information concerning what can be determined by a traditional hydrogeological study. Even in the framework of COP-26, isotopes have been indicated as fingerprints of climate change and therefore suitable for the evaluation of water balance and assessment of processes involved therein; in pollution studies they are used as fundamental support of traditional geochemical measures. Tritium, in particular, has been used since the 1960s to identify potential leaks in the containment walls of waste disposal sites, since its presence in the leachate (at very high levels in some cases) depends on the incorrect waste disposal of some peculiar items. Its use as a tracer of pollution by landfills is highlighted and emphasized by the very low concentrations of tritium in the natural environment. By comparing tritium content of leachate to that of water downflow from the waste disposal site, it is therefore possible to establish with a good success rate whether leachate have migrated or not out of the landfill, in the surrounding environment. An additional potential of tritium is to give a prompt indication of pollution risk in the environment indicating leaching even before the chemical indicator of pollution can be detected. This article wants to provide a contribution to the scientific community, collecting all the existing research in this field and providing data and benchmarks about this method, in particular stressing the role of tritium as an indicator of leachate transfer out of waste disposal sites.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Groundwater-surface water interaction revealed by meteorological trends and groundwater fluctuations on stream water level|Interazione acque sotterranee-acque superficiali rivelate dalle tendenze meteorologiche e dalle fluttuazioni delle acque sotterranee sul livello di un corso d’acqua
Autore/i: Fronzi, D.; Gaiolini, M.; Mammoliti, E.; Colombani, N.; Palpacelli, S.; Marcellini, M.; Tazioli, A.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The importance of considering groundwater (GW) and surface water (SW) as a single resource of two interconnected components has rapidly increased during the last decades. To investigate GW-SW interaction in an aquifer system exploited by several pumping wells, an integrated continuous monitoring of the hydrological conditions was carried out. The sub-catchment (14 km2), located in the Aspio basin near Ancona (Central Italy), is drained by a small stream named Betelico, and it is characterised by the presence of an unconfined alluvial aquifer and a semi-confined limestone aquifer. The aim of this study is to evaluate the drivers of stream drying up occurred during the last couple of years. This has been achieved by applying a trend analysis on rainfall, air temperatures, piezometric and stream level, and well pumping rates. Precipitation trends were analysed over a 30-years period through the calculation of the Standard Precipitation Index (SPI) and through heavy rainfall events frequency plots, while the correlation between piezometric stream levels and pumping rate was analysed during the last six years. The groundwater level was compared with the stream baseflow level, highlighting the interconnection between GW-SW over the years. The analysis on the water surplus (WS) trend, together with the rainfall events characterisation, supports the hypothesis of the decrease in recharge rate as the main driver of the stream drying up. This case study stresses the importance of studying GW-SW interactions in a continuously changing climatic context characterised by a decreasing precipitation trend, coupling both the advantages of a robust method like trend analysis on time series and the field continuous monitoring.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

A Machine Learning Approach to Extract Rock Mass Discontinuity Orientation and Spacing, from Laser Scanner Point Clouds
Autore/i: Mammoliti, E.; Di Stefano, F.; Fronzi, D.; Mancini, A.; Malinverni, E. S.; Tazioli, A.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: This study wants to give a contribution to the semi-automatic evaluation of rock mass discontinuities, orientation and spacing, as important parameters used in Engineering. In complex and inaccessible study areas, a traditional geological survey is hard to conduct, therefore, remote sensing techniques have proven to be a very useful tool for discontinuity analysis. However, critical expert judgment is necessary to make reliable analyses. For this reason, the open-source Python tool named DCS (Discontinuities Classification and Spacing) was developed to manage point cloud data. The tool is written in Python and is based on semi-supervised clustering. By this approach the users can: (a) estimate the number of discontinuity sets (here referred to as “clusters”) using the Error Sum of Squares (SSE) method and the K-means algorithm; (b) evaluate step by step the quality of the classification visualizing the stereonet and the scatterplot of dip vs. dip direction from the clustering; (c) supervise the clustering procedure through a manual initialization of centroids; (d) calculate the normal spacing. In contrast to other algorithms available in the literature, the DCS method does not require complex parameters as inputs for the classification and permits the users to supervise the procedure at each step. The DCS approach was tested on the steep coastal cliff of Ancona town (Italy), called the Cardeto–Passetto cliff, which is characterized by a complex fracturing and is largely affected by rockfall phenomena. The results of discontinuity orientation were validated with the field survey and compared with the ones of the FACETS plug-in of CloudCompare. In addition, the algorithm was tested and validated on regular surfaces of an anthropic wall located at the bottom of the cliff. Eventually, a kinematic analysis of rock slope stability was performed, discussing the advantages and limitations of the methods considered and making fundamental considerations on their use.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

A Holistic Approach to Study Groundwater-Surface Water Modifications Induced by Strong Earthquakes: The Case of Campiano Catchment (Central Italy)
Autore/i: Mammoliti, Elisa; Fronzi, Davide; Cambi, Costanza; Mirabella, Francesco; Cardellini, Carlo; Patacchiola, Emiliano; Tazioli, Alberto; Caliro, Stefano; Valigi, Daniela
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Carbonate aquifers are characterised by strong heterogeneities and their modelling is often a challenging aspect in hydrological studies. Understanding carbonate aquifers can be more complicated in the case of strong seismic events which have been widely demonstrated to influence groundwater flow over wide areas or on a local scale. The 2016-2017 seismic sequence of Central Italy is a paradigmatic example of how earthquakes play an important role in groundwater and surface water modifications. The Campiano catchment, which experienced significant discharge modifications immediately after the mainshocks of the 2016-2017 seismic sequence (Mmax = 6.5) has been analysed in this study. The study area is within an Italian national park (Sibillini Mts.) and thus has importance from a naturalistic and socio-economic standpoint. The research strategy coupled long-period artificial tracer tests (conducted both before and after the main earthquakes), geochemical and discharge analyses and isotope hydrology with hydrogeological cross-sections. This study highlights how the seismic sequence temporarily changed the behaviour of the normal faults which act predominantly as barriers to flow in the inter-seismic period, with water flow being normally favoured along the fault strikes. On the contrary, during earthquakes, groundwater flow can be significantly diverted perpendicularly to fault-strikes due to co-seismic fracturing and a consequent permeability increase. The interaction between groundwater and surface water is not only important from the point of view of scientific research but also has significant implications at an economic and social level.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Is there a solution to the drought? Recurrent water crises and the role of groundwater
Autore/i: Rusi, S; Alberti, L; Da Pelo, S; De Filippis, G; Di Curzio, D; Forte, G; Lasagna, M; Petitta, M; Piscopo, V; Preziosi, E; Rotiroti, M; Taddia, G; Tazioli, A; Torri, R; Valigi, D; Vincenzi, V
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Modelling Shallow Groundwater Evaporation Rates from a Large Tank Experiment
Autore/i: Colombani, N.; Fronzi, D.; Palpacelli, S.; Gaiolini, M.; Gervasio, M. P.; Marcellini, M.; Mastrocicco, M.; Tazioli, A.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: A large tank (1.4 m x 4.0 m x 1.3 m) filled with medium-coarse sand was employed to measure evaporation rates from shallow groundwater at controlled laboratory conditions, to determine drivers and mechanisms. To monitor the groundwater level drawdown 12 piezometers were installed in a semi regular grid and equipped with high precision water level, temperature, and electrical conductivity (EC) probes. In each piezometer, 6 micro sampling ports were installed every 10 cm to capture vertical salinity gradients. Moreover, the soil water content, temperature and EC were measured in the unsaturated zone using TDR probes placed at 5, 20 and 40 cm depth. The monitoring started in February 2020 and lasted for 4 months until the groundwater drawdown became residual. To model the groundwater heads, temperature, and salinity variations SEAWAT 4.0 was employed. The calibrated model was then used to obtain the unknown parameters, such as: maximum evaporation rates (1.5-4.4 mm/d), extinction depth (0.90 m), mineral dissolution (5.0e-9 g/d) and evaporation concentration (0.35 g/L). Despite the drawdown was uniformly distributed, the increase of groundwater salinity was rather uneven, while the temperature increase mimicked the atmospheric temperature increase. The initial groundwater salinity and the small changes in the evaporation rate controlled the evapoconcentration process in groundwater, while the effective porosity was the most sensitive parameter. This study demonstrates that shallow groundwater evaporation from sandy soils can produce homogeneous water table drawdown but appreciable differences in the distribution of groundwater salinity.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Waterbalance, a webapp for thornthwaite–mather water balance computation: Comparison of applications in two European watersheds
Autore/i: Mammoliti, E.; Fronzi, D.; Mancini, A.; Valigi, D.; Tazioli, A.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Nowadays, the balance between incoming precipitation and stream or spring discharge is a challenging aspect in many scientific disciplines related to water management. In this regard, although advances in the methodologies for water balance calculation concerning each component of the water cycle have been achieved, the Thornthwaite–Mather method remains one of the most used, especially for hydrogeological purposes. In fact, in contrast to physical-based models, which require many input parameters, the Thornthwaite–Mather method is a simple, empirical, data-driven procedure in which the error associated with its use is smaller than that associated with the measurement of input data. The disadvantage of this method is that elaboration times can be exces-sively long if a classical MS Excel file is used for a large amount of data. Although many authors have attempted to automatize the procedure using simple algorithms or graphical user interfaces, some bugs have been detected. For these reasons, we propose a WebApp for monthly water balance calculation, called WaterbalANce. WaterbalANce was written in Python and is driven by a server-less computing approach. Two respective European watersheds are selected and presented to demonstrate the application of this method.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Coupling mineralogical analyses, leaching tests and kinetic modelling to unravel groundwater flow-paths in a complex landslide: An attempt from the vedriano case study (northern italian apennines)
Autore/i: Cervi, F.; Tazioli, A.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: As the rise in pore water pressure is one of the main factors in triggering landslides, the understanding of groundwater processes taking place at the hillslope scale is a crucial issue in slope stability analysis. However, identifying flow-paths travelled by water molecules from their infiltration is still a complex task. Hydrochemistry is recognized as a powerful tool that can help to gain useful hydrogeological information and has gradually become increasingly used in addition to conventional study methods. This manuscript presents a comprehensive geochemical investigation consisting of leaching tests and quantitative mineralogical analyses on soil samples, chemical analyses on groundwater samples and modelling. Our results highlighted the usefulness of coupling, even in hydrogeological studies focusing on landslides, geochemical surveys on both water and the soil matrix to constrain the interactions between host-rocks and groundwater. Moreover, it demonstrated that kinetic-based geochemical models, if properly calibrated on leaching tests, can provide valuable information on groundwater dynamics, allowing us to elucidate water-mixing processes beneath the soil surface.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

The role of faults in groundwater circulation before and after seismic events: Insights from tracers, water isotopes and geochemistry
Autore/i: Fronzi, D.; Mirabella, F.; Cardellini, C.; Caliro, S.; Palpacelli, S.; Cambi, C.; Valigi, D.; Tazioli, A.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The interaction between fluids and tectonic structures such as fault systems is a much-discussed issue. Many scientific works are aimed at understanding what the role of fault systems in the displacement of deep fluids is, by investigating the interaction between the upper mantle, the lower crustal portion and the upraising of gasses carried by liquids. Many other scientific works try to explore the interaction between the recharge processes, i.e., precipitation, and the fault zones, aiming to recognize the function of the abovementioned structures and their capability to direct groundwater flow towards preferential drainage areas. Understanding the role of faults in the recharge processes of punctual and linear springs, meant as gaining streams, is a key point in hydrogeology, as it is known that faults can act either as flow barriers or as preferential flow paths. In this work an investigation of a fault system located in the Nera River catchment (Italy), based on geo-structural investigations, tracer tests, geochemical and isotopic recharge modelling, allows to identify the role of the normal fault system before and after the 2016–2017 central Italy seismic sequence (Mmax = 6.5). The outcome was achieved by an integrated approach consisting of a structural geology field work, combined with GIS-based analysis, and of a hydrogeological investigation based on artificial tracer tests and geochemical and isotopic analyses.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Quantifying streambed dispersion in an alluvial fan facing the northern italian apennines: Implications for groundwater management of vulnerable aquifers
Autore/i: Cervi, F.; Tazioli, A.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Groundwater management of alluvial aquifers facing the northern Italian Apennines is an important issue that is becoming more complicated due to ongoing climate changes and increased water demands. The large groundwater withdrawals, coupled with an overall worsening of the water quality, require detailed knowledge of the recharge mechanisms of these aquifers that can be useful for further adaptation measures. We have focused our attention on a selected alluvial fan in which 49 slug injections of hyperconcentrated solutions of NaCl allowed river discharges to be estimated in seven different hydraulic sections. Consequently, losses from the streambed were assessed for the six river reaches along with the corresponding uncertainties in the estimates. The study confirms the suitability of such tests for identifying sectors in which streambed losses are promoted and for quantifying the total recharge conveyed to underlying aquifers. In addition, it has been demonstrated that the total streambed losses can be further linked to river discharges in any gauge upstream of the alluvial fan thanks to linear regression. Once obtained, the latter makes monitoring groundwater recharge by stream losses in real time possible if a permanent measurement device (such as the common telemetry used for river discharge monitoring) is available.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Correction: Groundwater circulation and earthquake-related changes in hydrogeological karst environments: a case study of the Sibillini Mountains (central Italy) involving artificial tracers (Hydrogeology Journal, (2020), 28, 7, (2409-2428), 10.1007/s10040-020-02207-w) [Correction]
Autore/i: Nanni, T.; Vivalda, P. M.; Palpacelli, S.; Marcellini, M.; Tazioli, A.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The article “Groundwater circulation and earthquake-related changes in hydrogeological karst environments: a case study of the Sibillini Mountains (central Italy) involving artificial tracers”, written by T. Nanni, P. M.Vivalda, S. Palpacelli,M.Marcellini and A. Tazioli, was originally published electronically on the publisher’s internet portal on 21 July 2020 without open access. With the author(s)’ decision to opt forOpen Choice the copyright of the article changed on 13 August 2020 to © The Author(s) 2020 and the article is forthwith distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article’s Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit http:// The original article has been corrected.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Monitoring and Modelling Interactions between the Montagna dei Fiori Aquifer and the Castellano Stream (Central Apennines, Italy)
Autore/i: Tazioli, Alberto; Colombani, Nicolò; Palpacelli, Stefano; Mastrocicco, Micòl; Nanni, Torquato
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Groundwater is the most used water resource around the world, but due to population growth and climate change the alluvial lowland aquifers are often polluted and over-exploited. Thus, more and more frequently water managers need to shift their attention to mountain regions to identify groundwater resources for drinking purposes. This study presents a monitoring and modelling approach that allowed to quantify the inflow from the "Montagna dei Fiori" fractured aquifer to the Castellano stream. Continuous monitoring of flow discharge and temperature during an entire hydrological year (2018-2019) at two monitoring stations along the stream allowed to discriminate between the baseflow (on average, 0.891 m3/s) and the run-off (on average, 0.148 m3/s) components. A hydrogeological basin-wide numerical flow model (using MODFLOW-2005) was set up using information from hydrogeological and geomechanical surveys. The model was calibrated using the daily baseflow observations made in the Castellano stream (R2 = 0.75). The calibrated model allowed to quantify groundwater/surface water interactions. After an automated sensitivity analysis (using MODFLOW-2000), the recharge was found to be the most uncertain parameter, followed by the hydraulic conductivity zonation. This methodology could be applied in other mountain regions where groundwater monitoring networks are usually lacking to improve water resources management.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Earthquake-Induced Spring Discharge Modifications: The Pescara di Arquata Spring Reaction to the August–October 2016 Central Italy Earthquakes
Autore/i: Valigi, Daniela; Fronzi, Davide; Cambi, Costanza; Beddini, Giulio; Cardellini, Carlo; Checcucci, Roberto; Mastrorillo, Lucia; Mirabella, Francesco; Tazioli, Alberto
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Evaluating SWAT model performance, considering different soils data input, to quantify actual and future runoff susceptibility in a highly urbanized basin
Autore/i: Busico, G.; Colombani, N.; Fronzi, D.; Pellegrini, M.; Tazioli, A.; Mastrocicco, M.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) is a physical model designed to predict the hydrological processes that could characterize natural and anthropized watersheds. The model can be forced using input data of climate prediction models, soil characteristics and land use scenarios to forecast their effect on hydrological processes. In this study, the SWAT model has been applied in the Aspio basin, a small watershed, highly anthropized and characterized by a short runoff generation. Three simulations setup, named SL1, SL2 and SL3, were investigated using different soil resolution to identify the best model performance. An increase of space requirement and calibration time has been registered in conjunction with the increasing soil resolution. Among all simulations, SL1 has been chosen as the best one in describing watershed streamflow, despite it was characterized by the lower soil resolution. A map of susceptibility to runoff for the entire basin was so created reclassifying the runoff amount of four years in five classes of susceptibility, from very low to very high. Eleven sub-basins, coinciding with the main urban settlements, were identified as highly susceptible to runoff generation. Considering future climate predictions, a slight increase of runoff has been forecasted during summer and autumn. The map of susceptibility successfully identified as highly prone to runoff those sub-basins where extreme flood events were yet recorded in the past, remarking the reliability of the proposed assessment and suggesting that this methodology could represent a useful tool in flood managing plan.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Preliminary results on the response of some springs of the Sibillini Mountains area to the 2016-2017 seismic sequence
Autore/i: Tazioli, Alberto; Valigi, Daniela; Petitta, Marco; Mirabella, Francesco; Mastrorillo, Lucia; Checcucci, Roberto; Cardellini, Carlo; Cambi, Costanza; Caliro, Stefano; Banzato, Francesca; Fronzi, Davide
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Groundwater circulation and earthquake-related changes in hydrogeological karst environments: a case study of the Sibillini Mountains (central Italy) involving artificial tracers
Autore/i: Nanni, T.; Vivalda, P. M.; Palpacelli, S.; Marcellini, M.; Tazioli, A.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Using artificial tracer tests, this study confirms the presence of a single basal aquifer feeding the springs in the wide and complex hydrogeological boundary of the Sibillini Mountains of central Italy. The tracer was introduced into the sinkhole of the Castelluccio di Norcia plain. The tracer test results, observed at the studied springs, highlight the changes induced by the 2016/2017 earthquake in the water circulation of the aquifer system. In particular, the seismic events increased the hydraulic conductivity of the basal aquifer, with a consequent increase in the springs’ flow rates at the western hydrogeological boundary and a decrease in the flow rates at the eastern Adriatic hydrogeological boundary. This phenomenon is in accordance with the hydro-structural framework of the area. The study also investigated the relation between groundwater circulation and tracer behaviour in the springs during the pre- and post-earthquake periods. The tracer test results led to the formulation of hypotheses about water circulation of the area. The trend of the tracer breakthrough curves demonstrates that the upper portion of the basal aquifer is characterised by fast water circulation similar to that in the epiphreatic area of karst aquifers, while a slow circulation due to fissures with interconnected drains occurs in the deepest portion of the aquifers. The obtained results highlight how tectonics and karst can affect the hydrogeological setting of the Apennine carbonate chain; in particular, the seismicity of central Italy may alter groundwater circulation for a long period of time when great magnitude earthquakes occur.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Comparison between Periodic Tracer Tests and Time-Series Analysis to Assess Mid- and Long-Term Recharge Model Changes Due to Multiple Strong Seismic Events in Carbonate Aquifers
Autore/i: Fronzi, Davide; Di Curzio, Diego; Rusi, Sergio; Valigi, Daniela; Tazioli, Alberto
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Understanding the groundwater flow in carbonate aquifers represents a challenging aspect in hydrogeology, especially when they have been struck by strong seismic events. It has been proved that large earthquakes change springs hydrodynamic behaviour showing transitory or long-lasting variations and making their management much more difficult. This is the case of Sibillini Massif (central Italy), which has been hit by the well-known 2016–2017 seismic period. This work aims to improve the knowledge of carbonate aquifers groundwater circulation and their possible changes in the hydrodynamic behaviour, during and after a series of strong seismic events. The goal has been achieved by comparing long-time tracer tests and transient time-series analysis, based on a sliding-window approach. This approach allowed investigating transient variations in the carbonate aquifers recharge system, highlighting the changes of relationships between the inflow contributions to the spring discharge in the area. As a result, the seismically triggered pore pressure distribution, and the hydraulic conductivity variations, because of the ground shaking and the fault systems activation, account for all the mid- and long-term modifications in the recharge system of Sibillini aquifers, respectively. These outcomes provide valuable insights to the knowledge of aquifer response under similar hydrogeological conditions, that are vital for water management.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Flow parameters in porous alluvial aquifers evaluated by multiple tracers
Autore/i: Tazioli, Alberto; Aquilanti, Lucia; Clementi, Francesca; Marcellini, Mirco; Nanni, Torquato; Palpacelli, Stefano; Roncolini, Andrea; Vivalda, Paola Maria
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Dye tracer tests are a good technique useful to determine the hydrogeological parameters of aquifers, especially in alluvial plains, where the heterogeneity of the lithology is a key factor leading the groundwater circulation. In the last decade, new tracers have been developed and introduced in the hydrological and geological context, including DNA tracers, that are used in the same way as the traditional tracers. In this study, some experiments were performed in a porous aquifer with the aim of comparing the behavior of different tracers for the evaluation of aquifer's parameters, and of testing the suitability of a DNA tracer in this geological context. Single well and multiwell tests were performed during the winter and spring 2017, involving one piezometer and 4 wells. The tracer test results highlighted faster zones of flow in the alluvial plain, being located at different depths, whose levels are characterized by gravel and sand layers. A maximum groundwater velocity of around 170 cm/day was revealed by the single well tests, whereas the main direction of flow was along the watercourse axis, as resulted by the multi well tracer test. The overall results obtained confirmed that fluorescent tracers are a very valuable and reliable tool for the determination of groundwater velocity, groundwater flow direction and dispersion parameters, even in cases of multi-layered aquifers, whereas DNA tracers are very helpful in the determination of faster circuits and vertical flow even in multi-layered aquifers.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Autore/i: Fronzi, Davide; Tazioli, Alberto
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: When applying hydrological models at basin scale, it is essential to take into account the contribution of groundwater and its behaviour, together with the hydrological state before and after storm events. The main objectives of the present study were the evaluation and discussion of factors contributing to the formation of river discharge, how and to what extent these factors affect the risk of flood and, finally, how they are related to the type, duration and intensity of rainfall events, especially associated with flash floods. This was achieved by applying HEC-HMS models to a small watershed in central Italy, characterised by high hydrogeological risk. The watershed is equipped for total rainfall, river discharge and groundwater level measurement. In addition, double ring infiltrometric tests were performed during different hydrological periods. The results highlighted a direct correlation between flood risk and the hydrological period; the insertion of groundwater data in the model allowed for a sensitivity analysis of the relationship between the level of risk and the hydrogeological settings and properties of the area. Moreover, the analysis of some “extreme” events occurring in the summer period highlighted river behaviour in very different hydrological states.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Environmental sustainability of engineering works: geological and geotechnical aspects
The First Outstanding 50 Years of “Università Politecnica delle Marche: Research Achievements on Physical Sciences and Engineering
Autore/i: Scarpelli, Giuseppe; Bellezza, Ivo; DI SANTE, Marta; Fratalocchi, Evelina; Fruzzetti, Viviene M. E.; Mazzieri, Francesco; Nanni, Torquato; Pasqualini, Erio; Ruggeri, Paolo; Sakellariadi, Evghenia; Tazioli, Alberto; Vivalda, Paola Maria
Editore: Springer
Luogo di pubblicazione: CHAM
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: The design and construction of engineering works such as road infrastructures, port facilities and waste disposal plants require that important environmental issues be addressed, in order to guarantee sustainability and facilitate acceptability by the population. With these objectives, much of the scientific work produced by the geological and geotechnical research group of the Università Politecnica delle Marche in the past 50 years has involved aspects such as understanding the effects of human activities on the environment in order to prevent or minimize the risks of permanent damage, exploration of solutions that optimize the use of natural resources, implementation of technologies that promote the use of improved natural materials for construction, application of design procedures that are based on high quality geological, geotechnical and geo-environmental models of the construction sites. This paper will present, via the illustration of some practical examples, the contribution that such research activities have provided on the solution of some important engineering problems in the past decades.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Pollutants transfer from Soil to water: geochemical investigation in different watersheds
Autore/i: Tazioli, Alberto; Casucci, Cristiano; D'Amato, Roberto; De Bernardi, Arianna; Monaci, Elga
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Policies for sustainable management of watersheds and groundwater quality still exist, but decline of water quality is being observed, especially due to the human impact on the environment. In this study, a comparison between two areas in the Marche region, very different from a geological, pedological and hydrological points of view, has been performed with the objective to identify and study the transfer mechanism of pollutants from the pollution source, through the soil matrix to the surface and ground waters. The first area is characterized by a high human impact, in terms of agriculture activities, industries and urban settlements; the geology of the area is given by alluvial plains, sands and clays of the Plio-Pleistocene and sandstone of the Pliocene. The second area is more natural, but small crops (as alfalfa and cilantro) are cultivated in certain zones of the watershed. The geology is quite different, with the outcrops of the Umbria-Marche limestone ridge at the center of the basin. Periodic sampling of soils, surface water and groundwater were performed in the investigated period, and chemical and isotopic (2H and 18O in water samples) contents were determined in each sample. All the samples were collected in the spring/summer period, when the crops were in active form. The results indicated some differences in the two study sites, related to the difference in land use, geology and hydrological behavior. Chemical contents of Nichel were high in both the investigated sites (up to 31 mg/l), also in the more natural one, depending on the mineralization of water by rocks and soils. The isotopes, compared to the isotopic content in precipitation, confirmed the supposed mechanism of pollutants transfer and helped in the aquifers and rivers recharge identification. Further investigations are in progress in the areas to better detect and validate the proposed mechanism.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Estimating the isotopic altitude gradient for hydrogeological studies in mountainous areas: Are the low-yield springs suitable? Insights from the northern Apennines of Italy
Autore/i: Tazioli, A.; Cervi, F.; Doveri, M.; Mussi, M.; Deiana, M.; Ronchetti, F.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Several prior studies investigated the use of stable isotopes of water in hydrogeological applications, most on a local scale and often involving the isotopic gradient (evaluated by exploiting the so-called altitude effect), calculated on the basis of rainwater isotopes. A few times, this gradient has been obtained using the stable isotopic contents of low-yield springs in a limited time series. Despite the fact that this method has been recognized by the hydrogeological community, marked differences have been observed with respect to the mean stable isotopes content of groundwater and rainwater. The present investigation compares the stable isotopic signatures of 23 low-yield springs discharging along two transects from the Tyrrhenian sea to the Po Plain of Italy, evaluates the different isotopic gradients and assesses their distribution in relation to some climatic and topographic conditions. Stable isotopes of water show that groundwater in the study area is recharged by precipitation and that the precipitation regime in the eastern portion of the study area is strongly controlled by a shadow effect caused by the Alps chain on the air masses from central Europe. Stable isotopes (in particular the δ18O and deuterium excess (d-excess) contents together with the obtained isotopic gradients) allow us to identify in the study area an opposite oriented orographic effect and a different provenance of the air masses. When the windward slope is located on the Tyrrhenian side, the precipitation shows a predominant oceanic origin; when the windward slope moves to the Adriatic side, the precipitation is characterized by a continental origin. The main results of this study confirm the usefulness of low-yield springs and the need for a highly detailed survey-scale hydrological investigation in the mountainous context.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Hydrogeological study of the effects of 2016-2017 seismic sequence on the Pescara d’Arquata spring (Central Italy)
Proceedings of IAH2019, the 46th Annual Congress of the Interna onal Associa on of Hydrogeologists, Málaga (Spain), September 22-27, 2019
Autore/i: Fronzi, Davide; Banzato, Francesca; Beddini, Giulio; Cambi, Costanza; Cardellini, Carlo; Checcucci, Roberto; Marcellini, Mirco; Mastrorillo, Lucia; Mirabella, Francesco; Palpacelli, Stefano; Petitta, Marco; Tazioli, Alberto; Valigi, Daniela; Viaroli, Stefano
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Response of the main springs of the Sibillini Mountains area to the 2016-2017 seismic sequence
Autore/i: Fronzi, Davide; Banzato, Francesca; Cambi, Costanza; Checcucci, Roberto; Mastrorillo, Lucia; Mirabella, Francesco; Nanni, Torquato; Petitta, Marco; Tazioli, Alberto; Valigi, Daniela
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Water-table and discharge changes associated with the 2016–2017 seismic sequence in central Italy: hydrogeological data and a conceptual model for fractured carbonate aquifers
Autore/i: Petitta, M.; Mastrorillo, L.; Preziosi, E.; Banzato, F.; Barberio, M. D.; Billi, A.; Cambi, C.; de Luca, G.; Di Carlo, G.; Di Curzio, D.; Di Salvo, C.; Nanni, T.; Palpacelli, S.; Rusi, S.; Saroli, M.; Tallini, M.; Tazioli, A.; Valigi, D.; Vivalda, P.; Doglioni, C.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: A seismic sequence in central Italy from August 2016 to January 2017 affected groundwater dynamics in fractured carbonate aquifers. Changes in spring discharge, water-table position, and streamflow were recorded for several months following nine Mw 5.0–6.5 seismic events. Data from 22 measurement sites, located within 100 km of the epicentral zones, were analyzed. The intensity of the induced changes were correlated with seismic magnitude and distance to epicenters. The additional post-seismic discharge from rivers and springs was found to be higher than 9 m3/s, totaling more than 0.1 km3 of groundwater release over 6 months. This huge and unexpected contribution increased streamflow in narrow mountainous valleys to previously unmeasured peak values. Analogously to the L’Aquila 2009 post-earthquake phenomenon, these hydrogeological changes might reflect an increase of bulk hydraulic conductivity at the aquifer scale, which would increase hydraulic heads in the discharge zones and lower them in some recharge areas. The observed changes may also be partly due to other mechanisms, such as shaking and/or squeezing effects related to intense subsidence in the core of the affected area, where effects had maximum extent, or breaching of hydraulic barriers.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Hydrogeological effects of the 2016 earthquake on the groundwater circulation of the Norcia area
Atti del congresso SGI-SIMP
Autore/i: De Giorgi, F.; Banzato, F.; Beddini, G.; Caliro, S.; Cambi, C.; Cardellini, C.; Fronzi, D.; Mastrorillo, L.; Mirabella, F.; Nanni, T.; Ottaviani, L.; Petitta, M.; Renghi, D.; Tazioli, A.; Valigi, D.
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Ati VI convengo nazionale AIGA
Autore/i: Fronzi, D.; Veneri, F.; Tazioli, A.
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Chemical and isotopic investigations (δ18O, δ2H, 3H, 87Sr/86Sr) to define groundwater processes occurring in a deep rock slide in flysch
Autore/i: Deiana, M.; Cervi, F.; Pennisi, M.; Mussi, M.; Bertrand, C.; Tazioli, A.; Corsini, A.; Ronchetti, F.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Deep-seated landslides are complex systems; in many cases, multidisciplinary studies are necessary to unravel the key hydrological features that can influence their evolution over space and time. This paper aims to investigate the deep-seated Berceto landslide (BL) (Northern Apennines of Italy) to define the origin and geochemical evolution of groundwater (GW), identify the hydrological boundary of the slope system and highlight the GW flow paths, transit time and transfer modalities inside the landslide body. This research is based on a multidisciplinary approach that involves monitoring groundwater level (GWL), obtaining analyses of water chemistry and stable and unstable isotopes (δ18O - δ2H, 3H, 87Sr/86Sr), performing soil leaching tests, geochemical modeling (PHREECQ) and principal component analysis (PCA). The results of δ18O - δ2H and 87Sr/86Sr analyses show that GW recharge in the BL occurs from local rainwater and that external contributions from the local stream can be excluded. In the landslide body, two GW hydrotypes (i.e., Ca-HCO3 and Na-HCO3) are identified, while PHREEQC and PCA confirm that the chemical features of GW depend on water-rock interaction processes occurring inside the landslide. The 3H content suggests a recent origin for GW and appears to highlight mixing between shallow and deep GW aliquots. The 3H content and GWL confirm that shallow GW is mainly controlled by a mass transfer mechanism. The 3H analyses with GWL indicates that only deep GW is controlled by a pressure transfer mechanism; this mechanism is probably the main responsible for the kinematics of the landslide.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

The Mt Conero Limestone Ridge: the contribution of stable isotopes in the identification of the recharge area of aquifers
Autore/i: Mussi, M.; Nanni, Torquato; Tazioli, Alberto; Vivalda, PAOLA MARIA
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The recharge settings of aquifers (as those of the carbonate ridges in central Apennines) is strongly dependent on hydrogeological and geo-structural complexity; in fact, geochemical data, hydrographs interpretation, hydrogeological and geo-structural surveys, tracer and isotope data are usually not so developed and quite difficult to put into relation each other. In this paper, the importance of relating isotope techniques to hydrogeological survey on the recharge area evaluation is demonstrated by studying the system of the Mt Conero limestone ridge, located in central Italy close to the Adriatic sea. A closed system, at a pilot scale, with sufficiently well defined outcropping areas of aquifer, which is offering a contribution to the aquifer recharge area evaluation. In this study a hydrogeological investigation was performed to identify the infiltration areas in the aquifer, analysing the entire geological formation divided into several members, each of them showing different hydrogeological behaviour. In addition, periodic sampling of groundwater and of precipitation at different elevations were carried out to study the isotopic composition over a period of about 4 years. Weighted mean and arithmetic mean of isotopes were used in the gradient calculation and compared giving actually different results. The mean recharge altitude of the aquifer, as evaluated by weighted mean of isotopes, is about 100 m higher than the average elevation of the aquifer outcrop; moreover, it was proven that the vast majority of the recharge is due to the more permeable members of the aquifer (about 20% of the outcropping rocks, located at higher elevation). The recharge mechanism of the aquifer is therefore depending both on the isotope values of the local precipitation and on the distinct infiltration conditions existing in the lithotypes.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Autore/i: Tazioli, A.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: This study presents the characterization of the recharge zone and the water renewal mechanisms of the Gorgovivo spring, which feeds the aqueduct of the Ancona province and represents one of the most important water resources in central Italy. Measurements of chemical, isotopic and tritium contents were taken to get a detailed understanding of the hydrogeological setting and water circulation features. The isotopic investigation carried out in this study was performed thanks to the presence of different gauging stations for measuring rainfall heights and isotopic contents in precipitations, which allowed us to draw the altitude gradient that correlates the oxygen-18 content in groundwater with the isotopic height of infltration. This value changed over time (from -0.23‰ to -0.2‰/100 m) indicating the intake altitude for the Gorgovivo spring at a height ranging from 1030 to about 1200 m a.s.l. Tritium contents (about 8-13 TU for shallow springs present in the area, 6-8 TU for the Gorgovivo spring) and the different isotopic compositions confrm the supposed presence of a double pathway in the groundwater: the frst one being shallow and very ast - the small springs in the area studied belong to this pathway - while the second is slower and deeper, reaching the bottom part of the basal aquifer. The groundwater recharging the Gorgovivo spring is therefore a combination of these two pathways. Isotopic composition and tritium contents have also allowed the recharge area and recharge mechanisms of this spring to be investigated, by comparing the results with surface water and shallow spring waters. As a result, the present study introduces the likelihood of the recharge area of the Gorgovivo spring extending to more distant places in the Umbria-Marche ridge, thus confrming the suitability of isotopic techniques as a remarkable tool for recharge area evaluation.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

DNA and Fluorescein tracer tests to study the recharge, groundwater flowpath and hydraulic contact of aquifers in the Umbria-Marche limestone ridge (central Apennines, Italy)
Autore/i: Aquilanti, Lucia; Clementi, Francesca; Nanni, Torquato; Palpacelli, Stefano; Vivalda, PAOLA MARIA; Tazioli, Alberto
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to highlight the hydrogeological contact among aquifers in karst and fissured systems and study the different flowpaths present in the aquifers; given the complex hydrogeological and tectonics settings, a detailed hydrogeological and geo-structural survey in a selected area of the Umbria-Marche limestone ridges (central Apennines), supported by tracer field tests, was used to achieve this goal. DNA and fluorescent tracers were injected into a sinkhole located in the Montelago karst high-plain (Umbria-Marche ridge) and recovered at different points, thus allowing for the identification of effective hydraulic contact among aquifers belonging to both the same and different hydrogeological complexes, and to identify the main and secondary direction of the groundwater. Moreover, tracer tests, highlighting the role that tectonics play in the groundwater circulation, have shown that the majority of groundwater flow is directed towards the axis of the tectonic structures, emerging in the more depressed areas. In addition, they have demonstrated the influence of karstification on the aquifer recharge and shallow flowpaths, allowing for a more detailed characterisation of water circulation in the unsaturated zone of the Maiolica and the Calcare Massiccio aquifers. In conclusion, the tracer tests confirmed the hydrogeological survey results, while providing additional previously unknown information. Furthermore, the DNA tracer (recently tested in a preceding study) provided good results in the field especially in karst systems and fissured rocks, thus confirming its appropriacy for flowpath investigations and vulnerability analysis of springs.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Hydraulic contacts identification in the aquifers of limestone ridges: tracer tests in the Montelago pilot area (Central Apennines)
Autore/i: Tazioli, Alberto; Aquilanti, Lucia; Clementi, Francesca; Marcellini, Mirco; Nanni, Torquato; Palpacelli, Stefano; Vivalda, PAOLA MARIA
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The investigated area, located in the inner part of the Marche region (central Italy) and belonging to the carbonate Umbria- Marche ridges in the central Apennines, is characterised by very complex geo-structural setting and widespread karst phenomena that make difficult the definition of the relation among the aquifers basing only on the hydrogeological survey. Hence, the presence of different flowpaths among aquifers of the Umbria-Marche hydrostratigraphic sequence and of tectonic contacts among the different structures is verified using tracer tests. In particular, the tests showed that the Calcare Massiccio and the Maiolica aquifers are connected under certain tectonic conditions. A new tracer given by a single stranded DNA molecule and traditional fluorescent dyes have been injected into the Montelago sinkhole in different periods (during the recharge and during the discharge) and recovered in several points along the expected hydrogeological basin, using either manual and automatic sampling. Fluorescent traps were positioned in creeks, rivers and springs. The DNA molecule is useful to trace surface water and groundwater, is detectable even at very low concentrations, no significant change in water density and viscosity can be observed and its use is not dangerous for the environment. The results stress the suitability of DNA as hydrogeological tracer, capable to identify connections among aquifers and study different flowpaths even in high flow conditions when traditional tracers are more and more diluted. Moreover, fluorescein tracer allowed for the transport parameter determination, giving mean velocities ranging from 100 to 3000 m/day and mean residence time from some tens to hundreds of hours, and determining the aquifer volumes.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

L’utilizzo degli isotopi stabili da reti pluviometriche per la definizione degli areali di ricarica delle acque sorgive: problemi e possibili soluzioni da casi di studio nell’Appennino settentrionale (The use of stable water isotopes from rain gauges network to define the recharge areas of springs: problems and possible solutions from case studies from the northern Apennines)
Autore/i: Cervi, F.; Ronchetti, F.; Doveri, M.; Mussi, M.; Marcaccio, M.; Tazioli, Alberto
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The water stable isotopes are widely exploited in hydrogeology to define the recharge area of mountain springs. In almost all cases, pre-existing relationships linking the isotopic contents of meteoric water that were collected in several rain gauges located at different altitudes are used. Although such approach is straightforward, it assumes that the water aliquots collected in the raingauges fully recharge the groundwater. From the hydrogeological point of view, this assumption does not take into account the water balance equation, as it neglects evapotranspiration and runoff. This manuscript deals on the preliminary comparison of water stable isotopes in meteoric water (1 raingauge) and groundwater (2 springs) from the northern Apennines of Italy. Results highlight that the pre-existing isotopic relationships commonly used in northern Apennines largely overestimate the mean altitudes of recharge of springs. This fact may be only in part due to the evapotranspiration processes taking place during summer period so that isotopic gradients obtained from weighting procedure linking effective rainfall with isotopic contents in raingauges are still not recommended. To date, isotopic gradients obtained from ephemeral springs fed by reduced surficial deposits seem to be the most reliable tool.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Autore/i: Tazioli, Alberto; Aquilanti, Lucia; Clementi, Francesca; Marcellini, Mirco; Nanni, Torquato; Palpacelli, Stefano; Vivalda, PAOLA MARIA
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: The investigated area, located in the inner part of the Marche region (central Italy) and belonging to the carbonate Umbria-Marche ridges in the central Apennines, is characterised by very complex geo-structural settings and widespread karst phenomena. Hence, the definition of the relation among the aquifers basing only on the hydrogeological survey is very difficult. The presence of different flowpaths (supposed from the observation of the springs hydrograph) and of hydraulic contact among the aquifers is proved using tracer tests. In particular, the Calcare Massiccio and the Maiolica aquifers are connected under certain tectonic conditions. A new tracer given by a single stranded DNA molecule and a traditional fluorescent dye have been injected into the Montelago sinkhole in different periods (from the recharge to the discharge of the karst system) and recovered in several points along the expected hydrogeological basin, using either manual and automatic sampling and fluorescent traps positioned in creeks, rivers and springs. The DNA molecule is useful to trace surface water and groundwater, is detectable even at very low concentrations, no significant change in water density and viscosity can be observed and its use is not dangerous for the environment (Aquilanti et al. 2013; Sabir et al. 1999). However, DNA is insoluble in groundwater and acts as a particle/colloidal tracer, so it shows a breakthrough curve characterised by higher or lower pulses. The results stress the suitability of DNA as hydrogeological tracer, capable to identify connections among aquifers and study different flowpaths even in high flow conditions when traditional tracers are more and more diluted and often under the instrument detection limit. What is more, Fluorescein tracer allowed for the transport parameter determination, giving mean velocities ranging from 100 to 3000 m/day and mean residence time from some tens to hundreds of hours
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Autore/i: Tazioli, Alberto; Cervi, Federico; Deiana, Manuela; Doveri, Marco; Mussi, Mario; Ronchetti, Francesco
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Natural Hazard Analysis in the Aspio Equipped Basin
Engineering Geology for Society and Territory
Autore/i: Tazioli, Alberto; Mattioli, Annalisa; Nanni, Torquato; Vivalda, PAOLA MARIA
Editore: Springer International Publishing
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to study floods, groundwater pollution and landslides in a small watershed characterized by high hydrogeological hazard, high population density and widespread industrial and commercial settlements. Measurements were performed to study hydrogeological hazard in the watershed during 2011, 2012 and 2013. First the relation between groundwater and surface water was estimated; second, the rainfall-runoff relationship was assessed. Some rainfall events were analysed to investigate the watershed behaviour in different periods over the hydrologic year. The analysis stressed the importance of the rainfall events, soil moisture and hydrological conditions. From this study it’s apparent that the natural hazard (i.e. floods, landslides and pollution hazard) can be better individuated and predicted in a small basin rather than in a wider one. Furthermore, these studies can be easily implemented in other basins with similar features in all the northern Mediterranean area.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Characterizing the Recharge of Fractured Aquifers: A Case Study in a Flysch Rock Mass of the Northern Apennines (Italy)
Engineering geology for society and territory
Autore/i: F., Cervi; A., Corsini; M., Doveri; M., Mussi; F., Ronchetti; Tazioli, Alberto
Editore: Springer International Publishing
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Abstract: 12 springs from the northern Apennines of Italy were studied by means of a comprehensive hydrogeological investigation to unravel recharge processes taking place in a highly fractured slab of flysch rock hosting the corresponding aquifers. Several campaigns were carried out during the period 2005–2008 to gather springs’ discharge together with electrical conductivity and temperature data. Water samples were collected and allowed the determination of the major ions (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, SO4 2−, HCO3 −, Cl−) and the isotopic content (δ18O). Additionally, groundwater discharge from 3 selected springs was measured continuously using pressure-transducers. Over the same period, reference δ18O values for rainfall and snow-melt water were collected monthly by a rain-gauge. Results highlighted an aquifer-like behavior of this slab of flysch rock. The springs are characterized by a Ca–HCO3 hydro-facies and an increase of groundwater mineralization has been noticed moving toward the base of the slab; the mean discharges are between 0.3 and 0.7 l·s−1 and suffered a marked variability during the year; the total maximum yield is about 155,000 m3 while the total discharge volume is around 320,000 m3·y−1. By processing the δ18O isotope values from springs (mean annual values ranged from −9.67 and −10.42 ‰) and by combining them with rainfalls datasets, results show that the main aliquot of recharge occurs in the winter—spring months and it is principally related to the solid precipitations (snow-melt).
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Assessment of soil erosion in the Lipnica watershed, Polimije, Montenegro
AGROSYM 2014 5th Int. Sci. Agricultural Symposium
Autore/i: Spalevic, V.; Tazioli, Alberto; Djekovic, V.; Andjelkovic, A.; Djurovic, N.
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: Assessment of soil erosion risk is of great importance for management of natural resources, allowing decision makers to modify land use properly implementing environmental strategies more sustainable in the long-term. Inappropriate land use and land management is often viewed as main cause of accelerated erosion rates. Modelling soil erosion rates is key to understand the impact of future land management and climate change on land degradation. Polimlje is one of five river basins in Montenegro that drains toward the Danube and is divided into fifty-seven sub basins. Lipnica watershed is one of them where we studied soil erosion processes using the IntErO model, with the Erosion Potential Method embedded in the algorithm of this computer-graphic method. For the current state of land use, calculated maximal outflow from the river basin is 58 m3s-1 for the incidence of 100 years and the net soil loss is 469 m³year-1, specific 92 m³ year-1 per square kilometre. With the results obtained we were able to conclude that the river basin belongs in „Destruction Category V”, according to the classification system of Gavrilovic; the erosion process is very weak. This study has shown that the IntErO model and Erosion Potential Method are useful tools for researchers in calculation of sediment yield at the level of the river basins for the South East European region
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

The Mulino delle Vene spring system: hydrogeological features and groundwater balance
Flowpath 2014
Autore/i: Ronchetti, F.; Panini, G.; Tazioli, Alberto; Vizzi, L.; Cervi, F.
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

V International Agricultural Symposium "Agrosym 2014", Jahorina, 23-26 October 2014, Bosnia and Herzegovina, At Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Autore/i: Morteza, Behzadfar; Tazioli, Alberto; Marija VUKELIC, Shutoska; Ivan, Simunic; Velibor, Spalevic
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Problems in the application of environmental isotopes to the hydrogeology of high mountain aquifers
Autore/i: Nanni, Torquato; Tazioli, Alberto; Vivalda, PAOLA MARIA
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: In the present work some issues have been analysed, concerning the application of environmental isotopes to hydrogeology problems. Furthermore, a local meteoric water line for central Apennines has been proposed, and an isotope altitude gradient, valid for central Apennines, has been calculated by monthly rain samples. The studied areas are located in central Apennines, and belong to the Meso-cenozoic limestone ridge The main problems were related to the effect of orography and climate on isotopic contents, and to the hydrogeological complexity. In fact, in such zones the orography led to meteoric precipitations having a peculiar isotope content. Moreover, the occurrence of snowpack (especially in the Mt. Sibillini area, at south), persistent even until late spring, caused the aquifers to be recharged mainly by snowmelt; this fact brought to actual variations in the isotopic contents of springs. For these reasons, the sampling procedure and the location of rain and snow samplers took on particular importance. Finally, an application of isotopic data to some springs in Umbria and Marche regions has been made and presented at the end of the paper, to assess the suitability of the calculated gradient to define the recharge elevation of aquifers. The obtained results underlined the suitability of isotopes techniques for hydrogeologic purposes, especially where the relationships among aquifers, the karstification and the structural setting were quite complex but defined. In other cases, with an even more complex hydrogeological setting a good interpretation of the isotopic data is very hard. Further investigations will be necessary to define the effectiveness of isotope techniques in such complicated conditions.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Scelta del tracciante ideale per indagini idrogeologiche: risultati preliminari da test in laboratorio
Autore/i: Tazioli, Alberto; S., Palpacelli
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Tracers techniques are a good tool to investigate groundwater dynamics; they are essential to perform measurement of hydrogeological parameters of aquifers. This study was aimed at characterizing adsorption, effective porosity and pore water velocity in soil samples collected in a hydrographic basin of Marche Region (Italy). This basin has the typical geologic and hydrogeological features of many basins in Central Italy. Therefore. the principal aim is to evaluate the best tracer to be used for hydrogeological purpose (i.e. groundwater tracer test and aquifer parameter estimation). Adsorption has been investigated by means of laboratory batch tests using different tracers and involving different soils. In literature some application of tracers both to laboratory scale and to field scale can be found. Column tests have been performed also to test the effectiveness of different test equipment and to investigate the influence of some test parameters on the calculation of effective porosity and pore water velocity. These considerations and test results are very useful to advise the choice of the best tracer to be used in tracer field tests.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

A DNA tracer used in column tests for hydrogeology applications
Autore/i: Aquilanti, Lucia; Clementi, Francesca; Sara, Landolfo; Nanni, Torquato; Stefano, Palpacelli; Tazioli, Alberto
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Tracing techniques are commonly used to investigate groundwater quality and dynamics, as well as to measure the hydrogeological parameters of aquifers. The last decade has seen a growing interest in environmentally friendly tracers, including single-stranded DNA molecules. In this study, an electrolytic tracer and a synthetic DNA tracer are comparatively evaluated in laboratory scale tests to assess their potential application in field studies aimed at investigating groundwater environments. A real-time quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction assay was developed and optimized to detect and quantify the DNA tracer, while tracer column tests were performed to investigate the DNA tracer behavior and to compare it to the electrolytic tracer. The results show that the DNA tracer has an almost pure convective flow, while the KCl tracer experiences dispersive behavior. The tracing method proposed can be applied in hydrogeological field studies involving calcareous fractured rock systems, with the DNA tracer particularly suitable in tracing karst systems, which are often characterized by several conduits of flow. To test the DNA tracer in operation, a preliminary test was conducted in the field.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Best tracer selection for hydrogeological investigations: preliminary results from laboratory test
Autore/i: Tazioli, Alberto; Palpacelli, Stefano
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: Tracers techniques are a good tool to investigate ground-water dynamics; they are essential to perform measurement of hydro-geological parameters of aquifers. This study was aimed at charac-terizing adsorption, effective porosity and pore water velocity in soil samples collected in a hydrographic basin of Marche Region (Italy). This basin has the typical geologic and hydrogeological features of many basins in Central Italy. Therefore. the principal aim is to evaluate the best tracer to be used for hydrogeological purpose (i.e. groundwater tracer test and aquifer parameter estimation). Adsorp-tion has been investigated by means of laboratory batch tests using different tracers and involving different soils. In literature some ap-plication of tracers both to laboratory scale and to field scale can be found. Column tests have been performed also to test the effectiveness of different test equipment and to investigate the influence of some test parameters on the calculation of effective porosity and pore water velocity. These considerations and test results are very useful to advise the choice of the best tracer to be used in tracer field tests.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Hydrogeological risk analysis of Vo Tanh area and Huè cultural heritage
Landscape Heritage in Vietnam
Autore/i: Cantori, Piermario; FOLCHI VICI D'ARCEVIA, Clemente; T. D., Hieu; Nanni, Torquato; Tazioli, Alberto; N. Q., Tuan
Editore: Giancarlo Ripesi Editore
Luogo di pubblicazione: Falconara Marittima
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Hydrogeological and geochemical characterisation of the Rock of Orvieto
Autore/i: Tazioli, Alberto; Conversini, P.; Peccerillo, A.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: he town of Orvieto, located on the Rock of the same name, is an example of “vulnerable town”; problems of slope instability connected with the lithological and morphological characteristics of the Rock have been thoroughly examined and discussed during previous research studies. Hydrogeochemical data about groundwater recharging the springs present in the area were never taken into account. Pollution of the springs is well known but still occurs for unclear reasons. The aim of this work is therefore to present the results of a hydrogeological and geochemical investigation of all the springs along the slopes of Orvieto hill and at the foot of the tuffaceous Rock, to characterize the groundwater flow paths and to suggest a possible source of contamination. The research study was carried out during three hydrogeochemical surveys in the years 1998–1999, 2003–2004, and 2007–2008.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Distributed generation and water production: a study for a region in central Italy
Autore/i: Comodi, Gabriele; Cioccolanti, L.; Palpacelli, S.; Tazioli, Alberto; Nanni, Torquato
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: This study examines the use of distributed power plants coupled to desalination systems to achieve combined production of electrical energy and of water for drinking and similar purposes in Marches, an Adriatic region in central Italy. To reduce Marches’ large electricity deficit, the regional government has drawn up an environmental and energy plan promoting distributed generation through power plants built right where the electricity is consumed. At the same time, the Region’s abundant water resources are increasingly threatened by aquifer pollution, due particularly to fertilizers and to the phenomenon of saltwater intrusion near the coast. Distributed electrical energy generation combined with water production can help meet the goal of reducing the electrical deficit while at the same time improving ground-water quality and reducing the hydrogeological risk. The solution is also efficient, since the more the useful heat recovered by the energy system, the higher its global efficiency. Furthermore, coupling power plants to desalination units is also an excellent application of cogeneration systems, allowing useful recovery of thermal energy in the summer. The study examines different sized plants for the distributed generation of water and power in Marches, from small units to thermal desalination systems that can be coupled to existing power plants. It shows that although endowing existing large power plants with MED (multiple effect distillation) units makes it possible to meet 58 % of the freshwater demand in Marches, it further increases the electricity deficit, whereas coupling small or medium-sized distributed power plants to reverse osmosis systems allows meeting 75 % of the demand for freshwater and reduces the electrical energy demand by up to 50 % in the more energy-intensive districts.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Experimental methods for river discharge measurements: comparison among tracers and current meter
Autore/i: Tazioli, Alberto
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Landfill investigation using tritium and isotopes as pollution tracers
Autore/i: Tazioli, Alberto
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Il Fiume Aspio: un esempio di bacino sperimentale per la didattica e la ricerca in Geologia applicata e per lo studio del rischio idrogeologico
Autore/i: Tazioli, Alberto; Nanni, Torquato; Vivalda, PAOLA MARIA; Folchi Vici d’Arcevia, C.; Palpacelli, S.; Cantori, Piermario; Loffredo, Mario; Marcellini, Mirco; Polenta, Vittorio
Luogo di pubblicazione: Perugia
Classificazione: 5 Altro
Abstract: VIII Convegno Giovani Ricercatori di Geologia Applicata
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Evaluation of erosion in equipped basins. Preliminary results of a comparison between the Gavrilovic model and direct measurements of sediment transport
Autore/i: Tazioli, Alberto
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Abstract: The study of the hydrologic characters of a water course permits the correct management of the corresponding basin and a greater control over the water resources of the whole basin; therefore, a suitable planning and maintenance of the necessary interventions along the water course, especially in proximity of the outlet to sea, becomes necessary. An evaluation of the solid transport allows an estimation of the erosion to which the basin is subjected as a result of the river flow, and further helps to prevent hydrologic disasters in the possible risk zones. Among the various experimental techniques in use for measuring the suspendedsolid transport, nuclear methods have been preferably used in this research, which are based on monitoring the concentration of the suspended sediments. The suspended-solid concentration is detected by the attenuation of radioactivity emitted by a source of 241Am dipped in the water. This attenuation, due to the presence of the sediments transported in great amounts during events of flood is measured using a scintillation detector made up of a crystal of NaI(Tl). With appropriate calibration curves built both in the laboratory and in the field, it is possible to trace the amount of suspended- solid transport in a certain river section that is located in the proximity of the river outlet. This methodology, applied to different equipped basins in Italy and Africa, is particularly useful for small and medium water courses (similar to those of the Apennine ranges in Italy), allowing an assessment of the erosion in the whole watershed. In this note, the techniques used are introduced in detail, with particular attention to the instrument calibration, and the numerical results obtained for some basins in the Marche region (Italy) are compared with some empirical formulae used in previous reports for the calculation of erosion.
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Location of recharge area of Gorgovivo Spring, Central Italy. A contribution from Isotope Hydrology
Int. Symp. “Advances in Isotope Hydrology and its role in sustainable Water resources Management (IHS-2007)”
Autore/i: Tazioli, Alberto; Mosca, M; Tazioli, G. S.
Editore: IAEA
Luogo di pubblicazione: VIENNA
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Monitoraggio dell’inquinamento da discariche: metodi isotopici per individuare la presenza di contaminazione delle acque sotterranee
Autore/i: Tazioli, Alberto; Boschi, G; Carlini, A.
Editore: Udine: Federazione Italiana di Scienze della Terra
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Landfill contamination problems: a general perspective and engineering geology aspects
Autore/i: Tazioli, Alberto; Tazioli, G. S.
Editore: Udine: Federazione Italiana di Scienze della Terra
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Water and leachate tritium content as pollution tracer in sanitary landfill investigations
Proc. of 10th Int. Waste Management and Landfill Symposium Sardinia 2005
Autore/i: Tazioli, Alberto
Editore: CISA
Luogo di pubblicazione: CAGLIARI
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Ricostruzione del flusso idrico sotterraneo con traccianti
Bonifica di siti contaminati-caratterizzazione e tecnologie di risanamento
Autore/i: Tazioli, Alberto; Tazioli, Giulio Sergio
Editore: Mc Graw-Hill
Luogo di pubblicazione: MILANO
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Uso di radioisotopi per la valutazione dell’erosione a partire da misure del trasporto solido in bacini attrezzati
Autore/i: Tazioli, Alberto; TOMASSONI COMPAGNUCCI S., Domenico; Tazioli, G. S.
Classificazione: 1 Contributo su Rivista
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Laboratory procedures to evaluate the efficiency of permeable reactive barriers
Environmental Geotechnics and Ground Improvement
Autore/i: Fratalocchi, Evelina; Pasqualini, Erio; Tazioli, Alberto; DI EMIDIO, G.; VAN IMPE, P.
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Landfill Pollution Control with Isotope Techniques
Int. IAEA Symp. on Isotope Hydrology and Integrated Water Resources Manegement
Autore/i: Tazioli, Alberto; Tazioli, Giulio Sergio; Gonfiantini, R.
Editore: International Atomic Energy Agency
Classificazione: 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno (Proceeding)
Abstract: IAEA-Conference Symposium Papers 23/P
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Esecuzione delle indagini di campo e di laboratorio
La gestione dei siti inquinati (dalle indagini alla bonifica)
Autore/i: Signanini, P.; Pieroni, M.; Tazioli, G. S.; Tazioli, Alberto; Giusti, D.
Editore: Pitagora Editrice
Luogo di pubblicazione: Bologna
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

Reactive barriers for remediation of polluted soils: a case study
Environmental Geotechnics (IV Intern. Congress on Environmental Geotechnics)
Autore/i: Tazioli, Alberto; Fratalocchi, Evelina; Pasqualini, Erio
Editore: Balkema
Classificazione: 2 Contributo in Volume
Scheda della pubblicazione: Collegamento a IRIS

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